All of these were factors in the development of Neoclassical Art except

International Gothic Style
- Late 14th-15th c.
Artists traveling around
Brilliant colors, lavish costumes
- Simone Martini altarpiece (1333). P. 509
- Limbourg Bros. Tres Riches Heures de Duc de
Berry, 15th c
International Style of Architecture
• -Europe and U.S.
• -Began in 1920s/1930s, lasted through mid
20th c.
• -Rectilinear lines, no ornamentation
• Use of cantilever construction
• Glass and steel common
St. Sernin
Plan, 10701120
p. 434
Gothic Architecture
Compared to the naves of French
Gothic churches, the naves of
English Gothic churches were
generally narrower and taller
A. True
B. False
B. False
English Gothic, broader and lower,
gardenlike settings inspired by
Medieval monasteries
ex. Salisbury Cathedral, England,
1220, p. 487
Where is the Forbidden City found?
A. Shanghai
B. Beijing
C. Hong Kong
D. Singapore
A. Beijing, China
Ming Dynasty, 15th c.
p. 723
-for imperial court, setting for
elaborate rituals
The early medieval emperor who united Europe and began a
revival of the ideals of imperial Rome was
(A) Constantine
(B) Charlemagne
(C) Otto III
(D) Justinian 61
In the early Christian Middle Ages, animals were used as
symbols for
(A) the stages of Christ’s life
(B) the Madonna and Child
(C) Old Testament prophets
(D) Gospel writers
B. Charlemagne
D. Gospel Writers
Louise Nevelson’s sculptures were typically made
(A) painted marble
(B) kinetic parts
(C) found objects
(D) hollow cast bronze
Egyptian pylon temples demonstrate
(A) the primacy of the central plan
(B) the clear influence of Greek ideas
(C) advanced building techniques and materials
(D) the conservative nature of Egyptian architecture
C. Found objects
D. The conservative nature of
Egyptian architecture
All of these were factors in the development of
Neoclassical Art except:
A. The excavation of Troy
B. The Age of Enlightenment
C. The rejection of the fanciful Rococo period
D. The uncovering of Pompeii and Herculaneum
Which 18th century artist was best-known for his
paintings of scientific experiments?
A. John Singleton Copley
B. Joseph Wright of Derby
C. Jacques-Louis David
D. John Constable
A. The excavation of Troy
B. Joseph Wright of Derby
Thomas Eakins was an artist who had a desire to portray things
as he saw them and not as the public might want them
portrayed. Which of the following is one of his works that
demonstrated this?
A. Two Girls Fishing
B. The Thankful Poor
C. The Gross Clinic
D. Olympia
Which of the following artists had firsthand knowledge and
experience of the American Civil War?
A. Thomas Eakins
B. John Singer Sargent
C. Henry Tanner
D. Winslow Homer
C. The Gross Clinic
D. Winslow Homer
All of the following are considered narrative
works of art EXCEPT
(A) the Bayeux Tapestry
(B) El Greco’s Burial of Count Orgaz
(C) Leonardo’s Mona Lisa
(D) Giotto’s Arena Chapel frescoes
Kazimir Malevich used which of the following
terms to refer to the movement represented by
his abstract paintings of pure geometric forms?
(A) Cubism
(B) Rayonnism
(C) Cubo-Futurism
(D) Suprematism
• (C) Mona Lisa
• (D) Suprematism
• Ingres’ technique and style is best
described as:
A. linear and tight
B. painterly and loose
C. colorful and emotional
D. almost nonobjective
• Antonio Canova is best known as a:
A. Neoclassical sculptor
B. Romantic Painter
C. Romantic Printmaker
D. Italian Baroque sculptor
• A. linear and tight
• A. Neoclassical sculptor
• The Neolithic period lasted until the introduction of:
A. stone tools
B. metalworking
C. domestication of animals
D. year-round settlements
• The term used to describe a royal Egyptian male headdress is a:
A. thutmose
B. serdab
C. nemes
D. anubis
• B. metalworking
• B. serdab
The study of Velázquez and Rembrandt led to freer brushwork, richer
colors, and dramatic presentation in the work of _____at the
beginning of the 19th century.
A. David
B. Ingres
C. Goya
D. Delacroix
Vermeer was known to have used which of the following tools?
A. stencils
B. camera obscura
C. clip targets
D. photo lens
D. Delacroix
B. camera obscura
• The image of the Sphinx is believed to be the pharaoh:
• This term means, “a tomb chamber formed of huge upright stones”:
• A hall supported by rows of c olumns is best described as:
post and lintel
• - Khafre
• -dolmen
• -hypostyle
An example of a register (rows of
pictures) can be found in this piece:
– Stele of Hammurabi
– Standard of Ur
– Ziggurat of Ur
– relief of Akhenaton and his Family
The stylistic conventions of rigidly frontal symmetry, abnormally large eyes, and
tightly clasped hands are most characteristic of the art, of:
– Sumer
– Lascaux
– Paleolithic
– Babylon
The sculptors of the Eshnunna votive statues simplified the faces, bodies, and
dress to emphasize the __________ shapes of the figures.
– rectangular
– cylindrical
– sharp, angular
-- round, spherical
• - Standard of Ur
• -Sumer
• - cylindrical
• Raphael painted “School of Athens” for the Pope’s private __________.
• The development of linear perspective is generally credited to
da Vinci
• Michelangelo has been credited with all of these except:
The Last Judgment fresco in the Sistine Chapel
the Marble Pieta in St. Peter’s
a Greek-cross layout for St. Peter’s
The Sistine Madonna painting
• - Apartment
• - Brunelleschi
• - The Sistine Madonna painting
• Which painter created dynamic, Mannerist compositions, often by
means of swirling clouds and fitful light?
• Which of the following developed in 15 century Italy but fully matured
in 16 century Italy?
manuscript illumination
perspectival systems
architectural standards
• Which of the following was a contemporary of Judith Leyster?
Hieronymous Bosch
Rogier Van Der Weyden
Frans Hals
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
• - Tintoretto
• -perspectival systems
• - Frans Hals
• Which of the following was not sculpted by Auguste Rodin?
The Kiss
The Gates of Hell
The Thinker
The Gates of Paradise
• Art Nouveau was a style of craft that used:
symmetrical geometric forms
a combination of different metals
a blend of architecture, sculpture and painting
sinuous lines of metalwork and glass
• Which of the following artists explored the properties of light, depth,
color through bulky, block-like brushstrokes?
• The Gates of Paradise
• sinuous lines of metalwork and glass
• Cezanne