What is a green job?

Education for a Sustainable Future and
a Greener Economy
Debra Rowe, Ph.D.
Sustainable Energies and Behavioral Sciences
U.S. Partnership for Education for
Sustainable Development
• Part I What are green jobs?
• Part II What is education for a green and
sustainable future?
• Part III What are our sustainability
• Part IV National Trends
• Part V Solutions and Resources for you!
How Many Green Jobs? Starting
with the obvious green jobs.
• The Solar Energy Industries Association, estimates that
110,000 jobs will be created in solar energy by the end of
next year
• The American Wind Energy Association estimates that if the
industry meets President Obama's goal of doubling
renewable energy output in the next three years, the wind
sector will create 185,000 jobs in that time period
• But that’s the tip
of the iceberg
Thanks to Carolyn Teich, AACC, for some materials in this slide
Partial list of green jobs: the
obvious choices
Traditionally, community college, career and technical
education, and even the National Science Foundation
focus on technicians:
Energy auditor
Wind energy technician
Insulation and weatherization technician
Photovoltaics (solar electricity) installer
Thermal solar installer (hot water and space heating and
pool heating)
Upstream green jobs: jobs needed
before technicians get hired
• Energy/utility policy analysts and policy makers
• Employees in state and local energy related offices
• Energy efficiency and renewable energy products financiers,
manufacturers, distributors, and salespeople
• HVAC and other contractors with energy efficiency and
renewables expertise/product line
• Energy Service Company (ESCO) employees
• Corporate social responsibility officer
• Sustainability oriented purchasing agent and business VP
• Energy manager
• Facilities director
Partial list of green jobs: some of
the less obvious choices
Resource conservation/efficiency manager
Measurement and verification technician
Material scientist
Environmental engineer technician
Biomass plant designer, manager, technician
Utility plant operatives
HVAC/ building automation technician controls specialist
Refuse and recycling worker
Sustainable agriculture specialist
Groundwater heat pump contractor/installer
Wave power system designer/installer
Forestry & wildlife worker
Partial list of green jobs: some of
the less obvious choices
Hydrogen, batteries and other energy storage specialists
Water reservoir and watershed engineer
Green building designer
Heating/cooling/ventilation scientist and engineer
Construction worker with green installation expertise
Lead paint/asbestos abatement specialist
Electrical technician
Energy statistician
Recycling director
Environmental maintenance worker
Greenhouse gas analyst/broker
Partial list of green jobs: some of
the less obvious choices
Industrial engineer
Engineering manager
Green products distribution designer/manager
Sales and marketing staff for sustainable products
Brownfields real estate developer
Sustainable business process designer
Corporate recycling manager
Environmental economist
Sustainability entrepreneur
Environment, health and safety director
Environmental quality certification specialist
Geographic information systems specialist
Partial list of green jobs: some of
the less obvious choices
Hazardous materials handler
Sustainable operation manager/consultant
Socially responsible investment advisor
Sustainability officer
Trainer/educator for green jobs
Sustainability communications/marketing
Fostering sustainable neighborhoods project manager
Environmental journalist
Permaculture designer and contractor
Sustainable landscape architect
Natural resources manager
Sustainable communities planner
Partial list of green jobs: some of
the less obvious choices
Sustainable development policy analyst
Groundwater professional
Restoration ecologist
Climate change risk assessor and mitigation professional
Sustainable transportation planner
Water pollution control technician
Watershed manager
Wildlife biologist
Agricultural extension specialist
Environmental communications specialist
Environmental conflict manager
Power purchase negotiator
What is a green job?
A limited but still helpful view below
• The Department of Labor recently tagged over 100
occupations in the O*NET database as being green
occupations. http://online.onetcenter.org/find/green .
• Browse by the 12 identified green economy sectors:
Agriculture and Forestry;
Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage;
Energy Efficiency; Energy Storage; Environment Protection;
Government and Regulatory Administration;
Green Construction; Manufacturing;
Recycling and Waste Reduction;
Renewable Energy Generation;
Research, Design and Consulting Services;
What is a green job?
The Department of Labor categorizes
green jobs into one of the following:
• Green increased demand occupations: increase in the
employment demand for an existing occupation. 64
occupations meet this definition.
• Green enhanced skills occupations: significant change to
the work and worker requirements of an existing occupation.
60 occupations meet this definition.
• Green new and emerging occupations: generation of a
new occupation relative to the O*NET taxonomy. This new
occupation could be entirely novel or “born” from an existing
occupation. 45 occupations qualify with another 46
occupations identified as candidates
• The O*NET green center has a wealth of “green” resources.
The Pervasiveness of Green
• SOC listings are incomplete, although nearly 900 distinct
occupations are identified
• Every job will have a green tinge to it, since energy waste,
toxins, food chain disruption and ecosystem destruction will
be costly and unacceptable, IF we pay attention!
• Predicting employment? Follow the money and help create
the businesses
Certifications and Needs Assessments
• I have multiple pages of certifications – how do you know
which ones will emerge as the standards?
• The marketplace is moving quickly, including:
• new initiatives that create new workforce demands
• new standards
• Great to see the movement but difficult to design for – need
to design flexible degrees!
• Example: Recovery Through Retrofits, Major federal
initiative for retrofits of middle class homes for energy
efficiency, including national workforce standards and
removal of financing bottlenecks http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/documents/Recovery_
Overwhelmed by all the details?
Take a more conceptual and
systemic approach.
This will create more success in
educating for a green and
sustainable economy
Sustainable Development
is often defined as:
“meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of
future generations to
meet their own needs”
World Commission on Env. and Development. (1987). Our Common Future. England:
Oxford University Press.
Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability
Education for a
Sustainable Society:
“enables people to develop the
knowledge, values and skills to
participate in decisions …, that will
improve the quality of life now without
damaging the planet for the future.”
Sustainable Communities
Public Choices and
Private Choices and
Sustainable Economies
Why is environmental responsibility such a
high priority?
• Freshwater withdrawal has almost doubled since 1960
and nearly half the world’s major rivers are going dry
or are badly polluted (New Internationalist, no. 329)
• 11 of the world’s 15 major fishing areas and 69% of
the world’s major fish species are in decline (State of
the World, Worldwatch Institute)
• Climate change (global warming) exists, a major
culprit is fossil fuels, and impacts are very serious.
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report:
Summary for Policymakers: The Science of Climate
Effects -Climate Change
Disruption of food production and the food chain
More extreme weather events
Disruptions of ecosystems, including water supplies
Spread of disease e.g. West Nile, Malaria, Dengue
Submersion of land masses –
sea level rise
50% of world’s population lives on the coasts
= Civilization Disruption and National Security Threat
Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, NASA, and National
Defense University
Why is Climate Change Important?
It is outside of the normal variability of
We are the first generation capable of
determining the habitability of the planet
for humans and other species.
The decisions of this generation are crucial.
Why climate change and other
environmental Issues are so important
Our decisions will create:
more scarcity and suffering, or a future of
greater abundance and higher quality of life
Global Perspective
life supporting resources
consumption of
life supporting resources
Why is EFS such a high priority?
1. Much of the public doesn’t know that we are
exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet
and that if everyone lives like we do in the U.S.,
we will need 4 to 6 planets of resources.
2. Public doesn’t know we can reduce human
suffering and environmental degradation now
while building stronger economies
3. A rapid shift in mindset is needed and education
to action is the key.
Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
by Lester Brown, founder of Worldwatch Institute
Explains how to get to sustainable clean energy solutions,
sustainable practices and policies, poverty reduction, and
economic health, and what each of us can/needs to do
Downloadable at www.earth-policy.org
Great sections to include in any course – actions near the end
U.S. Partnership for Education for
Sustainable Development:
Convene, Catalyze and Communicate
www.uspartnership.org –free resources
Sector Teams: Business, Higher Education,
K-12, Communities, Faith, Youth…
Business principles of
• Cradle to Cradle (McDonough)
• Biomimicry (Benyas – Like nature, efficient
and not toxic)
• World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (www.wbcsd.org)
• Natural Step (Sweden and U.S.)
• Natural Capitalism (Lovins, Harvard
Business Review)
• More accurate economic indicators and
markets – Hazel Henderson
Trends in sectors – some
• Business – LOHAS - Japan, SOL Sustainability
Consortium, Businesses for Social Responsibility,
Shareholders, Investors (e.g. Goldman Sachs and
Swiss RE)
• Communities - Mayors Climate Protection and Smart
Growth, Sustainable Communities Partnerships,
Coalitions, Community Planning
• K-12 – U.S. Summit and collaboration, national
webinars and resources
• Faith - Religious Partnership and Interfaith Alliance,
Regeneration Project
• Youth – Climate Challenge, Reduce Your Impact,
Action Campaigns, Powershift, National Teach-in…
Higher education is taking a leadership role
to prepare students and provide the
information and knowledge to achieve a
sustainable society.
What does it look like?
For higher education,
Sustainable Development is being integrated
public awareness
Mission and
Outreach and
Student Life
Internationally, a taste…
• In Sweden, it is a law that all undergraduates be
educated about sustainability
• High priority in higher education principles in
European Union
• U.N. Decade and other ESD international
conferences in Mexico, Bonn Declaration
• Earth Charter in Costa Rica – vision
• Association of Canadian Community Colleges
• Global Sustainability Group out of MIT
• Japanese campaign for sustainable living as
Growing National Trend in U.S.:
Over seventeen national HE
associations and twenty national
disciplinary associations are creating
on Education for Green and
Committed to the advancement of
sustainability throughout higher education
American Association of Community Colleges
American Association of State Colleges & Universities
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
Association of Collegiate Conference & Events Directors - International
American Council on Education
College Student Educators International
Association of College & University Housing Officers International
Association of Governing Boards of Universities & Colleges
Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers
Council of Christian Colleges & Universities
National Association for Campus Activities
National Association of College & University Business Officers
National Association of Educational Procurement
National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities
National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association
Society for College & University Planning
Higher Education Associations Sustainability
Consortium www.aashe.org/heasc
Academic Officers
Student Affairs
Campus Activities
Business Officers
Events Directors
Recreation Directors
More….. On campus Sustainability Committees
• Higher Education Sustainability Fellows Programs
• HEASC News Digest and shared publications
• HEASC Resource Center - Socially, economically and
environmentally responsible procurement, operations,
planning, leadership, learning outcomes and more!!
• Media Strategies for Sustainability
• Informing Legislation
DANS – the Disciplinary Associations Network for
Sustainability www.aashe.org/dans - click on
Include this in all disciplines and gen ed
• American
• Sociology
• Religion
• Philosophy
• Math
• Broadcasting
• Architecture
• Engineering (civil,
mechanical, eng. ed.)
• Business
Ecological Economics
American Association
for the Advancement of
Computer Research
STEM disciplines
Political Science
Academic Disciplines and U. S.
Partnership created DANS
Infusing green/sustainability into:
Curricula, including textbooks
Promotion and tenure and accreditation
Informing legislation and policy
Informing the public
Professional identity as an academic
See the resources at www.aashe.org/dans
AACC Actions
• AACC Resolution on Sustainable Development
• AACC Resolution in Support of the U.N. Decade of
Education for Sustainable Development
• Sustainability Task Force
• AASHE - Sustainability Tracking and Rating System
• Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC)
• Green for All – Pathways Out of Poverty Models
• National Wildlife Federation – Educational Webinars
• EcoAmerica - Database
AACC Actions (continued)
• Workforce Preparation for a Sustainable Economy
theme at next AACC Convention
• 4 HEASC Sustainability Fellows
• Community College Journal and Times publications
• Community College Monthly Conference Calls – join us!
• Members informing legislators
• Web site – www.aacc.nche.edu/sustainable and
upcoming Sustainable Economy Resource Center
• Sustainability Affinity Group of the World Federation of
Colleges and Polytechnics - http://wfcp.accc.ca/
The American College & University Presidents’
Climate Commitment
Climate Leadership in Higher Education
Over 650 presidents in all 50 states
Resources (for presidents,
students and you!)
• Education for Climate Neutrality and
Sustainability – very good!!
• Energy Performance Contracting Toolkit
• ACUPCC Voluntary Carbon Offset Protocol
• ACUPCC Climate Action Planning Wiki
• ACUPCC Reporting Tool
• ACUPCC Implementation Guide
• ACUPCC GHG Inventory Brief
• ACUPCC Webinar Series
• ACUPCC Solutions Page (includes links to
further resources)
So many examples at so many
Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education
AASHE (AY-shee)
Sign up for the free bulletin
Search the extensive resources and the digest
Join as an institution
HE Sustainability Examples
more at www.aashe.org Annual Digest
• Systemic integration
• Georgia Tech
• University of North Carolina
• Arizona State
• Moraine Valley Community College….
• Transportation
• UC Boulder
• Many community colleges
HE Sustainability Examples
more at www.aashe.org Annual Digest
• Green Computing
• League for Innovation
• Educause
• Food
• Marshalltown, Seattle… CC Organic Gardens
• Yale
• Institutionalization in job descriptions and
performance reviews
• From Cornell to Lane Community College
HE Sustainability Examples
more at www.aashe.org Annual Digest
• Energy Conservation, Renewable Energies &
Climate Change – Modeling solutions
Over 400 greenhouse gas inventories completed
University of Minnesota Morris – wind power and biomass
Turtle Mtn CC - wind
At least 11 campuses installed or announced plans to
install more than 1 MW each of solar energy in 2008,
including Contra Costa Community College District (CA)
• Los Angeles Comm College District!! – funding models
to go all conservation and renewables with community
HE Sustainability Examples
more at www.aashe.org Annual Digest
• Green Building
• Built into all bid requests
• So many examples, from Maricopa colleges to…
• Socially and Environmentally Responsible
• Rutgers, Stanford, OCC
• Waste Minimization
• 400 colleges in RecycleMania
A more comprehensive way of looking
at education in the green economy
1. Everyone interacts with the planet and the ecosystems we
depend upon for life
2. Everyone has an important role to play in helping to create
a sustainable future
3. Some of the most crucial jobs in green haven’t been
created yet
4. Not just green jobs, but green thinking
5. Green thinking, systems thinking, creating effective change
6. Including and also much greater than technicians
7. Community colleges have a unique and important role that
requires new actions.
HE Sustainability Examples
more at www.aashe.org Annual Digest
• Curricula
• Miami Dade Community College – learning outcomes in
general education
• Univ. of Wisconsin – Oshkosh – essential learning outcome
• Arizona State University – required for all students
• Comm. Colleges – Article at AACC site/sustainable
• 650 colleges in the ACUPCC, many are Comm. Colleges
• S in the schedule and recognition for
• Positive scenarios and futures fairs (description at
DANS website)
Modeling for Students and the
Individuals at the college doing it and telling their stories
too – posting their stories
Sharing the links – e.g. low cost energy conservation and
solar, environmentally/socially responsible purchasing
and investments (http://www.greenamericatoday.org/ and
The campus as a living lab for a sustainable future
The lab and the campus can also
be a community demonstration
center for sustainability
Next Steps:
All of us engaged as effective change agents to create a
sustainable future
From apathy
caring involvement.
Know that our daily decisions affect the quality of life of
people around the globe.
Help business, government and non-profits go green and
sustainable – real world assignments
Sustainability culture – MTV’s Breaking the Addiction to Oil
Next Steps
Building healthier self-concepts.
We can change society for the better.
Tell the stories of success and
Imagine a country where all college students get
credit for helping to solve our societal problems
through their academic assignments.
Aids with retention and economic development
Key Places to Place Sustainability:
Create a college wide
Sustainability Committee
Strategic Plan
Campus Map and
Building Policies
Operations and
Purchasing Policies
Student Life
Infused throughout
First Year Experience
Gen Ed Core
Curricula Review
Community Partnerships
Workforce Development
Continuing Ed and
Community Events
Some Educator Resources for green
technician education – just a taste
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) – training and best practices
Consortium for Education in Renewable Energy Technology (CERET) –
www.ceret.us - also NSF funded, online for faculty development, remote students
and pass-through degrees
National Council for Workforce Education – examples at colleges
American Wind Energy Association – new curricular project – www.awea.org
AACC Green Resources at www.aacc.nche.edu/sustainable and
Additional Resources
1. Greener Buildings News at www.greenbiz.com
2. Energy Star – U.S. Dept of Energy
3. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies –
4. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change http://www.ipcc.ch/
5. Natural Capitalism by Lovins
6. National Renewable Energy Labs – www.nrel.gov
7. Alliance to Save Energy – http://www.ase.org/
8. ATEEC – www.ateec.org
9. American Solar Energy Society – www.ases.org
Key Implications:
1. All technology programs need to incorporate green and
triple bottom line principles, skills and applications into
curricula, including construction, HVAC, automotive,
manufacturing, electrical and plumbing, health, etc.
2. Skill building for all levels of students – complete the
learning (not just the house plans, but all the way through
the marketing materials).
3. All students in all degrees need to be literate about our
sustainability and greening challenges and be able to
engage in solutions as consumers, employees, community
members and investors
4. Lifelong learning for public.
Core knowledge and skills for all
• Literate about our sustainability challenges –
(www.myfootprint.org, www.earth-policy.org, including the triple
bottom line conceptual frame)
• Engagement in real world problem solving
• Skills and attitudes to be systemic thinkers (local-national-global)
and effective change agents
• Optimism and interpersonal skills
• Civic Engagement in policies for a green and sustainable future
Core knowledge and skills for all
technical students
• Further conversation via AACC electronic learning
community and national project
• Electrical and thermodynamic applied basics, applied
math, etc.
• Make the invisible visible: Energy analysis, greenhouse
gas and other pollution analyses, life cycle analysis,
cradle to cradle.
All of these included in the daily product creation,
selection, installation/servicing decision processes
• Assertiveness skills to integrate green/sustainability into
the workplace
On the forefront in Minnesota
• Energy technical specialist degree plus certificate in one of
four specialties - ethanol production, biodiesel production,
wind turbine maintenance, and solar energy assessment.
The certificate programs, which can be completed in as little
as one semester, will be available online.
• The colleges: Alexandria Technical C., Century C.,
Minnesota West Community and Technical C., South
Central C., St. Cloud Technical C., Hibbing CC, Itasca CC,
Mesabi Range Community and Technical College and
Vermilion C., Rainy River CC = Minnesota Training
Partnership for a Sustainable Energy Economy.
• Partnering state-run WorkForce Centers will help recruit
students and place graduates in jobs.
Federal grant supports:
• a semi-annual energy job vacancy report,
• two interactive learning modules for use in secondary
• Energy Careers Web site, www.MnEnergyCareers.org, for
students, job seekers and teachers.
• Gail O’Kane, “…degree (and) … certificates …recognizes
that a great deal of uncertainty remains about which energy
sources will prevail…. But with a core set of skills, students
will be well-positioned to complete additional training quickly
as new energy technologies emerge.”
• The core curriculum approach was championed by the
industry-led Minnesota Energy Consortium, which helped
fund a study that identified the necessary core skills.
Where are the green jobs?
Clean Technology Jobs Listings
• http://jobs.cleanedge.com/ – Source for clean tech job
• http://www.cleanloop.com/ – Clean technology job listings
and opinions, as well as a blog
• http://cleantech.jobthread.com/ – Job listings of commercial
clean technologies
• http://cleantechjobs.cleantechies.com – Many listings of
clean tech jobs
• http://jobs.greenbiz.com/ – Jobs from employers that focus
on cleantech practices
• http://technicalgreen.net/job‐listing – Green tech job listings
Where are the green jobs?
Environmental Jobs Listings
http://www.environmentalcareer.com/ – Helping people work for the environment
http://www.ecoemploy.com/jobs/ – Abundance of environmental jobs and
careers posted here
http://www.environmentaljobs.com/ – Saving the planet one job at a time
http://www.ecojobs.com/ – 500+ environmental jobs and career listings
http://www.environmentalcareer.info/ – Listings that help people work for the
http://www.miscojobs.com/jobs/L_4/index.htm – All types of worldwide
environmental jobs
http://www.justmeans.com/index.php?action=jobsearch – List of environmentally
friendly jobs
http://jobs.grist.org/ – Jobs from grist – environmental news and commentary
http://www.ehscareers.com/ – This job board includes many postings from
Fortune 500 Employers
Where are the green jobs?
Renewable Energy Jobs Listings
• http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/careers/jobseek
ers – Renewable energy jobs
• http://www.sustainjobs.com/ – Sustainability, climate
change, and renewable energy jobs
• http://www.jobsinwindpower.com/ – Jobs in wind power
• http://www.jobtarget.com/home/index.cfm?site_id=770 –
Jobs from AWEA
• http://www.jobsinsolarpower.com/ – Solar powered jobs
• http://www.solarjobs.com/ – Find a job in the solar industry
Where are the green jobs?
General Green Jobs Listings
http://www.greenjobs.com – Brings together recruiters and job seekers for green jobs
http://www.greenjobs.net/ – Offers job listings as well as a green job e‐mail list
http://www.coolclimatejobs.com/ – Best source for green collar jobs in the U.S. &
http://www.sustainlane.com/green‐jobs – Online community for green activists plus jobs
http://green‐jobs.monstertrak.com/ – Green careers and green living resources
http://www.greenjobsearch.org/ Find green jobs from across the web
http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/jobs‐k‐green – Find green jobs, research salaries, and more at
Yahoo HotJobs
http://www.hortjobs.com/ – Job listings for the green industry
http://www.sierraclub.org/greenjobs/ – Scroll to the bottom of the page to check out jobs by
http://www.greenjobsphilly.org/ – Searching for a green job in Philadelphia? This site is for
http://www.greencollarblog.org/ – A blog and job listings about jobs in the green collar
http://greengigs.blogspot.com/ – Virtual jobs with a green twist
Where are the green jobs?
General Green Jobs Listings cont.
http://www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/greendreamjobs.main – Green dream
job board
http://jobs.treehugger.com/ – Many different green and other jobs listed
http://www.chicagoenvironment.org/jobintern/index.cfm – Green jobs in the Chicago area
http://www.mngreenjobs.com/ – Green jobs in Minnesota provided by MN Green Jobs
Task Force
http://www.jobsinbiofuels.com/ – Ethanol and biofuel jobs
http://careercenter.usgbc.org – Jobs from the U.S. Green Building Council
http://jobs.care2.com – Listings of jobs with socially responsible companies
http://bsr.org/resources/jobs/index.cfm – Jobs from Business for Social Responsibility
http://www.netimpact.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=4 – Changing the world through
Non‐Profit Jobs Listings
http://www.idealist.org/ – Thousands of jobs listed, mostly from non‐profit organizations
http://www.opportunityknocks.org/ – Nonprofit jobs, including green collar jobs
http://cgcareers.org/findajob/viewjobs – Provides current jobs listings from nonprofits
Where are the green jobs in your
institutional marketing?
Put the above links in your career centers
and educate your counselors.
One step further and this is crucial!
Key Actions beyond the tcc norm
with excellent benefits for you:
1. Recognize Technical and Community Colleges are often the neutral high
credibility source for the public – work with your state energy office, utilities,
news outlets and others to educate the public about the urgency to act.
(Benefit – gets you students)
2. Convene partnerships, community forums, etc. to catalyze
entrepreneurship, and organizational and government policies that will
build a healthy green economy! Include pathways out of poverty,
discussions on quality of life and happiness research. (Benefit – new
opportunities/green growth, e.g. Cleveland,Richmond Solar)
3. Reach out to associations of builders, mechanical contractors, plumbers,
engineers, manufacturers, chambers of commerce, economic developmt
agencies and others to show them how to go green (Benefits - builds your
advisory committees/programs)
The Power of What You Do
• We can choose a
sustainable future
Congratulations for all you have done!!
Congratulations for all you will do
in the future.
Let your enthusiasm show!
For more information,
contact Debra Rowe at