Biology CHAPTER 24 Fish Slide 1 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Ch.24 Fish Interesting Fish Facts: Gills are efficient at extracting oxygen from water that has 1/20 the oxygen of air Lateral line system detects water currents and vibrations, a sense of “distant touch” Adapted to live in medium 800 times denser than air Can adjust to the salt and water balance of their environment “Fish” refers to one or more individuals of one species “Fishes” refers to more than one species Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Slide 2 of 62 End Show Slide 3 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show History of Fish Descended from an unknown free-swimming protochordate (tunicates) ancestor about 550 million years ago Earliest fish-like vertebrates: Group of agnathan fishes Agnathans (Jawless) Include extinct ostracoderms and living hagfishes and lampreys Hagfishes lack vertebrae Lampreys have primitive vertebrae Gnathostomes (Jawed) Appear after Agnathans in fossil record with fully formed jaws Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Slide 4 of 62 End Show 30-2 Ch. Fishes 24 Types of Fish Slide 5 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Ch. Fishes 24 What Is a Fish? What are the basic characteristics of fishes? Slide 6 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 WhatFishes Is a Fish? What Is a Fish? Fishes are aquatic vertebrates. Most fishes have paired fins, scales, and gills. Caudal fin Dorsal fin Lateral line Scales Eye Mouth Anal fin Pelvic fin Pectoral fin Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Operculum (gill coverbony fish) Slide 7 of 62 End Show 30-2 Evolution Fishesof Fishes Evolution of Fishes What were the important developments during the evolution of fishes? Slide 8 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Evolution Fishesof Fishes Evolution of Fishes Evolution of Fishes The evolution of jaws and the evolution of paired fins were important developments during the rise of fishes. • Jaws with muscles and teeth made it possible for fish to eat a wider variety of foods. • Animals with jaws can also defend themselves by biting. •Paired fins gave fishes more control of body movement. - Balance •Tail fins and powerful muscles gave fishes greater thrust when swimming. Slide 9 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Evolution Fishesof Fishes Evolution of Fishes QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Hagfish - only caudal fin Shark - many single and paired fins Slide 10 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Evolution Fishesof Fishes Evolution of Fishes The First Fishes The earliest fishes to appear in the fossil record lived about 510 million years ago. These fishes were jawless and had bodies covered with bony plates. Ostracoderms Slide 11 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Evolution Fishesof Fishes The Rise of Modern Fishes Early jawed fishes soon disappeared, but left behind two major groups that continued to evolve and still survive today. One group—the ancestors of modern sharks and rays—evolved a skeleton made of strong, resilient cartilage. Chondrichthyes The other group evolved skeletons made of true bone. Osteichthyes Slide 12 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes How are fishes adapted for life in water? Slide 13 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Form and Function in Fishes Adaptations to aquatic life include: • various modes of feeding (can vary throughout life) • specialized structures for gas exchange (gills) Slide 14 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Feeding- Digestive System Food passes through the mouth and esophagus, into the stomach. In the stomach, the food is partially broken down. Esophagus Stomach Mouth Slide 15 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes In many fishes, the food is further processed in fingerlike pouches called pyloric ceca. The pyloric ceca secretes digestive enzymes and absorbs nutrients from the digested food. Pyloric cecum Slide 16 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes The liver and pancreas add enzymes and other digestive chemicals to the food as it moves through the digestive tract. Liver Slide 17 of 62 Pancreas Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes The intestine completes the process of digestion and nutrient absorption. Intestine Only show “Intestine” label on this slide. Slide 18 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Undigested material is eliminated through the anus. Anus Slide 19 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Respiration Most fishes exchange gases using gills located on either side of the pharynx. Gills Slide 20 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Fishes use their gills to exchange gases by pulling oxygen-rich water in through their mouths, pumping it over their gill filaments, and pushing oxygen-poor water out. Gills Slide 21 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Circulation Fishes have closed circulatory systems with a heart that pumps blood around the body in a single loop from the heart to the gills, from the gills to the rest of the body, and then back to the heart. Slide 22 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes In most fishes, the heart has four parts: • the sinus venosus - chamber that receives bloods and forces into atrium • the atrium - received oxygen deprived blood • the ventricle - pumps to force blood to gills/lungs • the bulbus arteriosis - chamber that receives blood from ventricle before heading throughout body thru aorta. • Blood flows from heart to gills to body and back QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Bulbus Arteriosis Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Slide 23 of 62 End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Circulation in a Fish Gills Body muscle circulation Digestive system circulation Brain and head circulation Heart Slide 24 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Excretion Wastes are removed by kidneys. Kidney Slide 25 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes The kidneys of freshwater fishes pump out dilute urine. (High water content, low salt) The kidneys of saltwater fish, pump out concentrated urine.(Low water content, high salt) Kidney Slide 26 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Response Fishes have well-developed nervous systems organized around a brain. Brain Slide 27 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes The olfactory bulbs are involved with the sense of smell, or olfaction. Olfactory bulb Slide 28 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes In most vertebrates, the cerebrum is responsible for all the voluntary activities of the body. Cerebrum In fishes, however, the cerebrum primarily processes the sense of smell. Slide 29 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes The optic lobes process information from the eyes. Optic lobe Slide 30 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes The cerebellum coordinates body movements. Cerebellum Slide 31 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes The medulla oblongata controls the functioning of many internal organs. Medulla oblongata Slide 32 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Almost all fishes that are active in daylight have welldeveloped eyes and color vision. Many fishes have extraordinary senses of taste and smell. Most fishes have ears but may not hear sounds well. Fishes use the lateral line system to sense the motion of other fishes or prey swimming nearby. Some fishes can detect low levels of electric current. Slide 33 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Lateral Line in Scales QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Lateral Line in a shark Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Slide 34 of 62 End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Many bony fishes have an internal, gas-filled organ called a swim bladder (or air-bladder) that adjusts their buoyancy. Gases are pulled out of circulatory system and into the bladder to increase buoyancy. Controlled by pressure of water. Swim bladder Slide 35 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes Reproduction The eggs of fishes are fertilized either externally or internally, depending on the species. Fishes whose embryos in the eggs develop and hatch outside the mother's body are oviparous. The embryos of oviparous fishes obtain food from the yolk in the egg. Male banded jawfish: Retrieves females eggs and incubates until they hatch. Slide 36 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function Forminand Fishes Function in Fishes In ovoviviparous species, the eggs stay in the mother's body after internal fertilization. Each embryo develops inside its egg, using the yolk for nourishment. The young are “born alive” like most mammals. Rainbow surfperch: Giving birth Slide 37 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 FormFishes and Function in Fishes In viviparous animals, the embryos stay in the mother's body after internal fertilization. These embryos obtain the substances they need from the mother's body (not from material in an egg). Referred to as “Uterine Milk” made by uterus. Some fish will produce more eggs, simply to feed young. Or feed on siblings. The young of viviparous species are “born alive.” Bull shark give live birth to up to 13 young. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Slide 38 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes What are the three main groups of fishes? Slide 39 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes All living fishes can be classified into three groups: jawless fishes (Agnathan), and Chondrichthyes fish and Osteichthyes fish (gnathostomes). Chondrichthyes = cartilage skeleton (sharks) Osteichthyes = bony fish- ray-finned (most) or lobe-finned (gave rise to tetrapods) Slide 40 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Jawless Fishes- Agnathan Jawless fishes have no true teeth or jaws. Their skeletons are made of fibers and cartilage. They lack vertebrae, and keep their notochords as adults. Slide 41 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Modern jawless fishes are divided into two classes: lampreys and hagfishes. Lamprey Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Slide 42 of 62 End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Lampreys are typically filter feeders as larvae and parasites as adults. Adult lampreys attach themselves to fishes, whales, and dolphins. They scrape away at the skin with small toothlike structures. The lamprey sucks up the tissues and body fluids of its host. Slide 43 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Hagfishes have pinkish gray, wormlike bodies and four or six short tentacles around their mouths. They lack eyes, but have light-detecting sensors scattered around their bodies. They feed on dead and dying fish by using a toothed tongue to scrape a hole into the fish’s side. Slide 44 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Hagfishes 30-2 Fishes - Jawless fish Hagfish use teeth to grasp food Hagfish knotting, to help tear flesh from prey Slide 45 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Lamprey 30-2 Fishes - Jawless fish - feeding on fish Slide 46 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Lamprey 30-2 Fishes - Jawless fish - Life Cycle Slide 47 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Sharks 30-2 Fishes (Chondrichthyes): Groups of Fishes Sharks and Their Relatives - Chondrichthyes The class Chondrichthyes contains sharks, rays, skates, sawfishes, and chimaeras. The skeletons of these fishes are built entirely of cartilage. Many sharks have thousands of teeth arranged in several rows, new teeth develop internally, and those on the external rows are shed. Most species of sharks do not attack people. Sharks do not have a swim bladder, instead they rely on their liver which produces oil (less dense). All birth methods- viviparous, oviparous, ovoviviparous Slide 48 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Sharks 30-2 Fishes (Chondrichthyes): Groups of Groups Fishes of Fishes Male Spiny Dogfish Shark Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Slide 49 of 62 End Show Sharks 30-2 Fishes (Chondrichthyes): Groups of Groups Fishes of Fishes Sharks (Chondrichthyes): Groups of Fishes In males, the medial part of the pelvic fin is modified to form a clasper used in copulation Lateral eyes are lidless Behind each eye is a spiracle Remnant of the first gill slit Tough, leathery skin with placoid scales Reduce water turbulence Paired nostrils are anterior to mouth Detect prey at a distance by large olfactory organs sensitive to one part per 10 billion Prey may also be located from long distances sensing low frequency vibrations in the lateral line Electroreceptors, the ampullae of Lorenzini, are located on the shark’s head - allow shark to find bioelectric field of prey Slide 50 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Sharks 30-2 Fishes (Chondrichthyes): Groups of Groups Fishes of Fishes Sharks (Chondrichthyes): Groups of Fishes Sensory Canals and Receptors Slide 51 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Fishes Groups of FishesGroups of Fishes Rays (Chondrichthyes): Some skates and rays feed on bottom-dwelling invertebrates. The largest rays eat floating plankton. Skates and rays glide through the sea with their large, winglike pectoral fins. Many skates and rays cover themselves with sand and rest on the ocean floor. Some “Electric” Rays produce a high-amp current from electric organs. Voltage = 50 , Output = 1 kilowatt During Egyptian times Rays were used to treat arthritis. Feed on mollusks, crustaceans, small fish Slide 52 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show Rays 30-2 Fishes (Chondrichthyes): Groups of Groups Fishesof Fishes Contain cells called electrocytes: When discharged simultaneously, a high amperage current flows into the surrounding water to stun prey or discourage predators. This is controlled by the Cerebellum. Slide 53 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Bony Fishes - Osteichthyes Bony fishes make up the class Osteichthyes. Their skeletons are made of bone. Almost all living bony fishes are ray-finned fishes. “Ray-finned” refers to the slender bony spines, or rays, that are connected by a thin layer of skin to form the fins. Slide 54 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Ray-Finned Fish Class Actinopterygii Slide 55 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Only seven living species of bony fishes are not classified as ray-finned fishes. These are the lobe-finned fishes, a subclass that includes lungfishes. The fleshy fins of lobe-finned fishes have support bones. Some of these bones are jointed. Slide 56 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Groups Fishes of Fishes Groups of Fishes Lobe-Finned fish - Class Sarcopterygii Ancestors to the tetrapods: have lungs and gills Slide 57 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Ecology Fishes of Fishes Some fishes spend most of their lives in the ocean but migrate to fresh water to breed. These fish are called anadromous. Salmon are anadromous. Slide 58 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Ecology Fishes of Fishes Spawning Salmon Slide 59 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Ecology Fishes of Fishes Some eels spend most of their lives in freshwater but migrate to the sea to breed. These fish are called catadromous. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. The American Eel is catadromous. Slide 60 of 62 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall End Show 30-2 Ecology Fishes of Fishes - Eel Migration Young travel up stream to develop, adults swim to oceans to breed and die. Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Slide 61 of 62 End Show 30-2 Click to Launch: Continue to: - or - Slide 62 of 62 End Show Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall 30-2 A characteristic of almost all fish is (not catfish and eel) a. a notocord absent as an adult. b. the presence of scales. c. a skeleton made of cartilage. d. the lack of jaws. Slide 63 of 62 End Show Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall 30-2 Fishes whose eggs hatch outside the mother’s body are a. ovoviviparous. b. oviparous. c. viviparous. d. parous. Slide 64 of 62 End Show Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall 30-2 Salmon are anadromous fishes that a. spend their lives in the sea. b. spend their lives in rivers or streams. c. migrate to the sea in order to spawn. d. migrate to rivers and streams to spawn. Slide 65 of 62 End Show Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall 30-2 An example of a fish that is a filter feeder as a larva and a parasite as an adult is a a. shark. b. skate. c. lamprey. d. lungfish. Slide 66 of 62 End Show Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall 30-2 Most members of the class containing sharks and rays are characterized by a. a cartilaginous skeleton. b. a bony skeleton. c. a single operculum over the gills. d. swim bladder. Slide 67 of 62 End Show Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall END OF SECTION