04b Missionary Call

Is Life Just a Game To See Who
We should look at life with a
strategy to accomplish a purpose
bigger than ourselves
Why should I go to the world?
• What is the “missionary call”?
– A sense of divine call is NOT necessary to
witness beyond any national border
– The vision at Troas, “Macedonian Call”, is NOT
his missionary call, nor is it or was it normative
– Any “call” to missionary service is NOT
associated with a definite field at home or
• Kane suggests dropping the idea of “call”
and speak of guidance
• Thousands of youth WAIT IN VAIN for a call
experience, then dismiss the possibility of
serving the Lord somewhere in the world 2
Biblical Doctrine of “calling”
• A comprehensive term encompassing all areas
of our salvation
– Paul referred to his call to apostleship (Rom 1:1; 1
Cor 1:1)
• Two passages could refer to a call to ministry:
– Acts 13:2, “for the work to which I have called them.”
• Paul called at his conversion to be apostle to Gentiles
(Acts 9:16; 22:21; 26:16-18)
• Not a separate call to missionary service—never a
separate distinction—merely a new dimension to their
– Acts 16:10, “concluding that God had called them to
preach the gospel to them”
• This “call” was on their SECOND MISSIONARY
• Just a process to move evangelists into new territory
More on “call”
• God may use a variety of means to provide
guidance, conviction, burden, etc.
• The “callings” of God are unchangeable. NIV
Rom 11:29 “for God's gifts and his call are
• No requirement for a “call” in any biblical
• Could this refer to a call to a geographic
– Most missionaries do not end up in the country
that first caught their attention
– Best missionaries spend extended time in
pastorate before going as a missionary
– Many serve a number of terms overseas
returning “home” to a fruitful ministry
– Often the choice of a mission board is more
important than a field
Term “Missionary”
• English derivative from Latin word, misio.
• Comes from the Latin Vulgate for “apostle”
• No one is now called to be an apostle
(can’t fulfill the requirements of Acts 1–
Although Apostolic Renewal Movement)
• The contemporary usage means a “sent
one” from the etymology of “apostle”, but
meaning often does not come from the root
meaning, rather from Biblical usage
• We have virtually created a distinct office in
the church for a missionary, which does not
exist in the Bible
• God is continually constituting or placing
gifted men in the church as evangelists,
pastors and teachers all over the world
Mandate to the Corporate Church
Marginalized or Ignored
Why are the laborers still so few? Mat 9:3738, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers
are few.”
• Prayerlessness and apathy
• Confusion about “call” produces
• Emphasis on “greatness”, “bigness”,
“success” and “benefits” discourage getting
out of the limelight – Some are told “Don’t
become a missionary nobody!”
• False expectations generate disillusions
and discouragements
Does the “need” constitute a call?
• Rom 15:20, 23, It has always been my
ambition to preach the gospel where Christ
was not known … Rather, as it is written:
"Those who were not told about him will
see, and those who have not heard will
• “Why should anyone have a chance to
hear the gospel twice until everyone has a
chance to hear it once?”
• Any publicized ministry opportunity in a
local church receives 50-100+ resumes
• Bible Colleges have innumerable
candidates seeking positions
• Overseas opportunities often can not find
enough candidates
What does it take?
• Ministry is basically the same anywhere in
the world
• Major difference is language acquisition
and cultural adaptation and appreciation
• There is no need for a “call” to learn a
language! Absurd!
• There is no special “call” to live in another
• The only element is guidance to where to
minister – this is no difference being led to
Dallas, Texas or to Mexico City. Each
require special preparation to be effective.
• It all depends on the servant’s heart to
open to any possibility, giving God full
liberty to guide wherever He most wants a 8
laborer in the harvest.
The Spirit’s Guidance
• The Word of God
– Discover God’s commands, heart, desire,
purpose, plan for man and commit to same
– Identify with examples, mentors, models
– Adapt the priorities revealed Scriptures as your
personal priorities
• Spiritual needs of lost world become major
– Exposure to the gospel
– Receptivity to gospel
– Possibility of hearing the gospel
• Make good Choices or Plans for
accomplishing His objectives
– Reach unsaved people anywhere
– Reach the unsaved that no one else has ever
reached, or even has ever been interested
in…except Jesus
The Spirit’s Guidance
• Are selfish interests clouding the
Spirit’s guidance? Only hope for
bearing fruit is dying to self-interests
• John 12:24 "Truly, truly, I say to
you, unless a grain of wheat falls
into the earth and dies, it remains
alone; but if it dies, it bears much
Decision Making and Will of God
• Priority to obeying Moral Will expressed
– Includes witnessing to the lost
– Obeying the Great Commission and
Greatest Commandment (5 Purposes)
• Moral and Spiritual qualifications enough
to join a missionary team (Acts 16:1-2)
• All decisions based on applied wisdom
(with a few interventions as exceptions)
– Timing, destinations and personnel all
chosen to most effectively accomplish
His purposes
Importance of Personal Profile
• His “workmanship” determines
direction of ministry Ephesians
2:10 For we are God's
workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus to do good works, which God
prepared in advance for us to do.
– Spiritual gift
– Heart or Passion
– Abilities or Talents
– Personality
– Experience
How God has equipped us
for our contribution to His
kingdom purpose indicates
a general direction to
7 Motivating Incentives
1. Compassion
Christ’s compassion is our model (Mat 14:14
When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd,
and felt compassion for them; Acts 17:16)
2. Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10
For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, that each one
may receive what is due him for the things
done while in the body, whether good or
3. Love
2 Cor 5:14-15 “love of Christ constrains me”
4. Fear of the Lord (2 Cor 5:11 Therefore,
knowing the fear of the Lord, [that is, He
will do what He said] we persuade men…
7 Motivating Incentives
5. Rewards – 1 Cor 3:8 Now he who plants
and he who waters are one; but each
will reive his own reward according to
his own labor.
6. Personal satisfaction -- Acts 13:52 And
the disciples were filled with joy and with
the Holy Spirit.
7. Volunteer for strategic service -1 Corinthians 9:17 For if I do this
voluntarily, I have a reward.
Your turn to play the
game of life…
Play it wisely