
Understanding Word Patterns
are Word Relationships
A definition…
An analogy is a comparison between two
things, and the comparison is used to
determine the relationship between different
sets of things.
Bark is to dog as meow is to cat.
Word Analogies
• Analogies develop logic.
• Analyze two words and identify the
relationship between them.
• Find another pair of words that has the
same relationship.
• AND the order must be in same
Many Different Types of
Synonym: cool is to chilly
Antonym: hot is to cold
Homonym: there is to their
Category/subcategory: vegetable is to celery
Part to whole: core is to apple
Function to thing: cook is to stove
Functions: microwave is to cook
Verb Forms: go is to goes
• Words that have the
same meanings
Types of Analogies
• What’s the relationship?
• DRY : ARID :: lost : misled
• Both words have similar meanings so this
relationship is a synonym
• Words that have opposite
Types of Analogies
• What’s the relationship?
• KIND : CRUEL :: happy : sad
• Both words have opposite meanings, so
their relationship is an antonym.
• Same sound, different
Types of Analogies
• What’s the relationship?
• Hair is to hare as bear is to bare.
• Present : present :: read : reed
• Both words have the same sounds, so
their relationship is a homonym
or Subcategory-Category
• Category: a class or group of things,
people, etc., possessing some quality or
qualities in common
• Subcategory: A subdivision that has
common differentiating characteristics
within a larger category.
Types of Analogies
• Example: Color is to red as number is to five.
• Categories: color and number
• Sub-Categories : red and five
Whole-Part or Part-Whole
• WHOLE includes everything. Part is only a
part of the whole.
• Hand is to finger as foot is to toe.
• Whole: hand/foot
• Part: finger/ toe
Types of Analogies
• What’s the relationship?
• POEM : STANZA :: play : act
• CHAPTER: BOOK :: fender : automobile
• Part-Whole
• An activity or purpose
natural to or intended for
a person or thing
Types of Analogies
• What’s the relationship?
• KNIFE : CUT :: shovel : dig
• The function of a knife is to cut.
Verb Tenses
• a category that locates a situation in time,
to indicate when the situation takes place
• Examples: past, present, future
Types of Analogies
• Win is to won as lose is to lost.
• Swim : swam :: eat : ate.
• Present and past tenses are Verb
Types of Analogies
How do you choose the
correct word to complete
an analogy?
Guidelines to solve
decide upon the relationship between first 2 words
state the relationship - car is to tire
examine the third word – chair
select a fourth word that will make the third-fourth
word have the same relationship as the firstsecond word
be ready to explain your fourth word selection
Car is to tire as chair is to ______.
Model and Practice
On is to off as start is to __________.
stop, opposites
Nail is to finger as hair is to _________.
head, part to whole
Eye is to see as ear is to ____________.
hear, thing to function
Swift is to deer as slow is to _________.
turtle, characteristic to thing
Wool is to sheep as egg is to _________.
chicken, product to thing
Now what do you think?
• Is this analogy correct?
More Analogies to Solve
on my website
Quia - Awesome Analogies – Practice your
knowledge of analogies through these interactive challenge
Quia – Hangman Analogies - Here is an interactive
hangman game format to practice analogies.
Fact Monster – Analogy of the Day - Practice for
every day!
For the next few days,
You will be practicing each of these
analogies. Then, there will be a quiz.
Look to the homework board to see
when that quiz will be.