GR Level D RL How They Go Exemplar Lesson Plan

Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
Guided Reading Planning Template (Day 1)
Book Title: How They Go Unit 3 Week 1
Text Level: D
Reading Plan: Ask questions about parts of the story that did not make sense
Primary Standard: RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Today you will be reading a…
(name genre, brief summary similar
to F&P running record introduction)
A fantasy book called How They Go. It is about 2 cats
named Kit and Tom. One lives in the country and one lives
in the city. What things do you see in the country? What
things do you see in the city?
 High Frequency Word: there
 Blending: -it; -om
 Have students find the word Kit in the book. Write Kit on
the easel. Here is Kit, now I am changing the K to an H.
What word do I have now?
 Give each child the page below. Give them letter tiles to
make word ladder words.
 Keep changing the initial sound to see if the students can
blend the new word.
Word Work
High frequency words and/or sound
patterns needed to read the text with
Vocabulary Word (location in text):
Choose words that holds meaning in
Students will use the picture cues and initial sounds to read:
the text that a student must know to
taxi, car, train, and plane.
comprehend the story, but could not
figure out through context, prior
knowledge, or decoding
Comprehension Support
 Identify and question what did not make sense
Include the teaching point and a
strategy for how students will apply it
within this text level. Focus on one "Readers often have questions about the information they are
item that benefits ALL students in the reading. Some questions will be answered in the story and
other questions might not be answered. Place a question
mark on any page you want to ask a question about the
Kindergarten Curriculum
Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
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During Reading
Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
Thinking Job
Standard based question that sets
students up to master the primary
standard. This is what the student
needs to be thinking/doing while
Conferring Plan
Identify students to confer with and
skills to teach based on running
records and/or formative data
Extension Suggestions
Discussion Questions and
Comprehension Application
Apply comprehension teaching point.
Also choose questions that support
Common Core Standards from the
grade level standards in which the
book level falls to enhance
comprehension of the text
Related Tasks
Ex: Writing/drawing to source
prompt, Arts Integration, re-tell the
story, sequence the story, create a
Thinking Map, sketch a prediction,
dramatize selection, reinforce High
Frequency words, vocabulary,
Phonics, phonemic awareness skills
information. Ask the question in your mind. Remove the
question mark if the question is answered later in the story.
Keep the question mark on the page you had a question if
you did not find an answer to your question."
Read to find out:
Does the text answer the questions you ask while you are
Suggested items for anecdotal notes or checklist:
 Uses new vocabulary
 Generates the sound associated with individual letters
 Verifies answers using illustrations
 Uses onsets and rimes to decode one syllable words
What is the setting of the story for Tom? (RL.K.3)
What is the setting of the story for Kit? (RL.K.3)
How are they going to get to the city and country? (RL.K.1)
What do you predict? (RL.K.1)
Why does Kit have a map? (RL.K.1)
Why is Tom taking pictures? (RL.K.1)
Application: Share the question mark moments with the
group. Ask students to share their questions that the text
answered. Then, ask students to present the question that
was not answered to the group. Have students consider
how to find the answer.
Students will create CVC words using building blocks or
available word building tools. Students can make –om and –
it words by changing the initial sound. Depending on the
students’ needs, you can have them make varying CVC
-it Word Ladder
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Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
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Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
Kindergarten Curriculum
Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
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Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
Guided Reading Planning Template (Day 2)
Reading Plan: Students will compare and contrast the city and country focusing on setting.
Primary Standard: RI.K.9 With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of
characters in familiar stories.
Today you will be reading a…
(name genre, brief summary similar
to F&P running record introduction)
Word Work
High frequency words and/or sound
patterns needed to read the text with
Vocabulary Word (location in text):
Choose words that holds meaning in
the text that a student must know to
comprehend the story, but could not
figure out through context, prior
knowledge, or decoding
Today we are going to read in order to look closely at the
pictures to help us understand the city cat and the country cat.
 High Frequency Words: in, the, that, how, see, to, on, can, she,
 Focus on: there
 Blending: -it; -om
Review sight words with “I Have, Who Has” below.
(RL.K.4 and L.K.6)
To build background knowledge about the country and city.
Show: Sesame Street: City and Country
Compare the adventures and experiences of the characters in the
During Reading
Comprehension Support
Include the teaching point and a
strategy for how students will apply it "In the story we have the country cat and the city cat. (Teacher
within this text level. Focus on one
models a Double Bubble Thinking Map) Use a yellow post-it
item that benefits ALL students in the note for country cat and a blue post-it note for city cat. As you
read of an adventure or experience, place the colored post-it
note over the words that match the experiences and adventures
of the cat being referenced.
Thinking Job
Standard based question that sets
students up to master the primary
standard. This is what the student
needs to be thinking/doing while
Conferring Plan
Identify students to confer with and
skills to teach based on running
records and/or formative data
Kindergarten Curriculum
Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
Read to find out:
What do you notice between the setting of the country cat and
the city cat and how does this affect the adventures and
experiences of each character?
Suggested items for anecdotal notes or checklist:
 Uses new vocabulary
 Uses prior knowledge
 Retells a story
 Recalls information
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Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
Discussion Questions and
Comprehension Application
Apply comprehension teaching point.
Also choose questions that support
Common Core Standards from the
grade level standards in which the
book level falls to enhance
comprehension of the text
What do you notice about the markets?(RL.K.1)
What do notice about the trains? (RL.K.1)
What is the same? What is different? (RL.K.9)
What do you notice about the view from the planes? (RL.K.1)
Application: Share the double bubble map comparing and
contrasting the experiences of each character.
Extension Suggestions
Arts Integration: Students will share their opinion by choosing
the setting of country cat or the city cat as their favorite place. If
they prefer the country cat’s setting, they will create a country
setting which could include a barn and cows, etc. If they prefer
the city cat’s setting, they will create a city setting with a sky
scraper. Students can label or create captions for the parts of the
city/country scape that they create to reinforce vocabulary.
Example of artwork is here:
Related Tasks
Ex: Writing/drawing to source prompt,
Arts Integration, re-tell the story,
sequence the story, create a Thinking
Map, sketch a prediction, dramatize
selection, reinforce High Frequency
words, vocabulary, Phonics,
phonemic awareness skills
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Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
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Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
I have the first card.
I have in.
Who has the?
I have the.
Who has that?
I have on.
Who has can?
I have that.
Who has how?
I have can.
Who has she?
I have how.
Who has see?
I have she.
Who has he?
I have see.
Who has to?
I have he.
Who has there?
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Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
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Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
I have there.
This is the last card.
Kindergarten Curriculum
Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
I have to.
Who has on?
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Anne Arundel County Public Schools | Department of Academics & Strategic Initiatives
Student Anecdotal Notes
 Independently uses new
 Fluently reads words using
onsets and rimes
 Independently retells information
 Independently uses prior
knowledge to connect with story
 Independently verifies answers
using illustrations
 Independently retells information
using pictures
 With reminders, uses new
 With assistance, reads
words using onsets and
 With reminders, retells
information using pictures
 Independently verifies answers
using illustrations
 Fluently reads CVC words
 Independently retells information
 Independently, generates the
sounds associated with letters
 With assistance, blends letters
together to read CVC words
 With reminders, retells a story
using pictures
 With assistance, blends
letters together to read
CVC words
 With assistance, uses new
 With reminders, verifies
answers using illustrations
Informal Running Records
Student Andrea
Title How They Go
Level D
Strengths: Knows letter sounds. Looks at letters to try to sound out word. With reminders, uses
Area of Needed Growth: Needs to develop blending skills. With assistance an blend, trouble with
final sounds. With reminders, used above, under, lives, and rides.
Accuracy Rate 86/95 91%
Self Correction 1:6 Fluency Reads semi-fluently, needs to use
Student Charles
Title How They Go
Level D
Strengths: Reading CVC words with ease. Picks up new sight words quickly.
Area of Needed Growth: Introduce CVCe words. Will help with “ride” and “plane” with decoding
Accuracy Rate 92/95 97% Self Correction 1:3
Fluency Read fluently and quickly learned
new words.
Next Steps: Andrea needs to start using pictures to find words. Have CVC words and pictures
and have her match them before reading a text to develop that reading strategy.
Charles needs to go to level E. Introduce CVCe decoding strategy to help develop his reading
ability. Teach him this, and see if he can blend those words.
Kindergarten Curriculum
Theme 1 | Guided Reading & Small Group Instruction
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