English 1301 Freshmen Composition 8w Spring

English 1301 Freshmen Composition
Houston Community College
Central Campus—Spring 2015
Professor S. Davis, Chair, English and Humanities Office: San Jacinto Building Suite 215
Phone: 713-718-6671 Main Office
Note: This is not the Bible; it is subject to change.
The Norton Reader, 13th Edition
The Little Seagall
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald (Library will provide)
College level dictionary/thesaurus
Tablet or folder for journal entries and/or notes
Blue Examination book
Course Description: A course devoted to improving the student’s writing and critical thinking
and reading. Writing essays for a variety of purposes from personal to academic, and the use of
sources. Core Curriculum course. Prerequisite: a satisfactory assessment score, completion of
English 0310, or (for non-native speakers) English 0349. 3 Credits earned
Requirements for English 1301
Students will write at least 5000 words, to include both in-class (graded and non-graded) writing
and out-of-class essays (using writing process and organizing assignments as appropriate to
topic, purpose, audience, etc.) Always keep all parts of the writing process for each assignment;
failure to produce them may result in a failing grade for the assignment. Keep major
assignments. Students must write satisfactory in-class assignments to pass this course.
Students must attend class regularly, are responsible for materials covered during their
absences, and must consult with instructor for make -up assignments, given at instructor’s
discretion. (Note: not all assignments may be made up after the class in which they were due.) A
student may be dropped from classes for excessive absences. (Six hours, not classes) It is the
student’s responsibility to drop his or herself own or before the official due date _____. If not,
the professor must issue grade of FX. Let’s communicate to avoid unnecessary situations.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
In order to complete English 1301 successfully, you will
Demonstrate knowledge of writing as a process
Apply basic principles of critical thinking in analyzing reading sections, developing
expository essays, and writing argumentative essays
Analyze elements such as Purpose, Audience, Tone, Style, Strategy in essays and/or
literature by professional writers
Write essays in appropriate academic writing style using varied rhetorical strategies
Synthesize concepts from and use references to assigned readings in their own
academic writing
Class Policies and Procedures
Attendance and participation are central to your success. You are to take responsibility
of your own learning.
Students are expected to complete and submit all assignments when due. Assignments
are always discussed. In addition to the detailed instructions from the professor, you are
encouraged to take notes, ask questions, and keep up with the due dates of the writing
process since there is a penalty for late submissions (I do not accept late assignments).
Students who plagiarize, collude, or cheat may face disciplinary action ranging from F on
the assignment to F for the course or dismissal from the college (see student handbook).
Students may not use cell phones, recorders, or any electronic device during class
without permission from the instructor. If your phone is on vibrate and you have to take
call, please leave and go outside the classroom and handle your business. It is very
disruptive to talk on phone in class. Students using cellular devices and laptops/tablets
for Facebook, InstaGram, etc. are automatically dismissed from that session (class). Do
realize, when you’re not in class, you are absent.
I do not accept emailed papers; bring them to class, not in the hall, nor my office,
unless discussed with me.
All out -of -class Assignments are to be typed in MLA format
ADA Statement: “Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric,
vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the
Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Faculty are
authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services
Week One
January 20 and 22
Introduction to Class; Diagnostic Essay
Week Two
January 27 and 29
Understanding the essay; Librarians to bring The Great Gatsby to class; start reading
Week Three
February 3 and 5
Readings from text: Human Nature: “Being a Man,” Paul Theroux; “Looking at Women,”
Scott Russell Sanders; “What is a Homosexual.” Andrew Sullivan; Discuss and get in-class
reading responses
Week Four
February 10 and 12
Get Major Assignment #1; Cultural Critique Readings: “Is America Falling Apart”; Black
Men and Public Space” ; Get a Knife, Get a Dog, but Get Rid of Guns”; Discuss and get
reading responses; Major Assignment # 1 Due
Week Five
February 17 and 19
Get Major Assignment #2; Midterm (In-class) Essay (Major Assignment #3)
Week Six
February 24 and 26
Discussing The Great Gatsby; In-class responses; See Movie G
Week Seven
March 3 and 5
See The Great Gatsby; Get Major Assignment (Final Xs 2)
Week Eight
March 10 and 12
Turn in Final