Why did the Bald Eagle Almost Become Extinct Glassman, S. J., & Sterling, D. R. (January 01, 2012). Why Did the Bald Eagle Almost Become Extinct? A Guided Inquiry Activity to Investigate Humans' Impact on the Environment. Science Scope, 35, 7, 5661. Day 1 Warm-up: 10 minutes Create a food web for the Bald Eagle using this information. Use the “Construct the Bald Eagle’s Food Chain” Handout, scissors, glue stick, and notebook paper. Briefly go over the food webs and review the concept with the students. http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/eagle/F oodChainDrawings.html Bald Eagle Breeding Pairs - 1963 to 2006 Data Table Year Number of Pairs 2006 2005 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1984 1981 1974 1963 9789 7066 6471 6404 5748 5295 5094 4712 4449 4015 3749 3399 3035 2680 2475 2238 1875 1757 1188 791 487 Day 1: Create a Graph Examine the data table. What observation can you make? How could we make this data more user friendly? Graph Self Assessment Rubric Criteria Novice (1) Developing (2) Labels: X axis Y axis Title Student did not Student labeled use any labels title but did not on graph label both axes. Standard (3) Student accurately and clearly labeled title and one axis or both axis labeled but no title Data 1/4 or fewer 1/2 of data 3/4 of data Points data points are points are points are accurately accurately accurately plotted. plotted. plotted. Intervals None Expected Student does not Student accurately use accurately uses intervals on intervals on one either axis. axis. Exemplary (4) Student accurately and clearly labeled title and variable on horizontal and vertical axis. All data points are accurately plotted. Student accurately uses intervals on both axes. Day 2: Introduce the Activity You are sitting in groups of 4. Each group member has a specific job to do during this activity. 1. Leader: Leads group discussion 2. Recorder: Records relevant data and questions on a Cause & Effect T-chart 3. Reporter: Asks question after analyzing data 4. Materials Manager: Gets and returns materials correctly to the teacher at the end of class Names: Draw the following data table on a piece of paper. Cause 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Effect Procedure for Each Piece of Evidence Each group will see one piece of evidence to help you answer a specific question. Your group will have 3 minutes to analyze the data and formulate a yes or no question to ask the teacher. If your group cannot agree on the question in the amount of time, your group loses its turn. After you receive all 7 pieces of evidence you will be able to adequately answer the question and support your answer with evidence. Any questions??? Evidence 1 : Picture 3 minutes Examine the evidence. Formulate a yes or no question. Ask the teacher. Listen to each group, record data. Evidence 2: Graph Evidence 3: Silent Spring Passage In the book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson describes how people throughout the country observed fewer baby bald eagles in the 1950s and late 1940s compared to the 1930s and early 1940s. She describes these two specific examples in her book: “Observations at Hawk Mountain are in line with findings elsewhere. One such report comes from Elton Fawks, an official of the Natural Resources Council of Illinois. In 1958 Mr. Fawks reported that a recent count of 59 eagles had included only one immature bird. Similar indications of the dying out of the race come from the world’s only sanctuary for eagles alone, Mount Johnson Island in the Susquehanna River…Since 1934 its single eagle nest has been under observation by Professor Herbert H. Beck…Between 1935 and 1947 use of the nest was regular and uniformly successful. Since 1947, although the adults have occupied the nest and there is evidence of egg laying, no young eagles have been produced” (Carson 1962, p. 120). Evidence 4: DDT Timeline DDT Timeline DDT was introduced as a pesticide in 1947. DDT was banned from use in the United States in 1972. Evidence 5: Surface-Runoff Diagram Evidence 6: Energy Pyramid Evidence 7: Bird-Egg Model Please put on your safety goggles before examining this sample. The eggs are very fragile. Please be careful. Record your observations. Time to Decide You have seen all seven pieces of evidence. Discuss the evidence with your group. Then, as a group answer the question, “Why did the bald eagle almost go extinct?” Be prepared to defend your answer. Why did the bald eagle almost become extinct? Brief Discussion Look at the rubric on the next slide to understand how your paragraphs will be assessed. Homework: Write a summary paragraph explaining why the bald eagle almost became extinct. Use at least 4 of the 7 pieces of evidence to support your hypothesis. We will share the paragraphs in class tomorrow. Assessment Rubric Basic understanding 1. DDT caused the bald eagle to almost become extinct. 2. Bald eagles eat fish. 3. DDT was in the fish that bald eagles ate. Additional details 4. DDT was a pesticide sprayed on crops. 5. DDT was in the fish because fish ate smaller fish, which ate producers. 6. Surface-water runoff carried DDT from crops to rivers and lakes. 7. DDT caused the eagles to make soft shells. 8. When the eagles sat on the eggs, the eggs broke. 9. Accurate food chain included showing producers/aquatic plants, fish, and eagles. 10. Mechanics, grammar, and clarity Yes Partial No