3 Properties of Color Hue-The name of the color Value-Lightness/Darkness of a hue—Tints and Shades Intensity-Brightness/Dullness of a colorComplements (opposites on the color wheel) Color Schemes (Color Plan) • Monochromatic—Using one color and the tints and shades of that color • Complementary---Using opposites on the color wheel and tints and shades of those colors • Analogous---Using three colors side by side on the color wheel and tints and shades of those colors • Triad---Using three colors equal distance apart on the color wheel and tints and shades of those colors • Warm and Cool —Using only warm colors and their tints and shades or only cool colors and their tints and shades Examples of color choices for each color scheme • Monochromatic-Blue, variations of dark and light blue • Complementary-Yellow and Purple and variations of light and dark yellow and purple • Analogous-Red, Red Orange, Orange and variations of light and dark values of each color • Triad-Orange, Purple and Green plus lights and darks of each color • Cool—Greens and Blues plus lights and darks • Warm—Oranges and Reds plus lights and darks Examples of Color Schemes Which color scheme is being used? Which color scheme? Which Color Scheme? Which Color Scheme? Your Assignment • For each triangle, use the following color schemes— • 2 triangles of monochromatic • 2 triangles of complementary • 2 triangles of analogous • 2 triangles of triad • You can switch colors—for example you might do one monochromatic using blue and one using green. Assignment continued • The idea is to “hide” the letters of your name by changing the values of your colors on the letters and in the background. • Do not do all of your letters the same value or color or the background all the same value or color. This will make a distinction between the letters and the background rather than blending them. Mixing Paint • You will have the three primary colors and white and black. • All other colors must be created by mixing the primaries. • When creating a TINT (a lighter version of the color) always add small amounts of your color to white. • When creating a SHADE (a darker version of the color) always add small amounts of black to your color. • Share colors with others if you make too much and save your paint from day to day if you have a lot left at the end of the period. • Leave your design in the drying rack over night to dry or in your bin if you have room. Store your paint/container in your bin.