Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning
When you are solving a problem you can use a strategy that is called
LOGICAL REASONING. Logical thinking exercises help kids learn the
process of elimination or deductive thinking. Most problems give a
variety of conditions and you must use an "if"-"then" approach. It's
important that you read the whole problem, and choose the best hint
or clue before starting to solve the problem. When practicing logic
with reasoning making a chart or drawing a picture are good
strategies. Now here is an everyday problem to solve using Logical
MC,Thomas,and Andrew decided to go to Freeza's Pizza's, where
each one chose one of three kinds of pizza: sausage, cheese, or
pepperoni. Using the following clues, who ordered which kind of pizza?
A. Thomas eats anything that is spelled with a double letter.
B. MC loves pizza, but she can't eat anything with too much dairy in
C. Andrew said he would settle for whatever kind was left.
Now using Logical Reasoning fill out the table below by putting an X in
the kind of pizza each person would want. You will need to copy the
table on a piece of paper.
Solving real life (sorta) problems using formal/informal reasoning and logic
Directions – Answer the following questions using your reasoning skills.
Question #1
If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert a cork into the neck of the bottle, how could you
remove the coin without taking the cork out or breaking the bottle?
Question #2
Three surgeons and a clumsy cook go camping in the remote wilderness. The clumsy cook
stumbles over the campfire as he is serving the surgeons, injuring himself and dumping hot stew
on the hands of the surgeons. The cook's injuries need surgical treatment. The surgeons' injuries
are minor but open. It turns out they brought the equipment necessary for the cook's surgery with
them, and they can use the campfire to sterilize the tools. But there are only two rubber gloves.
Because of the different surgeons' skills, all three of the surgeons are needed to operate on the
cook, in sequence. How can this be done without any of them being exposed to the blood of any
of the others?
Question #3
Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square ones?
Question #4
At a family reunion were the following people: one grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers,
two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two
daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. But not as many
people attended as it sounds. How many were there, and who were they?