
Contract of service
Astana city
_________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as
“Customer”, in the person of_______________________, acting in accordance
with______________ RSTE “Academy of public administration under the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, hereinafter referred to as “Executant”,
in the person of vice-rector for the economic and administrative affairs of
Zholdasbayev S.I., acting on the basis of the rector’s order on June 1, 2012 № 0104/203, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to “Sides”, in
accordance with subparagraph 8) paragraph 1 article 4 of the Law of the Republic
of Kazakhstan “On public procurement”, agreed present Contract as follows.
1. The subject of Contract
A Contractor undertakes to provide service for a Customer for holding
workshop on: “______________ _________________” (next - services).
A Contractor provides Services from ___(beginning) to___ month 2012
Amount of teaching hours are: ___ (___________) academic hours.
The number of students are: ___ (___________) (the full names).
The place of workshop: ____________.
2. The contract price and manner of payment
2.1. The price of the present Contract is ________(________________) tenge
(VAT free), includes all taxes and fee, according to the law of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.2. Advance payment of 100% (one hundred percent) from service cost, that
is __________ (____________________) tenge, a Customer pays for a
Contractor within 5 (five) banking days from the date of signing of the
present Agreement by money transfer on the current account of a
3. The rights and responsibilities of Sides
3.1. A Customer should:
3.1.1. Make timely payments for the Services in accordance with the conditions
of the present Contract;
3.1.2. Provide timely presence of students to the place of workshop on a
preliminary agreed time of Sides;
3.1.3. Not use materials and information elaborated by a Contractor within the
present Contract for the third parties;
3.1.4. Not carry out audio and video recordings without preliminary agreement
of a Contractor;
3.1.5. Accept Services by the Act of Services.
3.2. A Customer has rights to:
3.2.1. Require timely and quality Service, in accordance with the present
3.2.2. Monitor the given quality services of a Contractor.
3.3. A Contractor undertakes to:
3.3.1. Provide personal quality, timely services contemplated by the present
3.3.2. Provide participants with necessary informational materials;
3.3.3. Issue of Certificate of Services;
3.3.4. Inform a Customer about time changes and place of services no later than
5 (five) calendar days before the beginning of Services in advance.
3.3.5. Keep confidentiality to the present Contract;
3.3.6. Provide Act of services within 3 (three) working days from the date of
end of Services.
3.4. A Contractor has rights to:
3.4.1. Establish rules and procedure of Services
3.4.2. Require from a Customer payment of Services in accordance with the
4. Force majeure condition
Sides are responsibly free for the non-fulfillment or fulfillment neglect of
present Contract requirements in a case of force-majeure, for instance:
natural disasters, war, blockades, civil turmoil, and political pressures.
A side, which is unable to carry out its obligatory should inform other
side about the date of obligatory cessation within 5 (five) working days.
Failure to notify or untimely notice, as well as unconfirmed facts of force
majeure circumstances deprives rights to refer to any above mentioned
circumstances of a Side, exempting from responsibility for failure to
fulfill obligations.
If force-majeure circumstances will take place more than one week, each
Side has rights to refuse obligations for the present Contract, in this case
They do not have rights to require from each other compensation for
damages, caused by the Contract termination, except for claims about
implementation of paid obligatory or conducting final mutual settlements
between Sides.
5. Sides responsibility
In case of obligatory non-fulfillment for the present Contract, the Sides
are responsible for present legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and
circumstances of the present Contract.
In case of improper performance of a Contractor pays penalty of 0,1% to
a Customer for each day of overdue, but no more than 5% from the cost
of the present Contract.
In case of untimely payment, a Customer pays penalty of 0,1% to a
Contractor for each banking day of overdue, but no more than 5% of the
cost of the present Contract.
Fine payment does not relieve the Sides form the obligatory performance
for the present Contract.
6. Disputes resolution
Disputes and controversies are resolved by the bilateral negotiation of
In case of dispute resolution impossibility by the way of bilateral
negotiation, they are resolved judicially in accordance with the legislation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana city.
7. Final provisions
The present Contract enters into force from the date of signing by two
Sides and valid until the full implementation of responsibilities.
The Contract is terminated in accordance with the legislation of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
None of the Sides does not have rights to transfer their obligations to the
third parties without written consent of other Side.
In case of obligation non-fulfillment of the Contract, the other Side has a
right to terminate the Contract unilaterally, written notice other Side for 3
(three) calendar days.
In case of premature termination of the present Contract, a Customer
pays the approved volume of Service within 5 (five) working days.
Every changes and amendments to the Contract are valid only if they
were completed in written form and signed by authorized representatives
of the Sides. Changes and amendments to the Contract, completed in
proper form is its integral part.
The Contract is made in 2 (two) copies in Russian language, equally
valid for 1 (one) copy for each Side.
In case of change of legal address or banking details, the Sides should
inform each other in written form.
8. Banking details of the Sides
A Contractor:
«Academy of public administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Bank Identification Number (BIN)
National Companies & Organizations Classificator (NCOC)
National Managment Documentation Classificator (NMDC)
Beneficiary Code (BC)
Bank Identification Code (BIC)
Join-Stock company (JSC)
Individual Identity Code (IIC)
г.Астана, Абая 33 «а»
Adress: 33A Abay street, Astana city.
A Customer: