CIS 110 Introduction to Computer Information

Introduction to Computer Information Systems
CIS 110 111
Fall 2013
Office location & hours
ext. 6530
G 123
Monday – Friday
8 am – 8:30 am
3:35 pm – 4:15 pm
Or by appointment – please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help with this
Drop Period
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:45 – 9:42
9:45 – 10:42
September 4, 2013
Withdraw Dates:
October 4, 2013
Class Location
Dates, days and
times of the class
Modality of Course On-ground – Web Enhanced
An introduction to hardware, software, data structures, information systems
analysis and other topics regarding computer information systems. Content
covers historical and contemporary topics with emphasis on database and
spreadsheet packages for problem solving from a business perspective.
1. Analyze the principal concepts and roles of mainframe, mini and personal
computers and programming in a business environment.
2. Analyze information management and information systems development
and define information systems analysis, design, and database
3. Identify various computer hardware components and the appropriate use
and purpose of software applications including operating systems, word
processing, graphic presentation, spreadsheets, and databases.
4. Complete problem solving projects in spreadsheet and database software
Course Goals:
applications by using formulas, functions, queries and sorting procedures.
Complete a writing assignment in a word processing program which
includes formatting styles, tables, headers, and footers.
5. Compare common network topologies, classifications, connection options,
and media for speed, costs, and security features.
6. Identify security protocols necessary to protect information from viruses
and malware such as firewalls, anti-virus software, and system updates.
7. Use Internet browsers and search engines efficiently to find information
and define basic website terms, domains, and protocols.
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
REQUIRED: New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012:
Comprehensive, Parsons & Oja, 2012
ISBN#: 1-111-52907-8
REQUIRED: Practical MS Office 2010, Parsons, Oja, and Mulder,
Course Technology, 2011,
ISBN#: 053874959
This course requires Microsoft Office Professional 2010 software
which is provided in all of the Computer Learning Centers on each
campus. You do not need to purchase any software for this course if
you will be using the computer lab for completing your projects.
Optional but useful materials would include a flash drive and/or a CDR or CD-RW to back-up your projects, however, space on the college’s
server is also reserved for these projects.
Access to Angel® Learning:
All classroom and ITV courses are web enhanced, which means
students use MCC’s Angel® learning management system for
additional course support and/or materials. Hybrid/online classes
actively use the Angel system. Access Angel by going to: Optional but useful materials would include a
flash drive to back-up your projects, however, space on the college’s
server is also reserved for these projects.
Grading Scale
Students will earn a letter grade based upon the level of mastery earned. The letter grades
include: A – exceeds expectations; B – above expectations; C – meets expectations; D – below
expectations; or F – does not meet expectations. The grading scale follows:
Grades will generally follow the scale below:
Points Earned
90 - 100
405 - 450
80 - 89
360 - 404
70 - 79
315 - 359
60 - 69
270 - 314
below 60
below 270
There is no late penalty on application assignments, however, please try to hand them in on time.
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
Your grade will be determined by the following:
Assignments/Participation (24 –
5 points each)
Quizzes (12)
Final Exam
Discussion Participation
Total Points Possible
120 points
120 points
100 points
50 points
50 points
10 points
450 points
Points for Participation:
At the beginning of nearly every class, an opinion question will be presented for you to answer.
You will earn 50 points for participating in all 10 of these discussions. If you are absent, you
have the option of using the Discussion Board to post your comments to earn 3 points for
each posting, otherwise 5 points will be deducted from your score for each discussion that
you miss. Please do not use this online posting if you were present in class. The Discussion
Board posting is located under the Assignments tab in Angel.
Writing Assignment
This is a “writing across the curriculum” class. The writing assignment will follow our
discussion of word-processing and will consist one of the following assignments:
1. Compare 2 computer systems that you might like to purchase:
 Evaluate 2 different computer systems – check your local
newspaper advertisements or online computer shopping sites
for these systems. For example: an HP compared to a Dell or
Gateway system or compare laptop computers to desktop
prices and features or compare Macs vs. PC computers
 Compare the CPU, Memory, Hard Drive, DVD drives and
software included in the system, plus, any additional
peripherals (such as speakers, free printer or scanner, etc.)
 Put these two systems into a table (instructions will be given in
class and is also part of our application assignments)
 Add a header that includes your name and the date; and a
footer that has the page number
 Add at least two footnotes which include the sources of your
information using the Footnote command in Word
 Tell me which system you like the best and why. For example:
price is better, reliability, speed, special features, technical
support, guarantee, etc.
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
 The paper needs to be 1 ½ to 2 pages in length and needs to be
created using a word-processing system.
The writing assignment will be graded by points: (50 possible)
5 points for header
5 points for footer
5 points for two footnotes
5 points for two different sources
5 points for table format
25 points for evaluating the two systems and choosing one of the systems as
better than the other (in your opinion) - This paper needs to be organized with
correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure to receive the full 25 points.
You will be expected to participate during discussions concerning the writing
assignment throughout the semester with questions and ideas that you may have
concerning the topics you are researching. Please share your ideas with the class
when you find valuable or unique research resources.
Quizzes are posted on the Angel site under the Assignments Tab. The quizzes are setup to access
a random bank of questions and present you with 10 questions. You may retake the quiz up to 3
times – for each retake, you will receive new questions from the bank.
Course Schedule
The Reading Assignments are in Computer Concepts 2012 Edition. Quiz questions are based on
these chapters. The Application Assignments are in Practical Office 2010.
Note: The assignments that are to be handed in are due by the following class period.
Lecture Concept
Project Assignment:
Practical Office 2010
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
Policies/Procedures Log in
H: drive and saving documents
Introduction of
Windows 7 &
Computer parts worksheet. In Microsoft
Office 2010 books, read pages Windows
Create folders
Chapter 1
Remember –
if you
complete the
before class
begins – you
will receive
2 points
extra credit!
Office 2010:
1-19. Complete and hand in Windows
20 – Concepts Review 1-21.
Computer Lab
Log-in and Computer Learning Center
Introduction to
CIS110 – Policy
and Procedures
Demonstration and instruction using
Computers and
Digital Basics
Using your MCC e-mail account - Email your instructor at the address given
on the first page of this syllabus - with a
message that includes your name and
class time. In this e-mail, please tell me
anything you would like to be covered in
this course. Attach the completed
Student Success Form that was sent to
you by email to you via your and Angel email
accounts. You can use either mail
service to respond to my message. Print
this e-mail and place it in your
Quiz #1
Log in to the Network, Angel, JICS, and
mccmail before leaving class today.
Instructions will be presented in class.
9/3/12 Labor Day – College is closed
Chapter 2
Quiz #2
Chapter 3
Quiz #3
Chapter 4
Quiz #4
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 2.
Print and hand in Projects WD-1 pages
164 – 165 and WD-3 pages 168 – 169.
Computer Software Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 3.
Print and Hand Projects WD-5 pages
172 – 173 and WD-6 pages 174 – 175.
Operating Systems
and File
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 4.
Print and Hand in Projects WD-7 pages
176 - 177 and WD-8 pages 178 – 179.
Review of Footnote & Endnotes,
Headers & Footers, and Tables for the
comparison writing assignment.
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
Chapter 5
LANs and WLANs
Quiz #5
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 5.
Print and hand in Projects EX-1 pages
182 - 183 and EX-2 pages 184 - 185 and
print the formulas for both of these
projects. To display and then print the
formulas – Choose the Formulas Tab –
Show Formulas Button.
Review Excel Templates for creating
amortization tables, invoices, budgets,
and expense reports.
Chapter 6
The Internet
Attached to this syllabus are directions
for an Internet Scavenger Hunt. Please
complete the steps and hand in your
answers and/or observations (short
answers are fine). You may write on the
Scavenger Hunt pages or type your
answers – either way is acceptable.
Please feel free to work in groups and
have fun with this project!
The Web and Email
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 6.
EX – 3 pages 186 - 187 and EX-4 pages
188 - 189 with formulas displayed.
Digital Media
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 7.
Place Project EX 5 pages 190 – 191 and
Project EX-6 pages 192 – 193 in the
Digital Drop Box located on the Angel
web site for this class. No printing
needed for these 2 projects.
Quiz #6
Chapter 7
Quiz #7
Chapter 8
Quiz #8
Review Conditional Formatting and its
role in identifying data in a spreadsheet.
Chapter 11
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 10.
Place Project AC-1 pages 214 - 215 and
Project AC-2 pages 216 - 217 in the
Digital Drop Box located on the Angel
web site for this class. No printing
needed for these 2 projects.
The Computer
Industry: History,
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 11.
Place AC-3 pages 218 - 219 and AC-4
Quiz #11
Chapter 9
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
Quiz #9
Career, and Ethics
pages 220 - 221 in the Digital Drop Box
located on the Angel web site for this
class. No printing needed for these 2
Resume demonstration using Optimal
Resume or Word Resume Templates.
11/12/12 Veteran’s Day - College is closed
Chapter 10
Quiz #10
Systems Analysis
and Design
Place AC – 5 pages 222 - 223 and AC-7
pages 226 - 227 in the Digital Drop
Box located on the Angel web site for
this class. No printing needed for these
2 projects.
Review the reasons involved in choosing
whether to use a spreadsheet or a
database when managing data.
Chapter 12
Quiz #12
Before beginning this exercise – you
will need to adjust the screen settings
on the computers in the lab –
directions will be given in class.
Visual Programming Group Exercise
– page 734 in the 11th ed. Computer
Concepts book. You will use the CD that
accompanies this book.
Insert the CD in your disk drive; choose
the Create button to create a tracking
Save this file in your H: drive – the one
that begins with your last name. For the
tracking file information - Include your
name and course section (111 for
Wednesday class, 113 for Monday
Choose Contents – Chapter 12
Choose New Perspectives Labs on the
lower left side of the screen. Choose
Using a Visual Development
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
After completing this assignment –
choose File View Tracking Report and
Print this report. If you are participating
in a group to complete this assignment–
only one Tracking Report is needed with
all group members’ names included on
this report.
Final Exam
Assignments Review
are due in
the Drop
Box in
Read Practical Office 2010 Chapter 8 &
9. Print and hand in Projects PP-1 page
196 – 197 and PP-2 pages 198 – 199.
Print both of these projects as
Handouts – 6 slides per page and
place in your portfolio.
Final Exam
available on
on 12/3/12
Final Exam
for college
portion of
All Assignments are due on December
10, 2012 (including Portfolios).
Due by 5:00
p.m on
Final Exams
for KHS
*Lessons may be revised to fit Kingman High School’s school calendar year.
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
CIS 110 Introduction to Computer Information Systems – Internet Scavenger Hunt
Fall 2012
Note: Sometimes these Internet addresses change – I’ll keep you posted by e-mail if any of the
URLs need to be updated. Please let me know if any of the sites are not available and I’ll send
out a correction to the rest of the class.
The purpose of this scavenger hunt is to assist you in learning more about the Internet, e-mail,
and plug-ins needed for viewing websites and files. After completing this exercise, you’ll be
able to define some of those many acronyms that have become so prevalent in our discussions
about technology and have a better understanding of how search engines locate sites based on
your criteria. You’ll also find out some information about yourself on the World Wide Web!
Please share your findings with us during the class discussions concerning Internet resources.
You may type your answers – or just write down your observations with a pen or pencil on this
1. Go to
Look up the following acronyms – some of these are not on this acronym page – you may
need to Google them:
JPEG (what does this group have to do with photo images?)
Spam (not the kind in the can!)
2. Have some fun and see what weird and interesting subjects other people are finding (or
trying to find on the Internet)! This is Google site and is updated hourly. Hopefully, these
searches other people are making will be interesting and humorous. Let me know what you
found in observing the top searches of the day. Now that you have watched what others
search – are you surprised that you are being watched?
3. Pick your favorite breed of pet (dog, cat, horse, etc.), hobby, or sport and use the exact words
in quotes on three different search engines (like,,,,, etc.). List the number of “hits” or sites that these search
engines deliver – is there a big difference in the numbers? This exercise helps to illustrate
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
that if you strike out with one search engine – go to another. Each of the search engines are
looking at the World Wide Web (WWW) a little differently – some by title, some by subject,
and some are mostly paid to be listed on their search. All you need to do is list the words you
used and the search engine and the number of hits to complete this assignment.
4. Emoticons are fun and interesting and help us convey our emotions in chat rooms and e-mail.
Below is a great site to help you understand this new shorthand. However, be careful when
using them with novice computer users – they may not understand your joke and may easily
be offended by accident. After visiting the site, send me an e-mail and with an interesting or
unusual emoticon and it’s meaning. ;-) I’m winking at you!
5. Speaking of Netiquette – this is a new word for proper manners when using e-mail. DO
YOU KNOW THAT I’M YELLING AT YOU RIGHT NOW?!!!! All capital letters means
that you're yelling at the person you’re talking with in an e-mail! Visit this site and let me
know your thoughts about netiquette. Remember that e-mail is not as private as regular post
office mail (snail mail). I would add that you should never send anything in an e-mail that
you don’t want posted on the office bulletin board. Also, bad news should be delivered in
person if possible, or on the phone.
6. Go to
This is a great place to find definitions of the new language of the Internet and computers in
general. Pretend that you have gone to a new Internet site and it says that you need a Flash
plug-in. Look up the word Flash on Webopedia – do you understand what they’re talking
about yet? If not, look up the word plug-in.
7. The Internet offers a wealth of information that can really save you time and money. Tell me
one of your favorites or visit one of the following and tell me what you think about this site: – find the value of your house or one that you’re interested in purchasing – get the invoice on any new or used truck or car - Review a prospective
employee's Arizona legal history
Please share with the class any of your favorite sites for looking up prices, reviews, or health
8. The Mohave Community College Library has a great online site that can help you find
relevant articles for writing projects in your classes. Visit their site at online database site: Choose the Search Library Catalog Here – choose a
topic to look up on your local campus or All campuses and tell me if you found an interesting
book on your subject. Go back to the Welcome page of the Library web site and choose the
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
Online Database under Quicklinks. What database best fits your area of study here at
Mohave? Find at least one article and tell me the title of the article and journal that might be
good to read for a research assignment.
9. For the last part of this assignment, look up your own name (remember to use quote marks).
I would suggest or for a wide search or - this site will want to charge you for more information – but the first
screen is free and will show you the person’s name and who has shared addresses with that
10. If you have an unlisted phone number, choose a friend or family member that has a listed
phone number and view not only their address but also get a map to their house using Google
maps Does this availability of information surprise you? Discuss
how this type of information helps law enforcement agencies but also may compromise a
person’s privacy.
11. The Internet is packed with diverse opinions and viewpoints of various issues. Choose a
controversial topic and find one site that supports your views and one site that is opposed.
For example, find a website that supports a vegetarian lifestyle and one that criticizes this
diet choice. We will discuss more potential topics in class – but feel free to explore any
topics that have a “pro” and a “con” on your own.
Hope you had fun and also learned about the World Wide Web!
Students are responsible for abiding by the Student Code of Conduct located in the Student
Handbook which can be found on the Students Form page at
Access Angel through the MyMohave portal at
Student E-Mail Accounts: MCC uses this email account to send you important information.
As a student, it is your responsibility to check this account regularly or forward this email to an
account that is checked regularly. For information on how and where to access your MCC
student email account, go through the MyMohave portal at
Student Support and Contact Information: Student support is available on all MCC
campuses. For all contact numbers see the phone directory and campus locations in the MCC
Catalog which is found at for information.
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)
ADA Statement: Mohave Community College strives to facilitate, within reason, appropriate
resources, services, and auxiliary aids to allow each qualified person with a documented
disability equitable access to educational programs, social experiences, and career opportunities.
If you need accommodations at Mohave Community College for a documented disability, please
contact the Disability Services Advisor on your campus or the Disability Services Director.
Additional information can be located on with website at:
Diversity Statement: Mohave Community College Diversity Committees lend leadership and
guidance to the College to provide an inclusive learning and working environment and
curriculum which affirms the plurality of life experiences. Respecting the diversity of life
experiences, we seek to celebrate the unique characteristics of all faculty, staff, students and
community members, including their diversity of religion, creed, gender, physical appearance,
ethnicity, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political
affiliation, marital status, veteran status, disability, age and socioeconomic class.
Student Responsibilities: Use of electronic devices, attendance, participation, academic honor
code, academic integrity and plagiarism, withdrawals and incomplete grade contracts. Students
are responsible for abiding by the policies governing these topics that can be found in the MCC
Catalog at For further information on “What is plagiarism and
why is it important?” please refer to the following:
MCC FORM EDU 0008 (revised 111411)