Advocacy, Education and Policy Organizations

Family Therapy
The Lighthouse for
Recovery Ministries
140 58th St N,
Birmingham, AL 35212
Visit on Facebook.
The words that have yet been spoken
the things I need to say.
To voice what's within my heart
I just can't find a way.
I've fought with my emotions
I've held them deep inside.
I didn't want to face what for so long
you've tried to hide.
I've been lost within the dark
for so long I've seen no light.
Holding on to the memory
of a time when things were right.
I've looked upon your face
and seen the sadness in your eyes.
The battle of addiction
you no longer can disguise.
Advocacy, Education
and Policy
12-Step Programs
Support Groups and
Resources for Family
and Friends
When your child, spouse,
or loved one is struggling
with addiction, it can
overwhelm your family’s
strength and hope.
Friends and family
members of addicts often
feel confused, frustrated,
angry and helpless.
I've prayed to find the answers
of what I myself must do.
And I've prayed for the strength to fight
through the hell that I go through.
I've held on for so long
but I can no longer watch you die.
I cannot fight this for you
but Lord knows how I've tried.
It's just so hard to watch the ones you love
slowly slip away.
That's why I just blocked it out
and held on to yesterday.
I don't have all the answers
or the power to save your soul.
You’re broken, lost and lonely
and I cannot make you whole.
This fight is yours and yours alone
no matter what I do.
For I cannot save you
the only one who can
is you.
Written for families with addicts - 2011
Pamela D Wray Biron
Resource Guide
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Professional Organizations
Addiction Studies Program for Journalists
A program co-sponsored by North Carolina’s Wake Forest University School of Medicine that conducts
special workshops and lectures for journalists interested in learning more about alcohol and addiction.
“Never be afraid to do
what's right, especially if the
well-being of a person or
animal is at stake. Society's
punishments are small
compared to the wounds we
inflict on our soul when we
look the other way.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
An international membership organization that provides information and resources for psychiatrists
specializing in addiction.
American Bar Association – Standing Committee on Substance Abuse
A committee of America’s preeminent legal organization that addresses legal and policy issues involving
alcohol and drug addiction.
American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
A professional society representing close to 3,000 physicians dedicated to increasing access and improving
quality of addiction treatment, educating physicians and the public, supporting research and prevention,
and promoting the appropriate role of physicians in the care of patients with addictions.
Association for Medical Education and Research (AMERSA)
An organization that focuses on the education and training of doctors, nurses, and medical professionals
on substance abuse care.
International Council on Alcohol and Addiction
A nonprofit organization bringing together national bodies and a wide range of addiction professionals to
exchange knowledge, ideas, advice, guidance, expertise, and research about recent addiction advances.
National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)
A professional organization designed for addiction care specialists that provides resources and information
for people who work in the addiction field.
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)
An organization that provides news and policy updates and promotes research-based treatment on behalf
of nonprofit and private treatment providers.
National Association of Lesbian and Gay Addiction Professionals (NALGAP)
A membership organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of alcoholism, substance abuse, and
other addictions in LGBT communities.
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD)
A nonprofit organization that supports the development of effective alcohol and other drug abuse
prevention and treatment programs.
National Black Alcoholism and Addictions Council (NBAC)
A nonprofit organization that represents a cross-section of the larger black community, including
professionals and businesspeople, and promotes the prevention of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs.
Physician and Lawyers for National Drug Policy
A national group of physicians and lawyers promoting rational drugs policy and providing research and
advocacy resources.
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Resource Guide
Government Organizations
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
An agency overseen by the US Department of the Treasury that enforces the federal laws and regulations relating to
alcohol and tobacco products.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
A source of facts and federal statistics on drug-related crime and incarceration.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
A federal agency dedicated to protecting health that develops programs promoting disease prevention, environmental
health, and educational activities.
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
An agency run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that provides leadership in the
federal effort to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug problems.
College Drinking Prevention
A government-supported program that provides strategies and solutions to prevent the harmful consequences of
college binge drinking.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
A site run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration listing federal resources and prevention
materials on alcohol and other drugs.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
A federal agency run by the US Department of Transportation, that maintains statistics on DWI and DUI.
“Every addiction arises from
an unconscious refusal to
face and move through your
own pain. Every addiction
starts with pain and ends
with pain. Whatever the
substance you are addicted
to - alcohol, food, legal or
illegal drugs, or a person you are using something or
somebody to cover up your
Eckhart Tolle
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
A component of the National Institutes of Health that supports and conducts research on the causes, consequences,
treatment, and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
A federal agency that conducts and supports research, administers policy, and disseminates data on drug dependence.
National Alcohol and Drug Recovery Month
An annual event run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to promote substance abuse
treatment and recovery.
Office of National Drug Control Policy
A component of the Executive Office of the President that features White House drug policy initiatives, programs,
resources and press releases.
Safe & Drug Free Schools Program
A federal program to reduce drug, alcohol and tobacco use, and violence, in schools, through education and prevention
Life is a series of baby steps
along the way and if you add
up these tiny little steps you
take toward your goal,
whatever it is, whether it's
giving up something, a
terrible addiction or trying to
work your way through an
illness. When you total up
those baby steps you'd be
amazed over the course of 10
years, the strides you've
Hoda Koth
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator
A searchable directory of drug and alcohol treatment programs around the country, provided by the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration, that locates nearby treatment
Too Smart to Start
An awareness initiative from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that provides
information and materials on underage drinking.
US Food and Drug Administration Drugs Information
Consumer information on prescription drugs, side effects, safety concerns, drug recalls and medication health fraud.
Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace
A component of the US Department of Labor that provides information about addiction to alcohol and other drugs, the
cost to the workplace and strategies to establish an alcohol- and drug-free workplace.
Secrecy, once accepted,
becomes an addiction.
Edward Teller
Resource Guide
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Advocacy, Education and Policy Organizations
Advocates for the Integration of Recovery and Methadone (AFIRM)
A consumer organization that endorses methadone as an effective tool of recovery that can be enhanced
through the integration of other treatment approaches.
“I have absolutely no
pleasure in the stimulants in
which I sometimes so madly
indulge. It has not been in
the pursuit of pleasure that I
have periled life and
reputation and reason. It has
been the desperate attempt to
escape from torturing
memories, from a sense of
insupportable loneliness and
a dread of some strange
impending doom.”
Edgar Allen Poe
American Council for Drug Education
A subsidiary organization of Phoenix House that develops programs and materials based on recent scientific
research advances.
A new PATH (Parents for Addiction Treatment and Healing)
A New PATH works to reduce the stigma associated with addictive illness through education and
compassionate support and to advocate for therapeutic rather than punitive drug policies. PATH's current
nationwide campaign is "Moms United To End The War On Drugs."
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
A nonprofit education and advocacy organization that partly focuses on reducing the damage caused by the
overconsumption of alcoholic beverages.
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
A national prevention organization that trains local anti-drug coalitions to assess and tackle drug problems
in their communities.
Do It Now Foundation
A non-profit publisher of alcohol, substance abuse, and health information, targeting audiences including
middle school, high school and college students.
Drug Policy Alliance
An anti-drug war group that promotes drug policies “based on science, compassion, health, and human
Drug Scope
An independent UK center on drugs and drug use, whose controversial studies on practices and government
policies frequently trigger a maelstrom of heated debate.
Drug Strategies
An organization that supports private and public efforts to reduce demand for drugs through prevention,
education, treatment, law enforcement and community initiatives.
Entertainment Industries Council (EIC)
A nonprofit organization that encourages the entertainment industry to accurately and unsensationally depict
the major public health and social issues surrounding drugs and alcohol.
A watershed is:
A defining moment of
insight and clarity where
healing begins and lives are
Faces & Voices of Recovery
A national nonprofit organization working to mobilize, organize and rally Americans in a campaign to end
discrimination, broaden understanding and achieve a just response to addiction.
Fighting Back
A partnership of businesses, communities and government agencies working together to fight substance
abuse in their communities.
Harm Reduction Coalition
A national advocacy group that promotes programs to tackle adverse effects of drug abuse, such as
overdose, HIV, hepatitis C, addiction, and incarceration.
Join Together
A Boston University School of Health project supporting effective drug and alcohol policy and providing
information on current policy and legislative issues, political advocacy, and a large online database and
documents library.
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Resource Guide
Advocacy, Education and Policy Organizations (cont)
Legal Action Center
An organization that fights discrimination against people with histories of addiction, by providing legal
services, policy advocacy, research, and training.
Marin Institute
An alcohol industry watchdog that disseminates and collates information on alcohol use, problems, and
Medical Assisted Treatment
A site aiming to raise awareness and acceptance of methadone treatment for substance abuse.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA)
An organization advocating for children and families affected by alcoholism and other drug dependencies.
National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery (NAMA Recovery)
An organization of methadone patients, healthcare professionals and their allies, that supports opiate agonist
National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP)
An organization that promotes the establishment and funding of special drug courts for drug offenders.
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD)
A nonprofit organization that supports the development of effective alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and treatment
National Association on Alcohol, Drugs, and Disability (NAADD)
An organization that promotes awareness and education on addiction among people with co-existing disabilities and works
to improve access to services, information, and education.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD)
A voluntary health organization that fights the stigma and disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions.
National Families in Action
A family prevention organization focused on opposition to the legalization of marijuana.
National Inhalant Prevention Coalition (NIPC)
A public-private effort to promote awareness and recognition of the problem of inhalant use.
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
A nonprofit coalition of scientists, communications professionals and parenting experts seeking to reduce
demand for drugs through anti-drug advertising and other forms of media communication.
Partnership for Recovery
An advocacy group formed by the Betty Ford Center, Hazelden Foundation, Valley Hope Association and
Caron Foundation to promote the value of treatment to policy makers and the public.
Stop the Drug War
A national organization that advocates for drug legalization and provides drugs news and views.
Treatment Improvement Exchange
A web center that offers information and resources for advocacy groups and alcohol and drug addiction
How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly
changing the world! How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their
contribution toward introducing justice straightaway... And you can always, always
give something, even if it is only kindness!"
Anne Frank
Resource Guide
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12-Step Programs
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
The world's leading 12-step fellowship, designed to help people overcome drinking problems.
Cocaine Anonymous
A program to help people recover from cocaine addiction.
Co-Dependents Anonymous
A program that helps people with codependency problems to learn to form healthier relationships.
I spent a lifetime in hell and it
only took twelve steps to get
to heaven.
Crystal Meth Anonymous
A program to help people recover from crystal meth addiction.
Debtors Anonymous
A program to help people recover from compulsive spending and debt problems.
Dual Recovery Anonymous
An organization for people with a dual diagnosis of chemical dependence and an emotional or psychiatric
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
A program for people who suffer from overeating, under eating, bulimia, or obsession with food or body
Gamblers Anonymous
A program to help people recover from addiction to gambling.
Marijuana Anonymous
A program to help people recover from marijuana addiction.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
An international association of recovering drug addicts.
The first step in overcoming
Mistakes is to admit to them.
Native American Indian General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous (NAIGSO-AA)
A 12 step fellowship aimed specifically at Native American Indians. The service also offers an inmate
correspondence program that connects with Native American alcoholics who are incarcerated.
Nicotine Anonymous
A program offering support to people trying to quit smoking.
Overeaters Anonymous
A program helping people to overcome the problem of compulsive overeating.
Sexaholics Anonymous
A program helping people to achieve sexual sobriety.
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
A program helping people with sex and love addictions.
Shopaholics Anonymous
A program helping people with compulsive shopping addictions.
The moment you think about giving up,
Think of the reason you held on so long.
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Resource Guide
Support Groups and Resources for Family and Friends
Adult Children of Alcoholics
A 12-step program for women and men who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.
Al-Anon / Alateen
A 12-step program for friends and families of problem drinkers.
Children of Alcoholics Foundation
A nonprofit organization that provides educational materials and services to help professionals, children, and adults dealing
with parental addiction.
Families Anonymous
A 12-step program for the families and friends of people with addiction.
In The Rooms
A support group for addicts and their friends and family alike. www.intherooms,com
Nar-Anon Family Groups
A 12-step program to help relatives and friends recover from the effects of living with an addict.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA)
An organization advocating for children and families affected by alcoholism and other drug dependencies.
The Partnership at
Helping parents prevent, intervene and find treatment for their children using science and communications based resources.
Road Recovery
Helps young people battle addiction (and other adversities) via entertainment industry professionals who have confronted
similar crises and now wish to collaborate with young people to create and present live-concert events.
SuboXone TalkZone
A place for addicts and those who love them to discuss addiction, particularly addiction to opiates (pain pills).
Treatment Talk
A site created by a concerned parent that is focused on sharing and support for addiction, recovery and treatment.
A 12-step fellowship for friends and families of problem drinkers.
Children of Alcoholics Foundation
A nonprofit organization that provides educational materials and services to help professionals, children, and adults dealing
with parental addiction.
Do It Now Foundation
A non-profit publisher of alcohol, substance abuse, and health information, targeting audiences including middle school, high
school and college students.
Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free
A foundation led by current and former Governors’ spouses that campaigns to curtail alcohol use by children aged 9-15 and
provides alcohol-related information and resources for parents, community leaders, and researchers.
Association of Recovery Schools
A national group of recovery high schools and college dorms designed to help addicted students to achieve success in both
education and recovery.
National Family Partnership
An organization that provides information and materials for communities to promote youth alcohol and drug prevention efforts.
The Lighthouse for
Recovery Ministries
140 58th St., N
Birmingham, AL 35212
(205) 834-6272
Pamela D. Wray Biron
Executive Director/Founder
Nominee, "2014 White House
Champion of Change for
Expanding Reentry Employment
Winner, "Outstanding Woman in
the Community", UAB Womens
Center, 2014”.
Future Dates for
September 13, 2014
January 10, 2015
May 9, 2015
September 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
UAB Campus in Birmingham, Al
Campbell Hall
Room 405
Winner, "2013 Best Social
Services", Birmingham, AL.
2013 Presidential "Citizen's
Award" nominee.
"Make a Difference" award,
February 2011, Alabama 13 and
America's First Federal Credit
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
One of the missions of The Lighthouse for Recovery Ministries is to provide
addicts and families and social service personnel with support and education on
the disease of addiction, cross addiction and the impact on the family. Our
addiction and substance abuse family therapy program is designed to assess your
family’s needs, educate you about chemical dependence and offers ongoing
family support during and/or after the patient’s addiction treatment.
The disease of addiction has significant physical, emotional and social
consequences for the individual seeking addiction treatment and for the family
and significant others who have been impacted by the disease. We view family
as an essential component of a patient’s ongoing recovery program and seek to
involve family members in the addiction treatment and recovery process.
The Addiction Family Therapy Workshop is designed to assist members of a
family in establishing a supportive and healthy recovery environment by
encouraging members to be authentic, communicate, utilize boundaries, and
function in a healthy fashion.
During this workshop, family members will learn how codependent behaviors,
trauma, mood disorders and/or addictions can impact a family system. Family
members will develop tools to successfully enhance recovery and a relational
family system. Our primary goal is to help members bridge the gaps that have
plagued the family system.