Welcome Parents! - Monroe Township School District

Welcome Parents!
O Find your child’s desk by reading about their favorite
Turn over the paper to see if you’ve found your child’s
Please take a moment to write a letter to your child
with the paper provided for you on his/her desk.
Please fill out the conference preference form on the
desk and place on the back table when completed.
Feel free to look around our learning environment.
I will begin the presentation at 6:25 p.m. and will be
completed at 6:45pm. We will wait for the PK-1st
grade classes to be completed.
Meryn Kies
2nd Grade
Mill Lake School
He’s A Nice Boy!
She’s A Nice Girl!
Ms. Kies
O This is my third year teaching 2nd grade!
O I have previously taught Kindergarten for
five years.
O I have my Master’s in Elementary Education
from Rutgers University with a Psychology
degree from Ramapo College.
O In my spare time I love to travel, exercise,
and relax with family and friends!
O I will be getting married in July!
Beliefs and Expectations
O I hold the highest expectations for myself, all students,
and our classroom community.
Students should be independent and capable of
problem-solving everyday situations.
No two children learn in the same way; therefore each
child must be recognized for his/her own abilities,
interests, ideas, and needs.
Our classroom is safe, respectful, and comfortable for
all students to take risks with their learning.
Parent/teacher relationship is essential. You and I are
partners in educating your child.
Commitment to always try our very best in everything!
I run a disciplined classroom,
so that I don’t use instructional
time disciplining.
Communication with Parents
O The best way to reach me is by email:
O Meryn.kies@monroe.k12.nj.us
O If you are emailing about a change in dismissal you must call
the office.
O Phone Calls:
O School phone number is: 732-251-5336, you can leave a
message with the office for me.
O Conferences, progress reports, and report cards
O This year I will be piloting a new report card for the district.
O Staff Webpages
O http://www.monroe.k12.nj.us/Domain/858
O You can also find our class website through the district
webpage by selecting Mill Lake School, Staff
Webpages, Kies, Meryn
Communication with Parents
O Notes in HW pad
O At times I may write notes to you in your child’s HW pad. If
you write a note to me please let your child know so they
can tell me.
O Quizzes and Tests
O Please look for student scores on the tests. If a test needs
to be signed it will be stamped “Parent Signature”
O Class emails and newsletters
O I will frequently send out class emails with information
pertaining to everyone. If you have not yet received an
email from me, let me know.
O I try to type up biweekly newsletters to make you aware of
what is going on in the classroom. These are sent via
O If your email is not answered within 24 hours please try
resending the email. It might have been sent to my spam
Parent's Role
O Check your child’s homework pad and folder daily!
O Send in a HEALTHY snack daily!
O Reinforce appropriate school behavior.
O Encourage good work and study habits.
O Keep lines of communication open.
O Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and
has a good breakfast. Have them use the bathroom
before coming to school.
O Communicate with your child about school: lessons,
activities, upcoming events, tests, homework, etc.
O Student of the Week Visitation
Curriculum Overview
The 2nd Grade Curriculum is Online at:
Driven by Core Curriculum Standards
A printout has been made for you.
Reading/ Language Arts
Social Studies
Art/ Music/ Physical Education/ Media Center
O Reader’s Workshop
O Guided Reading
O Writer’s Workshop
O Working with Words/Spelling (Words
Their Way)
O Grammar, mechanics, etc.
Reader’s Workshop & Guided Reading
O Daily lessons and strategies to become better
O Small group learning based on child’s reading
O Reading level is assessed by a new program
(as of last year): DRA 2. This program is much
more comprehensive than our old Running
Record assessment.
O DRA 2 components: fluency, accuracy,
comprehension questions, retelling, prior
reading skills, and more.
Reading Eggs
O Reading Eggs is an online reading program that makes learning
fun and motivating! The program begins at an emergent level,
focusing on letter sounds, first sight words, and reading simple
sentences. The more your child explores and demonstrates an
understanding, the more difficult the activities will become.
O It is easy to navigate and can be used in the classroom as well
as at home! The program is specific to your child’s readiness
O Each student has their own unique username so their maps
are saved under their name each time. The password is the
same for all children: 123456.
Writer’s Workshop
O Daily lessons and strategies to become
better writers
O Mentor texts
O Writing process- prewriting, drafting,
revising, editing, publishing
O Writing Pieces will include: personal
narratives, fairy tales, how-to, all about,
and gingerbread stories.
Words Their Way (Spelling)
O Students rotate classes
throughout the year based
on their WTW assessment.
Phonics and Spelling
Pattern based
Sight and Sound sorts
Spelling homework:
O Monday- sight sort, Tues.-
varies, Wed.- sound sort,
Thurs. – varies
O Spelling “menu”
O Addition
O Subtraction
O Patterns
O Money
O Mental Math
O Two digit and three addition and subtraction
O Time & Temperature
O Graphs & Probability
O Geometry
O Fractions
O Measurement
Math EnVisions
Log onto EnVisions Math for skill practice and upload daily lessons and
homework at:
O Assignments can be assigned to your child through this site. If assigned, I
will email you to let you know. Students have a chance to review their
math worksheets, watch math videos and play games.
O We are currently working on adding access to the science books and
leveled readers for students to access from home.
O User Name:
ml (for mill lake) and your child’s school ID number
O Password:
ml123456 (same for everyone)
O Use your child’s personal log in information to access this site. This is in
your packet on your child’s desk.
Science, Social Studies, Health
O Astronomy
O Voting
O Fire Prevention
O Communities
O Government
O Map Skills
O Dental Health
O Dinosaurs
O Taking care of the Earth
O Character Education
O Holidays
O Designed to reinforce and enrich skills learned
O Allow for academic choice and interest
Other Activities
O Star Student
O Field Trip
O 100 Day Celebration
O Assemblies
O Dr. Seuss Day
O Class Parties
O Jump Rope for Heart
O Birthdays
O Worm Farm
O Career Day
O Book-It
O Astronomy Night
O Dino Excavating
O Outdoor Classroom
O Please notify me if you
are sending in a treat
for your child’s birthday.
Have the treat dropped
off in the office
sometime in the
Our Specials
Ms. Lombard Ms. Lombard
Ms. Perrine
Ms. Day
Mr. Lutska
O Binder- needs to be brought back and forth
daily! It must have the assignment pad and
folder inside.
O Reinforces concepts taught in school, not
designed to be enrichment. It is not graded.
O Late homework notice must be returned signed
with the completed HW.
O Typical night includes each of the following:
Math assignment (practice book page or worksheet)
Reading or writing activity
Read 10 minutes, reading goal– beginning in October
O Reading incentive program
O Mandatory reading homework
O Students will be required to read a
certain number of minutes per month.
O It will require parental signature and be
due at the end of the month.
O This will begin in October and end at the
end of March.
Classroom Management
Praise and positive reinforcement are the primary tools used to manage the
O Whole class works towards a goal that was voted on.
Students receive green tickets for positive behavior and a red ticket for negative
At the end of the day a ticket is pulled from the tickets earned that day. If a green
ticket is pulled students receive a tally mark towards a chosen reward. A red ticket
does not give students a tally mark.
Students need to earn 10 tally marks to receive the reward.
Character Education initiatives are infused throughout the curriculum.
Consequences for negative behavior include:
O Verbal Warning
O Relocation of seat
O “Think about it Time” away from the group
O Loss of privileges (free time, recess, etc.)
O Visit to the principal and/or guidance counselor
O Notice sent home written out by the student or teacher about his/her
behavior. Parent signature required.
Student of the Week
Each student will have the honor of being the STAR STUDENT
this year! When your child is the Star Student, he/she will be asked to
create a poster providing information about him/her. The poster
should be brought to school on Monday during their week. The
poster can include: pictures or drawings, favorite items, hobbies,
siblings, a sample of writing, etc. Posters should be made by the
child with help if needed from their parents.
At the end of the week parents are invited into the classroom to
read a story to the class and/or supply a special snack. The usual time
is Friday afternoon but may change depending on school events. I
realize that this is not feasible for all, if you are unable to attend you
may send in a book or snack that I can do with your child.
☺ Please refrain from bringing siblings to the student of the week
celebration on Fridays.
We have some students who are allergic to the
high fructose corn syrup
If your child has an allergy and you are not
comfortable with him/her eating the birthday treat,
please send in some special treats that I can keep
in our classroom for those occasions.
Parent Involvement
Throughout the year we will have special events where
parents are welcome to come into school. I do not have
parents come in weekly to assist in the classroom. When
we do have activities needing parent volunteers a sign-up
list will be sent home with details. Ideas for activities
throughout the year include:
-Parent Read-a-Thons
-Student of the Week
-Class Parties
-Parent vs. Student Game Show
Please keep an eye out in your child’s folder or through
email regarding special events.
·Tests &
Grading Scale
I utilize rubrics (0-4) as well as
numerical grades to score the
children’s work.
Very Good (VG/4)
Good (G/3)
Satisfactory (S/2)
Minimal (M/1)
Unsatisfactory (U/0)
Thank you for coming!
Are there any general questions???