Tutoring Guidelines Dr. Rebecca Forrest University of Houston, Department of Physics Learning Center Rules Be on time. Swipe in/out with your UH ID card. Wear your ID on your lanyard while on duty. If you’ll be late, or are ill, find a substitue and email Jennifer ChinDavis. Make sure doors are locked if you are last to leave. Keep the room clean. Get supplies from the Physics office: paper, markers … Let Dr. Forrest and Jennifer Chin-Davis know of any problems. University Policies Students with Disabilities Provide appropriate accommodations for your student. These may involve moving equipment, rearranging the room furniture, or modifying an activity. Applies to lecture halls, labs, Learning Center, and your office. Student Privacy Rights: • It is a violation of student privacy rights to allow students to see the grades of other students or to discuss their grades in the presence of other students. • FERPA (Family Education Rights Privacy Act): You may not share information about a student with their parents, siblings, spouse or children. This includes grades, attendance, and even class enrollment. If you are asked for this info and the individual will not take NO for an answer, refer them to your course instructor. Academic Dishonesty 1. Confiscate any evidence of suspected violations of academic honesty and report it to the course instructor. Do not return the confiscated work to the student(s). 2. Let the Instructor know, they’ll deal with it. 3. Do NOT deal with the incident in front of the entire class. 4. If a student(s) is/are cheating on a quiz or exam, issue a reprimand. If the behavior continues, move the student to another seat and report the incident to the instructor. Physics Learning Center Policies E-mail Etiquette Use polite, professional language Copy Faculty member on all emails sent to students, rforrest@uh.edu Respond within 24 hours Do not forward responses from instructors to students when you have asked for assistance. Reword the response and send the message in a new e-mail. When e-mailing more than one student, put the addresses in the blind-carbon copy box. Conflict of Interest •Maintain student-teacher distance and professional appearance. •Do NOT date the undergraduates you are teaching. Medical Emergencies 1. Call 911 from your cell phone. 2. Have another student call 713-743-3333 (campus police) to alert them to the situation. 3. Send a student to find a faculty or staff member. i.e. Fleming 115. Fire Drills (or maybe not a drill) • Evacuate the classroom • Be sure all your students are accounted for. Disruptive Behavior Refusal to comply with direction Behavior that distracts the class Loud, distracting or erratic behavior Overt hostility, defiance, insults Verbal or physical threats to self or others Sexually explicit language or behavior Physical intimidation Dealing With Disruptive Behavior If student is dangerous, call 911. If not, promptly address student privately and calmly ◦ If disruptive behavior continues, allow both parties to calm down and speak again, after a “pause” ◦ Do not let the student get the best of your emotions If serious, Refer incident to your supervisor • Document the situation: witness or other students’ statements, any supporting documentation, description of behavior, direct quotes. For Mental Health Consultation Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) All currently enrolled students, UH staff, and faculty are eligible for services • Crisis intervention, Consultation, Referrals Student Service Center 1, 2nd floor (713) 743-5454 http://www.caps.uh.edu/ Tutoring Guidelines Basic Tutoring Guidelines Your job is to help students understand physics and learn how to solve physics problems for themselves. The role of the tutor is not to give students answers, but to help the students learn to find answers. Tutors, of course, do answer some questions directly, but in doing so, they model appropriate thinking and language for the particular subject. http://www.viterbo.edu/uploadedFiles/services/learncenter/TutorTrainingManual.pdf, accessed 8/29/2013 Basic Tutoring Guidelines Respect your students. Respect yourself. When students repeatedly ask simple questions, remember that the only stupid question is the one that was not asked. Patience. Patience. Patience. If you do not know the answer, ask another tutor, lab director, supervisor, or instructor; remember that the only stupid question is the one that was not asked. Respect diversity: ethnic, cultural, gender, gender preference, religious, etc. http://frank.mtsu.edu/%7Esmcdanie/ACA_3000F/TutorTrainingHandbook.htm#Basic%20Tutoring%20Guideli nes, accessed 8/2012. Tutoring Do’s Be Honest: Don’t hesitate to say that you do not know about a particular concept. Trying to bluff your way through will only hurt the student and your reputation in the long run. Show Enthusiasm: If the tutor does not display a love for the subject they are tutoring, how can they expect the student to enjoy it? Come to the lab with a positive attitude that will rub off on the students. Be Prepared: Make sure you are familiar with the textbooks and the computer software that is available to students. This may take some time while you are not on the clock. http://frank.mtsu.edu/%7Esmcdanie/ACA_3000F/TutorTrainingHandbook.htm#Basic%20Tutoring%20Guideli nes, accessed 8/2012. Tutoring Do’s Listen: The tutor should develop good listening skills so that they will better understand students’ misconceptions and errors. Don’t interrupt them. Ask Good Questions: The tutor should ask the student questions in order to evaluate a students understanding (more later). The student should do most of the talking! The student should do most of the writing! Encourage independence: You do not want the student to rely on you at all times. Let them know that they must put forth an effort to benefit from tutoring. Show them where in the book to find answers. Have Good personal hygiene: If you smoke, you may want to use a breath mint. Use deodorant. Tutoring Do’s Be Mobile: Walk around. You should move quietly about the room at least 4 times during a 1 hour lab session. This helps the students get easier access to the tutor. Introduce yourself and wear a name tag. Provide encouragement: ”Well done!” Do allow for periods of silence, “think time”. Don’t feel like you have to interrupt a moment of silence by talking. Allow the student time to think and reflect. Use this time to think about the problem yourself! Tutoring Do Not’s Do not think of yourself as the dispenser of all truth and knowledge. Try to relate to your students as equals. Do not judge someone's ability or intellect based on appearance or age. Do not use the tutoring lab as your personal dating service. This could do more than just hurt the students' grades; it could jeopardize your future. Do not let one student monopolize all of your time. Remember that you are trying to enable students to be independent thinkers. This can't be done if they use you as a crutch the entire time. Tutoring Do Not’s Do not introduce fancy ways you learned in your upper level classes to help the students solve their problems. Stick as close as you can to the way the instructor did it. Do not just sit in the chair staring out the window or at a computer when there are students in the lab. This discourages students from asking you questions. Do not do the students' assignments for them. Help them with the key concepts, help them to do it themselves. The student should be doing the writing. Anger and harassment have no place in the tutoring environment. Do Ask & Lead, Don’t Answer & Lecture Asking Good Questions First, you need to find out what the student already knows. Second, instead of telling the student how to do the problem, try to lead them to find the answer themselves. This won’t always work, but it is your goal. For both of these, you need to ask good, guiding questions. "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” http://www.viterbo.edu/uploadedFiles/services/learncenter/TutorTrainingManual.pdf, accessed 8/29/2013 Tutoring Strategy Sometimes a student has a specific question or problem. “I got parts A and B of this problem right, but I don’t know how to solve the equations in part C.” If you believe the student understands the basic physics concepts, you can just help them with their specific issue. Sometimes a student is confused and their question or problem is vague. “I don’t understand how to do this problem.” You need to determine what concepts they understand, and lead them through the rest with good questions. Physics Problem Solving Interview Questions Understand the Problem What kind of problem is this? Can you restate the problem? What are you solving for? Describe the Physics Draw a diagram for the problem. What physical quantities have you been given, i.e. are known? What is the physical quantity you are solving for? Write these down, giving each a variable name. (Use variable names that make sense, such as mb for the mass of a ball.) Can you write down equations that relate these quantities? Physics Problem Solving Interview Questions Plan a Solution How can you use these equations to determine the target quantity? Are all of the units consistent? Execute the Plan Can you explain your solution to me? How did you find this quantity? What is your final answer? Physics Problem Solving Interview Questions Evaluate your Solution Does your result answer the original question? Is your result complete? Does it make physical sense? Do the units make sense? Could someone else find your final result on your page, and understand what you did? Now go be great tutors! The End