FROM NEWTON TO CERN Project Overview Learning Areas Levels Objectives Description Mechanics, Particle Physics, Electromagnetism, Astronomy, Computer Science Students 15-17 years old •Learn the conditions that makes an object to travel on a circular orbit. •Learn how this theoretical model can be applied on Astronomy. How do planets move? Why their orbits are circular? •Learn how the same model is applied on Particle Physics. Why accelerators are circular? What is happening in CERN NOW? •Learn how to develop and apply a model with the use of computers. Students • Studied the theoretical background of normal circular motion (constant angular speed), • Observed both Lorenz Force on a charged particle and the Gravitational Force on Moon • Encouraged to apply the same model on both cases, although the nature of each Force is different. Software MS office suite, MS OneNote2007, MS WorldWide Telescope, MS SharePoint Server 2007, MS LCDS, Modellus 4.01, Interactive Physics 2005, Microsoft World Wide Telescope, Articulate Presenter, Articulate QuizMaker. Videoconference software. Keywords Circular orbit, Lorenz force, gravitational force, particle physics, CERN, Earth, Moon, Sun, proton, magnetic field, electromagnetism, computer model. Authors <This picture should illustrate the subject of your Classroom Learning Resource> George Diplaris & Dr. Kostas Dimitriou, Psychiko College (HAEF), Greece Documents FROM NEWTON TO CERN Teacher Planning and Management During lectures (phase 1, two school hours), students •learned about circular motion and the Newton’s 2nd Law, •understood Lorenz force and how particles could be accelerated in a circular orbit, •were taught about gravity and how the planets are moving the way the move. During the second phase (computer lab, 1 school hour) students developed two computer models using Modellus and Interactive Physics: •The Moon, as it moves around Earth and All data were provided by teachers The third phase (one school hour) focused on the use of the World Wide Telescope from Microsoft Research. Students saw the Moon circling around Earth. They had to accelerate time about 1000000 times. A demonstration tour was prepared by teachers. •The LHC in CERN, where proton packets collide. Finally, (phase 4, one school hour) students had a teleconference with two Greek scientists from CERN (Dr Koratzinos and Dr Papaphilippou). Students had a lot to ask so as to understand what is happening in CERN. <This picture should illustrate the subject of your Classroom Learning Resource> All described activities were supported by questionnaires and worksheets created by teachers. Various material was developed to augment and support the learning process. Documents FROM NEWTON TO CERN Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Accelerators: oc_v21en/index.html LHC: Circular Motion: Astronomy in Ancient Greece: My solar system: Simulations: CERN: , A Lyceum Physics, B Lyceum Physics, B Lyceum Astronomy and A, B, C Lyceum Computer Science, (OEDB 2004). Student Project Overview: Access all WWW links and gather required information. Create the model in Modellus and try to change some of the values included. Work in pairs and use Excel to create graphs and preferably OneNote to store your work and findings. Explore planets usind World Wide Telescope. All teamworks shoul be stored in the CMS. Class Server Resources: The documents below are stored in MS Office formats. During the project Articulate and MS LCDS software was also used to store material in CMS. <This picture should illustrate the subject of your Classroom Learning Resource> Documents FROM NEWTON TO CERN Assessment and Standards This project focuses on enhancing students creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration while achieving curriculum objectives. These are innovation skills that students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments should master. People in our century live and work in a technology and media-driven environment, characterized by quick search and access to information, fast changes in tools and methods and the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an phenomenal scale. To be effective in our century individuals must be able to exhibit Information and Communications Technology (ICT) literacy. Interdisciplinary work can help students see the crucial connections between bodies of knowledge, and more fluently synthesize different and distinct domains. Click the documents below to see the assessment rubrics and standards cover in this learning project: Assessment Rubrics: Examples of assessment rubrics provided to students showing how the project was assessed. Mapping the Standards: Mapping this project’s learning objectives against curriculum standards. <This picture should illustrate the subject of your Classroom Learning Resource> National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS): Performance indicators for technology-literate students. Documents FROM NEWTON TO CERN Teacher and School Information HAEF-PSYCHICO COLLEGE <This picture should illustrate the subject of your Classroom Learning Resource> 15 Stefanou Delta – 154 52 P. Psychico TEL: +30 210 67.98.207-FAX: +30 210 67.56.762 George Diplaris, & Dr. Kostas Dimitriou,