STARS Computing Corps – Narrative Spring 2013 INSTRUCTIONS: DELETE ALL TEXT that does not apply to you. Delete all blue instructional text. There should be NO blue or highlighted text in your final document. COMPLETE Events and Outreach Table, it’s CRITICAL. If you have any questions please contact Audrey Rorrer ( 1 School Logo Here Institutional Information Name of College or University: 1.1 Institutional Demographics (this section may be pasted from your Fall Narrative Report; we seek Fall data only, and your classification won’t change) Classification: Associate's Colleges Doctorate-granting Universities Master's Colleges and Universities Baccalaureate Colleges Tribal Colleges Special Focus Institutions Historically Black College or University Hispanic-Serving Institution Women’s College or University Percentage of women students in computing departments: % 2 Percentage of under-represented minority students in computing departments: % Faculty or Staff 2012-2013 Academic Liaison: SLC Leader: Evaluation Assistant: Other Role 2013-2014 Academic Liaison: SLC Leader: Evaluation Assistant: 3 Full-Time student enrollment in computing department: Less than 500 students Between 501 – 2,000 students Between 2,001 – 5,000 students Between 5,001 – 10,000 students Between 10,001 – 20,000 students More than 20,000 students Name, title/rank, department Name, title/rank, department, or Undergrad/Grad Student Name, Undergrad/Grad Student Name, Undergrad/Grad Student Please indicate any staffing changes for next year Name, title/rank, department Name, title/rank, department, or Undergrad/Grad Student Name, Undergrad/Grad Student STARS Leadership Corps INSERT OWN PICTURE & CAPTION; Names must be included, if not in STARS include photo release Provide an overview of your school’s participation in STARS. Describe what projects you undertook. 3.1 Successes: What does your school do best? 3.2 Lessons learned: What lessons will inform the next year in STARS? 3.3 Community Building & Computing Identity How has STARS helped build a better community (on campus, locally, and nationally) and how has your SLC reached beyond students directly involved in the project to reach others? Spring 2012 STARS Computing Corps 3.4 SLC Participation & Organization How is it managed, supported, and structured? What primary types of projects do SLC students do? Address what, if any, levels of SLC participation there are for students and how SLC students are supported (i.e. via STARS and/or non-STARS funding, or whether there are any individuals that do not receive stipends). Do you have an SLC course established? o YES o NO Do you have an SLC student organization established? Are your SLC stipend recipients leaders of other non-stipend SLC student volunteers/ambassadors? o YES o NO o YES o NO What tools do you use for outreach? o o o o o o Lego Robotics CS Unplugged Scratch Alice GameMaker Other (specify): STARS Leadership Corps Details ALL THREE TABLES ARE REQUIRED SLC Participation by Ethnicity and Gender SLC Participants African American Asian Caucasian Hispanic Native American & Pacific Islander Total Grad Females SLC Project Types # SLC Students K-12 Outreach Community Service Mentoring Research Internship Marketing 2013 Celebration Participation Planned # Faculty/Staff # SLC Attendees # SLC Posters # SLC Talks # Faculty Talks 3.5 UG Females Grad Males UG Males Total SLC Details # SLC stipends & amounts # SLC with no stipends SLC Meeting Frequency SLC Meeting Attendance # Returning & #New SLC Estimate of support for next year* Faculty Support Student Support Average Attendance Fall 2013 Spring 2014 # # # # $ $ $ $ *Up to $2000 stipend per Faculty/Staff per semester; Up to $500 stipend per student per semester. SLC Outreach Events and Impact 3.5.1 Mentoring (Delete this section if not participating in any way). Mentor-mentee communication type, frequency # of Mentors # of Mentees (and indicate if they were SLC members also, and if high school students) Events Seminars attended together: Outreach attended together: Mentor training sessions: Retreats with mentors and mentees: Page 2 of 5 Spring 2012 STARS Computing Corps How is program monitored/evaluated: 3.5.1 SLC Outreach Activities and Participation THIS TABLE IS REQUIRED Please pull from Activity Form the students fill out. Include Mentoring activities if completed. Primary audience attendee information Outreach Activity & Description (including CSDT used) # of atte ndee s EXAMPLE: Ongoing event with same audience Mentoring EXAMPLE: 1 time event Total 3.5.2 14 8 Primary audience - Grade level or role (e.g. 7th grade, middle, high, parent, teacher, counselor) Same 14 Undergraduate Students HS students # and frequency 14 students, 2 times a week each, for 7 weeks (14 students x2 x 7 weeks)=196 meetings %50 AA, %50 W, 5 Male, 9 Female 8 Hispanic, 8 Female Duration of one visit (aka SLC time spent) Total contact hours with each attendee 30 minutes (14 hrs week x 7 weeks=98) 1 hr each week x 7 weeks x 14 students = 98 contact hours total, or .5 x 196= 98 Hours 2 hours 8 x 1 x 2 = 16 Hours 1 visit 98 + 16 = 114 Total Contact Hours 98 + 2 = 100 Outreach Hours 22 Events for STARS Leadership Corps Students Event Title Resume Writing Workshop 4 Ethnicity and gender Location Campus # SLC 8 Description Campus career center presented resume workshop at SLC meeting SLC Partnerships List your SLC Partners (Community, K-12, Industry, Partnership development); asterisk new partners formed this term. Name them and indicate if newly developed this term. Type: (industry, professional assoc, community, k12) 5 Name of Organization City, State New this term? (yes/no) SLC PRACTICES COLLECTION IN THE DIGITAL LIBRARY For each semester, enumerate each specific practice with a brief description in the table below that will go into the Digital Library ( The STARS Resource Submission Form is located on our website. Submitted On or Planned 6 6.1 Submitter Title of Resource URL Description External Support and Dissemination Grants List here any related grants you have applied for, related to STARS, and indicate whether pending, or funded. Indicate those with students with an asterisk (*), students ONLY with (**). 6.2 Dissemination (Publications, News and Radio articles, Presentations) Please list all dissemination activities in a citation format. (e.g. who, what, where, when). Indicate those with students with an asterisk (*), students ONLY with (**). Page 3 of 5 Spring 2012 STARS Computing Corps NOTE: Delete section titles for types that do not apply; you may add new titles for other types of publications if needed. Dissemination Venue YouTube Video – required for all schools Your own SLC Website – required for all schools Brief description Produce 1-3 minute video giving an overview of your SLC Create your own SLC website or use a template to be provided. Citation Fall X (mark when done) Spring X (mark when done) Refereed Journal Proceedings Refereed Conference Proceedings Abstract Refereed Papers or Posters in Conference Proceedings Posters (not refereed) News Articles Radio Programs Podcasts Presentations about STARS Materials (Presentations, posters, handouts) developed for outreach K-12, teachers, counselors 7 Curricular & Co-Curricular Integration Please describe how you are making the SLC a permanent part of your university/college. 7.1 SLC Recruiting and Sustainability Please describe your campus recruiting and dissemination methods for the SLC here. 7.2 Pair Programming (Delete this section if not participating in any way). Number of instructors implementing, stipends awarded Number of classes at your school implementing pair programming and approx number of students in each type of class First year introductory courses Second year intermediate courses (data structures, algorithms) Third year elective courses Fourth year advanced courses (capstone, software engineering, etc) Graduate courses 8 Request for Funding for Spring 2014 This is the recommended support model for STARS institutions. Schools may allocate support at their discretion. Corps Funding Model: We currently support up to a total of $4000 per faculty and $10,000 for student stipends per academic year. In 2014, we will fund half of this total, or $7000. Note: Currently new schools will be fully funded through spring 2014. Type of Participant Faculty Student Support per semester $2000 (for leading a Corps of at least 10 students or prorated for leading a smaller Corps) $500 (per student for up to 10 students) Support per academic year $4000 (for leading a Corps of at least 10 students or prorated for leading a smaller Corps) $1000 (per student for up to 10 students) FALL 2013 (Schools in STARS for more than two semesters) - Estimate the support needed for Fall 2013 below (STARS will fund 100% of the Corps Funding Model above): Type of Participant Faculty support Student support Number of participants Total amount of funding $ $ Page 4 of 5 Spring 2012 STARS Computing Corps SPRING 2014 (Schools in STARS for more than two semesters) - Estimate the support needed for Spring 2014 and the option you will employ to provide the remainder of the support below: *(STARS will fund 50% of the Corps Funding Model above, i.e., up to 50% of faculty stipend and up to $250 per Corps Student participant.) Total Number of amount of Option Description participants funding* Explanation Fac. Stu. Fac. Stu. A 50% Corporate Sponsor is confirmed? __Yes __No funded If STARS should contact, enter Sponsor’s contact information.__________________ 50% STARS funded B Institutionalization or Course credit, stipend reduction, or other? cost reduction C Credit for Highlight your credit-earning activity anticipated for Fall Participation 2013 and Spring 2014: Serve as Affinity Group Leader for K-12 Outreach, Peer Outreach, Mentoring, or Evaluation Digital Library contribution, for example: K-12: syllabus, lesson plans, learning outcomes Peer: syllabus, lesson plans, learning outcomes Mentoring: management model, training Evaluation: checklists, how-tos STARS as credit-bearing course STARS as student organization or club Celebration Planning Committee: General Chair Program Co-Chair Poster Co-Chair Local Arrangements Co-Chair Industry Engagement Co-Chair Donor Leads (give specifics) Actual Donations or funds raised (give specifics) Other: Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 (For new schools who have been in STARS for only two semesters, STARS commits to funding the full model for two academic years - through Spring 2014) Type of Participant Estimate of support for Fall 2013 Estimate of support for Spring 2014 Faculty support # of faculty $ # of faculty $ Student support # of students $ # of students $ Page 5 of 5