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Miss Andreoli’s
Final Exam Review
Frankenstein Final Chapters:
• Monster killed William (rage)
• Requests friend (female in his likeness)
• Victor backs out!
• Henry & Elizabeth murdered; Victor arrested
• Victor freed; father / sheriff intervene
• Victor hunts monster – revenge
• Chases him to ‘ends of the Earth’ – Artic
• Victor’s dying; Monster reappears
• Walton lets Monster go
• Was monster just Victor? Did Walton make it up?
Final Exam Review :
Beowulf Multiple Choice
• Christian Allusions – God = good/protection
• Beserker – bare shirt; fight w/o armour
• Brecca – swimming match; sea monsters
• Flyting – argument with Unferth in verse
• Unferth – brother-slayer; challenger; flyting
• Kenning – compound metaphor; ‘whale-road’
• Ceasura - dramatic pause in line of verse
• Scop – poet (memorized poems)
Final Exam Review :
Beowulf Multiple Choice
• Grendel’s Mother – claims wirgeld
• Dragon – final battle
• Wergild – ‘man-price’
• Wyrd – fate; Epic Hero’s destiny
• Epic Hero – superior; represents culture’s values
• Heroic Tradition – tales of battle/adventure
• Elegiac Tradition – mourns better times
• Grendel – anarcy / evil
Final Exam Review :
Shakespeare Multiple Choice
• Act V: Falling Action:
• Apparitions - tricked
• Soliloquy – ‘Tomorrow, …’ = life’s pointless
• Lady Macbeth’s Death- suicide
• Concluding Mood – apathy; doesn’t care
• Metaphor – life is brief, pointless, ends at some
point, titles mean nothing
Final Exam Review :
Frankenstein Multiple Choice:
• Allusion – reference to person, place, thing or
concept outside of the text itself
• Victor’s Quest – power over death
• Walton’s Quest – fame and glory
• Monster’s Quest – friendship and acceptance
• Tone/Mood – author’s point / feeling conveyed
• Context Clues – helps decipher vocab
Final Exam Review :
Poem Multiple Choice:
• Sonnet - poem of fourteen lines using any of a number
of formal rhyme schemes
• Blank Verse - verse without rhyme, esp. that which uses
iambic pentameter.
• Prose - written or spoken language in its ordinary form,
without metrical structure.
• Octave – group of 8 lines in verse
• Sestet – group of 6 lines in verse
• Onomatopoeia - formation of a word from a sound
associated with what is named
• Apostrophe - exclamatory passage in a speech or
poem addressed to a person
Final Exam Review :
Poem Multiple Choice:
• Imagery - visually descriptive or figurative language
• Consonance - recurrence of similar sounds, esp.
• Anachronism - thing appropriate to a period other than
that in which it exists
• Internal Rhyme - rhyme created by two or more words in
the same line of verse
• Romanticism – genre emphasizing heightened emotion;
individuality; nature
• Assonance - the repetition of the sound of a vowel
• Rhyme Scheme - the ordered pattern of rhymes
Final Exam Review :
Canterbury Tales Multiple Choice:
• Why is Chaucer considered the first political
• What social issues are satirized in The
Pardoner’s Tale and The Wife of Bath’s
• Originally, what group of individuals were
Medieval Romances constructed to
Final Exam Review :
Canterbury Tales Multiple Choice:
• What was City Literature? How did it differ
from Medieval Romance?
• What is exemplum? Why does Chaucer use
this narrative style?
• List examples of situational irony in The
Pardoner’s Tale.
• Define the archetypes that best fit The
Pardoner and The Wife of Bath.
Final Exam Review :
Canterbury Tales Multiple Choice:
• Outline the plot of The Pardoner’s Tale.
• What is the theme/lesson of The Pardoner’s Tale?
• Outline the plot of The Wife of Bath’s Tale.
• What is the theme/lesson of The WOBT?
• Outline the plot of Frederigo’s Falcon.
• What is the theme/lesson of Frederigo’s Falcon?
Final Exam Review :
Vocab Analogy Multiple Choice:
• Merriment
• Sepulchral
• Equitable
• Vapid
• Hiatus
• Epitome
• Ferment
• Umbrage
• Proclivity
Final Exam Review :
Vocab Analogy Multiple Choice:
• Millennium
• Expostulate
• Inveigh
• Invective
• Exhort
• Permeate
• Transcend
• Nominal
Final Exam Review :
Vocab Analogy Multiple Choice:
• Provincial
• Bombastic
• Tenuous
• Lurid
• Callow
• Aplomb
• Lassitude
• Petulant
• Vitriolic
Final Exam Review :
Vocab Analogy Multiple Choice:
• Hackneyed
• Circuitous
• Adventitious
• Intrinsic
• Lassitude
• Ingratiation
• Decadence
• Acculturation
• Sedation
• Decrepitude