OnCore Training Manual V13.5 Reference Guide Questions? OnCoreSupport@ucdenver.edu This manual has been adapted for this institution based on materials provided by Forte Research Systems. For further detailed information refer to the website: www.ucdenver.edu/research/ResearchAreas/OnCore. Additional information can be found at www.Onsemble.net. OnCore Navigation What is OnCore? OnCore stands for Online Collaborative Research Environment. It is a Clinical Trial Management System developed by Forte Research Systems, Inc. and is designed to assist the University of Colorado in managing its robust portfolio of research trials. OnCore requires users to navigate the application appropriately to be able to fully utilize the application’s functions. End users may refer to the keyboarding short-cuts to familiarize themselves with quick ways to move through the OnCore application placed at the end of this section. Home Page/Screen Layout The first time a user log’s into OnCore, the Home Page will look something like this. The User’s Name will appear at the top of the Home Page Screen. If this Name is not correct, please immediately notify the OnCore Support Team at OnCoreSupport@ucdenver.edu. Additionally the OnCore Home Page will display the following: End User’s Default User Role Link to the OnCore Home Page OnCore Home Page Configuration Wheel Link to My Profile Settings Link to Various Help Information (not configured at this time). If help is needed, contact OnCoreSupport@ucdenver.edu. Navigation │ 1 of 10 Log Off Button Navigation Menu Roles/Security Each OnCore User is assigned to at least one User Role. OnCore utilizes User Roles to distribute various system privileges, as each area and function within OnCore has privilege requirements. Each user is assigned the User Role(s) necessary for their job function. When Users log into OnCore, the default role will display for that User. However, the User may change the User Role without logging off by selecting the arrow to the right of the displayed User Role at the top of the screen. The User may also change their Role by selecting My Profile at the top right of the screen and select a new role there. My Profile The My Profile Button allows an End User to modify their display preferences within OnCore, as well as revise their default User Role, should the User have more than one Role. Default User Role – Users may change the Default User Role by selecting from the drop down list provided and Clicking “Submit”. Theme – The OnCore “color theme” may be changed for each individual user if so desired by selecting the desired theme from the drop down list provided and Clicking “Submit”. Change Password – DO NOT USE – Users will never be asked to Change their OnCore Password, as the University of Colorado utilizes Users’ Active Directory to access OnCore. Navigation │ 2 of 10 OnCore utilizes various Menus and Tabs to navigate throughout the application. The main Horizontal Drop Down Menu is at the top of every screen. By clicking on a selected area of the application, additional options will appear in drop-down format. Keep in mind, the options for each user is dependent upon the security and privileges within the User Role being used. OnCore also uses Vertical Menus once within a section of the application, as well as Horizontal Tabs that will categorize information within the Menu Option. Navigation │ 3 of 10 Navigation Tips & Data Entry Tools Only One OnCore Session – Only one session (Internet Browser Window) of OnCore should ever be open at one time. Multiple sessions of OnCore will result in misbehavior, could result in data loss, and can only be resolved by closing the additional sessions. Do Not Use Pop-Up Blockers – There are times that OnCore will use Pop-Up Dialogue Boxes for data entry/selection. Pop-Up Blockers will prevent these windows from displaying; therefore, Users must ensure their Internet Browser Pop-Up Blocker is disabled. Avoid the Browser Back Button – Avoid using the Browser Back Button while working within OnCore. Instead use the navigation buttons, tabs, menus within the OnCore Application to navigate. Using the Browser Toolbar is outside the OnCore application and may lead to unexpected results and unsaved data. CTRL+F = FIND – Utilizing the CTRL Key with the F Key provides a quick search within a list. Select the List, document or screen desired to be searched, then hold down the CTRL Key while also pressing the F Key. F11 – F11 will display the Full Browser Screen and hide taskbars. Pressing F11 again will return the screen to the original setting. Logging Off – To properly exit OnCore, Users must select the Log Off Menu Link at the top right of the screen. Resetting Password – Users cannot reset their password in OnCore alone. Users must reset their UCD Password by calling the OIT Help Desk at 303-724-4357 or by following OIT instructions found on the website: https://passport.ucdenver.edu/oim. User will log in with UCD Active Directory. Hyperlinks – Throughout OnCore, Users are presented information with a BLUE link. This will allow the user to short cut to other areas of the system without utilizing a Menu. Find-as-you-type Field – At the upper left of the screen is a data entry field used to select protocols. Date Fields and Interactive Calendars Throughout the application OnCore provides users the ability to short hand dates (called a date widget) for more efficient date entry. Entering the date in any of the formats following, then tabbing/clicking off the field will default the appropriate date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. Commonly used date widgets are listed below: Navigation │ 4 of 10 Short Cut Entry t t+/-# Result Today’s Date Today’s Date plus or minus the number of days entered t+1 Tomorrow t-1 Yesterday w+/-# Today’s Date plus or minus the number of weeks entered w+1 1 Week from Today w-1 1 Week Ago from Today m+/-# Today’s Date +/- the number of months entered m+1 1 Month from Today m-1 1 Month Ago from Today y+/-# Today’s Date +/- the number of years entered y+1 1 Year from Today y-1 1 Year ago from Today mb Month Beginning – may be alone or with +/- # of months me Month End – may be alone or with +/- # of months yb Year Beginning – may be alone or with +/- # of months ye Year Ending – may be alone or with +/- # of months Navigation │ 5 of 10 Numbered Dates – Single Digit months and days may be entered if slashes are used: M/D/YY, MM/DD/YYY. No dashes are required, but double digit months and days are required MMDDYY, MMDDYYY. Dates Auto Format – Dates may also be entered allowing the system to format the date for the user. Interactive Calendars – Selecting Interactive Calendar Grids will provide the user with an Interactive Calendar where they may select the date by clicking directly on the Calendar. The arrows on the Calendar will allow the user to move from month to month, year to year, and select the exact date desired. Information Tables Throughout the application, there are some screens that present the information in Table format. OnCore provides a number of ways to Sort and Display that information on the Screen, as well as export the information to other formats. Page Size – Here the system allows the user to choose how many rows of information will display per page. 10, 20, 50, 100 are the typical choices, and many screens will allow the user to Save their Preferences for that page. Filter – The User may type key words from the information shown on the screen to filter out what data is displayed. Page Navigation Buttons – These buttons allow the user to navigate forward and backward, Start to End, of pages of information if desired. Navigation │ 6 of 10 Column Sorts – Left Clicking at the top of a column allows the user to sort Ascending or Descending (second click; same column) to sort data by that parameter. A right click on the same column allows the end-user to select a secondary sort parameter as well. Selecting Protocols The majority of trials have a naming convention. The Protocol Number is typically numeric characters. Users may enter numbers from the Protocol Number in the “Select Protocol” field to select the appropriate study. As data is entered into the Select Protocol Field, the result list is narrowed. Selecting Enter will display the highlighted study, or the user may utilize the arrow keys or mouse to select from the list. Users may also select Protocols by entering the following identifying numbers/information into the Select Protocol Field IRB Number PRMS Number Sponsor Protocol Number Grant Number Once a Protocol is selected, the OnCore Screen Header will populate, and will remain the same as the user navigates within functions in the application. The Header provides “Read Only” summary information for the Protocol and is consistent across the group of related pages that are associated with the bar. Navigation │ 7 of 10 Widgets A Widget is a personalized display of OnCore data. This data is comprised of hyperlinks allowing the End User to quickly access the related information instead of being required to access various menu selections. Currently OnCore provides the following Widgets users may add to their OnCore Home Page. For End Users to create their personal Widgets, Access the Home Page Configuration Gear Wheel located in the top right hand corner of the OnCore Home Page. The Home Screen Configuration Screen will display. Navigation │ 8 of 10 End Users may Click the Add Checkbox to the right of the Widget desired. Once all are selected, Click Save, and the Widgets will appear in the appropriate columns. Widgets are deleted from this screen also. Once all Widgets are placed as desired, Select the Home Page Button at the top right of the Screen to access the OnCore Home Page Screen. The following Widgets require further configuration before loading: Protocol Widget SAE’s Widget Subjects Widget Protocol/ SAE’s/ Subjects Widget Configuration Settings Located at the top of the Protocol, SAE’s and Subjects Widgets are 3 control buttons. These buttons allow configuration of the Widget, Deletion of the Widget, and an Expanded View of the information within the Widget. Navigation │ 9 of 10 Selecting the Widget Configuration Button will allow the End-User to further select how Protocols, SAE’s and Subjects will be displayed within the Widget. The individual Widget configuration all 3 work on the same primary settings available. End Users may select for Protocols, SAE’s, or Subjects to appear if they are bookmarked. To bookmark a Protocol or a Subject, when the PC Console or the Protocol or the Subject Console of the Subject is accessed, click on the White Star in the top left hand of the screen, it will turn gold, and will then be bookmarked. Additionally the configuration settings may allow the End-User to also display information within that widget based on the End-User’s Role as placed on PC Console>Details>Staff and/or Subject Console>On Study> Subject Staff. Also, End-Users may customize what fields display, the maximum number of items permitted to list within the widget, as well as removing current bookmarks from Protocols and Subjects that are bookmarked without needing to access them individually. Navigation │ 10 of 10 PC Console – Protocol Creation and Set Up The PC (Protocol Coordinator) Console is the central repository for protocol details. Here is where you enter and view data related to a study. Protocol data includes the protocol definition, management and treatment staff, sponsor, participating institutions, regulatory information, investigational drug and device information, and the protocol’s calendar (visit schedule and what is done during visits). Each protocol is identified by a unique alphanumeric protocol number. Creating a Protocol 1. Navigate to the PC Console via the Protocols PC Console menu item. The PC Console is used to create, view, and modify protocols and protocol information. Its display is divided into vertical and horizontal tabs to organize the broad scope of protocol data. Above the vertical tabs is the Select Protocol field, a find-as-you-type field used to locate existing Protocols. Protocols can be located by their protocol number or other protocol identifiers: IRB No, Pharmacy No, PRMS No, Sponsor No, CTRC. 2. Select the New Protocol vertical tab. The New Protocol page is displayed. Here you may enter the protocol’s primary information, such as the protocol number, title, treatment type, and accrual goals. Protocol No., Library, Department, Organizational Unit, and Protocol Type are required fields. 3. Enter the following data: Health Affairs Protocol No. : PROT-your initials Library: Health Affairs Department: SOM-Surgery Organizational Unit: Health Affairs Title: Training Protocol for your name Short Title: Protocol for your name Phase: Phase II Scope: National Age: Adults Investigator Initiated Protocol: Yes Summary Accrual Info Only: No Protocol Type: Treatment Oncology Protocol No. : PROT-your initials Library: Oncology Department: Cancer Clinical Trials Office Organizational Unit: Cancer Center Title: Training Protocol for your name Short Title: Protocol for your name Phase: Phase II Scope: National Age: Adults Investigator Initiated Protocol: Yes Summary Accrual Info Only: No Protocol Type: Treatment Protocols │ 1 of 19 Protocol Target Accrual: 70 RC Total Accrual Goal (Upper): 100 Accrual Duration (Months): 16 Primary Completion Date: y+2 Anticipated radio button Data Table 4 Report Type DT4*: Interventional Protocol Target Accrual: 70 RC Total Accrual Goal (Upper): 100 Accrual Duration (Months): 16 Primary Completion Date: y+2 Anticipated radio button 4. Click the Submit button to create the protocol. You are returned to the PC Console, where the header displays your protocol number and a Protocol Status of New. Additional protocol information can now be entered. Defining Additional Protocol Data The next set of instructions expands your protocol definition. (Note that the Main vertical tab is currently selected). Management 1. Select the Main > Management tab. Here is where you enter administrative data for the protocol. Some fields of note in the Management Details table: * The IRB No, Pharmacy No, PRMS No, and CTRC No store additional protocol identifiers used by these organizations. These identifiers are matched when using the Select Protocol browse box. For Oncology trials: PRMS Review Required field must be checked Yes. Toxicity Scheme - Determines the toxicity scheme used for recording Adverse Events and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) on the protocol. Once toxicities have been recorded for subjects on the protocol, this field is locked. The only change allowed is the switch from CTCAE v3.0 to CTCAE v4.0 for which there is a mapping. Allow On Treatment date to be entered before On Study date - When checked, the On Treatment Date for the protocol’s subjects can be prior to their On Study Date. Oncology only field Protocols │ 2 of 19 2. Click the Update button, if necessary. At a minimum, enter these values in the Management Details table: Toxicity Scheme: CTCAE v4.0 Automated Subject MRN: No Automated Sequence No: Yes The data stored in the Administrative Groups table is used for reporting and security purposes. Each group's available selections are defined by Reference Codes. Program Areas and Oncology Groups will only be available for Protocols in the Oncology Library. Management Groups are defined for each Organizational Unit. 3. Enter the following data under Administrative Groups section after clicking the Select button within the category: Health Affairs Management Group In the pop-up window, select the checkbox for Neuro-GenNeurology and Med-Geriatrics, then click the Add button. Oncology Program Areas In the pop-up window, select the checkbox for Cancer Prevention and Control, then click the Add button. Management Group In the pop-up window, select the checkboxes for CCTO-GU, then click the Add button. 4. Mark the Primary checkbox for these Administrative Group(s): Health Affairs Management Group: Med-Geraitrics Oncology Program Areas: Cancer Prevention and Control Management Group: CCTO-GU Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Submit button. Staff The Main > Staff page lists the staff for this protocol. You add individuals by Role (drop-down) and Name (find-as-you-type). To save effort, the Select Team button allows you to select from the staff that has been assigned to another protocol. Protocols │ 3 of 19 Note that you have been automatically added as a Protocol Staff with the Protocol Creator role. 1. Use the Protocol Staff add block to enter Skeps, Raymond as the Principal Investigator for your protocol. (Be sure to click the Add button). Sponsor 2. Select the Main > Sponsor tab. Multiple sponsors can be assigned to a protocol, but only one can be a Principal Sponsor. The Principal Sponsor is the one displayed on the Data Table 4 Report. 3. Click the Add Sponsor button. In the newly-displayed add block, use the find-as-you-type data entry field to choose Astex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Click the Add hyperlink. Your Sponsor has been added. 4. Enter a Sponsor Protocol No. of AZ-9999 Click the Principal Sponsor checkbox. Click the Submit button. The Sponsor Protocol Number is another protocol identifier used by the Select Protocol browse box. Treatment The PC Console > Treatment tab is where the protocol’s treatment and Diagnosis (Disease†) information are entered. There are two horizontal tabs. 1. Select the PC Console > Treatment vertical tab. 2. Select the Details horizontal tab. † Oncology library’s description Protocols │ 4 of 19 Here is where you supply basic information about the protocol’s treatment: the steps, arms, modalities, drugs, and levels for the Protocol: Step –Registration or Randomization as applies to the protocol. Arm –Within a Step, one arm or multiple arms may be defined. Every protocol that has a Calendar requires at least one arm. Modalities – The arm’s method of treatment. Drugs – The drugs (agents) being administered in the arm. Drugs are important for correctly identifying Toxicities. Devices –The devices being used in the arm. Levels – The dosage levels being tested. (Generally applies in Phase I trials when the maximum tolerable dose is being determined). Note that if one arm has Levels defined, all arms must have Levels defined. 3. Click Update (if necessary). Enter the following: Step Code: 1 Randomization checked Click the Add button 4. For the Protocol Step that has just been added, click the Arms hyperlink. Enter: Arm Code: ArmA Arm Description: Arm A Click the Add button 5. For the Protocol Arm that has just been added, click the Modalities/Drugs/Devices hyperlink. Health Affairs In the Modalities section, use the find-as-you-type field to select Surgery and click the Add Modality button. Oncology In the Modalities section, use the find-as-you-type field to select Chemotherapy NOS and click the Add Modality button. Protocols │ 5 of 19 In the Drugs section, use the find-as-you-type field to select the drug Alcortin. Click the Add Drug button. In the Drugs section, use the find-as-you-type field to select the drug Alcortin. Click the Add Drug button. Follow the same procedure to add the second drug rhEndostatin Follow the same procedure to add the second drug interferon-alfa-2a 6. Click the Close button. You are still working within Step 1 of your protocol. 7. Create a second Arm. In the Add Protocol Arm section at the top of the table, enter: Arm Code: ArmB Arm Description: Arm B Click the Add button 8. For Arm B, select the Modalities/Drugs/Devices hyperlink. Health Affairs In the Modalities section, use the find-as-you-type field to select Surgery and click the Add Modality button. In the Drugs section, use the find-as-you-type field to select the drug placebo. Click the Add Drug button. Oncology In the Modalities section, use the find-as-you-type field to select Chemotherapy and click the Add Modality button. In the Drugs section, use the find-as-you-type field to select the drug placebo. Click the Add Drug button. 9. Click the Close button three times. 10. Within the Treatment vertical tab, select the Disease/Diagnosis horizontal tab. Protocols │ 6 of 19 Here is where you select the protocol’s target diagnosis group (disease site‡). Diagnosis groups are Reference Codes, for Oncology protocols these choices comes from the Data Table 3 Disease Site list. More than one Disease/Diagnosis can be chosen. Click Update then the Select button. Health Affairs In the popup window, select the checkboxes for Diseases Of The Circulatory System and click the Add button. Click Close. You should see the Diagnosis table shown here: Oncology In the popup window, select the checkboxes for Lung and Soft Tissue and click the Add button. Click Close. You should see the Disease table shown here: Institutions The PC Console > Institution tab is where you enter the Institutions that will be participating in the Protocol. 1. Select the Institution vertical tab. 2. Click the Update button (if necessary). The upper portion of the screen displays the Participating Institutions table. Note that no Institutions are included by default. 3. Click the Add button at the upper right. Use the browse box to choose the Colorado Research Center, then click the Save button. The Colorado Research Center is now listed in the table. 4. Click the Add button again. ‡ Oncology library specific Protocols │ 7 of 19 Use the browse box to choose the UC Health-Central Region. Note that a checkbox appears asking if this Institution uses the Research Center (RC) IRB. Select it. Click the Save button. Let’s add a second Affiliate Institution. 5. Click the Add button again. Use the browse box to choose the Children’s Hospital Colorado-A. Do not select the checkbox asking if this Institution uses the RC IRB. Click the Submit button. 6. Click the Close button. Remember that OnCore classifies Institutions into types: Research Center, Affiliate, VA, Consortium Member, and Office of Clinical Trials (OCT). The OCT is not available as a participating institution. Also note that OnCore has different rules for Research Centers vs. Affiliates/Consortium Member/VA. Because the Colorado Research Center is a Research Center, its status defaults to the protocol’s status. However, Affiliate, Consortium Member, and VA statuses do not default (and for all intents and purposes, the VA is considered an Affiliate). Additional distinctions will be discussed as we encounter them. Beneath each Participating Institution is a bulleted list of participating Study Sites. The lists are configurable. 7. Select the Colorado Research Center hyperlink to display the Protocol Institution console. (Note the institution name in the header.) The Protocol Institution console stores information relevant to an Institution participating in a particular protocol. 8. Select the Study Sites vertical tab. 9. Click the Update button. Here you see checkboxes that indicate whether the Study Site is participating in the protocol. Check the box for CTRC-Adult Study Site and click the Submit button. The site will now be able to accrue subjects to the protocol. 10. Click the Close button. Protocols │ 8 of 19 11. Select the PC Console vertical tab to return to the PC Console. Status The PC Console > Status tab contains a number of horizontal tabs. The Status tab contains a table of the history of the status of the protocol. The Checklists tab allows you to configure a checklist for your protocol. The ClinicalTrials.gov and CTRP tabs list the history of submissions to CT.gov and CTRP. Checklists: Each checklist category displays as a link to view checklist details to users with the associated privileges. Info: Each checklist category will display one of the following statuses: Blank - The checklist has not yet been started (no checklist information has been entered). In Progress - The checklist has been started, but is not 'Complete'. Complete - The checklist has been marked as 'Complete'. NA - The checklist has been marked as 'Not Applicable'. Reviews The PC Console > Reviews tab is where you can view and update review information from various committees. 1. Select the PC Console Reviews tab. There are a number of horizontal tabs. The Summary tab is a read-only summary of the data on the other horizontal tabs. An IRB Review is required by OnCore. A PRMS Review is required for Oncology studies. All other reviews are configurable, and are informational only. PC Console > Reviews > PRMS 2. Select the PRMS horizontal tab. Protocols │ 9 of 19 Scientific review information is entered on the PRMS tab. (If this page displays a Submit button but no way to enter data, it is because ePRMS is enabled on your system.) For Oncology Studies: we will now enter PRMS Review information. (FYI, the process is nearly identical to entering IRB information, which we will now do.) PC Console > Reviews > IRB 3. Select the IRB horizontal tab. For Non-Oncology Studies: This is the only Review that is required by OnCore – all other Reviews are optional and/or configurable. A PRMS Review is required for Oncology studies. Here we find an OnCore distinction between the Research Center and Affiliates. This tab is used to record the Colorado Research Center’s IRB information. Affiliate IRB information (if the Affiliate is using their own IRB for the protocol) is recorded on the Protocol Institution → IRB Reviews tab. Currently, you have no Research Center IRB Review data entered, so nothing displays. 4. Click the Add button. You are presented a screen to enter the details of an IRB Review. 5. Click the down arrow in the Review Date field. This field holds the date the IRB reviewed the protocol. It is good practice to use the down arrow to see if your date has already been entered. If not, you can enter a date. (Note that this field does not have "date widget" functionality – you will need to enter a date using the MM/DD/YYYY format.) 6. Select (or enter) a Review Date from early January of 2013. 7. Enter the following data: Submit Date: Enter a date that is one day prior to the Review Date Committee: COMIRB Panel A Review Reason: Initial Review Review Type: Full Protocols │ 10 of 19 Action: Approved Action Date: Enter the value stored in Review Date Expiration Date: Enter a date one year after the Action Date 8. Click the Submit and Close button to return to the PC Console. You can see that the Protocol status has changed to IRB Initial Approval. (This status is only achieved when the Review Reason is 'Initial Review', the Action is 'Approved', and an Action Date is entered.) Consents 9. While remaining on the IRB horizontal tab, select the Edit hyperlink for the IRB Review you’ve just entered. In the Details table, you may add additional data about the IRB Review. This table is used to record approved Consent Forms and to record Amendments. Approving Consent Forms is a prerequisite to the Subject Registration process. 10. Click the Add button in the Details table. Enter the following: Type: Main Consent Version Date: Same as Action Date above Description: Tx Consent V1 Click the Save hyperlink. You can attach a corresponding document within the review. 11. Click the File hyperlink. Use the browse button to find your document, then click the Submit button to attach it. Once a document is attached, you can access the document from within this page. 12. Check the Release checkbox and click the Submit and Close button. Once a document is released, it can be searched for using Document Search. In addition, documents attached to a Details Type of Consent will display in the Consent Forms tab for the Research Center (PC Console → Institution → Institution hyperlink → Consent Forms). Documents attached to a Details Type of non-consent will display in the PC Console → Documents/Info tab. Protocols │ 11 of 19 13. Click the Institution tab. Notice that IRB dates appear for the Colorado Research Center, but do not for the UC HealthCentral Region – even though the UC Health-Central Region has been configured to use the Research Center IRB. An additional step is necessary to “pass along” the IRB decision and consent documents to the UC Health-Central Region. 14. Click the Reviews tab, then select the IRB horizontal tab. 15. Click the Edit Hyperlink for the IRB Review entered earlier. 16. In the upper table, click the Edit hyperlink that appears in the last row, just after the Institution name. A pop-up window will appear. Select UC Health-Central Region and click the Submit button. This will “pass along” this IRB review to the institution (note the last row of the upper table). 17. Click the Close button. 18. Click the Institution tab. The same IRB dates appear for the Colorado Research Center and the UC Health-Central Region. If you select the UC Health-Central Region hyperlink to display the Protocol Institution console, the IRB Reviews and Consent Forms tabs will display the information entered for the Research Center IRB. The protocol status for UC Health-Central Region has not been updated, though. 19. Select the Children’s Hospital Colorado-A hyperlink. The Protocol Institution console displays. Here we can record IRB Initial Approval for this Affiliate, which has its own IRB. 20. Select the IRB Reviews tab. 21. Click the Add button (either one!). The process to add an IRB Review for an Affiliate is the same as for the Research Center. 22. Enter a Submit Date from early January of 2013. 23. Enter the following data: Protocols │ 12 of 19 Review Reason: Initial Review Review Type: Full Action: Approved Action Date: Enter the value stored in Submit Date Expiration Date: Enter a date a year after the Action Date 24. Click the Submit button. In the Details table, you may add additional data about the IRB Review. This table is used to record approved Consent Forms and to record Amendments. Approving Consent Forms is a prerequisite to the Subject Registration process. 25. Click the Add button in the Details table. Enter the following: Type: Main Consent Version Date: Same as Action Date above Description: Affiliate Tx Consent V1 Select the Save hyperlink. 26. Click the Close button. You’ve now saved the IRB Consent information for this Institution on this protocol. 27. Select the PC Console vertical tab to return to the PC Console. Reconsent When there is an amendment that requires reconsenting subjects, it can be entered as a new IRB review where the Review Reason is Change Review. The consent is entered in the Details table and the Reconsent Required? checkbox is checked. This will show an RR indicator in the review and on the subject MRN in the CRA Console. The indicator will also show on the consent document in the Subject Console until consent for the newer version has been recorded for the subject. Opening the Protocol to Accrual Once a protocol has IRB approval it can be opened to accrual. Protocols │ 13 of 19 Your organization may have intermediate steps between these two milestones. For example, you may require signoffs from the CRA, DM, PC, etc. These steps can be configured in OnCore. If configured, users with the appropriate privileges then enter records of these signoffs from the PC Console Status tab. Opening the Protocol at the Research Center 1. Select the PC Console Status vertical tab. If an additional signoff has been configured, a corresponding Signoff button will display. 2. Click the Pre Award Signoff button. All that is required for an additional signoff is the entry of the signoff date. 3. Enter a Status Date of 02/01/2013. 4. Click the Submit button. The Protocol Status table will redisplay with the updated information. Note the change in Protocol Status in the console header. 5. Repeat steps 2-4 for all additional signoffs, making sure to enter a date no earlier than the previous signoff date, but before 02/15/2013. Continue until the Open button appears. When the Status tab presents the Open button, you are ready to make the protocol Open For Accrual. 6. Click the Open button. 7. Enter a Status Date of 02/15/2013. Click the Submit button. Note the change in Protocol Status – your protocol is now Open To Accrual! 8. Click the History button at the top of the Protocol Status table. A list of Status History appears, including the name of the OnCore user that entered the statuses. 9. Click the Close button. Protocols │ 14 of 19 Opening the Protocol at an Affiliate We've just seen the process for opening the Protocol to accrual at the Research Center. This does not affect Affiliate Institutions. (If you go to the PC Console → Institution tab, you'll see no status for the Affiliates.) To make the protocol Open for Accrual at the UC Health-Central Region affiliate: 1. Select the Institution vertical tab of the PC Console. 2. Select the UC Health-Central Region hyperlink to display the Protocol Institution console. 3. Select the Status vertical tab. Click the Update button and enter the following: Status: Open to Accrual Status Date: 02/15/2013 Click the Add button Note the console header. There is now an Institution Status displayed. 4. Return to the PC Console (use the vertical tab). The protocol is now listed as Open To Accrual at the Affiliate institution. 5. Repeat steps 2-4 for all other Affiliates. Documents/Info The PC Console → Documents/Info tab provides the ability to attach protocol related documents, record protocol FAQs, and record document archive information. This page automatically displays released (non-Consent) documents that were uploaded to an IRB review. Documents not subject to approval by the IRB may be uploaded directly to this page. Note: Documents approved by an IRB should not be uploaded here. The Research Center IRB documents should be attached within an IRB review record. Documents specific to a participating institution or approved by an outside IRB should be attached to the protocol institution record. Protocols │ 15 of 19 Documents 1. Select the Documents/Info vertical tab. The Attachments horizontal tab will be selected. 2. Click the Update button, then the Add button that appears at the upper right. 3. Select Study Schema form from the Document Type drop-down. 4. Click the File link, then use the Browse button to choose a file to represent the Study Schema. 5. Enter a version date of 01/02/2013. 6. Enter a Description of Study Schema. 7. Click the Add button. Continuing on the Documents/Info vertical tab: 8. Click the Add button. 9. Select Protocol from the Document Type drop-down. 10. Click the File link, then use the Browse button to choose a file to represent the Protocol document. 11. Enter a version date of 01/02/2013. 12. Enter a Description of Protocol Overview. 13. Click the Add button. A document has now been attached to the protocol so that others can reference them as needed. FAQs The FAQ (frequently asked question) section is used as a reference to assist staff. Common questions and answers regarding the protocol, subject eligibility, subject treatment, and so on may be entered here. FAQs are available for staff to view from the Subject → CRA Console. 1. Select the FAQs horizontal tab. Protocols │ 16 of 19 2. Click the New button. 3. In the Question section, enter the text “Where can I find documentation on OnCore?”. 4. In the Answer section, enter the text “At the Learning Portal found via the question marks in OnCore, the Help dropdown or www.onsemble.net”. 5. In the Keywords section, enter the text “OnCore documentation”. 6. Click the Submit button. Your entry will be displayed. Archive/Notes 1. Select the Archive/Notes horizontal tab. The purpose of the Archive Details section is to record storage details of protocol documents. The Notes Details section provides the ability to enter any number of dated Notes related to the protocol. 2. Click the Update button, if necessary. 3. In the Notes Details section, click the Add button. 4. In the date field, enter 01/10/2013. 5. In the text entry field, enter “Due to staffing issues, limit the number of subjects added in December”. 6. Click the Save hyperlink. 7. Click the Close button. Note the Protocol No. display at the upper left of the page. A document icon now appears followed by the number 1, indicating that one note has been added to the protocol. Users may click the hyperlink to display the Archives/Notes page. Annotations Protocol Annotations are fields are created to record additional protocol information that is not in the standard OnCore fields, but is desired by the organization. The fields should be recorded according to the organization’s SOP. Protocols │ 17 of 19 Protocol annotations are configured for each Library, which defines data fields within a dedicated OnCore Form. The fields in this “annotation form” are available for the library’s protocols on the PC Console → Annotations tab. When initially landing on this page, the annotation form doesn’t show. It needs to be created in order to use the fields for this protocol. Click the Update button, then click the Create Annotation Form link to view the annotation fields. Deviations The PC Console Deviations vertical tab contains two horizontal tabs. 1. Select the Deviations vertical tab. The Protocol Deviations horizontal tab allows creation and modification of protocol deviations. The Subject Deviations horizontal tab allows modification of subject deviations. Protocol Deviations 2. Select the Protocol Deviations horizontal tab, if necessary. 3. Click the New Protocol Deviation button displayed at the top of the Protocol Deviations Overview table A page is displayed to collect information about the deviation. Deviation Date and Category are required fields. 4. Enter the following: Date Discovered – 05/15/2013 Reported By – keep default Deviation Date – 05/03/2013 Category – Treatment Description of Deviation – Example of protocol deviation Effect on Patient Safety – None Action Taken – Re-evaluation of protocol processes Did the deviation put… – leave unchecked Protocols │ 18 of 19 Note the additional data entry fields at the bottom of the page, which are used to record reporting information. 5. Click the Submit button. 6. Click the Close button. The PI Report button will generate a report of deviation data in the format specified by the preceding drop-down selection field. 7. Select the Protocol Deviations horizontal tab (or the Deviations vertical tab). The protocol deviation is displayed in the Protocol Deviations Overview table. At the bottom of the page is the Update Selected IRB Reported Dates field. Multiple deviations may have their Date Reported to IRB field filled in by entering a date in this field, selecting the appropriate deviation checkboxes, and clicking the Update button. The list of deviations may be filtered by checking the Show Only Unreported Deviations checkbox. Subject Deviations 8. Select the Subject Deviations horizontal tab. Subject deviations initially recorded in the Subject Console can be viewed and edited here. The procedures are identical to those of protocol deviations. Protocols │ 19 of 19 Notifications Notifications are e-mails that are triggered by various actions in the system. Some are triggered manually by clicking a hyperlink, some are triggered when you perform a specific action, and others are triggered by a scheduled batch process that periodically checks for new information to send. The general settings for notifications are made in the libraries, however, these settings can be overridden at the protocol level. The library set-up for notifications was covered in the Administration training session. In this session, we’ll present the settings and configurations that can be made at the protocol level. Protocol Notification Configuration Within each protocol, you can determine whether to respect the library-wide setting, override it with a custom setting, or disable individual notifications. Configuration 1. Display the Protocol Notification Configuration page via the Protocols PC Console Notifications page. The notifications are listed on the page with three radio buttons for Default, Custom, and Disable. To use the notification setting from the library record, leave the Default radio button selected. To prevent the notification from being sent for the protocol, select the Disable radio button. To override the library’s notification setting, select the Custom radio button. 2. Select the Custom radio button for the Protocol Closure Notice. A Not Configured message will appear to the right of the radio buttons letting you know that you need to set up the custom override. 3. Click the Protocol Closure Notice hyperlink. 4. Click the Edit button. The process of configuring a protocol notification is identical to the process presented in the Administration training session. As a reminder: The Reply To, To, and CC fields at the top can be used to type in e-mail addresses. The Reply To field should always be filled in. If you want multiple hard-coded e-mail addresses in the To or CC fields, they should be separated with semicolons. Notifications │ 1 of 5 When the notification is sent, staff e-mails can be looked up according to their Role as Protocol Staff or Subject Staff. This Add Block can be used to define the generic recipients of the notification. Some notifications have pre-defined information, such as the protocol number, title, accrual, etc. They also have fields for entering your own information related to the email being sent. When participating affiliates are included in the notification, the e-mail is sent to the email address of the institutions in the protocol. 5. Add your e-mail address to the Reply To and To fields. You may add additional information if you wish, following the instructions from the Administration session. When you have completed configuring this protocol notification, click the Submit button. 6. Click the Notifications tab after submitting your configuration. You will notice that the Not Configured message no longer appears. Notification Rules Certain notifications are triggered by rules that are set up in the protocol. The four groups of rules are Protocol Monitoring Rules, Low Accrual Rules, Subject Status Rules, and Subject Visit Duration Rules. Hyperlinks for these rules are found at the bottom of the Notification page. Protocol Monitoring Rules Protocol Monitoring Rules can be set up to trigger the Safety Monitoring Notice when SAEs are entered for the protocol. There are many options for the rules. We’ll set up a rule that sends a message for each unexpected SAE. This section assumes that you are on the PC Console Notifications tab. 7. Click the Protocol Monitoring Rule hyperlink. The existing monitoring rules are displayed on the page. They may be active or not. The system-wide settings are listed in the upper table and any protocol rules are listed in the table at the bottom. 8. Click the Update button. 9. Click the Add button in the Protocol Monitoring Rules section. 10. Enter the following data, then click the Save hyperlink: Notifications │ 2 of 5 No. of SAEs: 1 Toxicity: Unexpected Grade: 0 No. of Subjects: 1 Active: check the checkbox After saving the first protocol rule, a Rule Attribute dropdown appears in the table header space. The protocol rule(s) may either be in addition to the system-wide rules or may override them. 11. Enter the following data, then click the Submit button: Rule Attribute: Override Rule After setting the protocol rule to override the system-wide rules, the system-wide rules are suppressed and you will only see the protocol rules. Low Accrual Rules Low Accrual Rules can be set up to trigger the Low Accrual Study Notification when a protocol’s accrual has not reached a predefined level a number of months after the Open to Accrual date. The notification can be configured to send multiple times if the accrual continues to be below the threshold. This section assumes that you are on the PC Console Notification tab. 1. Click the Low Accrual Rule hyperlink. 2. Click the Update button. 3. Enter the following data, then click the Submit button: § Accrual Institution: Research Center (Cancer Center§) Accrual Duration (Months): 3 Low Accrual Threshold: 10 Oncology protocols Notifications │ 3 of 5 The rule just entered will trigger the notification three months after the research center’s Open to Accrual date if the research center accrual is not at least 10 subjects. This rule is not related to the target accrual fields from the PC Console Main Details tab. In order to use this notification, the Low Accrual Study Notification must be customized for the protocol. 4. Click the Back button to return to the PC Console. You should be back on the Notifications tab. 5. Click the Low Accrual Study Notification hyperlink. Within the configuration of the Low Accrual Study Notification, you can send the notification multiple times by entering the number of days after the time period elapses (multiple entries are separated by commas). To send the notification on the day the rule is first checked, the Send On Day(s) setting in the notification should be set to zero. Subject Status Rules Subject Status Rules can be set up to trigger the Subject Status Rule [<status>] Notice when thresholds of subject statuses are met. They can be configured to send the first time the threshold is hit, and again for each subject after or again for the next group of subjects. This section assumes that you are on the PC Console Notification tab. 1. Click the Subject Status Rules hyperlink. 2. Click the Update button. 3. Enter the following data, then click the Add hyperlink: Status: CONSENTED Subject Threshold: 5 Repeat: When 5 more subjects become CONSENTED The rule will trigger the Subject Status Rule Notice that corresponds to the status selected in the Status dropdown field. In this instance, the rule will trigger the Subject Status Rule [CONSENTED] Notice notification after the first five subjects have been given a Consented Date. Then it will trigger the same notification for every five subjects who are given a Consented Date after that. Combining the different statuses, thresholds, and repeat choices gives you many options for the notifications. Notifications │ 4 of 5 Subject Visit Duration Rules Subject Visit Duration Rules can be set up to trigger the Subject Visit Duration Notice when a subject has one status date, but not another within a configured time period. For example, when the subject should go On Treatment within some number of days after the Consent Signed Date and does not. The status dates and time period rules are configured per protocol. This section assumes that you are on the PC Console Notifications tab. 1. Click the Subject Visit Duration Rules hyperlink. 2. Click the Update button. 3. Enter the following data, then click the Add hyperlink: Begin Visit: ON STUDY End Visit: ON TREATMENT Max. Duration (Days): 14 No. of days after Begin Visit to send notification: 12 The rule will check subjects on the protocol and see if they have an On Study Date without an On Treatment Date. If they do and 12 days have elapsed after the On Study Date, the notification e-mail will be sent. This is a one-time notice (it will not be re-sent). Notifications │ 5 of 5 Subject Administration The primary focus of this section of training is on subjects. In OnCore, a subject is a person who is participating in a protocol or may participate in a protocol. Consoles There are two Consoles used in subject management - the CRA Console and the Subject Console. The Subject Console is designed with a subject focus. The console provides access to a subject’s demographic information, the protocols the subject is associated with, what consents the subject has signed, what is their eligibility status, etc. The CRA Console is designed to provide subject information at a protocol level. When a protocol is selected in the CRA Console, it displays the subjects that have been accrued, which subject forms have been completed and are yet to be completed, a list of Serious Adverse Events (SAEs), visits outside of tolerance and other subject deviations in this protocol. It is quite easy to move from one Console to the other. The CRA Console lists the subjects associated with the current protocol, and each subject has a link to display the subject in the Subject Console. Conversely, the Subject Console has a vertical tab to transfer to the CRA Console. We will move between these Consoles as we discuss Subject Management. We will discuss the basic tasks when dealing with a Subject - registering the subject, logging consent information, placing them on study. One important part of this discussion will be entering data, especially key dates. Creating a New Subject Our first task will be to create a new subject. Subjects must be associated with a protocol. 1. Select the Subjects CRA Console menu link. 2. Use the Select Protocol Find-As-You-Type field to locate the protocol that you created earlier. The CRA Console finds the protocol and displays the protocol’s Accrual information (note the highlighted vertical tab). 3. Click the New Subject Registration vertical tab. Subject Administration │ 1 of 13 You are presented with a screen to enter the subject's information. Note that you are working in the context of your Protocol - you cannot enter a subject into OnCore without a protocol association! The first entry field is Study Site. Here you enter the institution where the subject is being enrolled. This is a find-as-you-type field, and allows you to choose from the Study Sites that are participating in this protocol at your institution (or an institution with which you are affiliated). 4. In the Study Site field, choose the CTRC-Adult. When entering a new subject, it is a good idea to see if they have already been entered into the OnCore system. You'll avoid duplicate subject entries. On the left side of the page you may enter a Subject's MRN, last name, and birth date, etc. Use the Find button to list the subjects in the system that match this data. 5. Enter the Last Name Smith and click the Find button. A list of results appears. If any subject matches are found, they display with hyperlinked Subject MRN values. Selecting a hyperlink will populate the fields in the New Subject screen with that subject’s data. We will not select from this list – we will enter a brand new subject. 6. Click the Clear All button. 7. In the Study Site field, choose the Outstanding Research Center. 8. Enter the following into the New Subject Details table (asterisks next to the screen prompts indicate required fields): Subject MRN: Your Initials123 (e.g. JFK123) Last Name: Initials Birth Date: Your choice First Name: Your choice Gender: Your choice Ethnicity: Your choice Race: Your choice It is possible to have the Subject MRN label appear differently. If you do not want this identifier to be referred to as an MRN, consult your Forte Project Manager. In addition, it is possible to have the SSN field hidden in the system if you do not want to collect this information. 9. Click the Add button to register the new subject to the Protocol. Subject Administration │ 2 of 13 When you add the subject, you are taken to the Subject Console. Subject Demographics information is at the top of the page. One field in particular, Expired Date, may drive some functionality. With the system configured to do so, entering an Expired Date can cause that date to cascade down to the Off Treatment Date and Off Study Date fields. It will also do the same for other protocols the subject is on at the time. This is an optional feature. Additional Subject Identifiers Table The Additional Subject Identifiers table holds identifiers for the subject other than the MRN. The Identifier Type is selected from a pre-defined list (a Domain), and free text can then be entered for the Identifier and Identifier Owner. An example of this is a Hospital ID from another system. Subject Contact and Emergency Contact Information The final tables on the Demographics tab hold subject Contact Information, such as address, phone number, and e-mail address, and the Subject’s Emergency Contacts. This information may be kept in OnCore or it may be kept in another electronic registration system. Information entered on the Subject Console > Demographics page is not protocol specific and editing this page will update the subject’s information on all protocols to which they have been assigned. Entering Subject Consent In the Subject Console header area it displays the Protocol, Protocol Status, the Subject's MRN and Subject Name. Note that the subject has yet to be assigned a Subject Status, thus next we will demonstrate how to set the subject’s status indicating they have consented to the protocol. 10. Select the Consent vertical tab. The Existing Consents section will list signed Consent forms - as this is a new registration, no Consent Forms have yet been signed. 11. Click the Select Consents button in the Available Consents table to display a list of consents. The list will show the available Consent Forms for the subject that have been approved at the subject’s study site and added at the protocol level via PC Console > Reviews > IRB record or if an affiliate study site, Institution > *Pick an Institution* > Consent Forms tab. 12. Enter a Signed Date of 02/20/2013. Subject Administration │ 3 of 13 13. Click the Accepted radio button. 14. Click the Save button. The Consent Form information is displayed along with the subject's Signed Date. Note that the Subject Status has been updated to CONSENTED. The Other Consent Status table is used to record comments related to consent information, record consents being refused or waived or withdrawn, and record when a minor subject has been reconsented when they reach the legal age limit. 15. Click the Close button. Reconsents When a newer consent is available for a subject to sign (a new consent was approved with a “Reconsent Required” indication), an RR superscript will appear next to the consent type (e.g. Treatment ConsentRR). This superscript will also appear next to the Subject MRN on the CRA Console Accrual list. In a reconsent situation, OnCore does not restrict the subject from receiving treatment. To deal with a reconsent situation, follow the procedure described above and add the newer version of the consent for the subject. If the newer version of the consent is not applicable to this subject's situation, you can go to the Subject Console Consent tab and select the consent hyperlink that includes the RR superscript. A box will appear allowing you to specify that reconsenting is not applicable. If you make this choice, the superscript will changed to “N/A” (e.g. Treatment ConsentNA). Subject Eligibility Confirming subject eligibility is not required by OnCore before a subject goes On Study, but it is usually done. 16. Select the Eligibility vertical tab. The Eligibility tab is used in one of two ways: If the protocol has defined an eligibility questionnaire to assist in determining eligibility status, the tab provides a way to supply answers to eligibility questions. If there is no eligibility questionnaire, the tab can be used to directly enter the eligibility status. Our Protocol does not have a questionnaire. Subject Administration │ 4 of 13 17. Enter the following: Verified By: enter your initials Status Date: 02/24/2013 Eligibility Questions: answer so subject is Eligible 18. Click the Submit button. Note that the Subject’s Status has been changed to ELIGIBLE. 19. Click the Close button. Subject On Study Our subject has Consented, and is deemed Eligible. Now let’s place our subject On Study. 20. Select the On Study vertical tab. 21. Click the Update button. Subject On Study Update Table In the top table, the first field is Sequence No. This is a unique number identifying a particular subject accrued to a protocol. It may be manually entered, or OnCore can automatically generate it. Manual entry is generally used for co-op studies (in which you receive a sequence number from the co-op group). Automatic sequence numbering will occur if the protocol has been set up that way. (This is the case for our training protocol, and the reason that no entry field is provided.) Automated Sequence Numbers start with the value 1 by default, but the numbering scheme can be designated by the protocol. One of the most important fields is On Study Date. When this is filled in and the data is submitted, the subject is considered Accrued to the study. 22. Enter an On Study Date of 02/26/2013. The Diagnosis (Disease Site and Histology**) fields are dropdown selections based upon the protocol definition (values entered in the PC Console Treatment Diagnosis tab). The values that appear in the case of an Oncology protocol are defined in the NCI Data Table 3 Primary Disease Site mapping guidelines. ** Oncology library specific Subject Administration │ 5 of 13 Non-Oncology Select Heart Disease-Unspecified for Primary Diagnosis. Oncology Select the Disease Site Bronchus and Lung Select the Histology Carcinoma, NOS Leave the Secondary Diagnosis field bank or click into the dropdown and select the View All link. This will bring up a popup box of all Diagnoses – choose one. The Oncology Group dropdown list allows you to select an oncology group that will receive accrual credit for the subject. It defaults to the ‘Primary’ oncology group indicated on the PC Console Main Management tab. The Study Site field will populate with the Study Site selected during the New Subject Registration entry. The study site browse will display all the study sites participating in the study. The Transferred Date can be used to indicate the date that a subject, who was enrolled on the protocol at another Institution, was transferred to the Study Site. 23. Click the Submit button. Note that the Subject’s Status has been changed to ON STUDY and a Sequence Number has been assigned. Additional Protocol Subject Identifiers Table The Additional Protocol Subject Identifiers table holds identifiers for the subject applicable to this protocol. The Identifier Type is selected from a pre-defined list, and free text can then be entered for the Identifier. Subject Staff Table The Subject Staff table holds information about the treatment staff assigned to the subject. 24. Select the following (Staff Name is a find-as-you-type field): Role: Treating Physician Staff Name: Raymond Skeps Click the Add button. When a staff member has been added as subject staff, their name displays as two hyperlinks. In view only mode, selecting the hyperlink displays the staff members contact information (phone number and address). In update mode, selecting the hyperlink displays a screen Subject Administration │ 6 of 13 where the staff member can be deleted or additional staff data (Stop Date, Stop Reason) added. Clicking the See All button will display additional fields (including a Stop Date and Stop Reason), as well as show staff with a past Stop Date. The Team button allows Subject Staff to be created from the already-defined Protocol Staff list. 25. Add yourself as a subject staff with the Clinical Research Associate role. Subject On Treatment In the Subject Console, the Treatment tab is where you select the protocol Arm assigned to the Subject. You can also enter additional dates that are used in subject visit scheduling. 26. Select the Treatment vertical tab. 27. Click the Add button at the upper right. A table displays where you can choose the Arm from a dropdown list. Additional fields are provided that may be necessary for subject visit scheduling: On Arm Date, On Treatment Date, and Off Arm Date. 28. Select/enter the following: Arm: Arm A On Arm Date: 02/28/2013 On Treatment Date: 02/28/2013 Click the Save hyperlink. Note that the Subject’s Status has been changed to ON TREATMENT. As you’ve been doing these steps, visits have been populating on the subject’s calendar (if a calendar has been created for the protocol). The calendar visits will be relative to the dates entered for each individual subject. Subject Administration │ 7 of 13 Off Treatment, On Follow-Up, and Off Study Additional subject statuses are available after On Treatment. They are: Off Treatment, On Follow Up, and Off Study. These can also be triggers for visit sections in the subject calendar. If the protocol doesn’t have a follow up portion, the On Follow Up status isn’t required. We will see how to enter these statuses as an exercise, but will remove them afterwards to avoid problems with the subject calendar. 29. Click the Follow-Up vertical tab. Four tables display. The first three store information relevant to the statuses. 30. Click the Update button (if necessary). 31. Enter an Off Treatment Date of 04/01/2013 and click the Submit button. Note the change in subject status – they are now OFF TREATMENT. This table also holds a field for the Off Treatment Reason and a field for a free-text note. 32. Enter a Follow-Up Start Date of 04/15/2013 and click the Submit button. Note the change in Subject status – they are now ON FOLLOW UP. If you are using a protocol calendar, treatment visits with Planned Dates after the Follow-Up Start Date will no longer be available to be checked in. There are many fields in the Subject Follow-Up Update table. A few are related to tracking follow-up when there isn’t a calendar and others are related to the last known status of the subject. The Expired Date field appears here in addition to being on the Demographics tab. 33. Enter an Off Study Date of 05/01/2013 and click the Submit button. Note the change in subject status – they are now OFF STUDY. This field should be filled in for subjects when they go off study or when they expire. The table contains two fields similar to the Off Treatment table: Off Study Reason and a free-text note field. You do not want your subject to be Off Study at this point, however. 34. Remove the Off Treatment Date, Off Study Date, and Follow-Up Start Date and any Reasons you may have entered. Then, click the Submit button. Subject Administration │ 8 of 13 The Subject’s Status has returned to ON TREATMENT. Serious Adverse Events Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) must be entered at the subject level via the Subject Console SAEs tab. 1. If you are in the Subject Console, click the SAEs vertical tab. (If you are not on the Subject Console, go to the Subjects CRA Console menu item, enter your protocol number, and select your subject from the Accrual vertical tab. Then click the SAEs tab.) 2. Click the New button to create an SAE. You are presented with a screen full of data entry fields. (The ? help icon in the upper right corner directs you to the Learning Portal SAE page and helps define these various fields). In this upper section, the fields with an asterisk are required before submitting. 3. Enter the following: Event Date: 04/01/2013 Reported Date: 04/04/2013 Protocol Attribution: Possible Outcome: Recovering/Resolving The Event Date has to be on or after the Consent Date for the subject. The SAE Classification is not required. If you decide to fill in this area (by clicking into the field), you are presented with a list defined in Reference Codes. The Toxicity area is not required. If you decide to fill in this area, you will need to supply all the asterisked fields (be sure to click the Add button!). You may provide multiple entries. The Tracking Details table is where you can record the dissemination of information regarding the SAE. 4. Click the Submit button. Once the SAE is correctly submitted, an Event Number will be assigned. This is a unique number for the SAE, and displays at the top of the upper table. The Additional SAE Identifiers table (shown at the bottom of the page) can be used to record other identifiers for the SAE, such as a number assigned by the IRB. An Identifier Type can Subject Administration │ 9 of 13 be selected from a pre-defined list, and the Identifier and Identifier Owner can be entered as free-text before clicking the Add hyperlink. Documents relevant to the SAE can be added under the Supporting Documents section by clicking the Add button. SAEs can be locked when you are finished entering them using the Complete and Lock button. After it has been locked, you will still be able to update the Tracking Details section of the SAE and will be able to create a follow-up SAE. 5. Click the Complete and Lock button. 6. Select the SAEs vertical tab. Now that you have created an SAE, the tab displays a table with your entry. The table lists the protocol Arm that the subject is on. 7. Click on the SAE’s Event No. hyperlink to return to the SAE. At the bottom of the page is the Create Follow-Up button. This button will create a follow-up SAE, copying most of the SAE information you've supplied and will allow you to make modifications (usually the change in Outcome). 8. Click the Create Follow-Up button. A follow-up SAE is created and a new Event No. is assigned to it. The Event No. of the ‘parent’ SAE displays next to it in parentheses. The Follow-Up Number is shown toward the right side of the small header band. 9. Enter the following: Reported Date: 04/10/2013 Outcome: Intervention for AE Continues 10. Click the Submit button. 11. Click on the SAEs vertical tab. Note the Event Numbering of the SAE and its parent. The follow-up SAE has a Delete hyperlink to the right side, but its parent does not. When SAEs are to be deleted, they have to be deleted in the reverse order of when they were created so a hole isn’t left in the sequence. Subject Administration │ 10 of 13 Subject Deviations A deviation is a variance from the approved Protocol procedures. Deviations are entered at the subject level via the Subject Console > Deviations tab. 1. If you are on the Subject Console, click the Deviations vertical tab. (If you are not on the Subject Console, go to the Subjects CRA Console, enter your protocol number, and select your subject from the Accrual vertical tab. Then click the Deviations tab). The top table on the page shows the subject’s deviations. The bottom table shows any visits with a visit date outside of the planned date’s tolerance. This table is for informational purposes and you can use it as a guide for entering deviations if needed. 2. Click the New button to create a Deviation. The Date Discovered and Reported By fields default to the current date and user, but may be changed. When entering Deviation data, the required fields are marked with an asterisk. 3. Enter the following: Date Discovered: keep the default (the current day) Reported By: keep the default (your user name) Deviation Date: 05/10/2013 Category: Treatment Description of Deviation: Missed a procedure on a visit 4. Click the Submit button to create the Deviation. Other information may be entered to record when it should be reported to IRB, the date it was reported, and the date it was reported to the sponsor. 5. Click the Deviations vertical tab to see the updated display. The Deviation has a Delete hyperlink to the right side for removing those entered in error. Pre-Screening Console OnCore supplies a way to track pre-screening efforts for potential subjects and the time spent pre-screening these candidates. The information captured includes subject referral data, subject characteristic data, and protocol evaluation specifics. 1. Select the Subjects Pre-Screening menu item. Subject Administration │ 11 of 13 Your initial page is a search screen. We will return to this shortly. 2. Click the New button to create a new pre-screening record. The Referral Information table is where you can record Referral and Contact Information. The fields are straightforward. The Contact Date is required. 3. Select a Management Group. 4. Enter today’s date as the Contact Date. 5. In the Referral Channel field, select Newspaper. A new entry field will appear, allowing you to supply which Newspaper was used. 6. Select an item from Referral Details. The next section records Subject Characteristics. All data entry fields are optional. 7. Enter a Subject Identifier and select one or more Race checkboxes. 8. Click the Submit button. After the potential subject has been evaluated, evaluation data can be entered in the bottom portion of the screen. 9. Select Yes for Subject Evaluated? 10. Select your protocol number in the Protocol No. field. 11. Select Yes for Subject Consented?, then click elsewhere in the screen. When a Protocol No. is entered and the patient is listed as having consented, the Add Subject to Protocol button appears. 12. Click the Add Subject to Protocol button. You are transferred to the New Subject registration screen. On this page you can add a new subject to the protocol. (We will not.) 13. Return to the Pre-Screening Search page via the Subjects Pre-Screening menu item. Now that you've seen the Screening entry page, the initial search page makes sense. It's a typical search page. Subject Administration │ 12 of 13 Here you may enter or select data in the various fields to narrow your search. Let’s see the pre-screening record you just entered. Select your name in the Entered By field and click the Submit button. The Search Results screen displays the search criteria in the header, and the found records in a table below. The column headers in the table are hyperlinks – click them to sort the records by that column. 14. Click on the Pre-Screening ID hyperlink. This will display the Pre-Screening Record. Click the Update button. Additional fields allow you to indicate who did the evaluation and the time it took, if the patient is eligible. Once the patient goes On Study, the Patient On Study and Record Completed fields may be set to Yes. You may enter additional information in the Subject Notes section that will appear at the bottom of the page. 15. Click Submit to save the information, then click Close. Subject Administration │ 13 of 13 Subject Calendars OnCore Calendars and Calendar Activation Your protocol has a calendar that defines a schedule of visits (when a subject is to be seen) and what treatment will be done during each visit. Because subjects accrue to the protocol at different times, the protocol schedule cannot contain “hard” dates like “March 15”. Instead, schedules are based upon subject milestone dates like the subject’s Consent Signed and On Study date. Offsets from these dates (e.g. “the tenth day after the subject goes On Study”) are used to determine the “hard” date of a subject’s visit. In the last session, you created a Subject and placed them on the protocol. When you entered a number of subject milestone dates, you activated their calendar. OnCore has now generated a personalized treatment schedule for the subject. Viewing the Subject Calendar To see the subject’s calendar, you need to go to the Calendar tab of the Subject Console. 1. If you are not on the Subject Console, navigate there via the Subjects CRA Console or Subjects Subject Console menu item. Once you are viewing your subject in the Subject Console, select the Calendar tab. You should see something similar to this: Subject Calendars │ 1 of 5 In the first column, each row following “Visit Date” displays the name of a lab, panel, or procedure. The second column displays the names of the eCRFs (Forms) that will be used to capture data from the corresponding lab, panel, or procedure. The Planned Date row displays the subject’s scheduled visit dates. Hovering the mouse cursor over the date in the Planned Date row will show which day of the week it is (and any visit tolerances). Below each visit date, an X indicates the labs, panels, and procedures scheduled for that date. If the procedure is supposed to happen multiple times on a visit, there may be a number in front of the indicator to show how many times it should happen, like 2X. The Calendar tab has two horizontal tabs: Calendar and Orphaned Visits. The Calendar horizontal tab is the default and is where the screenshot comes from. The Orphaned Visits horizontal tab shows visits that were checked in on an older version of the subject’s calendar, but aren’t on the subjects current version, perhaps because of a schedule change in the most recent version. Verifying Subject Visits – Visit Dates The hyperlinks above each visit date (Screening, C1D1, etc.) are links to pages where you enter visit information. This is called verifying the visit. 2. Select the Screening hyperlink. The Subject Visit Update page is displayed. The first field on the page is the Visit Date, and the data in this field defaults to the planned date shown on the calendar. You may change this date as necessary. The box next to the Visit Date shows the Visit Status. By default, the status is Planned, but not yet Occurred. 3. Verify the visit by selecting the Occurred radio button. Click the Submit And Close button to return to the Subject Calendar. On the Subject Calendar the Visit Status shows Occurred and the Visit Date displays. That was the simplest of Visit verifications. As you saw on the Subject Visits Update page, there are a number of data entry fields to deal with Subject Visits. 4. Select the next visit hyperlink (C1D1). Subject Calendars │ 2 of 5 5. Verify the visit by selecting the Missed radio button. Click the Submit And Close button to return to the Subject Calendar. For missed visits, the Subject Calendar displays the Visit Status and Visit Date in red. Take note of the visit dates for the missed visit and a few subsequent visits (C1D1 on 2/28/2013, C1D15 on 3/14/2013, C2D1 on 3/28/2013, etc.). 6. Select the missed visit hyperlink (C1D1) again. 7. Click the Delete button and then click OK. This has ‘undone’ or removed the visit information so we can go back and mark it as Occurred. 8. Select the C1D1 hyperlink. 9. Mark the visit as Occurred (which resets the date to the default). 10. Edit the Visit Date, changing it to two days later (3/2/2013). 11. In the Reset Calendar? field, select All Visits. 12. Click the Submit And Close button to return to the Subject Calendar. The Subject Calendar shows the Visit Status as Occurred and displays the Visit Date you supplied. Note that all subsequent dates have been reset to two days after their previous values. 13. Select the C1D15 visit hyperlink. In the Visit Status area, note the N/A option. N/A is used to indicate that this visit does not apply for this subject. Marking a visit as N/A will create a visit variation in the Financials Console. 14. Click the Submit and Close button. Verifying Subject Visits – Visit Details 15. Select the C1D1 visit hyperlink again. Most fields in the top half of the display collect details about the visit, and are self-explanatory. The Submitted Date is the date the data has been submitted to the Sponsor. Entering a Locked Date means no more changes should be performed on the data (this is not enforced – you can change data on this page later). Collection Location is the location of correlative specimen collection for this visit. Most often these additional date fields are used if you want to track data entry done outside of OnCore. Subject Calendars │ 3 of 5 The Procedures table lists the labs, panels, and procedures that have been scheduled for the Visit. (If Charge Master events have been linked to the lab/panel/procedure in the Financials Console, they will also display). Each procedure has a set of data entry fields: Procedure Date - Enter a date only if it is different than the Visit Date above. SOC - If the procedure is standard-of-care (as defined in the Financials portion of OnCore), this will be pre-checked. Changing the state of this checkbox has Financial implications. There is a security privilege that controls access to this checkbox. SOC Modifier - Indicates whether the SOC procedure is Q1, Q0, or Unknown. Missed - Check if procedure was missed during the visit. Missed Count - You can have the calendar schedule a procedure to happen multiple times during a visit. If some of those procedures were missed, indicate how many. N/A - Check if procedure was not applicable for this visit. Location – If the procedure can be performed at different locations, this indicates which location was used. This field is only available when the Cost Center configuration is enabled. Unless they are marked as Missed or N/A, it is assumed that if the visit has occurred, the procedures have been performed on that Visit Date, unless otherwise indicated by the Procedure Date. Verifying Subject Visits – Additional Procedures If a procedure is done during the visit that is not part of the calendar, the Additional Procedures button can be used to record it. When the button is clicked, a popup window displays with multiple horizontal tabs. The Protocol Procedures tab lists the labs, panels, and procedures that have been assigned to the protocol, along with their associated forms. Use the checkboxes and the Submit button to add these events and forms to the visit record. The All Charge Master Procedures/Labs tab lists all events in your protocol’s library. Use the checkboxes and the Submit button to add one of these events to the visit record. No form will be associated with these events. The remaining tabs provide ways to search for and select events from the Charge Master or create a new free-text procedure. Use checkboxes and the Submit button to add one of these events to the visit record. Again, No form will be associated with these events. 16. Click the Additional Procedures button. Subject Calendars │ 4 of 5 17. Select the checkbox for the Physical Exam procedure, and click the Submit button. 18. In the popup box, enter a Reason for adding. Click the OK button to return to the Subject Visit Update page. The new procedure is listed in the bottom table. If data has been recorded in a visit in error, the Delete button on the Subject Visit Update page can be used to delete the visit. Visits with activated electronic case report forms (eCRFs) cannot be deleted until the forms have been deleted. 19. Click the Submit And Close button to return to the Subject Calendar. The calendar has a Summary button at the top. It is a way to shorten the number of visits showing. This may be useful when there are a lot of visits and you would have to scroll to the right to see the first unverified visits. When clicked, it will show the most recently verified visit and a number of unverified visits. The total number of visits shown is a configuration setting. In summary mode, there is a Full Calendar button that will return you to the full calendar view. Additional Subject Visits At times, subjects will be seen for visits that are not on the standard schedule. These visits can be recorded via the Additional Visits vertical tab. Clicking the New button on the Additional Visits tab displays a Subject Visit Update page where visit details can be entered. Once a Visit Date is entered and the Submit button clicked, an Additional Procedures button displays at the bottom of the page. Only procedures selected from the Protocol Procedures tab have the ability to have Forms associated with them. When the forms are displayed on the Forms by Status To Do Forms tab, the visit will be named ‘Additional’. Additional visits do not appear on the subject calendar. Subject Calendars │ 5 of 5 Subject Search Subject Search is a robust searching tool. You specify the search criteria and which subject data to display in the search results. Search results may be exported to a PDF report or Excel spreadsheet. (It is structured in the same way as Protocol Search, which was discussed earlier in this course). 1. Open the Subject Search page via the Subjects > Subject Search menu item. The Subject Search page provides dozens of data fields. To search, enter data into fields to indicate which subject data you wish to match, then click the Search button. You may enter as many data items as you wish. 2. Type intials in the Last Name field in the upper section, then click the Search button. The top of the results page lists the criteria used in the search. If your search returns a large list of results, there are navigational aids to display the next (and previous) page of results, jump to a particular page, or filter the matching data (text entered into the Filter: field will limit the found results to those having the text in any of their columns). Below is a table of matching subjects, each subject listed in its own row. Column headers are hyperlinks, and selecting them will cause the results to be sorted by that column’s data (selecting a column again sorts the data in ‘reverse’ direction). Subject MRN column values are hyperlinks. Selecting the link will display the subject in the Subject Console. The bottom of the results page reports a count of the number of subjects found. The View Excel button creates an Excel spreadsheet with the search result data. The View PDF button creates a PDF document with the search results. New Subject Staff can be added to selected subjects using the Add Staff button. 3. Return to the Subject Search page by selecting the Back to Search button. Note that the criteria used in the last subject search are automatically filled in. The Clear button is provided to remove any previously-selected items. 4. Click the Clear button to remove the data you previously entered. The Subject Search page is divided into expandable sections. Each section has a header with a [+] hyperlink and a section name. To open a section, click its [+] hyperlink. Subject Search and Additional Consoles │ 1 of 7 5. Click the [+] hyperlink to open the On Study section. More search criteria fields are displayed. On the left are Result Column checkboxes. These may be selected to include additional data columns on the search result page. 6. Click the Race checkbox in the upper section. In the On Study section, enter an On Study Date range of 01/01/2012 to 12/31/2013. In the On Study section, click the Result Column? checkbox for On Study Date. The checkboxes allow you to customize the data that appears in the search results. Click the Search button. In the Subject Search Results page, the header indicates that this is a list of subjects that went On Study in 2012. In the table of results, a column for the On Study Date is now included. 7. Use the Back to Search button to return to the Subject Search page. Subject Search criteria can be saved so you can access this information more quickly. After you have developed and tested search criteria that you like and will use over and over, you can save the search to avoid remembering and entering all of the criteria again. (Dates that you enter are saved as the calendar date, however, and are not saved as a relative date. Entries like ‘YB’, are not re-evaluated each time the saved search is picked). 8. Click the Save As button (found at the top of the page). 9. Enter a name for your search in the Name field and click the Save button. Your saved searches will be available in the Saved Searches drop-down field at the top of the page. They will also display in the Saved Searches widget on the Home page. My Console My Console is designed to assist subject staff in managing subject visits. It provides a means to view and verify visits without having to access each subject individually from the CRA Console and Subject Console. My Console provides a personalized view of OnCore data, displaying information that is relevant to the current OnCore user. Subject Search and Additional Consoles │ 2 of 7 1. Open My Console by selecting the My Console My Console menu item. The My Console page has four vertical tabs. The Protocols tab displays all protocols to which you have been assigned as part of the Protocol Staff, regardless of Role. (Protocol Staff are defined on the PC Console Main Management tab). A protocol must have an Active status of Open to Accrual, Closed to Accrual, or Suspended to appear in My Console. Protocols that have been Terminated or had an IRB Study Closure will not be displayed. Each protocol displayed has a hyperlink for its protocol number. Clicking the hyperlink will launch the PC Console. 2. Click the Subjects tab. The Subjects tab displays all subjects to which the user has been assigned as part of the Subject Staff. (Subject Staff are defined on the Subject Console On Study tab). Initially, active subjects on active protocols are shown, but this can be changed using the filter controls in the header band. Unchecking the 'Show Active Protocols Only' checkbox will cause subjects from all protocols to show. Selecting a different Subject Status from the dropdown will cause subjects of different statuses to show. The available choices map to these Subject Statuses: Active: Consented, Eligible, Eligible(O), On Study, On Treatment, Consent Waived On Follow Up: Off Treatment, On Follow Up Subjects are shown in a table with hyperlinked column headers. Clicking a column hyperlink will sort the table based upon data in that column. Each subject displayed has a hyperlink for its Subject MRN. Clicking the hyperlink will launch the Subject Console. 3. Click the Subject Visits tab. The Subject Visits tab contains two horizontal tabs to view Occurred Visits and Pending Visits for your subjects. This tab is the most functional, as it provides a way for you to quickly update information regarding subject visits without the having to navigate to each subject visit individually. On the Occurred Visits tab, you can see if the forms for each visit were completed, submitted and monitored on any given day. (These columns correspond to the visit’s Data Collection Completed Date, Submitted Date, and Monitored Date fields from the Subject Visit Update page). The list is useful for keeping track of your eCRF load for externally sponsored trials Subject Search and Additional Consoles │ 3 of 7 where you need to complete case report forms and send them to the sponsor or have the sponsor monitor them. You may update the dates for these visits by selecting each checkbox that applies, completing the date field at the bottom of the column, and clicking the Submit button. When the CRF Completed date is filled in and either the CRF Submitted date or the CRF Monitored date is also filled in, the visit will no longer show in the list because you are finished with its work. 4. Click the Pending Visits horizontal tab. On the Pending Visits tab, you can view all non-occurred visits within a given timeframe. The From Date defaults to a week prior to the current day and the Thru Date default to a week after the current day. This quickly gives you a view of any recent visits that you still need to verify, and some upcoming visits you may need to plan for. Subject visits may also be filtered by a particular protocol or a particular subject by selecting values in the Protocol Filter and Subject Filter Find-As-You-Type fields. (If a protocol is selected in the Protocol Filter, the Subject Filter will only supply subjects assigned to the selected protocol). 5. Enter a From Date of 05/01/2013 and click the Refresh button. Each Pending Visit has a hyperlink in the Visit column. Clicking this hyperlink takes you to the Subject Visit Update page, where you may enter details about the visit. The Planned Visit Date is the Visit Date in the subject’s calendar. If you don’t have extra details to record for a visit, you may mark it as Occurred by completing the Actual Visit Date field and clicking the Submit button. You may mark a visit as Missed by checking its checkbox and clicking the Submit button. Multiple visits may be verified simultaneously in this way. Future visits cannot be marked as Missed. The Clinical Comments field is a read-only field displaying the Clinical Comments from the Subject Visit Update page. 6. Click the My Calendar tab. The My Calendar tab displays your subject visits in a month format calendar. Initially it shows visits for subjects you are assigned to as Subject Staff and visits for subjects on protocols you’re assigned to as Protocol Staff. There are checkboxes at the bottom of the calendar that can be used to change these visit filters. You may change the calendar view by using the icons below the month title at the top. The view can be changed to a single day, one week, or one month. You can click on the month and Subject Search and Additional Consoles │ 4 of 7 year titles at the top of the calendar to quickly select another month and year, or navigate one day, week, or month at a time using the dates to the right and left in the header area. On the calendar, the subject name, protocol number, and visit description are hyperlinks that will jump you to the Subject Console, PC Console, and Subject Visit Update page, respectively. Team Console The Team Console is a progress reporting and protocol management tool used by a management team. A staff member with a Management Group in their staff record will see data for all protocols assigned to the Management Group. Team Console provides a personalized view of OnCore data, displaying information that is relevant to the current OnCore user. 1. Open the Team Console by selecting the Reviews Team Console menu item. When you pull up the Team Console, a Management Group dropdown is displayed at the bottom of the left column. All of your Management Groups are available. (Your Management Groups are defined in your Staff record.) Choosing a different group updates the display. Data displayed by the Team Console is relevant to the currently selected Management Group. (If your account does not have at least one Management Group, you do not have the capability to use the console as it is meant to be used.) The Pending Protocols tab displays the selected Management Group's protocols that have yet to be Opened to Accrual. You can see where each protocol is in the approval process and can check basic information about the protocol such as number and title, the principal investigator, and see the committee approvals, signoffs, and checklist items. The Protocol No displays as a hyperlink. Selecting the hyperlink transfers you to the PC Console. Each protocol also displays a Checklists hyperlink, which transfers you to the Protocol Checklists page. 2. Click the Open Protocols tab. The Open Protocols tab displays the selected Management Group's protocols that are open to accrual. The open date, summary accrual information, and accrual information for the last four months are shown. The five other tabs require the Last Meeting Date to be entered so you can review information that has been entered since the last meeting. Subject Search and Additional Consoles │ 5 of 7 3. Enter 01/01/2010 in the Last Meeting Date field. 4. Click the Closed Protocols tab. The Closed Protocols tab displays the selected Management Group's protocols that have been Closed to Accrual since the Last Meeting Date. 5. Click the SAEs tab. The SAEs tab displays the selected Management Group's SAEs that have had an Event Date or Reported Date since the Last Meeting Date. SAE information is displayed, and an SAE hyperlink is supplied for quick access to the SAE page. 6. Click the Deviations tab. The Deviations tab displays the selected Management Group's Deviations that have a Reported Date or Deviation Date since the Last Meeting Date. The protocol and deviation can be viewed quickly with the hyperlinks provided. 7. Click the OSRs tab. The OSRs tab displays the selected Management Group's Outside Safety Reports that have an Issued Date or Received Date since the Last Meeting Date. It shows information about the OSR and has a hyperlink to jump to the protocol. 8. Click the Summary tab. The Summary tab shows overall counts of protocols in various statuses along with counts of deviations, OSRs, SAEs and registrations for the selected Management Group. DSMC Console The DSMC Console is intended to assist Data Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC) reviewers when reviewing protocols. It consolidates and displays captured data, and provides a means to export this data for use by products like Microsoft Word. It is a very useful (and unique) view of a protocol’s information. 9. Open the DSMC Console by selecting the Reviews DSMC Console menu item. 10. Select your protocol in the Select Protocol Find-As-You-Type field. Your protocol will load into the console and its information will be displayed. On the left, vertical tabs can be clicked to present various protocol information. Some of these tabs present Subject Search and Additional Consoles │ 6 of 7 information that is only available here, like the Accrual History, Disposition, Baseline Demographics, Response, and Survival/TTP tabs. The Export tab allows you to select which tab information you would like to export to a Rich Text Format (RTF) document that can be opened in Microsoft Word. Subject Search and Additional Consoles │ 7 of 7 Reporting and Searching Protocol Search Protocol Search is a robust searching tool. You specify the search criteria and which protocol data to display in the search results. Search results can be exported to a PDF report or Excel spreadsheet. 11. Open the Protocol Search page via the Protocols > Protocol Search menu item. The Protocol Search page provides dozens of data fields. To search, you enter data into fields to indicate which protocol data you wish to match, then click the Search button. You may enter as many data items as you wish. 12. Click the Completed checkbox in the top Protocol Status section, then click the Search button. The Completed, Active, Pending checkboxes look at the current status of the protocol. Here are the protocol statuses that fit into each category: Pending: New, PRMS Approval, IRB Initial Approval, On Hold, and all Protocol Signoffs. Active: Open to Accrual, Suspended, and Closed to Accrual. Completed: Abandoned, Terminated, and IRB Study Closure. The top of the results page lists the criteria used in the search. If there are a great deal of matching protocols, navigational aids are provided to display the next (and previous) page of results, jump to a particular page, or filter the matching data (text entered into the Filter: field will limit the found results to those having the text in any of their columns). Below this is a table of matching protocols, each protocol listed in its own row. Column headers are hyperlinks, and selecting them will cause the results to be sorted by that column’s data (selecting a column again sorts the data in ‘reverse’ direction). Protocol No. column values are hyperlinks. Selecting the link will take you to that protocol in the PC Console. The bottom of the results page reports a count of the number of protocols found. The View Excel button creates an Excel spreadsheet with the search result data. The View PDF button creates a PDF document with the search results. Reports and Searches │ 1 of 7 The Add Staff button allows you to add staff to all protocols with Add Staff? checkbox selected. After clicking this button, a pop-up window appears with find-as-you-type fields for Staff Name and Staff Role. You can also set the Start Date for the Protocol Staff. 13. Click the Back to Search button to return to the Protocol Search page. Note that the criteria used in the last protocol search are automatically filled in. The Clear button is provided to remove any previously-selected items. 14. Click the Clear button. The Protocol Search page is divided into expandable sections. Each section has a header with a [+] hyperlink and a section name. To open a section, click its [+] hyperlink. 15. Click the [+] hyperlink to open the Main section. More search criteria fields are displayed. You should see a list of fields related to the Main tav of the PC Console. On the left are Result Column checkboxes. These may be selected to include additional data columns on the search result page. 16. Click the Completed checkbox in the top Protocol Status section. In the Main section, click in the Phase field to display a list of choices. Choose Phase II studies. Clicking in the field again will allow you to select another choice, expanding your search. In the Main section, click the Result Column? checkbox for Protocol Type. Click the Search button. In the Protocol Search Results page, the header indicates that this is a list of Phase II protocols that are Completed (Abandoned, Terminated, or IRB Study Closure). In the table of results, a column for the Protocol Type is now included. 17. Click the Back to Search button to return to the Protocol Search page. Some search criteria can be a bit more complex. At the top of the page is the Status field. To use this field, you must specify a status and date criteria. If you provide a From Date and a Thru Date, you are indicating that you wish to see protocols that had that status at any time during the date range. Supplying only a From Date matches protocols having that status at any Reports and Searches │ 2 of 7 time after the From Date, while supplying only a Thru Date matches protocols having that status at any time prior to the Thru Date. 18. In the Status field, select Open To Accrual. In the corresponding From Date, enter 01/01/2013. In the corresponding Thru Date, enter 12/31/2013. (It is assumed that the previous search criteria are still in place.) Click the Search button. Your previous results have now been narrowed to those Phase II protocols that were Open To Accrual at some point in 2013 and are currently marked as Completed. 19. Return to the Protocol Search page. Similar to the Status field, there is a Status Change field at the top of the Protocol Search page. When this field is used, the search returns protocols that had their status changed to the selected status at some point during the date range. The second to last section of Protocol Search is labeled Accrual. It includes checkboxes to display the protocol accrual grouped by all affiliates, the research center, and the VA. The section has From Date and Thru Date fields for limiting the accrual period (otherwise, the lifetime protocol accrual is shown). These dates can be used by themselves or in conjunction with the Status and Status Change date ranges. Protocol Search criteria can be saved and saved searches can be found and run quickly. After you have developed and tested search criteria that you like and will use over and over, you can save the search to avoid remembering and entering all of the criteria again. (Dates that you enter are saved as the calendar date, however, and are not saved as a relative date. Entries like ‘YB’, are not re-evaluated each time the saved search is picked). 20. Click the Save As… button (found at the top of the page). 21. Enter a name for your search in the Name field and click the Save button. Your saved searches will be available in the Saved Searches drop-down field at the top of the page. They will also display in the Saved Searches widget on the Home page. Reports and Searches │ 3 of 7 Document Search Document Search lists documents associated with protocols. Documents include those attached via the PC Console > Documents/Info > Attachments tab. Also listed are released documents attached to IRB reviews. 22. Open the Document Search page via the Protocols > Document Search menu item. The Document Search page provides a number of search criteria fields. Use the fields to describe the protocols you wish to match. Only active protocols (those having a status of Open to Accrual, Closed to Accrual, or Suspended) matching the criteria will have their associated documents listed. Protocol No. – A find-as-you-type field to select a particular protocol. Keyword – Text entered here will look for matches in the Title, Short Title, or Objective fields of protocols (PC Console > Main > Details tab). Investigator - Matches protocols with the specified Investigator (PC Console > Main > Staff tab, Protocol Staff section). Institution - Matches protocols having the specified Institution as a Participating Institution. This field is required and will default to the institution with which your user record is associated. You will only be able to select institutions to which you have access. A protocol may have multiple versions of a document. By default, the latest version of a document is displayed in the search results. When the Display All Documents box is checked, matching protocols will list ALL versions of their protocol documents. This is a configuration option and may or may not be present in your system. 23. Enter the text tumor into the Keyword field and click the Submit button. Only protocols with associated documents will display. Search results are sorted by protocol number. The Alt. Protocol No. column displays the protocol’s IRB, PRMS, and Sponsor Protocol numbers. Each document is listed by document type and hyperlinked File Name. When a consent attachment is a combined consent, the search results display text that describes the original document. The original document will appear as a hyperlink. The Version Date column may also show the document expiration date in red font, depending upon your system configuration. Reports and Searches │ 4 of 7 Reports OnCore has many standard reports. We’ll review a few of them and leave the rest to you as a selflearning exercise. Reports are documented in the product overview documentation. Planned Visits Report The Planned Visits Report shows a list of subject visits for a date range and can be filtered by Protocol, Procedure, Subject Staff, Organizational Unit, and Management Group. It is available via the Reports > Reports menu item in the Planned Visits section. 24. Open the Planned Visits Report criteria page via the Reports > Reports menu item. Use the vertical tab to display the Planned Visits report group. 25. Enter the following criteria and click the Submit button. Visit Date From: 01/01/2011 Visit Date Thru: 12/31/2011 Protocol No: CAR-001 Organizational Unit: Health Affairs The results display all visits for the protocol during the date range. The hyperlink in the Visit Info column will take you to the Subject Visit Update page where you can verify the visit and enter visit information. Oncology Reports OnCore has several reports that are specific to the oncology area of clinical trials. These reports are available via the Reports > Reports menu item in the Accrual Monitoring – Oncology Only section. There are a number of Data Table 3 and Data Table 4 reports. In addition, there are related discrepancy reports used to assist in assuring that your Data Table 3 and Data Table 4 reporting is accurate. The Discrepancy reports point out protocols and subjects that have data to may need to be fixed in order for them to be included in Data Table 3 and Data Table 4 reporting. We recommend that the discrepancy reports be run periodically to find and fix inaccurate or incomplete data. Accrual Monitoring Console The Accrual Monitoring Console provides a quick means to view protocol accrual information categorized by Oncology Group or Department, Management Group, Principal Investigator, or Subject Staff. How To Use the Console Reports and Searches │ 5 of 7 26. Open the console via the Reports Accrual Monitoring menu item. The top of the page contains two date entry fields. Both of these must be filled in to use the Console. Along the left side are the four different categories: Department, Management Group, Principal Investigator, and Subject Staff. Each category contains a hyperlink tab and/or a Find-As-You-Type data entry field. After the dates have been entered at the top, clicking a tab or selecting an entry will launch a search. The search results are displayed in the main area to the right. 27. Enter a From Date of 01/01/2013 and a Thru Date of 12/31/2013. These dates indicate that you are looking for accruals that have occurred during the 2013 calendar year. 28. Click the By Scope tab in the Management Group section. A search is done for all protocols that were open to accrual in the date range. The results list the number of protocols and number of accruals during that range. Data is categorized by the scope (defined in the PC Console Main Details tab), and then further divided for each Management Group. 29. Select the By Sponsor Type tab in the Management Group section. Again, a search is done for all protocols and accruals in the date range. This time, the results are categorized by the type of principal sponsor (defined in the PC Console Main Sponsor tab), and then further divided for each Management Group. 30. In the Protocol Accrual For Find-As-You-Type field in the Management Group section, select Med-Geriatrics. A search is done for all protocols that were open to accrual in the date range and have the selected Management Group chosen in the PC Console Main Management tab. In this case, individual protocols are listed, and have some accrual information displayed: The Summary Accrual section displays the accrual counts for this protocol during the entire time the protocol has been open up to the time the report is run (not just for the date range entered). The Period Summary Accrual section displays the accrual counts for this protocol during the date range entered. Reports and Searches │ 6 of 7 The Period Accrual section also displays the accrual counts by month during the selected time period. (Those protocols marked as Summary Accrual Info Only in PC Console Main Details will not have accrual counts displayed in the this section since the accruals are entered over a variable timeframe.) Additional Information about Searching When searching by Management Group, a protocol will only be counted according to its primary Management Group. Checking the Therapeutic Protocols Only checkbox in the upper section will reduce the resulting protocols to only those with a Protocol Type (PC Console Main Details Protocol Type) where the parent type is defined as Therapeutic in the Reference Codes. When changing the date range or the Therapeutic Protocols Only checkbox, the Refresh button must be clicked to perform a new search. Exporting the Search Results The View Excel button creates an Excel spreadsheet with the search result data. The View PDF button creates a PDF document with the search results. The View Chart button displays a bar chart with the results. (Because of the different configurations of search results, a bar chart is not always available.) Reports and Searches │ 7 of 7