The Baroque Era of Music

1750 - 1825
 “Big Three”
 Wolfgang A. Mozart (1756-1791)
 600 works – “pinnacle” of
the Classical style
 Symphony, opera, concerto
 Franz J. Haydn (1732-1809)
 “Father of the Symphony”
 Figurehead in Sonata Form dev.
 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
 Virtuoso pianist and studied with Haydn
 Symphony and solo piano sonatas
 Transitional figure from Classical to Romantic Eras.
Who? The Guitarists! That’s who!
 Mauro Giuliani
 Born in ________ 1781
 First studied the _________
performing in premier of Beethoven’s
____ Symphony
Composed approx. ___ pieces for guitar
Associated with Beethoven and Rossini
Mr. Wells’ “_____________”
Dies in 1829
See the “Rossiniana #1” performed by Marcin Dylla
 Fernando Sor
 Born 1778 in ________
 Composed one of the most famous guitar methods
“Méthode pour la Guitare”. Composed for the guitar,
symphonies,________, and chamber music
 Quite famous and toured throughout _________.
 Compositions have been compared to that of
Haydn’s and Mozart’s.
Dies in _________
*see Sor’s “Variation on a Theme by Mozart” performed by Andres Segovia
Who? Con’t…….
 Ferdinando Carulli
 Born 1770 in _______
 Toured throughout Europe bringing the guitar
to a place of prominence with _________
and the __________.
 Composed more that ______ works for the guitar.
 Composed for the guitar and other instrument
combinations (flute, voice, and piano).
One of first guitar methods ___________________ .
Died ______
 Sonata Form?
 Theme and Variations?
 What is up with opera??
 The “Golden Age”??
 Return to Greek ideals
 Favors formality and simplicity
over ornamentation.
Things should be more “orderly”
Architecture - clean lines
Art – emphasis on “sublime”
Movement away from spirituality
Age of Enlightenment – promotion
of scientific thought.