TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPECIALTY CROP RETAIL PROMOTION GRANT REQUEST FOR APPLICATION COMMISSIONER SID MILLER General Information ........................................................................................................................ 2 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2 2. Program Authority................................................................................................................... 2 3. Projected Timeline of Events .................................................................................................. 2 4. Eligibility................................................................................................................................. 2 5. Grantee Responsibilities and Accountability .......................................................................... 2 6. Funding Parameters ................................................................................................................. 3 7. Term of Funding or Duration of Projects ................................................................................ 3 8. Application Requirements ....................................................................................................... 3 9. Program Requirements, Eligible Activities, Use of GO TEXAN Certification Mark ............ 3 10. Program Contact .................................................................................................................... 3 Review and Selection Process ........................................................................................................ 4 1. Screening, Evaluation and Selection of Application ............................................................... 4 2. Execution of Agreement.......................................................................................................... 4 Administrative Information ............................................................................................................ 4 1. Costs Incurred Prior to Executed Agreement .......................................................................... 4 2. Right to Amend or Terminate Program .................................................................................. 4 3. Confidential Information/Public Information ......................................................................... 4 4. Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................................. 5 Submission Instructions .................................................................................................................. 5 Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................................................................... 7 Application Form A. Application Face Page ................................................................................................. 1 Form B. Project Narrative and Budget ....................................................................................... 3 Please read all materials before preparing and submitting the application. Failure to follow the instructions and requirements described in this Request for Application (RFA) may result in the disqualification of the application. Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant General Information 1. Introduction The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is accepting applications for the Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Reimbursement Grant (Program) designed to create a concentrated and coordinated effort of retailers across the state to promote Texas specialty crops, including but not limited to, produce, tree nuts, floriculture and/or horticulture. Funds are available from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through a Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) grant to TDA to support a retailer promotion initiative. 2. Program Authority The SCBGP is authorized by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (Farm Bill), which amended the Specialty Crops Competitiveness Act of 2004 (7 U.S.C. 1621 note) and authorized the USDA to provide grants to States for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2012 to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops. 3. Projected Timeline of Events Application Availability: Application Deadline: Start Date of Project: Immediately Applications will be accepted until all funds have been allocated Upon award 4. Eligibility Texas retailers that purchase Texas specialty crop products including, but not limited to, produce, olive oil, honey, tree nuts, floriculture and/or horticulture from multiple producers and sell directly to consumers may apply for funds to enhance promotional activities of these Texas specialty crops. 5. Grantee Responsibilities and Accountability The grantee has full responsibility for the conduct of the project supported by SCBGP and for the results achieved. Each grantee shall monitor the day-to-day performance of the grant project to assure adherence to statutes, regulations, and grant terms and conditions. The grantee will carry out the activities described in the scope of work to achieve project goals, objectives, and desired outcomes. The grantee will be accountable for all grant funds and must ensure all funds are used solely for authorized purposes. The grantee must ensure: • • • Funds are used only for activities covered by the approved project. Funds are not used in violation of the restrictions and prohibitions of applicable statutes. All budget and performance reports are completed in a timely manner. Each grantee must ensure they have an adequate accounting system in place and good internal controls to ensure expenditures and reimbursements are reported and maintained for three (3) years after the conclusion of the project. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade RFA 2 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant 6. Funding Parameters Selected applicants (Grantee) will receive project funding on a cost reimbursement basis. Funds will not be advanced to grantees. Grantees must have the financial capability to pay all costs upfront. Grants will be awarded in amounts not exceeding $50,000 per retail organization. A total of $200,000 is available for Retailer Promotion Grants. 7. Term of Funding or Duration of Projects The project period will vary depending on items selected for promotion. The term will begin from the effective date of the grant award. Award terms will not exceed 12 months. 8. Application Requirements To be considered, applications must be complete and include all of the following information: Form A. Application Face Page (not counted in page limit) Form B. Project Narrative and Budget The grant application and instructions can be downloaded by selecting “Specialty Crop Promotions” under the “For Members” tab of the GO TEXAN website at gotexan.org. 9. Program Requirements, Eligible Activities, Use of GO TEXAN Certification Mark Grantees will be required to submit reports, in a format prescribed by TDA, demonstrating the percentage increases in sales volume and value. Sales during and following program events should be compared to sales from the same time period one year prior. Grantees will be required to submit photos of promotions and/or events, as well as all final reports before funds will be released. Failure to comply with the grant agreement may result in termination of the award, or denial of funding or reimbursement by TDA. Retailers that actively purchase Texas specialty crops including, but not limited to, produce, olive oil, honey, tree nuts, floriculture and/or horticulture products and are marketing directly to consumers may apply for funds to promote these products using one or more of the following activities: (1) In-store demonstrations; (2) Advertisements or store flyers; (3) In-store coupons; and/or (4) Other advertising. Approved products include those found on USDA’s list of eligible specialty crops. ALL promotional materials that incorporate the GO TEXAN certification mark must be provided to TDA for approval at least seven business days before release. 10. Program Contact Contact the Marketing and International Trade Division office at 512-463-9639 with questions regarding this program. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade RFA 3 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant Review and Selection Process 1. Screening, Evaluation and Selection of Application Applications will be screened for eligibility and completeness. Late, incomplete, and those applications that do not meet program requirements will not be reviewed for funding consideration. Applications will be evaluated for funding consideration based on the Evaluation Criteria provided. 2. Execution of Agreement TDA shall make the final decision regarding individual award amounts and reserves the right to amend awards during the term of the agreement to the extent it deems necessary. Contingent upon available funds, Grantee(s) may be required to submit a revised budget and project narrative to reflect amended funding levels. Administrative Information 1. Costs Incurred Prior to Executed Agreement TDA reserves the right to reject any or all applications and is not liable for costs incurred by the applicant in the development, submission, or review of the application. Costs incurred by the grantee prior to the effective date of grant agreement will not be eligible for reimbursement. 2. Right to Amend or Terminate Program All grant awards are subject to the availability of appropriations and authorizations by the Texas Legislature. TDA reserves the right to alter, amend, or clarify any provisions, terms, or conditions of this program or any grant awarded as a result thereof, or to terminate this program at any time prior to the execution of an agreement, if TDA determines that it is in the best interest of TDA. 3. Confidential Information/Public Information The Applicant is responsible for clearly designating any portion of the application as proprietary and must state the reason(s) the information is designated as such. Marking the entire application as proprietary is not acceptable and will not be taken into consideration in the event that TDA receives a public information request related to the application. TDA shall determine whether the information in the application marked as proprietary meets statutory criteria for exception to disclosure under the Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code. Applicants are advised to consult with their legal counsel regarding disclosure issues and to take appropriate precautions to safeguard trade secrets or any other proprietary information. All applications submitted under this program are subject to release as public information, unless the applicant can demonstrate that information is exempt from the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade RFA 4 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant 4. Conflict of Interest The Applicant is required to disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest relative to this grant program. Failure to disclose any such relationship may result in the Applicant’s disqualification or termination of agreement. Submission Instructions Eligible applicants will be considered for funding contingent upon the availability of funds. Completed applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Applications will be accepted by the Texas Department of Agriculture until all funds are awarded. TDA will email an acknowledgement receipt to the project coordinator indicating the application was received. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit all materials necessary for evaluation to ensure timely delivery. Only materials received by the application deadline will be reviewed. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted. Submit one complete application, including all required attachments to any of the following: Mailing Address: Texas Department of Agriculture Marketing and International Trade Division Attn: Specialty Crop Program P.O. Box 12847 Austin, Texas 78711 Overnight and Physical Mailing: Texas Department of Agriculture Marketing and International Trade Division Attn: Specialty Crop Program 1700 N. Congress Ave., 11th Floor Austin, Texas 78701 Applications should clearly identify the RFA title on the envelope or fax cover page. Email Submissions: The subject line for email submissions must contain the RFA title and applicant’s initials. Applications should be sent to: Grants@TexasAgriculture.gov. The applicant is solely responsible for ensuring that their complete electronic application is sent to, and actually received by, TDA in a timely manner and at the proper destination server. TDA takes no responsibility for electronic bids that are captured, blocked, filtered, quarantined or otherwise prevented from reaching the proper destination server by any TDA anti-virus or other security software. IMPORTANT NOTE: TDA recommends a limit on the attachments to 10MB each. All emailed documents must be submitted in Microsoft office format (Word and Excel), or in a form that may be read by Microsoft Office software. Any documents with signatures must be submitted as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Pictures of applications or proposals will not be accepted. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade RFA 5 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant TDA is not responsible for documents that cannot be read or converted. Unreadable proposals may be, in TDA’s discretion, rejected as nonresponsive. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade RFA 6 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria – For TDA USE ONLY Number of Texas-grown produce, tree nuts, floriculture or horticulture items (in season) to be featured 1-2 items = 5 points 3-5 items = 8 points 6+ items = 10 points In-store demonstrations or product samplings to be held during the term of the program Less than 20 = 0 points 20-50 demonstrations = 5 points 50-75 demonstrations = 8 points 75+ demonstrations = 10 points Retailer creation of TDA-approved signage displaying the GO TEXAN certification mark (average per store) 1-4 GO TEXAN signs = 2 points 5-20 GO TEXAN signs = 5 points 21-50 GO TEXAN signs = 7 points 51+ GO TEXAN signs = 8 points Retailer creation of GO TEXAN produce, floriculture, horticulture and/or tree nut displays e.g. end caps, featured sections, etc. (weeks do not need to be consecutive) No display = 0 points 1 display visible for 6 weeks or less = 2 points 1 display visible for 7-15 weeks = 5 points 1 display visible for 16 weeks or more= 7 points Other marketing promotions such as advertisements or coupons (must include GO TEXAN certification mark) 1-2 promotions = 5 points 3-5 promotions = 8 points 6+ promotions = 10 points Evaluation of the scope of promotional activities (number of events, length of promotion period, etc.). How clearly does the proposal detail the activities, timeline, and any anticipated results of the project, in terms of meeting the objectives of the grant program? How well does the proposed project incorporate the use of the GO TEXAN certification mark and increase consumer awareness of this marketing program regarding specialty crop produce, tree nuts, floriculture, horticulture or other items such as honey or olive oil from Texas producers? Reasonableness of the requested budget Total Possible Points Possible Points 10 10 8 7 10 20 20 15 100 *All displays and promotional items must be approved prior to use and must prominently display the GO TEXAN certification mark in a manner that promotes the GO TEXAN program and its members. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade RFA 7 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPECIALTY CROP RETAILER [FOR TDA USE ONLY] File No. _________ Date Rec. ________ Form A. Application Face Page COMMISSIONER SID MILLER A. APPLICANT – Provide the name of the applying Texas retail store (or chain, if applicable). Full Legal Business Name DBA (Doing Business As, if applicable) Mailing Address City State Zip Code Physical Address City State Zip Code Texas County in which Applicant is Headquartered (if applicable): County(ies) impacted by project (attach additional page if necessary): Federal Tax ID # (9 digit) or State of Texas Comptroller Vendor ID # (14 digit): B. PROJECT MANAGER - This person should be able to answer day-to-day questions about the grant project. Prefix- check appropriate box: Mr. Ms. Dr. Other: First Name Last Name Position/Title Phone No. ( ) Alt Phone No. - ( ) E-mail Address - C. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE – Information provided will be used to designate the authorized person to enter into a legal agreement for the organization. This person’s name will appear on the grant agreement for signature. Prefix- check appropriate box: Mr. Ms. Dr. Other First Name Last Name Position/Title Mailing Address (if different from Section A) Phone No. ( ) City Fax No. - ( ) State Zip Code E-mail Address - D. ADDITIONAL APPLICANT INFORMATION Is this Applicant Delinquent on any Federal Debt? Yes – Attach Explanation(s) No Is Applicant a current GO TEXAN member? Yes No Does anyone in the Applicant Organization have any existing or potential conflict of interest relative to the performance of the requirements of this program? Yes – Attach disclosure statement(s) No Funding Amount Requested: $ E. APPLICATION CERTIFICATION This form is being completed in connection with an application for receipt of grant funding from the State of Texas, as awarded by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). I certify that the information I have provided for this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that projects will be selected on a competitive basis, and that award decisions made by TDA are final. This application becomes public record and is subject to disclosure. 1. Has the legal authority to apply for state and federal assistance, and the institutional, managerial and financial capability and systems (including funds sufficient to pay the non-state or federal share of the project costs) to ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in the application; 2. Has a financial system that demonstrates accounting, budgetary and internal controls, cash management, reporting capability; cost allow-ability Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade Application 1 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant E. APPLICATION CERTIFICATION determination; and source documentation; 3. And its parent, affiliate, or subsidiary organization, if applicable, will give TDA, the Texas State Auditor, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if applicable, the Federal government, through any authorized agent, access to and the right to examine all records related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards. Additionally, these records must remain available and accessible no less than three (3) years after the termination of the grant project; 4. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or personal gain; 5. Affirms that it has not given, nor intends to give, at any time hereafter any economic opportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, trip, favor, or service to an employee or representative of TDA in connection with this procurement; 6. Will initiate the work after receipt of a fully executed agreement and will complete it within the grant period; 7. Will comply with the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Act (UGCMA), Texas Government Code, Chapter 783, and the Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS), as amended by revised federal circulars and incorporated in UGMS by the Governor's Budget and Planning Office, which apply as terms and conditions of any resulting contract. If a conflict arises between the provisions of a resulting contract, and the provisions of UGCMA and UGMS, the provisions of UGCMA and UGMS will prevail; 8. Will comply with all terms of this grant agreement, and applicable state and federal laws, executive orders, regulations and policies governing this program. Applicant understand that failure to comply with these requirements may result in termination of the grant, or withholding or disallowance of reimbursement requests; 9. Affirms that the statements herein are true, accurate and complete, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief. Willful provision of false information is a criminal offense. Any person making false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements, in addition to other remedies available, may also be subject to civil penalties; 10. Any delegation by the Grantee to a subcontractor regarding any duties and responsibilities imposed by the grant award must be approved in writing by prior to assignment. Applicant understands that subcontracting shall not relieve the Grantee of its grant responsibilities; 11. If the Grantee has a financial audit performed in any year during which Grantee receives funds from Grantor, and if the Grantor requests information about the audit, the Grantee will provide such information to TDA or provide information as to where the audit report can be publicly viewed, including the audit transmittal letter, management letter, and any schedules in which the Grantee’s funds are included. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE’S SIGNATURE (Person listed in section C.) Name and Title of Authorized Representative Signature of Authorized Representative X _______________________________________ Date / / NOTE: With few exceptions, you have the right to request and be informed about the information that the State of Texas collects about you. You are entitled to receive and review the information upon request. You also have the right to ask the state agency to correct any information that is determined to be incorrect. (Reference: Government Code, Sections 522.021, 522.023, and 559.004.) Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade Application 2 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant (April 2014) TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SPECIALTY CROP RETAIL PROMOTION GRANT REIMBURSEMENT GRANT PROGRAM COMMISSIONER SID MILLER Form B. Project Narrative and Budget Note: This form was developed to be completed electronically. Click the text boxes to type responses. Applicant Name: Project Summary: Brief summary of the program/activity and how funds will be used. (Limit 200 words) Product Selection: List the Texas specialty crop items including, but not limited to fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, olive oil, honey, floriculture or horticulture that will be promoted with grant funds. (e.g., oranges, grapefruit, onions, watermelon, spinach, cabbage, squash, greens, pecans, honey) Reasons items were selected. (e.g., major product in Texas, major item sold in store, seasonal promotion) Region, area or location of participating stores. If demonstrations will be conducted, also provide locations to be held, a description of items to be featured, and estimated dates of promotions. Use of GO TEXAN Certification Mark: Explain how the GO TEXAN certification mark will be displayed. Provide specific examples or descriptions, including dimensions, of proposed display, point of purchase signs, banners, signs, etc. REMINDER: all promotional materials must feature the GO TEXAN certification mark and use of the mark must be preapproved by TDA. Will retailer create a GO TEXAN display? If so, please describe. Will other GO TEXAN non-specialty crop items be incorporated into the promotion (cost of incorporated nonspecialty crop items cannot be reimbursed through this grant)? If so, please provide details about the products and promotional activities. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade Application 3 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant (April 2014) Will retailer create additional signs featuring the GO TEXAN certification mark or promoting the Texas specialty crops? If so, what type? Proposed Activities: Provide a detailed description of the planned program/activities such as in-store demonstrations, advertisements, couponing or flyers. Provide sufficient details to clearly describe scope of activities and length of each promotion/activity. Proposed Date(s) Activity Featured Product Budget Instructions: All applicants must complete the budget form below. Costs incurred for “in-house” work performed by any staff or representative of the applicant are not permitted. If award is approved, no more than 10% of total award will be available to move between budget cost categories, without prior approval. Make efforts to ensure realistic budget for the proposed project. Cost Categories Amount Requested Demonstration $ Media Buys (TV, print, radio, web, social media, etc.) $ Signage $ Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade Application 4 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant (April 2014) Coupons $ Other (please describe) Total Amount Requested $ $ Budget Narrative: Please provide justification for the proposed expenditures listed above. This information should be descriptive about the costs and not a restatement of the proposed activities. Demonstration ($ ) Provide the total cost of product demonstrations and number of demonstrations included during the campaign. If multiple retail outlets will be included in each campaign period, provide an estimate for each retail location. Media Buys ($ ) Provide media company name, number of ads, duration of campaign, target audience and key market areas. Signage ($ ) Provide the estimated cost of printing, the number and types of items to be printed, and attach samples if possible. Coupons ($ ) If coupons will be utilized, provide details of items to be included, dollar or percentage discount amount, anticipated redemption rate and estimated dates of promotions. This may include, but is not limited to, design/printing and postage associated with the project. Other ($ ) Provide detailed descriptions of other costs. This may include, but is not limited to, design/printing, contractual costs, and postage associated with the project. Be sure to include details about how the funds will be used. Trade & Business Development Marketing and International Trade Application 5 Specialty Crop Retail Promotion Grant (April 2014)