
Theme Paragraph – The Kite Runner
Your goal:
 To show knowledge and understanding of how a theme is developed in the novel.
 To show an ability to communicate and support an argument in a logical fashion
 To demonstrate mastery of the use of formal language, proper spelling, grammar,
punctuation, the use of capital letters, etc.
 To demonstrate knowledge of and an ability to use proper MLA format
Write ONE paragraph that explains how one of the themes discussed in class is developed in
the novel.
Topic Sentence:
“One of the themes of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini is [insert thematic statement here].”
(Use this exact wording but insert the thematic statement you have chosen to examine.)
What is a thematic statement?
A thematic statement is the specific message the book is delivering about the topic. For
example, if the topic is the definition of a man, what does this book say about what a man is?
That is your topic sentence. The argument will prove HOW the book makes this statement.
When I proofread, what should I look for?
Once you have finished your work, always proofread it for spelling, grammar, capital letters and
punctuation. Look to make sure that you have used formal language.
Once you have done that, read it out loud to yourself and listen carefully. Do the sentences
make sense? Is there anything missing in the argument? Have you forgotten any words?
(Option: have someone else read it out loud to you.)
How do I organize this paragraph?
Use your basic Point, Proof, Comment pattern. Clearly state your point first and then provide
the evidence. An example of a point is: “The theme is first introduced in the novel when. . . “.
Do I have to have a quotation for every point?
No. You should have some type of evidence for each point, but quotations are only one type of
Use quotations when necessary, but specifically when stating an inference you have made (The
text says. . . I know. . . Therefore. . . ). Another general rule is to use a quotation whenever you
make the statement that a character thinks/feels something.
Do you have any other advice?
Remain specific to the text. You are not discussing the theme in general, you are discussing the
theme in this novel. General statements are not relevant to your topic sentence.
Since you are supposed to be showing how the theme is developed in the novel, you want to
address the beginning, the middle and the end of the novel. (The exception is the political
message, where the evidence is mostly in the end of the novel. In this case, you must include
the imagery Hosseini uses to portray the change in the country’s situation as a part of your
argument. This will naturally include evidence from the beginning of the text.)
Remember: Your goal is not to provide three separate examples of the theme. Your goal is to
show how the theme is woven throughout the text, and how the examples work together to
develop it.
The following are samples outlines for each thematic statement discussed in class. Feel free to
use them to help reorganize your argument. This is a resource you are encouraged to consult
and make use of in order to support your learning, but is only a sample of possible approaches.
Statement #1
Topic Sentence: One of the themes of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini is that redemption is
when guilt leads to good.
Point A: Amir’s ‘sin’ causes the need for redemption
Point B: Amir’s feelings of guilt shape who he is as a person
Point C: His feelings of guilt eventually lead him to do good things.
Point D: The result of these good actions is that he achieves redemption.
(Note: These points must be addressed in this order and must all be addressed to
complete the argument.)
Statement #2
Topic Sentence: One of the themes of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini is that a man is
someone who stands up for something he believes in.
Point A: Baba first sets the definition
Point B: Baba serves as a model of the definition
Point C: Amir lives most of his life feeling as if he does not measure up to the definition
Point D: In the end, Amir becomes a man by definition and in his own mind when he
stands up for what he believes in, family
(Note: These points must be addressed in this order and must all be addressed to
complete the argument.)
Statement #3
Topic Sentence: One of the themes of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini is that Afghanistan is
a country that is suffering under a hypocritical group of men. He delivers this message by using
various techniques.
Point A: Comparison of the Afghanistan of Amir’s youth with the Afghanistan of the
Point B: Character of Assef
Point C: Character of Sohrab
(Note: These points do not have to be in this order and are not all necessary to support
the argument. There are several different combinations of points/techniques you can
use, depending on the exact wording of your topic sentence.)