Review #10

Review #10
The ‘60s
• Betty Friedan
 Feminine Mystique 1961-61
 comment on displeasure of women’s lives,
 why women’s revolution?, “Is this all there is?” cartoon
• Quote
 “Sisterhood 1960-70s is power. The personal is political.”
 when said – before suffrage, late 1960’s, Seneca Falls
• 1960 election
who JFK, Nixon,
effect of TV debates + for JFK,
hallmark of what = TV debates,
1st use of _TV_ in this election
• New Frontier–
 no civil rights
 which areas passed almost nothing
 = Peace Corps
• Alliance for Progress
 = used for (aid to Latin America) Marshall Plan for LA
• Bay of Pigs
 immediate result of? JFK looks weak,
 Berlin Wall – 8/1961
• Cuban Missile Crisis
 10/62– tactic,
 Kennedy’s reaction to Naval blockade on Cuba,
 effects US not to invade Cuba & USSR withdraw missiles
 purpose Org. American States
 Peace in Hemisphere (not much accomplished)
The ‘60s
• ML King and “letters from Birmingham jail
 purpose of? – support Black Panthers, get NAACP to join in, outline
civil disobedience as a form of protest
• César Chavez
 United Farm Workers - farm laborers, civil disobedience
• Who painted picture of Marilyn Monroe, soup cans, etc.?
 = Andy Warhol AP no color – poor ??
• Silent Spring
 anti-pesticides (DDT)
 Rachel Carson – 1st environmental book
• 1960’s Civil Rights legislation
JFK – nothing
Johnson Civil Rights Act 1964 – outlawed Segregation in public facilities
Voting Rights Act 1965
24th Amendment - no poll tax
The ‘60s
• 1960’s Civil Rights leader which pair not correct?
 Malcolm X & Black Muslims, Stokely Carmichael & SNCC Student Nonviolent Committee, Marcus Garvey UNIA & SCLC Southern Christian
Leadership, Huey Newton & Black Panthers
• Johnson and Civil Rights laws
 significant he’s a Southerner & see above
• Great Society – what not a part of
 Social Security Act, Civil Rights Act, Nat’l endowment for Arts & Humanities,
Higher Ed. Act, Medicare, HUD
• What did New Deal & Great Society have in common
 spending for education, funding for arts (WPA – NEA), air pollution
laws, civil rights legislation, both against poll taxes
• Malcolm X
 Black Muslim – violent – claimed MLK naïve–Assassinated 1965
LBJ & Vietnam
• Why was LBJ elected in 1964?
Heir to JKF
Great Politician
Portrayed Goldwater as a War monger
Only sends troops to Vietnam after election (1965) on the Gulf of Tonkin Res.
• Gulf of Tonkin resolution
 August 1964– did send troops, no longer advisors,
 how escalated war? Eventually sends 500,000 troops
• Vietnam War cartoon
2 politicians (1 is LBJ) on a tank labeled Vietnam,
tank is dragging a helmet,
wheels are $$
what does the cartoon mean? Johnson ignoring Congress about the cost of the war – also
cut taxes & must pay for Great Society – Dipped into SS fund
• Which is not true about US in Vietnam
 US occupied NV no,
 US help set up SV government yes,
 US soldiers fought along side SV troops yes
• sit-ins
 purpose of protest war
• What did Tet Offensive prove
 = VC would attack cities,
• Tet did what
 attacked cities on New Year (truce) more than guerilla warfare
 =ended popular support for the war
• Why was 1968 a watershed (followed by change) year?
 Cultural wars, protests, assassinations…
• All happened in 1968 except
assassination of MLK Jr. April,
Tet Offensive Jan,
assassination of R. Kennedy June,
assassination of Malcolm X 1965,
My Lai massacre March,
violent demonstrations at Democratic Party convention August
Pres. Nixon
• Why didn’t LBJ run for reelection in 1968?
 Unpopular due to Vietnam
• Why did Nixon get support in 1968 re: the war
 promised to get out
• Why Nixon have a head start in “68
 Democrats split on war
 RFK killed
 Left with Humphrey??! (Tied to LBJ)
• 1965-69 bulk of war - Americanization v. Vietnamization of war = Gradual
• What did Nixon stop during his administration
 = sending troops to South Vietnam & pulled those there out
• Nixon Doctrine
 No fighting – help with financial aid & supplies
Vietnam & Pres. Nixon
• My Lai
 Village raided in 1968 – Lt. Calley arrested
• Vietnam – why invade Cambodia
 Ho Chi Mihn trail & supply line
 Kent St
• How did U.S. get out of Vietnam quagmire?
 Gradual withdrawal
• How did U.S. involvement in Vietnam end
 gradual phase out of troops, North Vietnam pulled out of South
Vietnam, UN monitored an election, UN created a DMZ, border
split between S and N Vietnam
• Which president got us out of Vietnam?
 Nixon
Pres. Nixon
• War Powers Act
 response to
 restricts powers of Pres to send troops (60 days)
• Détente
 Nixon’s easing of tensions with China
• New Federalism Revenue Sharing was?
 Nixon (later Reagan) plan to turn powers back to the states
• Watergate
 Nixon’s demise
 CREEP caught breaking in Dem HQ–with Nixon’s OK
• Nixon–why impeachment charges
 = obstruction of justice,
 contempt of Congress,
 Misuse of Federal Agencies
The ‘70s
• 1970s women gained rights through all the following except –
 Ms. Career woman magazine, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) awareness to
issues, Roe. V. Wade Right of an abortion
 Roe is the only one that gives women rights
 Ms. raised awareness
 ERA never passed
• Roe v. Wade and _????_ - had what in common (no one knows but
the important thing is Roe v. Wade deals with privacy.
 =both privacy life liberty, happiness…
 clause of the 14th Amendment- (clause protects personal liberty)
 9th amendment also is mentioned - (anything not granted to the Fed. Gov. is a
personal right)
• All in the Family
 showed racism, sexuality, feminism, real teenager issues
 Archie, Edith, Gloria, Meathead – Black & Puerto Rican neighbors…
• Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy
 SALT II, Camp David Accords, Iran, Panama Canal
 back to Panama by 1999 – “Stole it fair & square
• Camp David Accords did what?
 = settled open violence/aggression between Israel and Egypt
 recognized right of other to exist
• What did Soviets do during Carter’s admin.
 = invade Afghanistan
• Carter’s domestic policy started a trend toward
 regulation of industry, deregulation of industry, humanitarian reform
• Worst aspect of Carter’s administration
 Outsider, incompetent Admin., no agenda
 Iran Hostage
• Declining US esteem in foreign affairs reached a nadir (low) with
 Boycott of Moscow Olympics, Iran Hostage Crisis, end of war in Afghanistan
• Who was the human rights president?
 Carter
• Why did Carter freeze Iranian assets in the U.S.
 = b/c of hostages
‘80s – Modern
What Carter & Reagan had in common
Goal of Reagan administration
Washington outsiders, Alzheimer’s, both Republicans, both divorced, supervising elections
= lower taxes to stimulate economy
Reaganomics (trickle down economics, voodoo economics)
did stimulate economy,
was (lowering of taxes)
Iran-Contra scandal
Since end of Cold War, US’s population growing with people from what 2 groups
was sold weapons to Iran sending $$ to Contras in Nicaragua – Pres knew little ,
effect? Reagan abused power to overthrow Gov’t – Nixon again?? Later sends CIA not troops for Gov’t overthrow
= Latin Americans & Asians
Bill Clinton – why impeached
= Perjury
Election of 2000
– George W. Bush
Iraq War
Barack Obama
__1___Berlin Wall built __1961______
__2___Berlin Wall comes down __1989_____
__3___break up of USSR ____1991______
__4___Desert Storm __1991____
__4__Neil Armstrong lands on moon __1969____
__3___1st Watts riots ___1965______
__2___Gulf of Tonkin Resolution __1964_________
__1___John F. Kennedy assassinated___1963_____
__3___Robert Kennedy assassinated ___6/1968____
__4___Kent State Univ. shooting ___1970______
__2___Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated __4/1968____
__1___Malcolm X assassinated __2/1965__
__3___Nixon resigns from presidency __1974___
__1___Nixon visits China__1972_____
__2___Nixon visits Russia__1972__
__4___Saigon taken by N. Vietnamese __1975___
__5___ Civil War
__11___ Desert Storm __1991_____
__1___ French & Indian War ___1754-1763_____
__9___ Korean War __1950-1953_____
__4___ Mexican War ____1846-1848____
__2___ Revolutionary War____1776-1783__
__6___ Spanish-American War __1898__
__10___Vietnam War
__3___ War of 1812
__7___ World War I
__8___ World War II
• put an * next to those wars with overwhelming U.S.
support of the war