embedding the quote

Quotes into a paper
I found these passages, now
how do I put them into my
Using a colon – a dot over a dot :
Set up the quote and then
present it as proof of what
you have just said.
That is, say something
about the quote and then
present it like it’s a video or
an object you’re putting
on display. TELL and SHOW
It’s a grammatical way of
saying, “Here, see for
Colon example
The crew feasted on
Helios’ cattle with relish:
“Now six full days my
gallant crew could feast /
upon the prime beef they
had marked for slaughter”
Note that the phrase before
the quote could stand on its
own as a sentence.
We’ll discuss the punctuation
in a minute.
Using NO punctuation
You can mold the
author’s words in as if
they are your own.
In this case, you’ll
probably be summarizing
or paraphrasing the story
and at some point
decide that the writer’s
words are better than
Example of Using NO punctuation
before the quote
After Odysseus’ men were
killed, he was left alone on
the sea and began floating
“north again, / straight for
Charybdis” (965-966).
Note that if I took away the
quotation marks, the sentence
would still flow. That’s when you
know you don’t need
Your quotes can be brief as long
as they have the information
you need.
Using commas with quotes
You can introduce the quote
PHRASE that leads into the
author’s phrasing.
This phrase cannot stand on
its own as a sentence.
It will feel like you are writing a
piece of dialog for a story.
Using commas cont’d
• You will use a comma after
your introductory phrase or
at the end of the quotation
if it leads into another
phrase within the
Examples of commas
Before the quote:
When Odysseus killed
Antinous, the suitors cried
out, “Foul! to shoot at a
man! That was your last
shot!” (1432).
At the end of the quote:
“Let me bring you a shield
and spear,” offers
Telemachos to his battling
father (1506).
How do you punctuate this?
Reference lines in parentheses,
but do not write down “p.” or
any other abbreviation (56).
Periods: Periods go OUTSIDE
the quotation marks, “after the
line reference” (32).
We won’t worry about the line
breaks (/) during this unit – we’ll
do that when we read poetry.
Practice – punctuate these
• From line 1468
With anger in his heart,
Odysseus declares to the suitors
There will be killing till the score
is paid
• From lines 1485-1486
Once rallied, the suitors refused
to die without a fight Then
crying hoarse and loud he
hurled himself at Odysseus.
Practice – punctuate these
• From lines 1445-1446
The suitors then realized
Odysseus had returned and
sickly green fear pulled at their
• From Lines 1393-1394
Odysseus, the parent who had
never been there, finally came
through for his son Telemachus,
the stranger you welcomed in
your hall has not disgraced you.