Persia Part 2 { Tombak: a hand drum Surna: an oboe Ud: a lute Rebab : a stringed instrument, like a viol qanun: a psaltry Bellwork: Define Terms Scholars Will: Grammar: Learn basic facts about Persian Music Logic: Begin creating Persian rug Outcomes Tombak Played on the side Surna Ud Rebab Quanun Dastgah Gusheh Islamic Architecture Aerial view of the Great Mosque (looking southwest), Isfahan, Iran, eleventh to seventeenth centuries. Winter prayer hall of the Shahi (Imam) Mosque, Isfahan, Iran, 1611-1638. “Everything, whether made for common or ceremonial use, is lavishly enlivened with ornament.. Such enrichment is no mere space-saving artifice for masking bare forms, but an essential part of fine craftsmanship, without which a work is incomplete.” Islamic Artistry: In your own words Interior wall elevation showing elaborate polychrome tile. Islamic Tilework Mihrab from the Madrasa Imami, Isfahan, Iran, ca. 1354. Glazed mosaic tilework, 11' 3" X 7' 6". Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Golden Age of Islamic Tilework: 16th and 17th Centuries ‘Cuerda seca' (Dry Cord) introduced in Umayyad Spain during the 10th century which uses colored glazes separated by outlines made of a greasy substance which burns away after firing Ottomans introduces polychrome tiles, polychrome panels made of square or rectangular tiles In India the music was very influenced by Islam, except, instead of dastgahs, Indians used ragas. Like the Indian raga, certain Persian dastgah are associated with the seasons, time of day, towns and musicians. Instead of eight notes, the Persian scale is divided into 22 microtones Guided Goats What instrument begins this piece? What Indian drum does this drum sound similar too? Active Listening #4 Mahur The notes of the Persian dastgah Mahur correspond to the Western major scale. In this example the drum is called a zarb. Just the facts Listening #4 Mahur Mystic poetry provides the inspiration for most art music. The theoretical concepts of music were based primarily on the writings of the Greeks. The Mongol historic period cultivated many great works of art and music. An –ology is the study of a science. Guided Goats Luxury Arts MAQSUD OF KASHAN, carpet from the funerary mosque of Shaykh Safi al-Din, Ardabil, Iran, 1540. Knotted pile of wool and silk, 34' 6" X 17' 7". Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Learn about how to knot and trim properly Finish attaching your design Choose your colors Pick up a pair of scissors Begin! CFU: Persian Rug: How to knot and beginning your rug.