Ch 16
Pages 452-456
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Objective 1: Identify the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive organs.
Objective 2: Identify the different stages of the menstrual cycle
Objective 3: Identify and describe how to maintain reproductive health
Objective 4: Identify and describe the possible problems with the female reproductive system.
• SEE PAGE 454 Figure 16.9
• Each month the uterus prepares for possible pregnancy.
• If pregnancy doesn’t occur, the lining of the uterus
(endometrium) isn’t needed and breaks down into blood, tissue, and fluid (this is known as menstruation ).
• Menstruation typically lasts 5-7 days.
• Most females begin their first menstrual cycle between the ages of 10-15.
• Poor nutrition, stress, excessive exercise, low body weight and illness can influence menstruation
• Menopause : the end of the reproductive years, which usually occurs between ages 45-55
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Bathe regularly: Shower or bathe daily, and change tampons or sanitary pads every few hours during the menstrual cycle.
Have regular medical exams: This includes a
Pap smear test for cancerous cells on the cervix, as well as a mammogram to test for breast cancer. Report any abnormalities to your doctor.
Practice Abstinence: To avoid unwanted pregnancy and STD’s
PAGE 455 Figure 16.10: Breast Self-Exam
Menstrual Cramps : Sometimes occurs at the beginning of a menstrual period. Light exercise or heating pad may help
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Caused by hormonal changes. Symptoms may be experienced
1-2 weeks before menstruation. Symptoms include nervous tension, anxiety, irritability, bloating, weight gain depression, mood swings, and fatigue.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS): Serious bacterial infection that affects the immune system and liver, and can be fatal. To reduce the risk, use tampons with low absorbency and change often.
Endometriosis : Uterine tissue grows in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the lining of the pelvic cavity.
Vaginitis : Is caused by a bacterial infection. If not treated with antibiotics, it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.
Ovarian cysts : Fluid filled sacs on the ovary. Small cysts usually disappear on their own, large ones may require surgery.
Cervical, uterine, and/or ovarian cancer : Early sexual activity and STD’s are related to cervical cancer.
Regular checkups are important for early detection and treatment
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