Time Mangement Seminar Powerpoint

Time Management: Tools That
Get the Job Done
Daniel Graham
What is Time Management?
Time Management is the effort of
controlling events associated with
one’s life.
A Vehicle to help you get where you
want to go
A Tool to build a great life
A set of disciplines that will help you
succeed in life
Personal Story
Mark Twain once said, “The truth
will set you free, but first it will
make you miserable”
“The mold of our fortunes
is in our own hands”
-Sir Francis Bacon
What Would You Like to Learn
from this Seminar?
Overview of Seminar. . .
• Theological
• Principles of Time
• Top Tools of Time
• Sharpening the
• Breakout Sessions
I. Theological Principles of Time
Chronos and Kairos Time
Chronos: Efficiency
Kairos: Effectiveness
Theocratic Time Management
God Centered: The improvement
of every moment to the Glory of
God. It focuses on who we are
not merely what we do
Anthropcentric: The
improvement of every moment to
the glory of man. Its focus is
Matthew 6:33
33 But seek ye first the kingdom
of God, and his righteousness;
and all these things shall be
added unto you.
Ephesians 5:15-17
See then that ye walk
circumspectly, not as fools, but
as wise,
16 Redeeming the time,
because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise,
but understanding what the will
of the Lord is.
Colossians 3:23-24
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it
heartily, as to the Lord, and not
unto men;
24 Knowing that of the Lord ye
shall receive the reward of the
inheritance: for ye serve the
Lord Christ.
Proverbs 6:6-9
6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard;
consider her ways, and be wise:
7 Which having no guide, overseer,
or ruler,
8 Provideth her meat in the
summer, and gathereth her food in
the harvest.
9 How long wilt thou sleep, O
sluggard? when wilt thou arise out
of thy sleep?
The value of time is beyond
computation. Christ regarded every
moment as precious, and it is thus
that we should regard it. Life is to
short to be trifled away.
Christ's Object Lessons, p. 342.
“Our time belongs to God. Every
moment is His, and we are under
the most solemn obligation to
improve it to His glory. Of no talent
He has given will He require a
more strict account than our time.”
COL 342
An ordinary mind, well disciplined,
will accomplish more and higher
work than will the most highly
educated mind and the greatest
talents without self-control.
Christ's Object Lessons, p. 335.
Breakout Questions
1. If you could do anything in life you love,
without the possibility of failure, what would
you do?
2. If you could write your own obituary,
what would you write?
What would you want others to say?
Work, Family, Friends, Church
II. Principles of Time Management
Do you love life, then do not squander time, for
that’s the stuff that life’s made of.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Confucius say: a journey of 1000
miles begins with one step
1. There is enough time to get
everything done that God wants
you to get done
2. Urgent vs. Important Tasks
3. Proactive vs. Reactive Behavior
4. The Law of Priorities
Few things done well, Many things
done poorly
Good is the Enemy of the great….
Learning to Say NO
“The quality of a persons life is
in direct proportion to their commitment to
excellence, regardless of their chosen
field of endeavor.”
-Vince Lombardi
5. The Law of Sowing and
Thought to Action, Action to Habit,
Habit to Character, Character to Destiny
The measure of a man’s real character
is what he would do if he would never
be found out. – Lord MacCaullay
6. There is Power in Focus and
Ecc 9:10 Look up
Common Characteristics of Genius:
1. Systematic and orderly way.
2. They have a sense of wonder. They
look at things in a fresh new way.
3. They have the ability to concentrate on
things at a deeper level. A greater intensity.
7. The Power of Decision
Time Management is not doing the
wrong things quicker. That just gets
us nowhere faster. Time
Management is doing the right
What do I need to stop doing?
8. You are Who you Believe you
1. Spontaneous
2. Negative Programming
3. Self Limiting Beliefs
Whether you think you
can or not, your right…
Henry Ford…
9. The Power of Direction
Clarity of Goals and Directions
Model for Time Management
God’s Principles
Long Term Goals
Short Term Goals
Life Mission
Action Steps
Event Management
10. Balance Is Best
Breakout Session
What do you value most in life?
What are your God given Roles?
III. Top Tools of Effective Time
1. Set SMART Goals
Example of Goal Grouping
Lead Goal: A4 To Lose 15 Pounds by
December 13, 2005
Sub Goal:
A1 Schedule Doctors
appointment for physical by Sept. 2
A2 Workout at fitness center 35
minutes Monday-Friday
A3 Eat 1800 Calories daily
2. Use a Prioritized Daily
Action List (To Do List)
The palest ink is better than the
best memory: Chinese Proverb
Maintenance Lists
Increase Effectiveness over 25%
3. To Fail to Plan is to
Plan to Fail
-Benjamin Franklin
Daily Planning (Night Before)
Weekly Planning
Monthly Planning
Yearly Planning
“As far as possible, it is well to
consider what is to be
accomplished through out the
day. Make a memorandum of the
different duties that await your
attention, and set apart a certain
time for the doing of each duty.
Let everything be done with
thoroughness, neatness, and
dispatch…” Ellen White SD 114
4. Use an Organizer.
Paper or Electronic
5. Scheduling of Time
6. Get Organized
• Handle Paper Once
• T.R.A.F. Trash, Refer, Action File,
• Tickler File
• Clear Desk and Clean Up
7. Avoid Distractions
• A. Television
• B. Procrastination
• C. Interruptions
The average person gets 1 interruption every 8
minutes, or approximately 7 an hour, or 50-60
per day. The average interruption takes 5
minutes, totaling about 4 hours or 50% of the
average workday. 80% of those interruptions
are typically rated as "little value" or "no
value" creating approximately 3 hours of
wasted time per day.
Telephone, Emails, Web
• Get on and off soon.
• Screen Calls: overcome curiosity
• Have calls held. Periods for no
• Get and give call back times
• Batch your calls
• Plan calls in advance: write out
• Take careful notes of important calls
Drop-in Visitor/Socializing
8. Keep a Time Log
Breakout Session
5-7 Minutes
Prioritize Them if Possible
Congruent/Harmonize with each
5 Goals for each area (5
Minutes) Consistent and
IV. Sharpening the Tools
1. Early to Bed Early to Rise
• Slowing of Mental Processes
• 4 hours less sleep can make ones
reactions 45% slower.
• Demolishes ability to focus
• Short term memory strongly
2. Exercise
3. Time with God
4. Decide on Being a Life Long
5. Accountability
7. Ask God for Help
“There comes a special moment in
everyone’s life, a moment for which
that person was born. That special
opportunity, when he seizes all
opportunity, when he seizes it, will
fulfill his mission, a mission for
which he was uniquely qualified. In
that moment he finds greatness. It
is his finest hour.”
-Winston Churchill