
Affirmative Constructive Speech - 4 min
Attention Getter
Link to Thesis
Thesis Statement
Preview of points
Sign-post Transition
Cross Examination - 1 min (NEG Crosses AFF)
How do guns create safety? You would be
protecting yourself from other people with
guns. Therefore if no one had guns because
of gun control laws, you wouldn’t need one to
protect yourselves from guns too!
Negative Constructive Speech - 4 min
Attention Getter
Letʻs just imagine we were all back in
elementary school. You just finished a lesson
about writing sentences when… your teacher
tells you to hide under your desk. Panicked
you do what she tells you to do, but you know
something is not right. Then a man with a
high functioning form of autism kicks down
your classroom door and shoots your best
friend with his semi-automatic rifle. Can you
image watching your friend die by your side?
Then he turns back around and shoots you.
Now back to the present, this actually
happened except he killed 20 first graders
and six teachers.
Link to Thesis
Since the devastating attack at Sandy Hook,
stricter gun control laws have been trying to
be passed, but they haven’t been passed
because basically people say they don’t want
their second amendment right to be taken
Thesis Statement
Gun control laws are NOT intended and do
NOT remove a persons right to protect
themselves, their family, and property by the
privilege of bearing arms.
Preview of points
Today I will inform you about what the second
amendment is and how gun control laws do
NOT infringe upon our right to bear arms.
Sign-post Transition
Now lets, get started.
-The second amendment says that, “a well
regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people
to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
infringed.” According to the oxford dictionary,
bear means, “of a person; carry” when
speaking of an object. Infringe means to
break the terms of a law. Now with these
definitions in mind, let me enlighten you as to
how gun control laws do not infringe your
right to bear arms.
-First of all, gun control laws were made to
protect you and because of the fear of
criminals getting weapons to commit crimes.
Having gun control laws do not remove your
right, while it may be more difficult to acquire
and bear arms, it does not violate your
constitutional right.
-Citizens may have to go through a harder
process for example in Hawaii you need to
obtain a license, have child access
prevention, register your firearm, cannot have
any “unsafe firearms”, be regulated in your
purchase and storage of ammunition, and
have a license or permit to carry your firearm.
With Hawaiis gun control law you are still able
to have and bear arms. Are you not?
-Overall, gun control laws, though may cause
you to take extra steps in order to fulfill your
desire to keep and bear arms, is for the best.
In the time when the constitution was written
guns like pistols or rifles were used for
hunting or to deter off other people from
committing crimes against you. Nowadays,
there are guns like sniper rifles and automatic
machine guns which are much more lethal
than pistols. These types of guns are NOT
used to deter people, they are used to kill
people, and it is because of these types of
assault weapons that we need gun control
laws nowadays.
Just think if we didn’t have any guns no one
would need guns to protect themselves from
others who have guns! Overall, gun control
laws do not violate or break our constitutional
right from the second amendment. With gun
control laws it doesn’t stop your right to bear
and keep arms all it does is make the process
to keep and bear your arms more difficult so
that we can keep people safer.
Cross Examination - 1 min (AFF crosses NEG)
Affirmative Rebuttal - 2 min
Attack NEG
Review and Reinforce AFF points
Closing Statement
Negative Rebuttal - 2 min
Attack AFF
You said that people who obey laws need to
give up their guns because of gun control
laws. Like I said earlier, gun control laws do
not take away your right to have and bear
arms, all it does is make you go through more
processes like obtaining a license,
background checks, and more .
Review and Reinforce NEG points
According to NBC news, everyday 289
people are shot. Imagine having about 2/3 of
our grade shot in one day. This is why gun
control laws are necessary. They do not
break our second amendment right and are
made to keep all of us safe.
Closing Statement
I just want to reiterate that gun control does
NOT infringe our second amendment right, it
just makes you go through more steps to
ensure or at least try to keep as many people
safe from gun violence as possible. Thank
*1 min prep time
Sanchez, Ray, Chelsea J. Carter in Atlanta, Yon Pomrenze in New York, and The CNN New
York Bureau Staff. "Conn. Police Release Final Report on Newtown School Shooting." CNN.
Cable News Network, 29 Dec. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"Definition of Infringe in English:." Infringe: Definition of Infringe in Oxford Dictionary (American
English) (US). N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"Just the Facts: Gun Violence in America." NBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2014.
"Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence." Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence RSS. N.p., n.d.
Web. 24 Oct. 2014.