Robert Andrews Millikan… Performed oil drop experiment to find the

1. Robert Andrews Millikan…
A. Performed oil drop experiment to find the charge of electrons
B. Performed oil spray experiment to discover the electron
C. Performed oil spray experiment to discover the neutron
D. Performed oil drop experiment to find the charge of neutrons
2. J. J. Thompson created the ____________ atomic model, consisting of ________ spots in a large blob of
________ matter.
A. Banana Bread; Banana; Dough
B. Plum Tree; Positive; Neutral
C. Plum Pudding; Neutral; Negative
D. Plum Pudding; Negative; Positive
E. Plum Pudding; Positive; Negative
3. For electrons to jump between energy levels, they must…
A. Ask the other electrons nicely for permission
B. Absorb a specific amount of quantum
C. Absorb a specific amount of heat energy
D. Absorb a specific amount of dark matter
E. Absorb a specific amount of inertia
4. In an Argon atom, the atom consisted mostly of…
A. FULL electron shells
B. 3 FULL electron shells with 2 valence electrons
C. Protons and Neutrons
D. Air
E. None of the above
5. Esther gave Samuel a Rutherford-Bohr drawing of an atom as a birthday present for his 14th birthday. Since
it was his fourteenth birthday, she decided to draw an element with 14 neutrons. She said that the
element was quite ductile. What element did Esther draw?
A. Aluminum
B. Silicon
C. Both A and B are correct
D. None are correct; we need more information
6. Non-Metals can be found in
A. Group 1
B. Period 18
C. Group 2
D. Group 17
7. Shreya is thinking of an element with five valence electrons and two full shells. The element is in...
A. Group 3 Period 5
B. Group 2 Period 6
C. Group 5 Period 3
D. Group 2 Period 6
8. In an atom, the negative electrons do not get attracted to the positive protons because of...
A. Bohr’s Law
B. Chadwick’s Law
C. Gravitational force
D. Electromagnetism
E. Henry’s Law
F. Strong force
G. Friction
9. To create salt water you need...
A. Sodium, 2 Oxygen, and Hydrogen
B. Sodium, Water
C. Sodium, 2 Hydrogen, and Oxygen
D. None of the above
10. Isotopes are alternate forms of an atom with the same amount of _______ but different amount of
________, and ions are alternate forms of an atom with ____________________________.
A. Protons; Electrons; The same amount of electrons but different amount of protons
B. Neutrons; Protons; A positive or negative net electric charge
C. Protons; Neutrons; A positive or negative net electric charge
D. Electrons; Protons; The same amount of electrons but different amount of protons
11. Alkaline-Earth Metals...
A. Can be found in the earth
B. Are alkaline (basic)
C. Are acidic
D. Are metals
12. Mr. Fong loves fluorine! Srushti and Srishti want to give him a gift of pure fluorine in a glass tube, but Luka
says they are crazy. Why?
A. Fluorine is acidic, and will eat through the glass
B. He already has enough fluorine from his toothpaste
C. Fluorine is highly reactive was oxygen, and must be properly stored in oil
D. None of the above
13. Helium has __ valence electrons
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
14. How should I find the mass number of an atom if I only know its Atomic Number and Atomic Mass?
A. Consult a credible resource
B. Round the atomic mass down to the nearest one
C. Round the atomic mass up to the nearest one
D. Subtract the Atomic Number from the Atomic Mass
15. A magician removes a tiny lump of pure sodium from a sealed jar and throws it in the air. The audience
hears a deafening bang. What happened?
A. The sodium reacted with air to form sodium hydroxide
B. The sodium reacted with air to form sodium oxide
C. The sodium clattered on the ground and broke into sixteen small pieces
D. A robber fired a gun
16. Shivam is having an argument with Sara. Shivam says that since chlorine has more protons, electrons, and
neutrons, it is larger than lithium. Why is Shivam incorrect?
17. Explain the relationship between the atomic structure of an element and the position of the element in
the periodic table.
18. Christine is very weak, and her doctor says she has potassium insufficiencies, and prescribes a solution of
natural potassium and natural water for her to drink twice daily. Why shouldn’t Christine listen to her
19. What are four properties of noble gasses?
20. How should Alkali Metals be handled?
21. BONUS (5 points): I have one electron, proton, and neutron. What am I?
Answer Key
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. E
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. F
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. In lithium, there is an decreased attraction between the valence electrons and the protons in the
nucleus, and the pulling force is weaker, which makes the atom larger and less dense.
17. Atoms are placed in groups based on their number of valence electrons, and are placed in periods
based on their number of electron shells.
18. Pure potassium is an alkali metal, and is highly reactive with water, forming hydrogen gas and
potassium oxide, which is toxic.
19. Inert gasses, have filled electron shells, are colourless, are tasteless.
20. They should be stored in oil to prevent contact with oxygen and water.
21. BONUS: Hydrogen-two isotope (deuterium)