Minnesota Paint Horse Board Meeting Simon’s Arena, Cannon Falls , MN February 4th, 2014 Meeting called to order by Trent Stromme at 6:52pm Board members present: Trent, Monte, Sherrie, Lynn, Diane, Casey, Ann Andrew Absent: Scott Boe Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve agenda by Sherrie, second by Diane, carried Financial : Report read by Lynn, report was accepted. Minutes: Motion to approve minutes made by Monte, second by Lynn, motion carried . Discussion about banquet, several options were presented. Casey will get prices firmed up, for comparison. Show Committee: Almost all judges have been hired. Our first show has been posted on APHA website. Much discussion on types of awards, and how many. Circuit Awards were discussed, with samples of what could be purchased. Many nice options are available. Corporate Sponsors will be given a round table reserved for the weekend at the Winona shows. Very nice awards are planned. Stall reservations were discussed. Discount given for early reservations. Banquet recap: Many positive comments on the awards, and embroidery. Cost and options were discussed. Futurity recap: 31 stallions sold. 70% of stallions sold. Several stallions are still available. Ideas were given for next year. Website: The change over for the website will happen this month. Trent has volunteered to contact Bonnie and get a date firmed up to change over. Youth : After much discussion by the board, suggestions were given to Casey for age limits, and board positions. Casey will contact members, and inform them of the positions. Youth raised $450.00 from the auction. Scholarship: Rules were discussed, and recommendations were made for future applicants. Unfinished Business: Reviews for judges were discussed. Comments on numbers with too much glare. Judges have a very hard time reading numbers. They glare off the lights. Ann will bring samples of number options. Code of ethics was discussed, and will be enforced. New Business: Motion made by Sherrie to send $250.00 to This Old Horse, second by Trent, motion carried. Motion made by Diane, to send Hero’s on Horseback $250.00, second by Andrew, motion carried. Andrew will get sworn in as alternate director at the end of the month. Casey allowed Andrew and Monte to use her frequent flyer miles to get airfare. Thank you Casey!! Monte reported Wisc. Has asked us to approve the show they are having in Lacrosse. Monte made a motion to approve the September 13th and 14th show. Sherrie second, motion carried. Andrew made a motion asking if we would approve either show for North Star, in exchange for approval for one of our’s. Second by Diane. Motion was defeated. Motion to Adjorn: Motion made by Sherrie to adjorn, second by Trent. Motion carried. General Membership meeting to be held March 8th at 1:00 in Prior Lake.