Topic 3&4 Short Answer Questions

Topic 3 – Darkness Falls: The Medieval Period
Topic 4 – From Death to Rebirth: The Renaissance
Hunt, Chapter 10-13
Short Answer Questions
*Directions – After reading each of your assigned reading packets and your textbook from this topic,
provide a short answer using details from your reading. Answer the questions with the following in mind:
 You answers should be 1-2 fully developed paragraphs.
 Your short answer should begin with a THESIS statement that summarizes your answer to the
 You should use at least one short quote attributed to the source to which you are
responding. (EX: Colton and Palmer said, ‘quote quote quote, quote quote.”)
Your short answer should contain numerous, SPECIFIC examples from the reading assignment.
You should include a discussion of the source’s thesis or its impact and importance.
You should conclude your response with a closing statement.
Email your typed responses as a single document to
Hunt Ch 8-10 Review Questions: Respond to ONE of the following questions
1. How and why did the Muslims conquer so many lands in the period 632-750?
2. What were the strengths and weaknesses of Carolingian institutions of government, warfare, and
3. How and why was the First Crusade a success, and how and why was it a failure?
1. What does Dante’s epic poem about the Inferno reveal about the late Medieval period? (ex: What
does it reveal about Dante’s political surroundings, or what does it reveal about the Medieval mindset
on religion and spirituality, or what does it reveal about art and literature of the time period… choose
one to answer with detail)
Cahill – Respond to ONE of the following questions
1. In what ways did it appear that Europe was ripe for a Renaissance?
2. Compare Dante and Boccaccio’s writing. How do the differences in Boccaccio’s writing reveal that the
time periods have changed?
P&S Reader – The Late Middle Ages
1. Discuss some of the major problems facing Europe politically, socially, economically, or religiously in
the late Middle Ages.
1. Choose ONE thing that you learned from Manchester about the Renaissance, and discuss its historical
importance with details.
Downs, Books that Changed the World – Machiavelli
1. Describe Machiavelli’s thesis in the Prince, and what was its impact upon European history?
P&S Reader – The Renaissance – Respond to ONE of the following questions
1. In what ways was the Renaissance a new development, strikingly different from the preceding Middle
Ages? How might the “newness” of these developments be minimized or reinterpreted as an
evolutionary continuation of the Middle Ages?
2. According to the sources in this chapter, what was particularly humanistic about the cultural
productions and the attitudes of the Renaissance?
Hunt Ch 13 Review Questions: Respond to ONE of the following questions
1. How were the crises of 1340-1492 and the Renaissance related?
2. What crises did Europeans confront in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and how did they
handle them?
3. How and why did Renaissance humanists, artists, and musicians revive classical traditions?
4. How did the monarchs and republics of the fifteenth century use (and abuse) their powers?
5. How did the rulers of the fourteenth century make use of the forms and styles of the Renaissance?
6. On what values did Renaissance humanists and artists agree?
7. What tied the crises of the period (disease, war, schism) to the Renaissance (the flowering of
literature, art, architecture, and music)?