The Odyssey CAST LIST

The Odyssey CAST LIST
August 30, 2015
FIRST REHEARSALS are tomorrow and Tuesday after school. Everyone is needed
both days. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please notify Stage Manager
Charlotte Moffatt.
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone! I look forward to working with you to create a
beautiful show.
SCRIPTS will be distributed tomorrow.
READ CAREFULLY. Many actors play multiple parts. Actors may be added to
additional scenes if that seems workable. We will make those decisions tomorrow
and Tuesday as we read the play.
AEOLUS: Custodian of the 4 winds
Annie Tsui
AEOLUS’ SERVANT: Brings the bags of winds to Odysseus
Maraleis Sinton
ALCINOUS: King of the Phaecians
Daniel Cottrell
ANTINOUS: leader of the Suitors
Matt O’Reilly
ARETE: Queen of the Phaecians
Mia Trubelja
ATHENA: Daughter of Zeus/goddess of wisdom, battle, & womanly arts
Sophie Swezey
CALYPSO: beautiful nymph falls in love w/Odysseus, holds him prisoner
Nadia Leinhos
CIRCE: Daughter of the Sun and Sorceress
Clara Baker
CYCLOPS: Polyphemus - blinded by Odysseus
Jason Pollak
Erin Reynolds, Kelsy Lu
DEMODOCUS: poet/singer who visits the Court of Alcinous
Kelsey Lu
Maraleis Sinton
EIODETHEA: prophetic sea nymph
Kelly Keith
ELPENOR: Friend of Odysseus
Derek Zhou
EUMAEUS: the loyal swine herdsman
Erin Reynolds
EURYCLEIA: old loyal servant who nursed Odysseus and Telemechus
Mia Trubelja
EURYLOCHUS: Sailor who tells story of Circe
Sam Embersits
Erin Reynolds
HELEN OF TROY: Wife of Menelaus and Queen of Sparta
Zoe Dellaert
HERMES: Herald of the Gods / Escort of the Dead
Emiko Elsnor-Kho
LAERTES: Odysseus’s Father
Daniel Cottrell
LOTUS EATERS: lazy people who lure others to their drug addicted lives Annie
Tsui, Erin Reynolds, Jason Pollak, Nadia Leinhos
MAIDS: misbehaving naughty young women who should serve Penelope but don’t
Annie Tsui, Emiko Elsnor-Kho, Kelly Keith, Kelsey Lu, Zoe Dellaert
MELANTHO : one of the Maids
Emily Zhang
MENELAUS: King of Sparta & husband of Helen, helped lead Greeks in Trojan War
Johnny Rohrbach
YOUNG MENELAUS: Younger version of King Menalaus
Derek Zhou
MUSE: Inspires great art
Maraleis Sinton
NAUSICA: Phaecian Princess who rescued Odysseus
Dali van Zyll
NEOMAN: The man who lends Telemachus his ship
Sarthak Pant
ODYSSEUS: strong, courageous & cunning warrior Penelope’s husband /
Telemachus’s father / favorite of Athena - enemy of Poseidon.
Ophir Sneh
ODYSSEUS’ MOTHER: died of a lonely heart
Zoe Delleart
PENELOPE: Steadfast wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus
Molly Kraus
PHAECIANS ( Nausicaa’s friends)
Annie Tsui, Kelly Keith, Maraleis Sinton
PHEMIOS: blind minstrel Odysseus’s house
Nadia Leinhos
POSEIDON: God of the sea
Peter Maroulis
PROTEUS: a sea god
Kelsey Lu
SAILORS: Odyesseus’ men
Emily Zhang, Johnny Rohrbach, Sarthak Pant, Sam Embersits, Jihi Kundu
SIRENS: the bewitching sexy women who lure sailors to their death with their song
Clara Baker, Dali van Zyll, Maraleis Sinton, Zoe Delleart, Kelly Keith
SUITORS: men who desperately want to win the hand of Penelope
Jason Pollak, Sarthak Pant, Peter Maroulis (Act II), Derek Zhou
TEIRESIAS: blind underworld prophet who shows Odysseus how to get back to
Jason Pollak
TELEMACHUS: Odysseus’s son
Jackson Kienitz
TOWNSPEOPLE (plus Maids):
Sam Embersits, Nadia Leinhos,
ZEUS: King of gods and men
Jihi Kundu
MUSICIANS: We will add to this list
Leanne Miron
Scylla, Sea Gulls, Argos, etc.