- Next Level English

 Use the book to create a timeline of events in Jekyll and Hyde from the perspective of three different
 Make sure you include quotes to support your depiction of the events
 Include two paragraphs on the back to tell me how and why each event takes place
 End result should be polished, presentable
 Add one more perspective or view and one more paragraph for each person working on the
____/30 Timeline contains characters, events, and locations from Jekyll and Hyde
____/20 Three quotes from book relating to various events
____/10 Three different perspectives are incorporated
____/30 Paragraphs either stapled to timeline or on back explaining events; number of paragraphs is
____/10 Time is neat; includes illustrations, decorations, or adornments (the more people working on the
timeline, the more detail I expect in the final product)
 Brochure can advertise to an audience from the late 1800s or early 1900s, or modern-day
 Think of how to best advertise the place – you are trying to get people to visit (London? Someone’s
house? Shops or streets? Etc.)
 Include two paragraphs on the back to tell me how and why the characters travel to your location
(or travel within it)
 End result should be polished, presentable
____/30 Clearly advertises location and possible activities in that location (where would the tourist stay?
What could they do there?)
____/20 Includes three pictures of the area (at least one must be a printed picture; one may be a map if
you choose); add three more pictures for each person working on this project
____/20 Includes at least ten facts about the area (think: what’s the climate like? The tourist attractions?
History?); add at least ten more facts for each additional group member
____/30 Brochure format, neat and organized, clear advertisement and target audience
 http://www.planetebook.com/ebooks/The-Strange-Case-of-Dr-Jekyll.pdf
 Chapter should be printed
 Annotations should be clearly drawn and in ink
 Unless specifically stated, your own responses do not have to be in complete sentences, but should
be directly on the paper
 (note that this activity works far better when you’re applying this to a chapter you do not
understand very well)
____/30 Twenty five marks in total of the following – circle (words you don’t know – give me the
dictionary definition), asterisk (figurative language – must be identified or at least described), exclamation
mark (parts that surprise you – explain why), underlines – words or ideas you recognize from different
classes; this does not include the questions, response, or quotes
____/20 Five question marks (with questions written out)
____/20 At least seven responses to specific parts of text
____/10 Pen and highlighter used, annotations clearly labeled and organized, neatly formatted
____/20 Five highlighted quotes, with a response about what makes it significant/important (not just to
the action, but to the book itself)
Essays (symbol/plot analysis)
 You may choose to use an outline template (independent is slightly better when writing a
complete essay, but you may use guided if you wish)
 Must be entirely complete sentences
 May be typed or handwritten (12-point font, Times New Roman, or use pen)
____/30 Intro and conclusion, at least four sentences each
____/20 Solid thesis statement (on topic)
____/10 Four citations (includes quotes and page numbers – remember where citations are used in an essay)
____/30 Four body paragraphs with at least 6-8 sentences each
____/10 Spelling and grammar
 You may choose however much time passes between entry – can be anywhere from a day to
several months, but I must be able to tell when time has passed
 Each entry must be at least nine sentences
 May be typed or handwritten – format may be creative to fit with the setting, but must be readable
____/30 Nine entries, each at least nine sentences
____/30 Each entry details a specific event, passage of time, or a series of thoughts pertaining to your
narrator and Jekyll and Hyde
____/20 Sentences are varied in structure (seven very short sentences won’t work)
____/20 Entries titled and/or dated, writing style works for a journal entry, some decoration (cover page,
lined paper, etc) added to emulate the feel of a journal
 Include with the rewrite a paragraph on the author you chose, how they write, and what styles
you are copying – show me that you understand what you are changing in the writing of Jekyll and
Hyde to sound like that author
 The excerpt should be at least seven-ten (7-10) paragraphs, depending on paragraph length
 May be typed or handwritten (12-point font, Times New Roman, or use pen)
____/30 Paragraph on back effectively explains your approach (What author are you copying? How did
you do it? What literary devices/styles did you focus on?)
____/30 Correct spelling/grammar, use of figurative language appropriate for your author
____/10 Excerpt has beginning and end (i.e., you can take that passage out of the book and the events still
make sense)
____/10 I need to initial here before you start writing to indicate that you have reviewed your subject and
author ahead of time with me and I have approved it
____/20 Original passage is cited and explained, either before the excerpt or in the added paragraph
Class Survey
 Make sure to approve your questions with me beforehand
 For each question, you should include at least one graphic (graph, chart) and at least one
paragraph (eight sentences) for each question explaining why you asked it, and analyzing the
results (what did you learn? Did boys/girls respond differently? Did you learn something about
your grade? Etc.)
 Be sure to include a list of signatures of people who participated; I should be able to ask any
student on that list about your questions
 May be typed or handwritten (12-point font, Times New Roman, or use pen)
____/30 At least sixty participants, three questions, no more than one “yes or no” question; for each extra
group member, another sixty participants are required
____/10 Questions were approved by me ahead of time (I need to initial here)
____/20 At least one graph or chart is included with the results of each question, as well as a list of
signatures from the participants (if the survey is online, I want a link to it)
____/30 One eight-sentence paragraph analyzing the results of each question
____/10 One extra paragraph detailing your methodology (how did you conduct the survey? Which
rooms did you go to, or how did you pass out a survey link?)
 This is the most flexible project, but also the one that most needs my approval; I will modify the
scoring guide for different types of videos or skits
 Video may be a book trailer, a scene from the book acted out, a scene or dialogue depicting a
moment not expressly described in the book (a conversation between Jekyll and Poole, the
dialogue between Carew and Hyde, a monologue from Lanyon after discovering Jekyll’s secret), or
a commentary on the book (what effects does Stevenson use in his writing that are effect? What
doesn’t work? Why?)
 If struggling with access to recording equipment, performing a skit/commentary for me works,
but you must schedule this in advance
 You may use puppets/stuffed animals, animation, or live actors
 Each person wishing to receive a grade on this project needs at least one minute of dialogue or
action (you may have some “guest stars” as extras who do not receive grades)
 Up to four people may work on this project (in which case it should be at least four minutes long)
 Actors may read from a script
____/10 Planning and my signature before you begin your project; a script must be included unless I
specifically state that it is unnecessary
____/20 Script is grammatically correct, makes sense, and provides at least one minute of dialogue per
____/20 Fluidity of final video (few or no awkward pauses, clear beginning and ending, script and
scenery make sense)
____/20 Setting (props, scene, costumes)
____/30 One minute of speech or acting per person
 This will be in a similar format to your epilogue for The Pearl
 Can be about any major character of the book – however, the epilogue should have a focus, and
answer any questions readers may have at the end of Jekyll and Hyde
 Include a diagram (bubble map, thinking map), of your thought process in writing the epilogue
 May be typed or handwritten (12-point font, Times New Roman, or use pen)
____/30 Bubble map on back details ideas for and direction of the epilogue, includes at least ten
“secondary” bubbles (not counting the one(s) in the middle)
____/20 Epilogue is at least eight 8-10 sentence paragraphs
____/20 Writing emulates Stevenson’s writing – what stylistic devices does he use? How does he describe
events, people, scenery? Are there words or terms he uses often?
____/20 Epilogue clearly addresses and continues the story of Jekyll and Hyde
____/10 Spelling, grammar
Quilt Patch and “Wanted” or “Missing” Poster
 Include two paragraphs on the back of each – who is missing or wanted? Why? What is being
offered as a result? Why did you decide to color things the way you did? Add one extra paragraph
on each piece of art for each additional group member or partner.
 Consider the two posters as opposites, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One is refined, something
regularly posted in society to fulfill a purpose, and expected, or normal. The other is a piece of the
story captured in the
 Although I am not requiring that they both be very large posters, they should both be larger than a
piece of printer paper.
 The poster may be anachronistic, which means you wouldn’t actually see a poster like that at the
end of the 1800s (i.e., it’s okay to include a phone number), although you can make it look like the
time period, too.
____/30 Both pictures, especially the scene, are drawn in detail and colored in
____/20 Three citations are included – two for the scene, and one on the poster (this means page
____/20 Paragraphs include page numbers from the book and explain artistic choices for the two pieces –
additional writing included for each group member
____/20 Scene and poster both accurately represent images from the book
____/10 Spelling, grammar