Autumn Newsletter 2015 - Benbecula Parish Church

Benbecula Church
of Scotland
Linked with Carinish Church of Scotland
Newsletter 2015
Issue 3 - 15
Dear friends,
On a beautifully still and peaceful, autumn morning looking out from
Benbecula, I begin to think of the rarity of this type of day, in the
summer just past. There have been some such days in this season,
yes, but because they have been few, rather than plenty, we seem to
value their beauty and peace more. So I began to think of peace, what
is peace? What is it, that gives us peace? On a day when the lochs
are like glass, and every hill stands out with clear lines against a
strikingly beautiful sky, and we can see for miles and miles....all is at
peace! On these kind of days it`s easy for any who know God`s word,
to bring to mind the Bible verse from Ps. 19:1 “The heavens declare
the glory of God”. It would be an awful thing, if it were only on the ten or
so very peaceful, beautiful dry days (perhaps a slightly gloomy
exaggeration!), which we`ve had this summer, that we were able to
really be at peace with the world. In reality the world is not at peace, far
from it.
But there is a peace which is not dependent on brightness, or
circumstances, on undependable weather patterns, or fluctuating
moods, or even on world affairs, but on Jesus, who bought our peace,
and keeps us in His perfect peace. Isaiah 26, verse 3 says of God,
“You will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast because
he trusts in you.” When we stand at a graveside as we have done
again many times this year and if it is a very beautiful, still and bright
day, even in these sad circumstances, a peace can be felt that isn`t
just the weather making the saddest circumstance peaceful , Jesus
comes to His people, to still their hearts in His peace.
There is much that would, and should, trouble us in our society today.
There is much, even in church circles which we would be troubled by, if
we don`t always live in, Jesus` peace. To own His peace, we must trust
Him as Lord and Saviour of our lives,( and therefore, of any
circumstance which might come our way,) fair weather or foul. Jesus
died on a cruel cross, bore our sins, in his body on that tree,” and rose
again so that we might be forgiven, know Him personally, and live IN
His abiding peace.
This broken world, until Jesus comes again, will have troubles, and we
must never be closed or indifferent to those. We must always do what
we can in prayer, and action to bring God`s healing to different
situations - it`s an ongoing requirement. It is when Jesus` perfect
peace, in the hearts and minds of His people, is most evident, that His
church can be effective, and resting in Him whatever the weather,
natural or spiritual.
My word of encouragement to our churches here in Benbecula, linked
with Carinish is this. It is in being, doing, and going on, in God’s will,
that hearts and minds are kept in perfect peace. Keep a quiet heart
then. It will greatly affect the body, your body, and Christ`s body also,
His church.
Yours in Christ, with many blessings,
Rev. Ishie Macdonald
OLM ( locum
minister pro tem)
Buy fair trade from Traidcraft
Traidcraft unveils ‘best of fair trade’ collection
Traidcraft, the UK’s leading fair trade company, has launched its
Autumn/Winter 2015 collection, which features the best of fair trade
from around the world.
The new range includes beautifully handmade gifts for all the family,
unique homewares, delicious groceries – all lovingly produced by
artisans and growers across the developing world. And when you buy
fair trade from Traidcraft, you’re really showing you care about
changing lives.
Traidcraft products are available locally to order from Rachel Elliott, 5a
Aird (6027260) or Cherrie McKinlay, Heatherburn Cottage,
Rhughasinish (610393).
Church Treasurer’s “Autumn Statement”
Church Treasurers have a reputation for “always asking for more
I try to resist that temptation, but feel I must bring the current state of
health of our General Fund (the Fund which looks after the day-to-day
costs of ministry and church building running costs, etc.) to the
attention of all the church family who so faithfully support the work of
the church throughout the year, before it becomes any more serious.
At the beginning of the year we had the very healthy ‘cushion’
of a Credit Balance of £4,020 brought forward from 2014;
By the end of August 2015 our Credit Balance ‘cushion’ will
have been eroded to £890; [ I do appreciate that there are
many church congregations who would love to have that
magnitude of credit balance at the end of the month!]
Our monthly offerings (before Income Tax is claimed on Gift Aid
donations) are averaging between £1,500 and £2,000 per
month- our monthly contribution for Ministries National Stipend
alone (even as a vacant charge!) comes to £1,730- (some
months more than we have actually received in the offerings
plate); still to be brought into the formula will be the additional
outgoings associated with Locum costs, Pulpit Supply,
electricity, insurance, etc.
To meet all our financial obligations over the year we would
need to aspire to be closer to an average income of £3,000
per month;
Could I urge all who support the work of the church to think and
pray about our current financial situation: this may be the time
when you feel you may be able to review your givings to the
work of the church;
As expenditure steadily rises, the number of folk who are able
to give towards the work sadly grows smaller………………and
older - the ever increasing burden is being carried by a
shrinking congregation. Are there younger members of the
family/ neighbours you could encourage to support the work of
the church?
Thank you for your continuing support -Alasdair MacGillivray,
Treasurer [25/08/2015]
2015/2016 Guild Session – We begin a new three year strategy in the
Guild this year entitled “Be Bold, Be Strong” with our theme “Go in
Peace”. Over the next three years the following projects will be
supported: Street Pastors, Let’s stick together, Bolivia, Breaking the
Cycle of FGM in Kenya, Haiti and All Friends Together. Information
about all these projects is available on the Church of Scotland website.
There will be a special retiring offering for new Guild projects at the
Dedication Service led by the Guild on – and there will be an Sunday
13th September.
Our first meeting of the year will be an open meeting on Monday the
28th September at 7:00 pm in the hall where members of the team who
visited JKMC in Chuka, Kenya will report on their trip. All are very
welcome to attend.
5 I’m just old-fashioned,
but from time to time our church’s music director
introduces new songs into the service, and I don’t care
for them. I like the old hymns, and wish he’d just stick
with them. Should I complain to our pastor? — E.W.
DEAR E.W.: I know this has been a controversial issue in
many churches, and I don’t pretend to have all the answers,
especially since I’m not particularly musical! But we have a
singing faith, and God has given us the gift of music to
praise him. The Psalmist declared, “With singing lips my
mouth will praise you” (Psalm 63:5).
Instead of complaining to your pastor (or anyone else), I
urge you to ask God to help you be grateful for all music
that points us to God, new or old. No, you may not like some
of it, but others do, and God can use it in their lives to
encourage them and bring them closer to Christ.
Remember: The old hymns you like were once new, and
someone probably didn’t like them, either!
Sometimes, I’m afraid, a hymn can become so familiar to us
that we sing it without even thinking about the words. But
this is wrong, because then our singing becomes empty and
meaningless. Don’t let this happen to you, but meditate on
the words of the songs you sing, and even turn them into a
Your music director has probably been wise to introduce
new songs slowly; completely changing everything all at
once can be disruptive. Pray for him and encourage him,
letting him know that you’re grateful for his gifts. Yes, let him
know you appreciate the old hymns, but support him also as
he seeks to reach a new generation through music.
From “My Answer,” Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham
Parkway, Charlotte, N.C., 28201; visit
Today is the day of salvation.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life. John 3:16
For many years I spoke to my distant cousin about our need of a
Savior. When he visited me recently and I once again urged him to
receive Christ, his immediate response was: “I would like to accept
Jesus and join the church, but not yet. I live among people of other
faiths. Unless I relocate, I will not be able to practice my faith well.” He
cited persecution, ridicule, and pressure from his peers as excuses to
postpone his decision.
His fears were legitimate, but I assured him that whatever happened,
God would not abandon him. I encouraged my cousin not to delay but
to trust God for care and protection. He gave up his defenses,
acknowledged his need of Christ’s forgiveness, and trusted Him as his
personal Savior.
Committing your life to Jesus is a decision worth making.
When Jesus invited people to follow Him, they too offered excuses—all
about being busy with the cares of this world (Luke 9:59-62). The
Lord’s answer to them (vv. 60-62) urges us not to let excuses deprive
us of the most important thing in life: the salvation of our souls.
Do you hear God calling you to commit your life to Him? Do not delay.
“Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor.
6:2). ~ Lawrence Darmani in Our Daily Bread 31 August 2015
Come to the Savior, make no delay—
here in His Word He’s shown us the way;
here in our midst He’s standing today,
tenderly saying, “Come!”
George F. Root
(From Our Daily Bread August 31, 2015)
On the 8th of March, Alison MacVie and Ronnie Macdonald were
ordained to the office of elder, in Benbecula church. The service was
conducted by Rev.Ishie Macdonald. The service was well attended,
and the congregation had a real sense of encouragement, as the new
elders took their vows and were welcomed as elders. There was a full
attendance of Kirk Session, all of whom were very smartly `turned out`,
and delighted to welcome the new elders on board. Ronnie and Alison
received the right hand of fellowship and were offered many blessings
from their colleagues. We trust that the Lord will richly bless them in
His work in this congregation.
Baby and Toddlers meets Tuesday mornings from about 10:3012:00. Don’t worry if you aren’t “on time” as you are welcome at
anytime. (Tea/coffee is served at 11:00.) Many of our babies and
toddlers have moved on to nursery so any new
mums/dads/grannies/grandads/carers and babies/tots are very
welcome to join us.
Scripture Union meets in Balivanich
School on Fridays from 11:30 pm in the General Purpose Room. If you have
children/grandchildren in the school, please encourage them to
come along for games, songs, stories and fun.
Oasis Youth Club started on 1st September and continues on
Tuesday evenings during term time in Balivanich School from
6:30-8:00 pm (for ages 9-P7). Subs are £1 per evening.
Griminish Taigh Ceildh – The Over 60’s Group held their first meeting
of this session on Wednesday 1st with a chat and a cuppa Our
provisional programme through 20th January 2016. We hope to
celebrate our 10th anniversary in April with a special event.
Provisional programmes are planned as follows:
16th September
7th October
Outing to Kilbride Cafe
Taster Try-a-craft (crochet,
21st October
4th November
18th November
2nd December
16th December
6th January 2016
quilling, sketching, painting, etc)
Kenya Travelog
Bonfire and Campfire Songs
Speaker tbc
Cards and Calendars
Christmas Lunch
Coffee (or tea) Chat ‘n Chill
20th January
Let them eat cake and sing for
their supper
If you would like to come along to any of the meetings, you
will be made most welcome. (No bus pass necessary!)
Programme subject to change so please check weekly church
intimations or our web page. For further information or if you require
transport, contact Cherrie on 610393 or Alasdair on 602240
Morning Prayer and Bible Study resumes Wednesday 9th
September 10:30-12:00 – Jeremiah 925:15-38, The Cup of God’s
Wrath. We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings. All welcome
to join us.
Tea, cleaning and reading rotas
– volunteers are need for church
cleaning, after-church fellowship
tea provision and Sunday service
Bible reading. Please sign up on the sheets on the hall notice board if
you are able to offer Christian service in these areas.
VISIT to CHUKA 2015 ~ There will be
opportunities to hear from the group who
visited Chuka over the next wee while. Firstly
we will hold a Chuka Sunday service on 27th
September with Sylvia Norton sharing the sermon she preached
in JKMC. The following evening the Guild will sponsor an open
evening at 7:00 pm when you are all invited to hear the team
report on their visit
From Ishie: What can I say about my return visit to J.K.M.C. church in
Chuka this summer? It was one of the most rewarding times, it`s
almost too difficult to describe! If I had any reservations as to whether
it was right for me to go back so soon, these were blown away over
and over again, while we were there. The outward journey was tiring,
but one long sleep in the home of my lovely hosts from last time, Karimi
and Peter, sorted that completely. The warmth of a Kenya welcome
really needs to be experienced! The boys from the local school in full
tribal dress dancing our welcome at Chuka, was truly unforgettable.
And no one had forgotten us - hugs aplenty, food and hospitality, and
fellowship aplenty. These” Msungos” were all made to feel like their
I will never forget the” Benbecula” service on the second Sunday we
were there. I was told on the Saturday, having prepared a sermon long
enough, or so I thought, to fit a Kenyan length service, (which can last
up to 3 hrs.), that I was preaching in the `vernacular service` and that
Mike would be interpreting! So the service did end up being Kenya,
instead of Benbecula, length! But the Lord knew as always, better
than us, what He was doing, and it turned out to be not just a challenge
but a great blessing for the preacher, and according to feedback, the
Lord used it to bless hearers also.
The main thing however which confirmed to me the correct timing of
my being there, was the difference observed in the physical condition
of the children in the church school. The clothes which we brought from
both congregations were so welcome, but I had a further privilege.
Because of my nursing background, I was invited by the school to
assist with an examination clinic for all 85 children in a morning! A lot of
work but what a difference I saw from when I had done this, two years
ago. Because of the small amount of financial support we send
regularly, that now frees up some funds to keep a box with a limited
amount of basic medicines in the school. When basic infections/
infestations are picked up at such examinations, these treatments can
be administered via the school, instead of relying on the caregivers to
do so, and these conditions don`t develop so seriously. It was just
great to see this first hand, and to relay to this church, that for these
few children, what we do here is being put to good use and very much
appreciated. Start making your plans to go next time! Ishie
From Cherrie: Karibu!! (Welcome!) & Bwana Asifiwe ~
How often these words were heard while we were in Kenya,
Praise the Lord with the reply Amen! And we had much to praise the
Lord for; travelling mercies, renewal of friendships and new friendships,
visiting the Ndagani Children’s Centre to distribute the cases of clothing
we took out for the orphans and vulnerable children. What a joy to see
the happy faces of each one as they11
received new outfits. Some of the
handmade hats, cardigans and blankets were given to the maternity
unit at Chogoria Hospital for the new babies while other hats and
scarves were given to the elderly members we visited.
And we felt truly welcomed and humbled by the graciousness of our
hosts at every turn through sharing food and fellowship, chai and
coffee, prayer and worship. Many had taken time off work using
precious holidays to be with us.
A visit to a Guild Commissioning for the district at Rukindu PCEA gave
a real challenge to the commitment these members have as they take
their vows having been mentored for 2 years before being
commissioned as members and another several years of commitment
to the work of the Guild before their pins are presented. At this service
we also were treated to a Harambee (pulling together to benefit the
community fundraiser) where not only money was given but also
chickens, 3 goats, a sheep and a rabbit as well as arrowroot, beans,
sugarcane which were then auctioned in the church before the service
continued. The speaker then challenged the new Guild members to
“walk and work” together for the Lord.
We visited several schools and spoke to various classes, fielding many
questions and fending off many who wanted to touch our smooth hair!
A visit to the Rift Valley was amazing, especially seeing the incredible
number of lorries plying between Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru, and on
into Uganda carrying essential goods westwards from the port. Indeed
the number of lorries parked up at the weighing stations was
Sundays in Chuka are church days and we started at 8 am and
eventually left the church at around 3 pm having sung, worshiped,
prayed, praised or preached and been fed both physically and
spiritually before heading to the Moderator’s for tea or Dorcus’ house
for a celebration of her son’s graduation from college. What long but
profitable days.
There is so much more to share which we will do in due course and of
course we are happy to speak to you and answer any questions.
A real benefit of our twinning is that it gives us chance to not only see
another culture but to live it. The gospel was truly brought to life. We
are no longer foreigners and strangers but fellow citizens with God’s
people and also members of HIS household. Ephesians 2:9 In Christ
Jesus we are all children of God through faith, neither Jew nor Gentile,
slave nor free, male nor female (black nor white, Kenyan nor Scottish)
for we are all one in Christ! Galatians 3:26
I feel that These two verses sum up what twinning is all about!
During our trip to Kenya we were able to inspect the library that has
been set up in the church with the schoolbooks that were sent out at
the end of last year. A small room has been designated as a library and
shelving has been installed. The church is thinking big, wanting more
books. This is amply indicated by the bare shelves in the library!
We are therefore launching another book appeal so now is the
opportunity to go into the nooks and crannies of your house and donate
books that you no longer use.
The following book subjects have been suggested by Ben and the
church committee.
Early reading books for children
English language English literature novels
General novels
Nature books
Geography books
Maths books
Science books
Bible stories for children
Any books you wish to donate can be left in the appropriately marked
box in the church hall.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me. Many thanks!
Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal 2015 – Leaflets are enclosed.
Average sized shoeboxes only, please for easier
distribution and packing and for fairness to all recipients.
Please have your filled shoe boxes at the church by the
1st November.
Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we
come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is
good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.
They know we should have snack-time before bedtime and they say
prayers with us every time and kiss us even when we've acted bad.
A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. ''Oh,'' he said, ''She
lives at the airport and when we want her we just go get her. Then
when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport.''
14 a season for every activity
There is a time for everything, and
under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1
MATTERS OF Church Record:
Baptism – Brayden Campbell Nash - 26th July
Marriage – Gary Skinner and Sandra Morrison – 17th July
New Members - by transfer – A warm welcome to
Rev Gavin and Mrs Rachel Elliott
District Elders and Parish visitors
Clerk (acting)
Rev. Ishie MacDonald
Contact - Cherrie McKinlay,
Elder/Parish Visitor
Katie MacGillivray, 12 Uachdar
Peggy MacLeod
Sylvia Norton, Clachan Cottage Iochdar
Dolly MacDonald, 21 Aird
Katie MacRury, 7 Nunton
Norman MacDonald, Star Cottage
Wilson & Cherrie McKinlay, Rhughasinish
Alasdair & Annie MacGillivray, 28a Aird
Mary Robertson, 9 Liniclate
Graham MacIntosh, 3 Creagorry
Howard Warner, Kilaulay
Your district number is on the address label on your newsletter.
During the vacancy, if you would appreciate a visit or know of someone
who would appreciate a visit, please contact the acting session clerk, your
district elder or parish visitor.
A very warm welcome is extended to everyone to all our services and
activities. We encourage you to invite any newcomers and visitors
to come with you.
CDs of weekly Services are available Please ask Cherrie or your
elder/parish visitor if you would like a copy.
Data Protection – we are obliged to 15
inform you that we hold the information
on this label on our newsletter database.
If you do not wish for us to retain this
information, please let your District elder or
the acting session clerk know and you will
be removed from the database and you will
no longer receive the newsletter.
Any corrections to your name or address would also be appreciated.
Dates for your Diary
 Saturday 12th September – Byre clean-up in preparation for
repairing roof and doors.
 Sunday 13th September – Guild Dedication Service led by
members of the congregation
 Communion Season
Thursday 17th September – 7:00 pm English Preparatory
Service – led by Alastair Banks
Friday 18 September – 7:00 pm Gaelic Preparatory Service
led by Rev Ishie MacDonald (sermon in English)
September – 11:00 am The Lord’s Supper –
service led by Rev Ishie MacDonald
 Sunday 27th September –11:00 am Chuka Service led by the
team who visited Kenya. Sylvia Norton preaching.
 Monday 28th September – Guild Open Evening- Report by
team who visited JKMC, Chuka
 Sundays 4th October – 11:00 am – Rev Ishie MacDonald
11th October – 11:00 am – tbc
18th October – 11:00 am – Rev Ishie MacDonald
25th October – 11:00 am – Rev Donald MacQuarrie
8 Nov – Remembrance Sunday, 15th Nov – Harvest Thanksgiving