AVERAGE SPEED CONVERSION (FT/SEC TO MPH) DIRECTIONS: Convert the average speed of your dragster from ft/sec to mph by following the step by step procedure below. You may use a calculator Step #1: Record your car’s best 4 or 5 times in the spaces to the right. It is o.k. if you only have four. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. + _________________________ Step #2: Add all the times together for your car’s total time. = Total time Step #3: Divide the total time by the number of races to find average time. Average time Round answers in steps #4-7 to the nearest tenth. (o.o) Step #4: Divide the track length (32 ft.) by the average time to find the average feet per second (AFS). AFS Step #5: Multiply the average feet per second (AFS) by 60 to convert to average feet per minute (AFM). AFM Step #6: Multiply the average feet per minute by 60 to convert to average feet per hour (AFH). AFH Step #7: Divide the average feet per hour by 5280 (the number of feet in a mile) to convert your speed to miles per hour (MPH). MPH