Chapter 3 The Rise of Islam Study Guide

Chapter 11 The Renaissance Study Guide
The following information will assist you in preparing for your chapter test. History is a broad topic, and this
study guide will help you focus on the key concepts that will be tested. If you complete, study, and know the
following information, your overall performance on the test should be high. Do your best and ace the test!
Section 11.1
1. The rebirth of classical ideas summarizes what time period?
Section 11.2
2. The Turks’ conquest of the Byzantine Empire caused scholars to flee to Italy. What did these scholars
take with them which contributed to the Renaissance?
3. Where were ancient Latin texts found?
4. What did the discovery of classical writings (Plato and Thucydides) create a desire for?
5. Writings from which two ancient civilizations were important to people during the Renaissance?
6. In what ways are the ideas of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance different?
7. Define vernacular.
8. In what area did Machiavelli have the greatest impact?
9. What similarities can be found in classical and Renaissance statues?
10. Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
11. What did Leonardo da Vinci do to make his art more realistic?
12. By combining art and mathematics, what architect built a dome supported by the walls of the cathedral?
13. How did increased trade improve mapmaking?
14. What scholar believed in the importance of history?
15. What characteristic allowed the common people to read Dante’s Divine Comedy?
16. What movement believed that the purpose of art was not just to glorify God?
Section 11.3
17. Who created the printing press?
18. How is the internet today similar to the printing press during the Renaissance?
19. What was the effect of translating the Bible from Latin to the vernacular?
20. Renaissance ideas were spread from Italy to Northern Europe primarily (mostly) by _______________.
21. List the three main things which helped spread Renaissance ideas.
22. How were Dante and Erasmus’s writings similar?
23. Which artist was well known for making realistic prints?
24. Who wrote Don Quixote?
25. What famous Renaissance writer wrote plays such as Henry the VIII and Romeo and Juliet?