Vocabulary Terms and Language Origins

"Without words, without writing, and without
books there would be no history, there could
be no concept of humanity." - Hermann
Hesse, author (1877-1962)
There are three ways we learn vocabulary:
1. From the sound of words
2. From the structure of words
3. From the context of words - how words are
used in communication
Therefore, when you encounter unfamiliar
words, you should ask yourself:
1. Does this word sound like anything I've
ever heard?
2. Does any part of this word look familiar?
3. How is this word used in the sentence I
just read or heard?
Each vocabulary unit we have this block will
present a word list so you can practice this
As you read each word list, you'll find that
you already recognize some of the words maybe from your reading and listening
vocabularies. The ones you don't know you
will learn as you proceed through the lesson.
You use these everyday whether you realize it
or not. These parts make up almost all of the
words we use English. You will find the
meanings of many words will become much
clearer when you understand the meanings of
the most common word parts.
The word parts placed at the beginning of a
word. It is usually only one syllable, but
sometimes it is more.
Prefixes change or add to the meaning of a word.
Example = review = what does it mean?
Syllables = re-view
View means to look at
Re- means back or again
Review means to look back at or to look at again
Other common prefixes include = in-, anti-, pre, post-, un-, non-, con-, and dis-
The word parts placed at the end of a word that
signals how a word is being used in a sentence
and identifies its part of speech.
Different suffixes change the word's part of
Example = sterilize = a verb meaning to sanitize
Ster-ile = an adjective
Sterilization = a noun
The suffix changes the word's job in a sentence
and will give clues to the meaning of unfamiliar
The pieces of words that carry the direct
Many English words come from ancient Greek
and Latin words. Knowing some of the most
commonly used roots gives you access to many
words at once.
Combining knowledge of roots with prefixes and
suffixes, you can figure out the meaning of many
unfamiliar words.
Example = cogn- means 'to know'
Words with this root include recognize (to
identify as known), incognito (unknown), and
cognition (knowledge).
As you are introduced to words, take the time
to break them down into prefixes, suffixes,
and roots. It will help you remember them.
The parts of words that carry separate sounds.
Breaking a word into syllables is one strategy for
seeing if a word is in your listening and reading
It also helps break larger words into smaller,
more manageable, and often more recognizable
By breaking words down into syllables, you will
be able to identify the meanings of unfamiliar
words that contain these word parts.
1. Divide between double consonants: Hammock
2. Divide after prefixes and before suffixes: Invest-ment
If you already have an idea of how the word
sounds, you can divide it according to the sound
of the vowels:
 3. Divide after vowel if it has the long sound: Solar
 4. Divide after the consonant if the vowel sound
is short: Pris-on
Questions on AIMS and other exams often ask for the synonym
or antonym of a word.
As you learn words this block, try to think of or look up
synonyms and antonyms. The exercises you practice will help
you learn even more synonyms and antonyms.
A word is a synonym of another word if it has the same, or nearly
the same, meaning as the word with which it is being compared.
Example = conceal and hide are synonyms that both mean to
keep out of sight.
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of the word with
which it is being compared.
Examples = happy/sad, good/bad, love/hate
Denotation = the dictionary definition of a
Connotation = the tone of the word; the
emotions it evokes in the reader.
Example = joke means something said or
done to provoke laughter; synonyms: quip or
prank. But all three words have different
connotations; they all bring to mind different
feelings - one positive, one negative, and one
Most of the time, we "sense" the connotation
of a word without thought, but if you are the
one writing or speaking the word, take the
time to choose carefully so that you are
clearly understood.
Words that sound the same, but aren't.
They have the same pronunciations, but they are
neither spelled the same way, nor do they have
the same meaning.
Examples = which/witch, their/there/they're
When you are listening or reading in context it is
easy to figure out meanings; however, it is
important to know which definition corresponds
with which spelling.
If you misspell a homonym, people will have a
difficult time understanding what you are trying
to communicate.
Context is the surrounding text in which a word is
used. Most people automatically use context to help
them determine the meaning of an unknown word.
The best way to take meaning form context is to
search the surrounding text for key words in
sentences or paragraphs that convey the meaning of
the unfamiliar word.
Example = Although when Hannah joined the
company she was promised perquisites every six
months, she has been working at the company for
two years and has never received any sort of bonus.
1. Restatement = bonus
2. Contrast = although
Perquisite is a synonym for bonus
A good vocabulary increases your ability to
understand reading material and to express
yourself in speaking and in writing.
Without a broad vocabulary, your ability to
learn is limited.
Vocabulary skills can be developed with
practice, which is exactly what you will have
in this class.