Melissa Scott Mountain Brook High School 3650 Bethune Drive Birmingham, AL 35223 The Human Brain: A Guided Tour The Brain Home Page Links to Assignments Cerebrum Meninges Ventricles Cerebellum Diencephalon Brainstem Videos Quit Sheep Brain Dissection Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Links to Assignments Steps to complete assignmentAssemble Brain Model (Instructions) Work on PowerPoint/Labeling Model Go Over Brain Models- Hand In! Begin Sheep Brain Dissection Identify Parts of Sheep Brain in dissection practical Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Videos Links to video cross sections of brain Link to visual stimuli and the brain 6ei%3DUTF-8%26b%3D21 Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Cerebrum Gray Matter White Matter Basal Nuclei (Ganglia) Surface Features Size and the Cerebrum Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Size and the Cerebrum Does a bigger brain mean you are smarter? The debate is still on. It seems that the higher brain to body mass an animal has, the smarter it is. Einstein's overall brain was a normal size, but the specific portion known for spatial intelligence was wider and had a unique anatomy. What do you call a brain without a 100 billion neurons? A no brainer Cerebrum Ha! Ha! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. White Matter Portion of the cerebrum that is composed of bundles of nerve fibers, myelinated so that it appears white. These are on the deep portion of the brain, including the corpus callosum. Cerebrum Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Gray Matter The cell bodies of neurons in the cerebrum. Located primarily on the superficial surface of the cerebrum- the cerebral cortex. Also, several groups of gray matter are buried deep within the cerebrum. Click Here! What does a brain wear in a rainstorm? A waterproof CORTEX jacket. Cerebrum Ha! Ha! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Basal Nuclei (Ganglia) Several islands of gray matter, cell bodies of neurons. They are the processing link between thalamus and motor cortex. They initiate and direct voluntary movement and help with balance and postural reflexes. Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s chorea, both diseases of muscular control difficulties, stem from problems in the basal nuclei. Cerebrum Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Surface Features of the Cerebrum Gyri Right Hemisphere Sulci Left Hemisphere Fissures Corpus Callosum Functional Areas Lobes Cerebrum Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Gyri The elevated ridges of tissue on the surface of the cerebrum. Precentral gyrus Postcentral gyrus (Colored portions in diagram to left) Surface Features Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Microsoft Clipart Sulci Central sulcusSeparates frontal and parietal lobes The shallow grooves on the surface of the cerebrum that separate the gyri. Microsoft Clipart Lateral sulcus- defines temporal lobe Feelin’ groovy! (“Lines” on diagram above) Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Surface Features Fissures Deep grooves on the surface of the cerebrum. Longitudinal fissure- divides cerebrum into left and right hemispheres Helps to divide the cerebrum into lobes. Surface Features Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Corpus Callosum Connects the right and left hemispheres and allows for communication between the hemispheres. Forms roof of the lateral and third ventricles. Band of myelinated nerve fibers. (Label on Sagittal Section diagram) Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Surface Features Right Hemisphere Controls left side of body. Processing multi-sensory input simultaneously to provide "holistic" picture of one's environment. For right-brainers What did the right hemisphere say to the left hemisphere when they could not agree on anything? Lets split! Ha! Ha! Visual spatial skills. Dancing and gymnastics are coordinated by the right hemisphere. Memory is stored in auditory, visual and spatial modalities. To see if you are right or left hemisphere dominant, try these tests Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Surface Features Left Hemisphere Controls right side of body. Systematic, logical interpretation of information. Interpretation and production of symbolic information. Language, mathematics, abstraction and reasoning. Memory stored in a language format. For left-brainers To see if you are right or left hemisphere dominant, try these tests Surface Features Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Lobes of the Cerebrum Parietal Frontal Occipital Frontal Lobotomy Microspft Clipart Temporal Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Surface Features Frontal Lobe Responsible for conscious thought, cognition and memory. Controls the ability to concentrate, higher intellectual reasoning, aggression, judgment, and inhibition. Plays a role in personality and emotional traits. What did the parietal say to the frontal? I lobe you! Lobes Ha! Ha! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Frontal Lobotomy In the early 1900’s, removal of the frontal lobe or disconnecting its pathways to the limbic system, was a treatment for psychiatric patients. This pacified the patients, but made them void of emotion, personality, and volition. The severe side effects and dangerous nature of the operation has caused psychiatrists to seek other methods to treat patients who suffered from aggression. Lobes Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Temporal Lobe Receives and evaluates input for smell and hearing and plays an important role in memory. Lobes Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Parietal Lobe Responsible for processing of sensory input and sensory discrimination. Plays a part in body orientation. What happens when you bother the parietal lobe? It gets a little touchy! Lobes Ha! Ha! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Occipital Lobe Primary visual reception and interpretation area. Lobes Microsoft Clipart Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Functional Areas of the Cerebrum Gustatory area Speech/language area Frontal association area Frontal eye field General interpretation area Broca’s area Wernicke’s area Primary motor area Visual area Premotor area http://www.va Olfactory area Auditory area Somatic sensory area Surface Features Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Wernicke’s Area Located in the left superior and posterior portion of the temporal lobe. Understanding and comprehension of spoken language. It is connected by nervous pathways to Broca’s area (for motor speech) and the auditory area (for hearing). Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Frontal Eye Field Part of the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe. It coordinates and maintains eye and head movements, gaze shifts, and visual reactions to auditory and tactile (touch) stimuli. Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Primary Motor Area Located on the precentral gyrus (posterior region of the frontal lobe). Allows conscious movement of skeletal muscles. The axons of the motor neurons here form the pyramidal, or corticospinal tract. Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Premotor Area Located anterior to the primary motor cortex in the frontal lobe. Responsible for perception as well as in preparing the commands that result in physical movement (links input with output). Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Frontal Association Area Located in the anterior portion of the frontal lobe. Plans behavior and facilitates working memory. Control of attention, emotional expression, creativity, physical drive and inhibition. Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Broca’s Area Located in the inferior portion of the frontal lobe anterior to the premotor area. Controls movements of the lips, jaws, and tongue for speech. Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Olfactory Area Located in the anterior portion of the temporal lobe. Microsoft Clipart Involved with integration of smell. Why does your nose like to be in the middle of your face? It likes to be the scenter of attention. Functional Areas Ha! Ha! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Auditory Area Responsible for processing information related to hearing. Microsoft Clipart Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Functional Areas Somatic Sensory Area Located in the anterior portion of the parietal lobe. Processes tactile senses- pain, temperature, touch. The homunculus shown to the left demonstrates the relationship of features and their number of sensory receptors by size. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Functional Areas Gustatory Area Inferior region of parietal lobe. Responsible for taste. What book did Gus Tation write? Tasty Treats for Your Tongue Functional Areas Ha! Ha! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Microspft Clipart Speech Language Area Responsible for incorporating words into verbal output. Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. General Interpretation Area Overlaps the parietal, occipital and temporal lobes. Association of cumulative information from senses. Functional Areas Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Visual Area Located in the posterior portion of the occipital lobe. Processes vision. VISUAL AREA Microspft Clipart Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Functional Areas Brainstem The lower extension of the brain where it connects to the spinal cord. Most of the cranial nerves arise from the brainstem. The brainstem is the pathway for all fiber tracts passing up and down from peripheral nerves and spinal cord to the highest parts of the brain. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Midbrain Pons Reticular Formation Medulla Oblongata Midbrain Located on the superior portion of the brainstem. Nerve pathway of cerebral hemispheres. Connects the pons and cerebellum with the cerebrum Auditory and Visual reflex centers. Midbrain Corpora quadrigemina- posterior portion of the midbrain separated by the cerebral aqueduct. Controls reflexes for vision and hearing. Brainstem Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Pons Located in the middle of the brainstem. Respiratory center that controls rate and depth of breathing. Pons Brainstem Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Medulla Oblongata Located in the inferior portion of the brainstem. Crossing of motor tracts. Controls heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. Centers for coughing, gagging, swallowing, and vomiting are located here. Who wrote the book “The Importance of the Medulla? Y.U. Breathe Brainstem Ha! Ha! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Reticular Formation Located throughout the posterior portion of the brainstem. Controls motor activities of visceral organs. Controls sleep/wake cycles. Damage to this area may result in coma. Plays a role in alertness, fatigue, and motivation to perform various activities. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Brainstem Diencephalon Hypothalamus Thalamus Mammillary Bodies Epithalamus Pituitary Gland Pineal Gland Olfactory Bulb Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Limbic System Optic Chiasm Hypothalamus Located inferior to and slightly anterior to the thalamus. Controls regulation of metabolism, temperature, and water and electrolyte balance. Holds many set points in homeostasis. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Limbic System Olfactory pathways: Amygdala and their different pathways. Hippocampus and its different pathways. Sex, rage, fear; emotions. Integration of recent memory, biological rhythms. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Pituitary Gland Located inferior to the hypothalamus. It secretes many hormones controlling growth, development, and puberty. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Mammillary Bodies Located inferior to the hypothalamus. It is the reflex center for smell. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Epithalamus Located posterior to the thalamus. Houses the pineal gland. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Thalamus Located directly superior to the midbrain. It relays incoming messages to the proper centers of the brain. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Pineal Gland Located posterior to the thalamus in the epithalamus. Produces melatonin. Melatonin helps to regulate circadian rhythms (daily and seasonal cycles of sleep and wakefulness) and boosts immune function. Converts signals from the nervous system into an endocrine signal. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Olfactory Bulb Located on the underside of each frontal lobe. Contain the cell bodies of olfactory receptor neurons and the nerve tracts connecting it to the olfactory cortex. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Optic Chiasm Where the optic nerves from each eye meet and cross. They go back through the optic tracts to the occipital lobe. Diencephalons Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Cerebellum Located inferior and posterior to the cerebrum. Two hemispheres composed of outer gray matter and inner white matter. Controls posture, balance, equilibrium, and coordination of skeletal muscles. Who wrote the book “It’s a Balancing Act”? Sara Bellum Ha! Ha! It is said to look like cauliflower. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Ventricles Lateral ventricles Choriod plexuses Third ventricle Fourth ventricle Cerebral aqueduct Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Lateral Ventricles Large ventricles located in both hemispheres. These contain large masses of choriod plexuses. Ventricles Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Third Ventricle Located in the diencephelon superior to the thalamus. Chamber filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Ventricles Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Fourth Ventricle Located medially to the brainstem and the cerebellum. Chamber filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Ventricles Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Choriod Plexuses Located on the roof of the third ventricle and in the fourth ventricle. Tangled masses of capillaries that secrete cerebrospinal fluid. Ventricles Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Cerebral Aqueduct A canal filled with cerebrospinal fluid that connects the third and fourth ventricles. Ventricles Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Meninges Dura mater Pia mater Arachnoid mater Meningitis and Encephalitis Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Pia Mater The protective layer that clings to the surface of the brain. Meninges Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Arachnoid Mater The middle layer of the meninges that has a net-like mesh (spider web-like). In the spaces between the fibers, there is cerebrospinal fluid. Meninges Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Dura Mater In Latin, it means “hard mother”. It is the thick, protective outer covering on the surface of the brain. Meninges Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Meningitis and Encephalitis Meningitis is a viral or bacterial infection of the meninges. It will cause swelling of the meninges, headache, fever, seizure, brain damage, and if untreated, death. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Swelling of the brain, usually caused by a virus that a person is exposed to from an insect bite, food, or beverages. It has the same symptoms as meningitis. Meninges Sheep Brain Dissection Links to dissection websites- Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Quit Do you really want to quit???? YES NO Sheep Brain DissectionIt’s Not So BAAAAD! Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Human Brain Sheep Brain .edu/memory/braindissection/&h=435&w=545&sz=26&hl=en&start=30&um=1&tbnid=5pQSC2wpNIevMM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3 Dsheep%2Bbrain%2Bdissection%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DSUNA,SUNA:200643,SUNA:en%26sa%3DN You will first need to remove the meninges from the brain. Please grasp firmly and gently pull back from the cerebellum anteriorly. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. This is what the brain will look like once you have removed the meninges. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. SHEEP BRAIN DISSECTION Identify the following structures on the sheep brain. With your partner, be prepared to point out 20 structures to your teacher when she calls out their name and/or to name the structures that she points to. Frontal lobe Optic chiasma Gray matter Brainstem Parietal lobe Gyrus Central sulcus Pineal body (gland) Hypothalamus Cerebellum Pons Lateral sulcus Cerebral aqueduct Spinal cord Longitudinal Cerebrum Sulcus fissure Corpora Temporal lobe Medulla oblongata quadrigemina Thalamus Midbrain Corpus callosum Third ventricle Occipital lobe Diencephalon White matter Olfactory bulb Fourth ventricle _____________/___25 __________/___20 __________/___5 Total Score Participation & Correct cleaning Identifications Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. BRAIN “FOLDABLE” MODEL OPTION 1 -Begin by printing the Sagittal Section of the brain. -Print the Ventricles. Place on top of the Sagittal Section and tape around the top to make a flap. -Print the Cerebrum. Place on top of the Ventricles and tape to make a flap. -Print the Lobes. Place on top of the Cerebrum and tape to make a flap. -Print the Functional Areas. Place on top of the Lobes and tape to make a flap. -Looking at the Identifications list, color code each item listed for each separate page. -On the back of each separate page, in the same color for each item, write the name of the structure and describe it briefly using the information in this tutorial. OPTION 2 -Print each diagram of the brain in color. Write the names for the parts of the brain in corresponding colors on the back of the diagrams. (Sagittal section, ventricles, cerebrum, lobes, functional areas) -Describe the structure and its location on the charts provided. (Chart 1, chart 2, chart 3, chart 4) Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. IDENTIFICATIONS VENTRICLES: Lateral Ventricles Third Ventricle Fourth Ventricle Cerebral Aqueduct Choriod Plexuses (draw in) LOBES: Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital SAGITTAL SECTION: Corpus Callosum Cerebellum CEREBRUM: DiencephalonUsing “blow up” in upper rightThalamus FUNCTIONAL AREAS: Left Hemisphere Hypothalamus Broca’s Area Right Hemisphere Pineal Body (Gland) Frontal Association Area Grey Matter Pituitary Gland Frontal Eye Field White Matter Epithalamus Premotor Cortex Basal Nuclei (draw in) Mamillary Body Primary Motor Cortex Pia Mater Optic Chiasm Olfactory Area Arachnoid Mater Brainstem: Auditory Area Dura Mater Midbrain Somatic Sensory Area Corpora Quadrigemina Longitudinal fissure Gustatory Area Using rest of diagramPons Visual Cortex Gyri Medulla Oblongata General Interpretation Area Sulci Reticular Formation Speech/Language Area Central Sulcus Wernicke’s Area Lateral Sulcus (Fissure) Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. SAGITTAL SECTION Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. VENTRICLES Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. CEREBRUM Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. LOBES Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. FUNCTIONAL AREAS Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. SAGITTAL SECTION Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. VENTRICLES Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. CEREBRUM LOBES Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. FUNCTIONAL AREAS Melissa Scott, Mountain Brook H.S. Structure Grey matter (Cerebrum) Basal nuclei (Cerebrum) White matter (Cerebrum) Gyri (Cerebrum, Surface features) Sulci (Cerebrum, Surface features) Lateral sulcus (Cerebrum, Surface features, Fissures) Longitudinal fissure (Cerebrum, Surface features, Fissures) Right hemisphere (Cerebrum, Surface features) Left hemisphere (Cerebrum, Surface features) Frontal association area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Frontal eye field (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional Location Function(s)/ Description Broca’s area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Primary motor area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Premotor area (Cerebrum Surface features, Functional areas) Olfactory area(Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Auditory area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Somatic sensory area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Visual area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Wernicke’s area (Cerebrum ,Surface features, Functional areas) Gustatory area(Cerebrum ,Surface features, Functional areas) General interpretation area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Speech/Language area (Cerebrum, Surface features, Functional areas) Temporal lobe (Cerebrum, Surface features, Lobes) Frontal lobe (Cerebrum, Surface features, Lobes) Parietal lobe (Cerebrum, Surface features, Lobes) Occipital lobe (Cerebrum, Surface features, Lobes) Pons (Brainstem) Medulla oblongata (Brainstem) Midbrain (Brainstem) Reticular formation (Brainstem) Corpora quadrigemina (Brainstem, midbrain) Hypothalamus (Diencephalon) Thalamus Pituitary gland (Diencephalon) Pineal body (Diencephalon) Epithalamus (Diencephalon) Mamillary body (Diencephalon) Optic chiasm (Diencephalon) Choriod plexus (Ventricles) Third ventricle (Ventricles) Fourth ventricle (Ventricles) Cerebral aqueduct (Ventricles) Lateral ventricles (Ventricles) Pia mater (Meninges) Arachnoid mater (Meninges) Dura mater (Meninges)