CSE182-L7 Protein sequencing and Mass Spectrometry Fa 05 CSE182 Announcements • Midterm 1: Nov 1, in class. • Assignment 2: Online, due October 20. Fa 05 CSE182 Trivia Quiz • What research won the Nobel prize in Chemistry in 2004? • In 2002? Fa 05 CSE182 How are Proteins Sequenced? Mass Spec 101: Fa 05 CSE182 Nobel Citation 2002 Fa 05 CSE182 Nobel Citation, 2002 Fa 05 CSE182 Mass Spectrometry Fa 05 CSE182 Sample Preparation Enzymatic Digestion (Trypsin) + Fractionation Fa 05 CSE182 Single Stage MS Mass Spectrometry LC-MS: 1 MS spectrum / second Fa 05 CSE182 Tandem MS Secondary Fragmentation Ionized parent peptide Fa 05 CSE182 The peptide backbone The peptide backbone breaks to form fragments with characteristic masses. H...-HN-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-…OH N-terminus Ri-1 AA residuei-1 Fa 05 Ri AA residuei CSE182 Ri+1 AA residuei+1 C-terminus Ionization The peptide backbone breaks to form fragments with characteristic masses. H+ H...-HN-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-…OH N-terminus Ri-1 AA residuei-1 Ri AA residuei Ri+1 AA residuei+1 Ionized parent peptide Fa 05 CSE182 C-terminus Fragment ion generation The peptide backbone breaks to form fragments with characteristic masses. H+ H...-HN-CH-CO N-terminus Ri-1 AA residuei-1 NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-…OH Ri AA residuei Ri+1 AA residuei+1 Ionized peptide fragment Fa 05 CSE182 C-terminus Tandem MS for Peptide ID 88 S 1166 145 G 1080 292 F 1022 405 L 875 534 E 762 663 E 633 778 D 504 907 E 389 1020 L 260 1166 K 147 % Intensity 100 [M+2H]2+ 0 250 Fa 05 500 750 m/z CSE182 1000 b ions y ions Peak Assignment 88 S 1166 145 G 1080 292 F 1022 405 L 875 534 E 762 663 E 633 778 D 504 907 E 389 1020 L 260 1166 K 147 b ions y ions y6 100 % Intensity Peak assignment implies Sequence (Residue tag) Reconstruction! [M+2H]2+ y5 b3 y2 y7 y3 b4 y4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 y8 0 250 Fa 05 500 750 m/z CSE182 1000 y9 Database Searching for peptide ID • For every peptide from a database – Generate a hypothetical spectrum – Compute a correlation between observed and experimental spectra – Choose the best • Database searching is very powerful and is the de facto standard for MS. – Sequest, Mascot, and many others Fa 05 CSE182 Spectra: the real story • Noise Peaks • Ions, not prefixes & suffixes • Mass to charge ratio, and not mass – Multiply charged ions • Isotope patterns, not single peaks Fa 05 CSE182 Peptide fragmentation possibilities (ion types) xn-i yn-i vn-i yn-i-1 wn-i zn-i -HN-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-NHRi CH-R’ i+1 ai R” i+1 bi Fa 05 low energy fragments ci di+1 CSE182 bi+1 high energy fragments Ion types, and offsets • • • • • P = prefix residue mass S = Suffix residue mass b-ions = P+1 y-ions = S+19 a-ions = P-27 Fa 05 CSE182 Mass-Charge ratio • The X-axis is (M+Z)/Z – Z=1 implies that peak is at M+1 – Z=2 implies that peak is at (M+2)/2 • M=1000, Z=2, peak position is at 501 – Suppose you see a peak at 501. Is the mass 500, or is it 1000? Fa 05 CSE182 Isotopic peaks • Ex: Consider peptide SAM • Mass = 308.12802 • You should see: 308.13 • Instead, you see 308.13 Fa 05 CSE182 310.13 Isotopes • C-12 is the most common. Suppose C-13 occurs with probability 1% • EX: SAM – Composition: C11 H22 N3 O5 S1 • What is the probability that you will see a single C-13? • 11 10 0.01 (0.99) 1have isotopes. Can you compute the Note that C,S,O,N all isotopic distribution? Fa 05 CSE182 All atoms have isotopes • Isotopes of atoms – O16,18, C-12,13, S32,34…. – Each isotope has a frequency of occurrence • If a molecule (peptide) has a single copy of C-13, that will shift its peak by 1 Da • With multiple copies of a peptide, we have a distribution of intensities over a range of masses (Isotopic profile). • How can you compute the isotopic profile of a peak? Fa 05 CSE182 Isotope Calculation • Denote: – Nc : number of carbon atoms in the peptide – Pc : probability of occurrence of C-13 (~1%) – Then N 0 N Pr[Peak at M] C pc 1 pc C 0 Nc=50 +1 NC 1 NC 1 Pr[Peak at M 1] = pc 1 pc 1 Nc=200 +1 Fa 05 CSE182 Isotope Calculation Example • • • • • • Suppose we consider Nitrogen, and Carbon NN: number of Nitrogen atoms PN: probability of occurrence of N-15 Pr(peak at M) Pr(peak at M+1)? Pr(peak at M+2)? N 0 N N 0 N Pr[Peak at M] C pc 1 pc C N pN 1 pN N 0 0 N 1 N 1N 0 N Pr[Peak at M 1] = C pc 1 pc C N pN 1 pN N 1 0 N 0 N N 1 N 1 C pc 1 pc C N pN 1 pN N 0 1 How do we generalize? How can we handle Oxygen (O-16,18)? Fa 05 CSE182 General isotope computation • Definition: – Let pi,a be the abundance of the isotope with mass i Da above the least mass – Ex: P0,C : abundance of C-12, P2,O: O-18 etc. • Characteristic polynomial (x) a p0,a p1,a x p2,a x in (x) (a binomial convolution) 2 • Prob{M+i}: coefficient of xi Fa 05 CSE182 Na Isotopic Profile Application • • • In DxMS, hydrogen atoms are exchanged with deuterium The rate of exchange indicates how buried the peptide is (in folded state) Consider the observed characteristic polynomial of the isotope profile t1, t2, at various time points. Then t (x) t1(x)( p0, H p1, H )N • • 2 H The estimates of p1,H can be obtained by a deconvolution Such estimates at various time points should give the rate of incorporation of Deuterium, and therefore, the accessibility. Fa 05 CSE182 Quiz • How can you determine the charge on a peptide? Difference between the first and second isotope peak is 1/Z Proposal: Given a mass, predict a composition, and the isotopic profile Do a ‘goodness of fit’ test to isolate the peaks corresponding to the isotope Compute the difference Fa 05 CSE182 Tandem MS summary • The basics of peptide ID using tandem MS is simple. – Correlate experimental with theoretical spectra • In practice, there might be many confounding problems. • A toolkit that resolves some of these problems will be useful. Fa 05 CSE182 MS Quiz: • Why aren’t all tandem MS peaks of the same intensity? • Do the intensities for a peptide vary from spectrum to spectrum? Fa 05 CSE182 De novo interpretation of mass spectra • The so called de novo algorithms focus exclusively on the D module. • There is no database (I/F). • Limited scoring and validation Fa 05 CSE182 Computing possible prefixes • • • • • • We know the parent mass M=401. Consider a mass value 88 Assume that it is a b-ion, or a y-ion If b-ion, it corresponds to a prefix of the peptide with residue mass 88-1 = 87. If y-ion, y=M-P+19. – Therefore the prefix has mass • P=M-y+19= 401-88+19=332 Compute all possible Prefix Residue Masses (PRM) for all ions. Fa 05 CSE182 Putative Prefix Masses • Only a subset of the prefix masses are correct. • The correct mass values form a ladder of aminoacid residues Prefix Mass M=401 88 145 147 276 S 0 Fa 05 b 87 144 146 275 y 332 275 273 144 G E K 87 144 273 401 CSE182 Spectral Graph 87 Fa 05 G 144 • Each prefix residue mass (PRM) corresponds to a node. • Two nodes are connected by an edge if the mass difference is a residue mass. • A path in the graph is a de novo interpretation of the spectrum CSE182 Spectral Graph • • Each peak, when assigned to a prefix/suffix ion type generates a unique prefix residue mass. Spectral graph: – – – Each node u defines a putative prefix residue M(u). (u,v) in E if M(v)-M(u) is the residue mass of an a.a. (tag) or 0. Paths in the spectral graph correspond to a interpretation 0 87 100 S Fa 05 273275 144 146 G 200 332 300 E K CSE182 401 Re-defining de novo interpretation • Find a subset of nodes in spectral graph s.t. – – – – 0, M are included Each peak contributes at most one node (interpretation)(*) Each adjacent pair (when sorted by mass) is connected by an edge (valid residue mass) An appropriate objective function (ex: the number of peaks interpreted) is maximized G 87 0 87 Fa 05 273275 144 146 100 S 144 G 200 332 300 E K CSE182 401 Two problems • Too many nodes. – Only a small fraction are correspond to b/y ions (leading to true PRMs) (learning problem) – Even if the b/y ions were correctly predicted, each peak generates multiple possibilities, only one of which is correct. We need to find a path that uses each peak only once (algorithmic problem). – In general, the forbidden pairs problem is NP-hard 0 87 100 S Fa 05 273275 144 146 G 200 332 300 E K CSE182 401 However,.. • The b,y ions have a special non-interleaving property • Consider pairs (b1,y1), (b2,y2) – If (b1 < b2), then y1 > y2 Fa 05 CSE182 Non-Intersecting Forbidden pairs 0 87 S • • 100 G 200 300 E 332 400 K If we consider only b,y ions, ‘forbidden’ node pairs are non-intersecting, The de novo problem can be solved efficiently using a dynamic programming technique. Fa 05 CSE182 The forbidden pairs method • There may be many paths that avoid forbidden pairs. • We choose a path that maximizes an objective function, – EX: the number of peaks interpreted Fa 05 CSE182 The forbidden pairs method • Sort the PRMs according to increasing mass values. • For each node u, f(u) represents the forbidden pair • Let m(u) denote the mass value of the PRM. 0 87 100 300 200 f(u) u Fa 05 332 CSE182 400 D.P. for forbidden pairs • Consider all pairs u,v – m[u] <= M/2, m[v] >M/2 • Define S(u,v) as the best score of a forbidden pair path from 0>u, v->M • Is it sufficient to compute S(u,v) for all u,v? 0 87 100 300 200 u Fa 05 332 400 v CSE182 D.P. for forbidden pairs • Note that the best interpretation is given by max ((u,v )E ) S(u,v) Fa 05 0 87 100 300 200 u v CSE182 332 400 D.P. for forbidden pairs • Note that we have one of two cases. • Case 1. 1. 2. Either u < f(v) (and f(u) > v) Or, u > f(v) (and f(u) < v) – Extend u, do not touch f(v) S(u,v) max u':(u,u')E ( ) u' f (v) S(u,u') 1 0 u 100 300 200 v Fa 05 CSE182 f(u) 400 The complete algorithm for all u /*increasing mass values from 0 to M/2 */ for all v /*decreasing mass values from M to M/2 */ if (u > f[v]) S[u,v] max (w,u)E S[w,v] 1 else if (u < f[v]) w f (v ) If (u,v)ES[u,v] max (v,w )E S[u,w] 1 /*maxI is the score of the best interpretation */ w f (u) maxI = max {maxI,S[u,v]} Fa 05 CSE182 De Novo: Second issue • Given only b,y ions, a forbidden pairs path will solve the problem. • However, recall that there are MANY other ion types. – – – – Fa 05 Typical length of peptide: 15 Typical # peaks? 50-150? #b/y ions? Most ions are “Other” • a ions, neutral losses, isotopic peaks…. CSE182 De novo: Weighting nodes in Spectrum Graph • Factors determining if the ion is b or y – Intensity – Support ions – Isotopic peaks (InsPecT’) Fa 05 CSE182 De novo: Weighting nodes • A probabilistic network to model support ions (Pepnovo) Fa 05 CSE182 De Novo Interpretation Summary • The main challenge is to separate b/y ions from everything else (weighting nodes), and separating the prefix ions from the suffix ions (Forbidden Pairs). • As always, the abstract idea must be supplemented with many details. – Noise peaks, incomplete fragmentation – In reality, a PRM is first scored on its likelihood of being correct, and the forbidden pair method is applied subsequently. Fa 05 CSE182 Fa 05 CSE182