Mereworth CP School: Medium Term Thematic Curriculum Plan 2015 T1 Teaching Team M Causer Theme Title The Vikings Wk No History -Research a specific period in history -To select and record information relevant to a chosen topic -Present findings in an appropriate form -to infer information from a portrait -to collect information from a range of sources and draw conclusions Foundation Subjects Key Questions & Activities Key Learning Objectives linked to NC POS Key Success criteria -to give reasons for peoples’ actions -to consider what life was like for children in the past -compare one civilization Week 1 Introduction to the Vikings Who were the Vikings? What does the word Viking mean? Why did the Vikings come to Britain? Week 2 The Viking Army What was the Viking army called? How were they organised? What weapons did the Vikings use? What did they wear in battle? Week 3 Viking Stories and Beliefs Who did the Vikings worship? What did Vikings believe happened after death? Viking stories and myths Week 4 Vikings at Sea What did Vikings sail in? How did they find the way? Ships in burials Week 5 Viking Daily Life Year Group 5 Weeks in unit 6 Resources who_were_the_vikings/ with another Week 6 What was daily life like? What was life like for a Viking child? Did the Vikings have slaves? What pastimes did the Vikings enjoy? Viking villages and homes What were Viking homes like? What did Vikings grow on their farm? What did the Vikings wear? Viking topic continues next term. Eval CULTURE WEEK – Water for travel and trade. Geography Eval RE Judaism Week 1 Week 2 (From Kent Syllabus) Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 What is Judaism? Main features and items in a Synagogue Important places and objects in a Synagogue The role of a Rabbi The Torah Recap Synagogue, Torah and Rabbi, create a ‘Synagogue’ in the classroom Fair Trade Role Play activity Individual and community rights and responsibilities. Eval PSHE Living in the Wider World /videos/2 sm.htm Resources folder on USB – Y5 RE T1 (SEALS / Sex and Citizenship Drug Education) CITIZENSHIP Impact of our choices Water poverty and global supply Eval Music Charanga Unit – Don’t Stop Beleivin’ Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Listen and appraise – Don’t Stop Believin’ Find the pulse of the song Do you like it? What can you hear? Begin to learn the song -scheme/136094-year-5/136095-autumn-1 Listen and appraise – Livin’ On A Prayer Pulse/Rhythm/Pitch games Continue learning the song Listen and appraise – All Right Now Pulse/Rhythm/Pitch games Continue learning the song Listen and appraise – Eye of the Tiger Pulse/Rhythm/Pitch games Rehearse the song, with percussion Listen and appraise – Don’t Stop Believin’ (cover version from Glee) Pulse/Rhythm/Pitch games Rehearse the song, with percussion Week 6 Listen and appraise – Don’t Stop Believin’ (cover veriosn by Petra Haden) Pulse/Rhythm/Pitch games Rehearse song – perform? Eval Science (Kent Scheme Unit) Forces To be able to explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Week 1 Introduction - what do you know already? What do you want to know? • • • Stop watches Paper Correct and incorrect statements about why we take repeated Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object. To be able to identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction that act between moving surfaces. To be able to identify scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments. To be able to take repeated accurate measurements using a stopwatch. To be able to explain the degree of trust in results. To be able to use test results to make predictions to set up further fair-tests. Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Detective - how can we find things out in Science? How does the surface area of a piece of paper affect how quickly it falls? Why bother repeating? Air Resistance investigations - How does the surface are of the blades affect the time it takes the spinner to fall? Fair test Air Resistance investigations 2 - What affects how well a parachute falls? Fair test Recording accurately • • • • • • • • • • • • • • measurements Materials for making parachutes String Objects for mass to tie on parachute (e.g. compare bears) Variety of trainers Planks Protractors Newton/force meters Tubs with lids Variety of elastic bands Masses Straws Empty 2L plastic bottles Equipment for attaching pump to bottle Pump Where can we find examples of friction? Using a force meter Friction investigation - which trainer provides the best grip? Week 5 Week 6 Friction investigation 2 - what affects how well the tub travels? How can we slow it down? Mixed forces investigation - what affects how far the rocket will fly when blown away from the straw? To be able to plan a fairtest; identifying the control variables. Eval Art /DT Controlling and Colour experimenting particular qualities of tone, shades, Colour wheel, colour value, complementary colours – explore van Gogh’s use of complementary colours. Colour Mixing van Gogh PowerPoint Colour Mixing Paul Klee PowerPoint hue and mood. Explore the texture in colour (link to texture unit) with sawdust, glue, shavings and on different surfaces. Considering colour for Create colour wheels, create patterns matching complementary colours. Colour mixing, tints and shades. Look at works of Paul Klee, and create own piece inspired by his ‘Two Tents’ work Chuck Close inspired works using colour – keep it simple! Use colour to express moods and feeling. Explore the texture of paint – very wet and thin or thick and heavy- add P.V.A to the paint. Encourage individual identification of suitable equipment for a particular purpose e.g. size of paintbrush or paper needed. Consider artists’ use of colour and application of it (Pollock, Monet, Chagall) Eval Real PE Unit 1 – Cognitive Skills FUNS Stations 9 Coordination: Ball Skills FUNS Station 12 Agility: Reaction/Response Throw Tennis Benchball Greetings Me and my Family French vocab. booklets each Conversations Introducing selves – name, age, birthday Asking others questions about themselves Discussing members of the family Dance) Eval French (Tout le Monde unit) Paper Paints – primary colours (red, yellow, green) Brushes Example works of Chuck Close purposes. PE / Sport (inc Colour wheel templates Eval Rising Stars Unit 5.1: We are Game Developers (NF) IT Rising Stars Focus; yr 3-6 Eval Literacy : Writing Key objectives and skills to be covered Genres covered Week 1 Identify features of a non-chronological report Re-structure poorly written report Week 2 Revision of punctuation, paragraphs and sections to aid text Explore ways to plan a non-chronological report – partner work – talk for writing Week 3 Connectives Note-taking Expanding notes into a range of sentences Explore simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences Week 4 Sentence starters – A CARP PIE Explore a range of sentence starters in non-chronological report writing Week 5 Verbs and Adverbs Vocabulary – upgrading, specific selection, technical vocab. related to the topic Week 6 Spelling – tricky homophones Write report, including all features – title, heading, sub-headings, past / present tense throughout, impersonal style, intro paragraph, paragraphs containing related info, labelled diagrams, key technical vocabulary, use of factual adjectives, range of sentence structures, concluding paragraph. Reading Comprehension skills Class texts Group Reading Texts Letts comprehension (Yrs 4 & 5) Class text – ‘Feasting the Wolf’, Susan Price Viking myths and legends Older literature, exploring older vocabulary and changing meanings Speaking and Listening Key Skills to be covered S&L Opportunities Drama Story telling opportunities Presenting holiday home learning to the class Class reader Spelling • Key Skills to be covered No Nonsense Spelling Week 1 Strategies at the point of writing Words with the letter string ‘ough’ Week 2 Word with the letter string ‘ough’ Words with ‘silent’ letters Week 3 Strategies for learning words: words with ‘silent’ letters from statutory and personal spelling lists Words with ‘silent’ letters: dictation Use of spelling journals Week 4 Words ending in ‘able’ and ‘ible’ Week 5 Words ending in ‘able’ and ‘ible’ Homophones (isle/aisle, aloud/allowed, affect/effect, herd/heard, past/passed) Week 6 Strategies for learning words: homophones (isle/aisle, aloud/allowed, affect/effect, herd/heard, past/passed) Strategies for learning words: words from statutory and personal spelling lists Maths Weekly ongoing Times tables and division facts,. Homework written/ My maths alternate weeks. Weekly updated working wall with vocabulary. Mental Maths challenges Key Objectives to be covered Week 1 Number and Place Value. Numbers to two decimal places; compare, order and partition; rounding to whole numbers and one decimal place. Week 2 Addition and Subtraction. Estimate; consider appropriate methods to solve calculations; multistep problems Week 3 Measures – Money Estimate; add and subtract using compact written method; calculate change; solve multistep problems Week 4 Multiplication and Division – Factors and Primes. Factors using arrays; common factors; prime numbers up to 100. Week 5 Fractions. Decimal to fraction conversions and vice versa; compare and order fractions. Week 6 Multiplication and Division. Estimate; multiply numbers up to 4 digits by 1- or 2-digit numbers using a written method; interpret remainders. Learning Experiences; To launch To Celebrate at end Visits Outdoor Learning Visitors in to school Approximate £ cost to families Celebrate, discuss and display summer projects pupils did in the holiday, on the Viking theme Viking dress-up day? S.Mortimer – ‘Viking Man’?