Algebra 1B - West Perry School District

Welcome to Ms. Brong’s ALGEBRA IB course. This is the second part of our Algebra I experience. In
this course, students will leave the familiarity of linear equations and be introduced to:
Quadratic Equations, Radical Functions, and Rational Equations
At the end of this course, students will complete the Algebra I Keystone Exam. If at any point this year
you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me either by email at or by phone 789-3012 ext 6210. I look forward to the year ahead.
Student Responsibilities:
 Students are responsible to respect themselves, each other, and the school.
 Students are responsible to raise their hand if they wish to speak and to not speak while another
person is talking.
 Students are responsible to be in their seat by the time the class starts. Being late to class will
not be tolerated.
 Students are responsible to bring all necessary materials to class. Passes will not be permitted to
go to the locker to get necessary materials.
 Students are responsible to hand in all assignments on time. If a student misses an assignment
due to an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make up the missed work.
 Students are responsible to follow all directions given by the teacher.
Actions Taken When Responsibilities Are Not Met:
 Warning
 Conference with Student
 Call Home
 Referral
Textbook: Algebra I (Glencoe)
Link for online textbook:
Students will be required to keep a notebook throughout this course. The notebook will be a one to two
inch binder with loose leaf paper and divider tabs. We will be setting the notebooks up on Tuesday,
September 2nd. Please have all supplies here by then.
Calculators (TI-30X IIS) will be provided, however, they will not be permitted to leave the classroom.
ALGEBRA IB classes will also use graphing calculators (Casio fx-9750GII). Here again, these calculators
will not be permitted to leave the classroom.
Homework Assignments
Expect assignments regularly throughout the week. Completed assignments must include all work and
clearly marked answers. Please complete all assignments in pencil. These assignments will be collected
and graded according to effort and completion. No homework will be accepted late. NO Exceptions!!
Each missed homework assignment is worth 5 points. If a homework assignment is missed, the student
must complete a homework slip. On the homework slip, the student will write their name, the date, the
assignment, and the reason why they do not have the assignment completed. I will keep the slip, and
after 5 homework slips have been collected, I will notify the parents/guardians. Students are allowed to
miss one homework assignment per marking period without losing 5 points.
Grades will be determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of points
possible throughout the marking period. Students can earn points through quizzes and tests, homework,
class projects, and Study Island assignments. Students will be expected to keep an updated grade
sheet. Grade sheets will be updated approximately once a week.
Make-up Work Policy:
Make-up work will be compiled in a student’s absence. It is the student’s responsibility to get their own
make-up work and notes when they return to school. The student will have the same number of days
they were absent to make-up the given work.
Exam Policy:
In my classroom when the students are taking an exam, it is expected that students remain silent during
the entire testing period, regardless if they are finished with their test or not. If a student is caught talking
during the exam period, their exam will be taken from them, and they will receive a zero for their test
grade. Parents/guardians will be notified of this incident.
Cheating Policy:
Cheating will not be tolerated. If a student is caught cheating, copying another’s work on any assignment
or test or allowing another student to copy your work, they will receive a zero for their grade.
Parents/guardians will be notified of this incident.
Units of study this year are:
Semester #1
Graphing/Writing Linear Equations Review
Graphing Linear Equations (y=mx+b)
Writing Linear Equations
Graphing Linear Inequalities
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Graphing Systems of Equations
Elimination Using Addition and Subtraction
Elimination Using Multiplication
Systems of Inequalities
Exponents and Exponential Functions
Multiplication Properties of Exponents
Division Properties of Exponents
Rational Exponents
Exponential Functions
Growth and Decay
Geometric Sequences as Exponential Functions
Quadratic Expressions and Equations
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial
Multiplying Polynomials
Special Products
Using the Distributive Property
Solving x2+bx+c=0
Solving ax2+bx+c=0
Difference of Squares
Perfect Squares
Semester #2
Quadratic Functions and Equations
Graphing Quadratic Functions
Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
Transformations of Quadratic Functions
Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula
Special Functions
PSSA/Keystone Review (Class & ELO)
Radical Functions and Geometry
Square Root Functions
Simplifying Radical Expressions
Operations with Radical Expressions
Radical Equations
Rational Functions and Equations
Rational Functions
Simplifying Rational Expressions
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Dividing Polynomials
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
Mixed Expressions and Complex Fractions
Rational Equations
Please return this paper it to Ms. Brong tomorrow, August 26th. This will count for your first homework
Student’s Name: ______________________________
 ______ I have read and reviewed the course syllabus.
Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________
 _______I have read and reviewed the course syllabus.
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________