Homework Buddy #1:___________________________________________________________________ Phone# __________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Homework Buddy #2:___________________________________________________________________ Phone# __________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Biology 11 Teacher: Mrs. Cordy-Simpson Email: tara.cordy-simpson@sd41.bc.ca Room: B304 (Burnaby Central Secondary) YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CSSciChannel Teacher website: http://blogs.sd41.bc.ca/cordysimpsont/ TEXTBOOK electronic version: Miller-Levine Biology textbook login: (no glossary = no definitions) http://tinyurl.com/m95cm4q Username: LHSTigerScience101 (this is case sensitive) Password: science101 (this is case sensitive) Biology 11 Course Outline Teacher: Mrs. Cordy-Simpson Email: tara.cordy-simpson@sd41.bc.ca Room: B304 (Burnaby Central Secondary) YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CSSciChannel TEXTBOOK electronic version: Miller-Levine Biology textbook login: http://tinyurl.com/m95cm4q Username: LHSTigerScience101 (this is case sensitive) Password: science101 (this is case sensitive) UNIT 1 – CELLS Part A – THE CELL & MICROSOPE WORK Scientific Method, Scientific Skills & Processes, Laboratory Safety, Laboratory tools Cell theory and microscopes cell organelles prokaryotes and eukaryotes plant, animal cells cell energy – photosynthesis & cellular respiration Part B – INSIDE THE NUCLEUS DNA - structure & Replication (making copies of DNA) Protein Synthesis Cell Cycle - mitosis & meiosis UNIT 2 – MICROBIOLOGY Viruses Monera (Bacteria) Immunity (Immune System) UNIT 3 - EVOLUTION & CLASSIFICATION Part C – ADAPTATION & EVOLUTION Evidence of Evolution Natural Selection Speciation Models of evolution Adaptations of chordate animals Part D – CLASSIFICATION & TAXONOMY Levels of organization Binomial naming system (scientific name) Kingdoms of Life & Timeline UNIT 4 – ANIMALS Introduction to Animal Kingdom Trends Porifera & Cnidaria Platyhelminthes & Nematoda Annelida, Arthropoda, Molluska Echinodermata & Chordata UNIT WEIGHTS - UNIT 1 - 20% - UNIT 2 - 20% - UNIT 3 - 20% - UNIT 4 - 20% Work Habit Mark - will be based on behaviour in the lab, completed homework, essential science work habits (listed in table), attendance, reading log Final course mark: 75% (5 units) + 25% Final Exam or oral interview Classroom Expectations and Guidelines Attendance: Be on time – if you are late, please enter quietly and find your seat. Do not disrupt the class. If there is a quiz or test that day, you will not be provided additional time! If you are away: You must have a parent/guardian phone the school & excuse you I will phone home if you are not excused You must bring a note signed by our parent or guardian detailing your absence If you missed a test or quiz due to absence, you will not be able to write the test or quiz until the note from the parent/ guardian is brought to the teacher All absences must be accounted for with a phone call to the school (604-296-6850) the morning of your anticipated absence. Please also send your teacher an email (tara.cordysimpson@sd41.bc.ca) Upon your return to school, bring a note from home (even if the school was called). The note must contain the following info: o The dates you were away o Reason for your absence o Phone number that your parent or guardian can be reached at during the day Classroom Expectations and Guidelines cont. No note = No excused Absence (regardless of the reason) – it is your responsibility to remember to bring a note upon your return to class. Do not forget it. (or your parent may send an email to tara.cordy-simpson@sd41.bc.ca) You are responsible for finding out what work/quizzes/assignments/tests were missed AND you need to complete all the missed work You will also have two ‘homework buddies’. Choose people you can trust to write down the classroom work. Make sure that your homework buddies are not involved in the same extracurricular activities as you (example: two people who would not be away for band or basketball with you). Do not choose someone who will forget what the assignment was. You are responsible to keep up. Check with classmates to see what you missed. Upon your return to class, please check the gray filing cabinet for any handouts you may have missed, and then talk to the teacher regarding what work was missed during your absence. Assignments, labs, etc. due the day you were away are still expected to be completed and handed in unless told otherwise by your teacher. Any missed work will be due the following class. (Please attach a note to the cover of an assignment that is late for this reason.) AVPA students – if you are an athlete in the AVPA program, please let the teacher know for future discussions around deadlines and quiz or test dates. Skipping class – You must attend class to be successful If you skip class: I will call home You will get 0% on any homework/quiz/tests due or assigned that day Any unexcused absences is an N on your report-card for work habit mark Materials to bring to class each day: Binder with lined paper 2 coloured pens, ie. Blue/black pen and a red pen highlighter Pencil and eraser Small ruler (10 – 15 cm) Textbook: Biology (yes, it is heavy …. consider it part of your exercise for the day) The student is responsible for the replacement cost of the textbook if the assigned textbook is lost or stolen. For some days, a calculator will be required. No food OR drinks (water is ok) in class!!! Come prepared – I will not lend books, pens, calculators etc. -If your homework is not here, it is not done! -On lab days, your pre-lab MUST be done, otherwise you cannot start the lab! Classroom Expectations and Guidelines cont. Personal Electronic Devices (cell phones, ipods) The class will develop a policy together about how electronic devices can be used to support or facilitate student learning in the classroom. No personal electronic devices are required for this class, but students will learn how to use their personal electronic devices to support their education in the classroom. Homework: Yes, you will have it. Your efficient use of class time can minimize it. What if I do badly on a test? Before a final unit, each student will have multiple opportunities to practice working with the content of the unit and assess their own work. By the time the unit test occurs, the students have had enough practice that they are comfortable writing the test. How do you I prepare for tests efficiently? Don’t wait until the last day to study. Biology is full of vocabulary words, concepts, and processes. There are so many ideas to understand and sort. Cramming puts information in short term memory which risks forgetting it when you need it. Thinking about ideas and manipulating content as you go along (like creating mind maps), will help you store it in the long term memory. What will be the test format? Each unit test will be multiple choice and written response. Tests will correlate to the learning standards or learning goals of the unit. Cheating is a serious offence and will result in a score of zero, notes to your counselor and administrator and a call home. Refer to the student agenda for further details. Accountability: You are young adults now, so I expect you to behave accordingly. Be honest and respectful to both your classmates and myself at all times. -I will not chase you down to hand in assignments. -Ask for help as soon as you need it (not two weeks too late) Extra Help – I am available for extra help during the lunch hour and some afternoons afterschool. Please see teacher to set up time to meet. End of class – The bell does not signal your dismissal!!! -Do not pack up until you are dismissed by me -Leave the classroom and the lab as you found it – clean and tidy. Clean Up, please! My Goal for the year is that all of you will be successful in this course, and that we will have a fun year. Burnaby Central Secondary School Course: Biology 11 This form should be signed by the student and the parent/guardian. Please sign and return the following form to the subject teacher. I, _____________________________, have read and understood the above course (print full name of student) expectations an guidelines for Biology 11 at Burnaby Central Secondary School. Signature of student: _____________________________ Signature of parent/guardian: _____________________________ Email of parent/guardian: _____________________________