Welcome to Psychology Reg

Psychology (6th & 7th Periods)
Welcome to Psychology. This is a one semester course that involves the exploration of the systematic and
scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings. We will be covering a wide range
of information over the course of this semester including, but not limited to, a focus on historical
approaches to psychology, personalities, brain functions, experimental psychology, disorders, and
Instruction is delivered in a variety of ways, ranging from lectures and notes to student-led presentations
and hands-on projects and research.
For this course, students will need one college-ruled journal (preferably a two- or three-subject style
journal), loose-leaf college-ruled paper, blue or black ink pens, and (as always) their student ID.
There will be a minimum of two grades per week and three major grades per six-weeks. Please reference
the information below for more details.
60% - Major Grades: Exams, Journal Checks, & Presentations
40% - Daily Grades: Homework, Classwork, & Quizzes
Any work turned in after the first five minutes of class, unless otherwise noted in writing such as for
special projects, is considered LATE. Technology issues are not an exception to this rule. For every day
that work is late, it will result in a ten point deduction from the assignment grade, up to a forty point
deduction, before it is listed as a zero in the gradebook.
Special note: Because you have prior knowledge and adequate time to complete assignments and
particularly to prepare for your major grade speeches, I reserve the right to refuse to accept them for full
credit if you are absent the day they are due. You will need to email the task to me, have someone drop it
off by 4:30pm that school day, or call me that day on the classroom phone so that we may speak about the
situation. In other words, communicate with me. Otherwise, the task will be counted late.
Tutorials are offered on a regular basis, and lunch tutorials are also available by appointment.
Students are expected to be committed to learning, culpable for their choices, honorable, and scholarly
(CCHS). This includes having all required materials in class on a daily basis, turning in work that is on
time and original/authentic, asking for help and attending tutorials as needed, keeping electronic devices
in the hanging pockets on the wall or in backpacks during class, demonstrating respect at all times, and
coming to class with a positive attitude and ready to learn. Food is not allowed in class, though drinks
with screw tops, such as water, sports drinks, or soda, are permitted.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to another great year
at CCHS!
Ashley Robinson
Cedar Creek High School
Dual Credit Freshman Composition I & II
AP Psychology; Psychology & Sociology
Communication Applications
Fiction to Film Club, Food & Culture Club, and Class Sponsor
UIL Literary Criticism Coach and UIL Word Power Coach