Social Psychology

Social Psychology
Social Psychology Topics:
Social Influence:
1.Types of conformity
1. Explanations of independent behaviour
How people resist pressures to conform
How people resist pressures to obey
2. Why do people conform?
Informational social influence and
normative social influence
Outline and evaluate research into
conformity (Asch and Zimbardo)
3. Obedience
Outline and evaluate Milgram’s study
Two explanations of why people obey
Social Influence in everyday life:
2. Social Change
The role of minority influence in social
What is social influence?
The process by which an individual’s attitudes, beliefs or behaviours are
changed by the presence or action of others.
What is conformity?
A change in behaviour or belief as a result of real or imagined
group pressure
A tendency for people to adopt the behaviours and attitudes of
other members of a valued group
What social norms do you conform
Personal space – don’t stand
too close to strangers
Types of conformity
Compliance – publicly conforming to the behaviour or views of others in a
group but privately maintaining one’s own views.
Identification – Adopting the behaviours of a group both publicly and
privately because you value membership of that group. Often temporary
and not maintained when leave that group.
Internalisation – True change both publicly and privately to match those of
the group. The new attitudes become part of their values – not dependent
on presence of group.
Why do people conform?
Normative social influence
Informational social influence
Read the hand-outs and provide your own summary of the two types of
social influence
What type of conformity will these lead to??? (internalisation or
Assessment Task 1
Which girl’s behaviour is being influenced by normative social
Which girl’s behaviour is being influenced by informational social
Justify both choices
(6 marks)
Mark scheme
Josie = Normative Social Influence, changing behaviour but not personal
attitude: she is doing something (laughing at jokes) just to fit in and be
accepted by the group, even though she doesn’t find the jokes funny.
Hana = Informational Social Influence, changing behaviour in order to be
correct and using group as reference: she wants to be right and is using
her colleagues as a source of information.
Caitlyn is not experiencing any social influence.