Tia T and Lauren F Newspaper Review

The event I went to see was the play "Wicked" it was wicked! The type of performance was a romantic,
funny, dramatic musical.
The plot is that the family are governors and the witches sister went to a university in Oz and Elphaba (
The Wicked Witch ) has to take care of her but the head mistress gets the sister to sleep in her dorm so
she is forced to go into a different dorm, but Glinda wasn't lessoning and puts her hand up for something
else then gets chosen to be in the same dorm as the witch and this is how they become the best of
friends but then a boy (who is prince) that Glinda likes doesn't like her and goes for Elphaba and she gets
furious at the idea and asks the man to marry her so she becomes the queen and ruler of the emerald
city even though he doesn't love her and he gets beheaded because he runs away with the bad witch
but she casts a spell on the prince to stop him from being killed and he turns into the scarecrow in the
Wizard of Oz, - and while we are on the subject - the cowardly lion is created from a lion that was going
to be murdered in a science class and the tin man comes from the sisters servant/ husband as Elphaba
casts a spell on her sister to let her not to be in a wheelchair anymore ( did I forget to mention that her
sister is in a wheelchair up until this point ) so the husband/servant tries to escape so the sister casts a
spell on him to kill him but then gets upset and makes the witch brings him back to life then he runs
The set and surrounding were a big help to the play as it brought to scenes to life instead of just having a
blank screen.
Written by: Tia Tarkhani
As part of our bronze award we made our way to the Apollo Theatre Victoria on 11th February
for that days matinee performance. Having already seen the show I knew what to expect but I
was still excited at the anticipation of seeing it once again and I was not disappointed. The view
from our seats was breathtaking and we could see everything happen as it unfolded on stage.
The scenery was amazing as it showed the school where Elphaba meets Galinda as well as the
famous emerald city. The actress who played Elphaba had an amazing voice and she was by far
my favourite. If this play has taught me anything it is not to judge a book by its cover and never
to believe everything you hear.
I loved the way that they have spun a well known story on its head and told it from somebody
else's perspective and whilst it stays true to the storyline it opens up a different way of seeing it.
There are now quite a few films that have been made using a similar idea as Wicked has such as
"Malificent" and "The Great and Powerful Oz" and it is an idea that I particularly enjoy.
One of my favourite scenes was when Elphaba flew it was truly spectacular and every song is
memorable I still find myself singing them now. I would recommend everyone to go and see
this if they get the opportunity and it is suitable for both young and old.
By Lauren Fearne