Medieval Coat of Arms

Designed and Compiled by Fatmeh Reda
Medieval Coat of Arms: My Family Crest
The Medieval Times, also known as the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages, was a period that spanned from about
500-1000 in Europe. Characterized mostly with feudal system of governance, advanced weaponry, rise of
monarch, knighthood, code of honor, and limited education- people relied mostly on pictures and visual to
communicate ideas. These visuals were to be found in both manuscripts copied by priests, or more commonly
on the crests that advertised each family or knight for what they stand for. When knights fought or participated in
tournaments, they were in full body armor and unrecognizable, therefore their family coat of armor became the
way they set themselves apart. These coat of arms, or family crests, were passed down from generation to
generation as a mark of family heritage, power and influence.
Description of Project:
For this mini-project, you are to create your own “Family Coat of Arms”- a visual representation of the values,
beliefs, history, and practices of your family. Therefore, you might need to do some brainstorming with your
parents about it so that you accurately depict what your family stands for. The crest should represent who you
guys are as a family! Be prepared to present your coat of arms to the class and to explain why you designed it
the way that you did. You are offered below a menu from which to choose so your coat of arms is as medieval
authentic as possible. You may paint, color, or design yours on a computer [hard to do]. You may use magazine
cut-outs, clip-art, or hand draw illustrations to do this. BUT it must be super neat and comes across as a real
Figure 1 Figure 1
Designed and Compiled by Fatmeh Reda
What to include:
Below are the elements that must be included in the coat of arms:
Family Name & Medieval Nickname: goes along the lines of “(First name) the (adjective)” like
“Charles the Great” or “Pepin the Short” at the bottom of your coat of arms [could be in a banner or
Motto: Words you live by [quote, lyric, religious verse and must be written onto a banner strip at the
top of the crest [i.e.“Dieu et Mon Droit” or “God and My Right” “
Shield Shape: (you have eight templates you can choose and print from the blog, or draw your
own) [I would suggest you search on google “coat of arms” for inspiration]
Shield Division/Ordinaries/Variations: these are common design elements and you must pick at
least two of these to be included on your paper
o Divisions are how the field [space] of the shield is divided
o Ordinaries are extra design elements added
o Variations are a combination of divisions and ordinaries
Figure 2
Designed and Compiled by Fatmeh Reda
Dividing lines
Earth & Country
the sea or water
clouds and air
Represents fire, or
the walls of a fortress
or city
the radiation
the sun. symbolizes
also fame and glory
Color: each color means different things so choose carefully what represents your family. Your
crest must have at least three colors present.
o Gold: understanding, respect, virtue,
o White/Silver: cleanliness, wisdom,
innocence, peace, and joy
o Red: eagerness to serve his country,
warrior, martyr
o Blue: steadfastness, strength, loyalty
o Black: grief and resistance
o Green: freedom, beauty, joy, health, and
o Purple: majesty, justice, and sovereignty
[[ability to make choices on your own]4
o Orange: Rewarding ambition
o Maroon: victorious, preserving in battle
Charges: these are emblems, devices, or symbols that have specific meanings. You must include
at least three symbols THAT TRULY REPRESENT YOUR FAMILY. Be carefully how you place
them based on shield divisions
o Acorn: independence, strength
o Anchor: salvation, hope, religious
o Angel: bearer of good news,
dignity, honor and glory
o Ant: strong, wise, and has foresight
o Antelope: harmony, peace, political
wisdom, purity and speed
o Anvil: honor
o Antler: strength and fortitude
o Apple: generosity, happiness,
peace, salvation
o Arm: industrious people, hard work
o Armored hand: person who served
as a leader
o Arrow: martial readiness
o Bear: strength, cruelty in protecting
clan, healing, personal health and
o Boar: courage, fierce fighter
o Bay leaves: peace, victory, glory
o Bee: industry, creativity, wealth,
diligence, eloquence
o Bird: peace and affection for the
home and family
o Bull: bravery, generosity, patience,
o Camel: temperance, patience,
o Castle: spiritual strength, vigilance,
home and safety
o Cat: liberty, vigilance, courage
Designed and Compiled by Fatmeh Reda
o Crescent moon: hope, great honor
o Crow: permanent settlement, quiet
o Crown: victory, sovereignty,
empire, success
o Dog: courage, vigilance, fidelity,
o Dolphin: swiftness, diligence,
charity, love
o Dove: soul and Holy Spirit, peace,
o Dragon: guardian of treasures,
bravest of all
o Duck: person of many resources
o Eagle: man of action, high intellect,
ingenuity, repartee, and quick
o Elephant: huge strength and
stature, wisdom, courage,
happiness, royalty and ambition
o Falcon/hawk: eagerly in pursuit of
an object
o Feathers: willing obedience and
serenity of mind
o Fish: bravery, economy, science,
and Christian faith
o Fleur-de-lis: flower of light
o Fox: wisdom, ingenuity, wit and
wisdom for his use in own defense
o Goat: practical wisdom, win
through diplomacy
o Grapes: happiness, bliss and
o Grapevine: strength and lasting
o Hand: credibility, sincerity, justice
o Harp: well composed person with a
tempered judgment
o Heart: sincerity, goodness, charity,
o Helmet: wisdom, security strength,
protection, invulnerability
o Horse: ready for King and country,
speed, intelligence, masculinity
o Key: knowledge, guardianship,
dominion, heaven
o Knight: warriors
o Lamb: faith, innocence, gentleness,
o Lion: undying courage
o Mermaid: eloquence
o Moon: serenity, peace
o Mountain/rocks: security, shelter,
and protection
o Nail: remembrance and sorrow
o Owl: vigilance and repartee
o Palm tree: righteousness and
o Peacock: resurrection, immortality,
beauty, power, knowledge
o Rose: hope, joy, grace, beauty
o Scale: fairness, justice
o Shell: protection of providence
o Snake: wisdom, defiance, fertility,
o Spear: gallant service, devotion to
honor and chivalry
o Star: divine quality, nobility
o Sun: glory
o Swan: perfection, beauty, grace,
light, love, grace, serenity
o Sword: military honor, power,
freedom, purification
o Tree: rebirth, regrowth worship,
o Tower: grandeur, defense,
individual fortitude
o Unicorn: purity and virtue
o Wings: swiftness and protection
Designed and Compiled by Fatmeh Reda
o Wolf: valor, guardianship, cruel,
For pictures of each of these, go to
**For more ideas, go on
o Include Compartment: used to show the coat of arms being supported from the bottom. It is a
mound, or shape used to rest the shield upon. It can represent land or water. In most cases it is
a grassy or floral design made to look like ground.
o Include Helmet & Crest: this is found at the top of your coat of arms supporters, or sides to
your shield which are symbolic of your family.
The helmet denotes the rank of the owner. There are four types of helmet design:
o Supporters: usually a human being or an animal [from the list above- same on either side or
different] placed on either side of a shield as if they were holding or "supporting" the shield [also
meaningful to the values of the family]