stars and sneetches

Stars and Sneetches
Take a math worksheet.
See how many problem you can solve
before the time is up.
Stars and Sneetches
1. 12 sneetches stood in a pattern. Can you fill in the blanks to complete the pattern?
2. There were 7 sneetches at a party. Three of the sneetches had stars. The rest did not. How
many sneetches did not have stars?
3. On the beach there were 4 sneetches without stars and 10 with stars. How many more starbellied sneetches were there than plain-bellied sneetches?
4. Mr. McBean charged the sneetches $3 to go in the star machine and $10 to come out. If a
sneetch went inside the star machine two times and out one time, how much money did he
have to pay? _______
Sneetches Rhyme and Match Game
Spread out the cards face down on the table. Take
turns flipping over two cards at a time. If the two
words on the cards rhyme, then you get a point. If
they do not, then it is the next player’s turn. You do
not get to go again if you get a rhyme. Only turn
over two cards per turn. The person with the most
matches (rhymes) at the end of the game wins.
Listen, Follow and Write
Put on the headphones and listen to
“The Sneetches”
as you follow along in the book.
When you are done listening, write about a
time when you noticed a trend. Write about
whether or not you decided to join in and why.
“You could only play if your bellies had stars.”
Some people will try to tell you that you have to
follow some sort of trend in order to fit in. Trends
can be good or bad. One bad trend is smoking. On a
piece of paper write all the ways you can say no to
smoking or other bad trends.
I will not follow bad trends.
1. ______________________________________
Star Art
Cut out and decorate your own individual star.
Be sure it resembles you and not any trend.
Talk about the book with your group and the
teacher. Point out your favorite lines in the book.
Social studies concept being taught in this lesson: Social Trends/Acceptance
Book Kit Title: TheSneetches(SocialTrends/Acceptance)
Book Author and Publication Date: Dr. Suess 1961
ISBN #: 0-394-80089-3
This Book Kit was planned by: Melissa (Nield) Hunsaker
Grade Level for this kit is intended for: 2-3
Core Curriculum Standard and Objective or NCSS Standard this lesson teaches: Individual
Development and Identity
Materials for this lesson: Book, “The Sneetches,” by Dr. Suess
Deck of Cards for lesson activity
6 Activity Signs*
Math Worksheets*
Create cards for matching game (words included)*
Create tape of you (or another student) reading the book
Star picture for star art*
Magazines, crayons, scissors, glue and any other craft materials of
your choice for the individualized star art
“I will not follow bad trends” worksheet*
Lesson Objective: Complying to Social trends detracts from individuality, hurt feelings and only
last a short time.
Background Knowledge: Know how to define the word, “trend.”
Anticipatory Set: Ask students what they think the word “trend” means. Discuss good and bad
trends. Ask students if they ever had a time when they felt left out because they couldn’t be a
part of a trend or a time when they decided that they did not want to be part of a trend. Make
a list of older trends on the board. Discuss with students how they have gone out of style and
now seem funny and pointless. Some of these trends might include: pogs, specific clothing
styles (bellbottoms), specific hair styles, limes (Little Women), hair scrunchies on wrists,
sweatshirt around waist, mood rings, etc.
Listening Focus: As students listen to the book they can think about the feelings the different
sneetches are experiencing.
Method for Sharing the Book: Read the book straight through so that students can enjoy the
story. At the end of the book discuss some of the things that the students thought about
concerning the trends of the sneetches. Talk about the changes in the trends that really didn’t
matter in the end and how that took away from individuality. Talk about what the star
sneetches were able to do that the plain sneetches couldn’t do. How did this make the plain
bellied sneetches feel? What did the sneetches learn? How can we create an inclusive
Instructional Procedures: Drama Activity- Each child will take a card from a deck of playing cards.
If they get a lower card, then they are in a lower class (no stars). If they get a higher card, then
they are in the upper class (stars). Students will then place the card above their head for other
students to see (without looking at it themselves when they get it). They will then act snobby to
those that have lower cards and kind to those who have higher cards regardless of what card
they have themselves. At the end of this activity, ask the students if they could tell what kind of
card they had by the way people acted toward them.
Closure: Ask the students about their feelings. Would it be better if everyone was nice to
everyone no matter what their status? Discuss how trends play into this. How do we avoid
social trends? Do some students do things to feel accepted – encourage students to make sure
that all students feel accepted for who they are.
Evidence of Student Learning: Write a brief paper about how they can help their peers feel
accepted as who they are and how to avoid social trends.
Integrated Activities (for centers):
Activity 1: Math Worksheet
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Understanding
Activity 2: Discussion of Book
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Remembering
Activity 3: Not following bad trends
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Evaluating
Activity 4: Create own individualized star
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Creating
Activity 5: Listen, Follow and Write
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Creating
Rhyme and Matching game
Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Analyze