Church Fathers

Ask the money changer for more details.
(House Of Our Father)
Jewish quote of the day
Rejoice not at thine enemy's fall - but
don't rush to pick him up either.
Shabbat Joke
Three Reformed Rabbis were bragging
about how progressive they were.
The first rabbi said, “We’re so modern
that we’ve installed ashtrays in
every pew so members can smoke
while doing their meditations.”
Shabbat Joke
The second Rabbi said, “Oh that’s
nothing we now have a snack bar in
the basement that serves ham
sandwiches after the service.”
The third Reformed Rabbi said, “You
aren’t even in the same league as we
Shabbat Joke
• We’re so reformed that…
Shabbat Joke
• we’re closed for all the Jewish
• We’d like to welcome any visitors.
• We have visitor cards that you can fill
out then drop into the Tzedika (offering)
box when we pass it around.
• I posted 5 teachings online this week
on the Yeshiva site. I had a lot of
catchup to do after working on the SUV.
Speaking of I want to thank Rabbi Ariel
for all his help, he did a great job and
thank you Linda for letting us borrow
• I also want to thank Les and Joann for
letting us use their shop to do all that
work in.
•We also want to thank everyone for
helping with the Passover service and
for bringing such wo0nderful food and
for helping out afterwards as well.
•I think the service went really well, we
were very happy with how it turned out
and we’re just gonna get better and
better as the years go on.
How do we get to heaven?
Matt. 19:16 A man approached Yeshua
and said, "Rabbi, what good thing
should I do in order to have eternal
life?" He said to him, 17 "Why are you
asking me about good? There is One
who is good! But if you want to obtain
eternal life, OBSERVE THE
John 14:15 "If you love
me, keep my
Whose gave all the
Laws to Moses? JESUS
Exodus 12:49
One Torah shall be to him that is home-born,
and unto the stranger that sojourneth among
1 John 3:4
What is sin?
4 Everyone who keeps sinning is violating
Torah - indeed, sin is violation of Torah.
4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth
also the law: for sin is the transgression of
the law. KJV
Do we keep some traditions? Yes!
I Cor 11:2
2 Now I praise you because you have
remembered everything I told you and
observe the traditions just the way I passed
them on to you.
II Thes 2
15 Therefore, brothers, stand firm; and
hold to the traditions you were taught by
us, whether we spoke them or wrote them
in a letter.
II Thes 3
6 Now we command you, brethren, in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye
withdraw yourselves from every brother
that walketh disorderly, and not after the
tradition which he received of us.
In Acts 23 Paul says I am a Pharisee not I
was a Pharisee.
We are to all become Jews, that’s the goal.
Customs and culture
Ez 9 KJV 2 And, behold, six men came from
the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward
the north, and every man a slaughter weapon
in his hand; and one man among them was
clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by
his side: and they went in, and stood beside
the brasen altar.
Customs and culture
Stern’s is a little bit better… 2 At once, six
men approached on the path from the upper
gate, to the north, each man holding his
weapon of destruction. Among them was a
man clothed in linen, with a scribe’s writing
equipment at his waist. They entered and
stood by the bronze altar.
Customs and culture
Well let’s talk about what that was. This
wasn’t it…
Customs and culture
That’s a British idea. And inkhorn is their
translation. The French borrowed the Hebrew
word for this which in French means a box.
The Hebrew word is cassette.
This is actually what it looked like. So now you know
where the word cassette comes from.
Customs and culture
It is still customary in the East to put into the
girdle the case containing writing implements.
It consists of 2 parts, a receptacle for the pens
and a box for the ink. It is sometimes made of
ebony or some other hard wood but generally
of metal like brass copper or silver.
Customs and culture
They are usually highly polished and of
exquisite workmanship.. It’s about 9 or 10
inches long 1 and a half or 2 inches wide and
half an inch deep. The hollow shaft contains
pens of reed and a penknife and has a lid.
Customs and culture
Ink was usually made of lampblack which is
basically carbon and it’s mixed with soot or
pulverized charcoal prepared with gum and
water. It was sold in small particles or grains.
Customs and culture
When needed for use some of the grains were
then put into the keset and mixed with water
until the mixture became of the consistence of
our modern printers ink. It was of an intense
glossy black retaining its color for ages yet
easily obliterated with a sponge and water.
this kind of ink is also still used in the east.
“On the morning of the third
day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick
cloud over the mountain, and there was the
sounding of a very loud SHOFAR blast.
Everyone in the camp trembled.”
Please stand for the Shema
and face east towards Jerusalem.
Shema Israel Adoni
Elohaynu Adoni Echad.
Barukh shem k'vod
malkhuto l'olam va'ed.
(Remain standing for
Hear oh Israel the L-rd
our G-d is one L-rd.
Blessed be the Name of
His glorious kingdom
for ever and ever.
Because Messiah said it is the greatest
Mark 12:28-29
And one of the scribes came, and
having heard them reasoning together, and
perceiving that He had answered them well,
asked Him, “Which is the greatest
commandment of all?”
And Yeshua answered him, “The
first of all the commandments is, Hear,
O Israel; The Lord our God is One
We’ll now sing HaTikva
(The Hope)
Kol ‘od balleivav penimah
Nefesh yehudi homiyah
Ul(e)fa’atei mizrach kadimah,
‘Ayin letziyon tzofiyah;
‘Od lo avdah tikvateinu,
Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim,
Lihyot‘am chofshi be’artzeinu,
Eretz-tziyon (v)'Y(e)rushalayim.
Meet new people! Let them see that
Messianics truly understand community
and brotherly/sisterly love. Say hello to
old friends… show that you care!
• Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
• Pray for unsaved loved ones and healings.
• Pray for Salvation for the Jewish people.
• Pray for our government
• Pray for countries that anti-Semitic laws
will not continue to pass.
•Prayer over our tithes and offerings.
Prayer for today’s message
Pray that the UN will be dismantled.
Continued sovereignty of Israel pray for
Netanyahu that he’ll make good decisions
during his new term.
This is our opportunity to render unto
G-d that which is G-d’s.
Blessing Before The Reading Of The
Parashat Sh'mini "Eighth"
Date: April 6 2013 (5773 Nisan 26)
Torah Reading: Leviticus 9:1-11:47
Haftarah Reading: 2 Samuel 6:1-7:17
Brit Chadashah Reading: Acts 10:9-22, 34-35
Parashat Passover/Unleavened Bread
Date: March 30 2013 (5773 Nisan 19)
Torah: Exodus 33:12-34:26; Numbers 28:19-25
Haftarah: Ezekiel 36:37-37:14
Brit Chadashah: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
We’ll read… Exodus 33:12-16
Ezekiel 36:37-end of chapter
1 Corinthians 5:6-8
Exodus 33:12-16
said to ADONAI, “Look,
you say to me, ‘Make these people
move on!’ But you haven’t let me
know whom you will be sending
with me. Nevertheless you have
said, ‘I know you by name,’ and
also, ‘You have found favor in my
12 Moshe
Exodus 33:12-16
13 Now,
please, if it is really the case that
I have found favor in your sight, show
me your ways; so that I will understand
you and continue finding favor in your
sight. Moreover, keep on seeing this
nation as your people.” 14 He answered,
“Set your mind at rest — my presence
will go with you, after all.”
Exodus 33:12-16
15 Moshe
replied, “If your
presence doesn’t go with us,
don’t make us go on from here.
Exodus 33:12-16
16 For
how else is it to be known
that I have found favor in your
sight, I and your people, other than
by your going with us? That is what
distinguishes us, me and your
people, from all the other peoples
on earth.” (Baruch HaShem)
Ezekiel 36:37-end of chapter
37 “Adonai
ELOHIM says, ‘In
addition, I will let the house of
Isra’el pray to me to do this for
them: to increase their numbers
like sheep —
Ezekiel 36:37-end of chapter
38 like
flocks of sheep for sacrifices,
like the flocks of sheep in
Yerushalayim at its designated
times, in this degree will the ruined
cities be filled with flocks of
people. Then they will know that I
am ADONAI.’” (Baruch HaShem)
1 Corinthians 5:6-8
6 Your
boasting is not good. Don’t
you know the saying, “It takes only
a little hametz to leaven a whole
batch of dough?” 7 Get rid of the old
hametz, so that you can be a new
batch of dough, because in reality
you are unleavened. For our Pesach
lamb, the Messiah, has been
1 Corinthians 5:6-8
8 So
let us celebrate the Seder
not with leftover hametz, the
hametz of wickedness and evil,
but with the matzah of purity
and truth. (Baruch HaShem)
Baruch atah Adonay Eloheynu melech
ha'olam, asher bachar-banu mikol
ha'amim, venatan-lanu et torah-to.
Baruch atah Adonay, noten hatorah.
Blessed are You, LORD our God, king
of the universe, who chose us from all the
peoples and gave to us His Torah.
Blessed are You, LORD, giver of the Torah.
•The Youth & Children are dismissed
• unmute mic for video!
Messianic Politics Class #2
By Rabbi Stanley
Today we’re going to talk about Henry Ford.
He was an amazing man.
He lived from July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947.
He was an American industrialist, the founder
of the Ford Motor Company, and sponsor of
the development of the assembly line
technique of mass production.
Although Ford did not invent
the automobile, he developed
and manufactured the first
automobile that many middle
class Americans could afford to
His introduction of the Model T
automobile revolutionized
transportation and American
industry. As owner of the Ford
Motor Company, he became one of
the richest and best-known people
in the world.
Ford had a global vision. His intense
commitment to systematically lowering
costs resulted in many technical and
business innovations, including a
franchise system that put dealerships
throughout most of North America and
in major cities on six continents.
Ford left most of his vast wealth
to the Ford Foundation but
arranged for his family to
control the company
Let’s talk about his early life… he
was on a farm in Greenfield
Township, Michigan. His father,
William Ford (1826–1905), was
born in County Cork, Ireland, in a
family that was originally from
western England.
His mother, Mary Litogot Ford
(1839–1876), was born in Michigan
as the youngest child of Belgian
immigrants; her parents died when
she was a child and she was
adopted by neighbors, the O'Herns.
He was always a very curious child.
At 15, Ford dismantled and
reassembled the timepieces of
friends and neighbors, gaining the
reputation of a watch repairman.
Ford in1888
At twenty, Ford walked four
miles to their Episcopal church
every Sunday. A devout
Ford was devastated when his mother
died in 1876. His father expected him to
eventually take over the family farm,
but he despised farm work. He later
wrote, "I never had any particular love
for the farm—it was the mother on the
farm I loved.” Nice sentiments.
In 1879, Ford left home to work as an
apprentice machinist in the city of Detroit. In
1882, he returned to Dearborn to work on the
family farm, where he became adept at
operating the Westinghouse portable steam
He was later hired by the Westinghouse
company to service their steam engines.
In 1891, Ford became an engineer with
the Edison Illuminating Company. After
his promotion to Chief Engineer in
1893, he had enough time and money to
devote attention to his personal
experiments on gasoline engines.
These experiments culminated in 1896
with the completion of a self-propelled
vehicle which he named the Ford
After various test-drives, Ford
brainstormed ways to improve the
In 1896, Ford attended a meeting of
Edison executives, where he was
introduced to Thomas Edison. Edison
approved of Ford's automobile
experimentation. Encouraged by
Edison, Ford designed and built a
second vehicle, completing it in 1898.
Ford then resigned from the Edison
Company and founded the Detroit
Automobile Company. However, the
automobiles produced were of a lower
quality and higher price than Ford
wanted. Ultimately, the company was
not successful and was dissolved in
January 1901.
Later, Ford designed, built, and
successfully raced a 26-horsepower
automobile in October 1901. He then
formed the Henry Ford Company the
following year. he had some internal
difficulties with that business and he left
the company bearing his name.
Because FORD was no longer with
them they renamed that company
and called it the Cadillac
Automobile Company. That was
the birth of Cadillac.
Ford went to work designing an inexpensive
automobile, and leased a factory and
contracted with a machine shop owned by
John and Horace E. Dodge to supply over
$160,000 in parts. That’s the same Dodge that
builds Dodge trucks today. Sales were slow,
and a crisis arose when the Dodge brothers
demanded payment for their first shipment.
In response, the Dodge Brothers were
offered a portion of the new company
and they accepted the offer. That move
made the dodge brothers millions of
dollars later on. Dodge manufactured
every part of the Ford car except for the
buckboard wooden seats and the rubber
The Ford company was reincorporated
as the Ford Motor Company on June 16,
From there Ford went on to even
greater success. He was a very
clean living man as well. He didn’t
smoke, drink, gamble or go to the
movies. He didn’t drink coffee, tea,
sugar, red meat or even drink
pasteurized milk.
He was a devout Christian man.
But there’s another part of this
story. A side that few ever hear
about. A dark side. A side as dark as
the body paint on his first model T.
Henry Ford hated Jews. He
endorsed what’s called the
protocols of the elders of
Zion. Let’s talk about what
that is for a moment.
The protocols were first
published in 1903 and it was
written originally as a hoax.
The Protocols purports to
document the minutes of a late
19th-century meeting of Jewish
leaders discussing their goal of
global Jewish rule by
subverting the morals of
Gentiles, and by controlling
the press and the world's
It wasn’t intended to be
taken seriously. It was
written by a Russian who
worked for the Russian
Secret Police and some
unknown others.
And it was mostly a takeoff of a
French political satire which
had nothing to do with Jews and
mixed with an antisemitic novel
written by a German novelist. It
was basically a forgery from
some fiction.
The writer of the satire and
even the anti-semitic novelist
never intended it to be
considered factual.
It found its way into the
public in Russia and before
you know it, it was widely
believed there. Then shortly
after… it was preached as
fact in Churches all over the
The Chief Rabbi of Sweden, said in
1924, concerning the Protocols: "Long
have I been well acquainted with the
contents of the Protocols, indeed for
many years before they were ever
published in the Christian press.
Let’s look at some of what
the protocols has to say and
remember this is supposed to
have been written by these
Jewish leaders.
“In order to give the Goyim no time to
think and take note, their minds must be
diverted towards industry and trade.
Thus, all the nations will be swallowed
up in the pursuit of gain and in the race
for it will not take note of their common
But again, in order that freedom may
once for all disintegrate and ruin the
communities of the Goyim, we must put
industry on a speculative basis: the
result of this will be that what is
withdrawn from the land by industry
will slip through the hands and pass into
speculation, that is, to our classes.
Let’s read some more. We must
compel the governments of the
Goyim to take action in the
direction favored by our widely
conceived plan,
already approaching the desired
consummation, by what we shall
represent as public opinion, secretly
promoted by us through the means of
that so-called "Great Power" – the
press, which, with a few exceptions that
may be disregarded, is already entirely
in our hands.
It’s basically saying that the Jews
secretly planned to take over the world
subversively by using the press which
they claim is run by them.
Some of those accusations against the
Jews may sound familiar to you.
Many people who participate
in anti-semitic rhetoric have
actually received their
concepts from the protocols.
I’ve heard quotes like these
in Churches today all over
the world. They’re quoting
the Protocols and many of
them don’t even know it.
The protocols also of course
brings up some old well
worn accusations from times
It perpetuates the belief that
the Jews made matza with
the blood of Christian babies
and that they poison wells in
Gentile neighborhoods.
One may say, “well, I’ve
never heard of these
protocols of the elders of
zion. So it can’t be all that
well known.
Here in the US, you may not
have heard of it. But visit
many of the Muslim
countries and you’ll find it
on the desks of school
Some of you know of Rabbi
Joseph Teluskin. He’s a well
known Jewish writer and
He said, “Thousands,
perhaps even tens of
thousands, of Jews
have died because of this
infamous forgery.”
He may be well
undersestimating how many
Jews it’s killed. The
Protocols were quoted by
Adolf Hitler himself.
He ordered the text to be studied in
German classrooms. The historian
Norman Cohn suggested that Hitler
used the Protocols as his primary
justification for initiating the
Holocaust—it was his "warrant for
The protocols are everywhere.
They continue to be widely
available around the world, in
print in Japan, the Middle East,
Asia, and South America.
Arab leaders have endorsed them as authentic,
including endorsements from late Presidents
Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat of
Egypt, one of the past Presidents of Iraq, and
King Faisal of Saudi Arabia as well as the
deceased Muammar Gaddafi of Libya said
they were real. “Well that’s the past”…
The 1988 charter of Hamas, states that
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
embodies the plan of the Zionists, it’s
still on their charter. The education
ministry of Saudi Arabia still endorses
it. As well as some parliament members
in Greece.
Maybe you haven’t heard of it, but it’s
out there. US presidents and dignitaries
know about it. King Faisal personally
presented every one of his personal
visitors with a copy up until his
assassination in the 70’s.
So what does all this have to do with
Henry Ford. I already said he endorsed
it but did you know that he funded the
printing of 500,000 copies that were
distributed throughout the United
500,000 copies of sheer poison. He
started by using his own newspaper
company in of all places Michigan
called The Dearborn Independent and
he started this chronicle of what he
considered the "Jewish Menace".
Every week for 91 issues, the paper
headlined, some sort of Jewish-inspired
evil major story. The most popular and
aggressive stories were then chosen to
be reprinted by Ford into four volumes
called the "International Jew- the
world's foremost problem“ and
translated into 16 languages.
The International Jew was basically a
rewrite of the protocols of the elders of
zion and was used as it’s foundation.
Having heard in advance about the
Dearborn Publishing Company’s plan to
attack Jews, E.G. Pipp, editor of The
Dearborn Independent, resigned in
disgust in April, 1920, and was replaced
by William J. Cameron and Ernest
Liebold who was Henry Ford’s personal
Liebold was quoted in court as saying,
"When we get through with the Jews,
there won’t be one of them who will
dare raise his head in public.“ After
these 91 issues of the paper were
published Ford was taken to court by a
Jewish Lawyer named Sapiro and that
forced Ford to close the newspaper.
Aaron Sapiro
Ford denied knowing about the articles
written in his own newspaper but Mrs.
Stanley Ruddiman, a close friend of
Henry Ford said, "I don't think Mr.
Cameron ever wrote anything for
publication without Mr. Ford's
When it came time for Mr. Ford to
testify he mysteriously had a supposed
car accident of which was both suspect
and convenient.
Ford did issue what I call the Gibson
apology. The kind Mel Gibson gave
after he was caught with his antisemitism showing.
Those aren’t real apologies they are the
kind of apologies that anti-semites use
to protect their financial investments.
Ford stood to lose so much money that
he fired Liebold who was at one time
the most powerful individual at the Ford
Company. It was said that you couldn’t
see Ford unless you first saw Liebold
Though Ford apologized for The
International Jew and closed the Dearborn
Independent, he later accepted the Grand
Cross of the German Eagle from Hitler’s Nazi
government in July, 1938. Many claimed Ford
himself neither wrote nor personally signed
the apology that was issued for the antisemitic writings.
Ford was an inspiration to the Nazi party At
the Nuremberg Trials, Baldur von Schirach
mentioned that The International Jew made a
deep impression on him and his friends in
their youth and influenced them in becoming
antisemitic. Baldur was the head of the
famous Nazi Hitler Youth program.
In fact it was reported that Adolf Hitler
himself had a large picture of Ford in his
office. That was reported in the N.Y. Times in
1922. A well-used copy of the International
Jew was found in Hitler’s library. You can
find that in a book called Hitler's Private
Library: the books that shaped his life. New
York: Knopf; p. 69 It says you could tell
Hitlers copy had been read multiple times, it
was well used.
Because of the publishing of the International
Jew…President Woodrow Wilson, former
Presidents Taft and Roosevelt, signed what
was called The Perils of Racial Prejudice, a
statement that urged "all those who are
molders of public opinion" to "strike at" The
International Jew, which it characterized as
"un-American agitation."
Ford’s newspaper even used baseball against
the Jewish people. Even problems with the
"national pastime" were attributed to Jewish
influence. It said "If ‘fans’ wish to know the
trouble with American baseball, they have it
in three words – too much Jew."
Anti-semitism is a disease of the soul and
Henry Ford was a sick individual. Through a
combination of influence, power; and
ignorance, he was able to unleash the largest
and most damaging campaign against Jews
ever waged in the United States of America.
This kind of sickness wares on the mind after
time. Though once a brilliant man he began to
lose hold of reality. He chartered a ship to
Europe which he called the Peace Ship. He
filled it full of pacifists who along with him
were supposed to go to Europe and convince
everyone in Europe to stop participating in
Before he set sail, Ford granted an
interview in which he proudly boasted,
�”We�re going to stop the war...
We�re going to get the boys out of the
trenches by Christmas.” At the same
time, however; Ford admitted that that
he did not exactly know where the ship
was going.
Nor did Ford reveal any specific plans of the
operation. The ship eventually docked in
Oslo, Norway on December 18, 1915. No one
greeted the ship in the freezing temperatures
of �12 F. Ford gave his first, and only, press
conference of the �campaign� four days
later. It was a confusing speech in which Ford
mainly talked about a new tractor he had on
the market.
He did express his belief that it would
be wiser for the munitions factories of
Europe to produce tractors instead of
weapons. One newsman said “that Ford
�must be a very great man indeed who
permits himself to utter such
Ford then booked passage on the first
steamer returning to New York and
returned the next morning, weakened by
a nasty cold. The ill-conceived Peace
Ship venture, which accomplished
nothing, soon ended in disaster and
Well, he was an old man then, he was
reaching senility… he was 52.
Ford prided himself as an educater.
Once after the peace ship fiasco he was
in court once again and the lawyer said
to him
You call yourself an educator;��Now
I shall inquire whether you are a well
informed man, competent to educate
people.�The Lawyer then launched
into a series of questions which Ford�s
lawyer; Alfred Lucking, had been
Have there ever been any revolutions in
this country?�The Lawyer asked.
�Ford said, There was, I understand.�
�Did you ever hear of Benedict
Arnold?� �Ford said, I have heard the
�Who was he?� said the lawyer
�I don’t know. He is a writer; I think.
Benedict Arnold was a very well known
general during the American
Revolutionary War who originally
fought for the American Continental
Army but defected to the British Army.
To this day the name Benedict
Arnold is synonymous with the
word “traitor” and the delicious
breakfast made with poached eggs
and hollandaise sauce minus the
Back to the trial. The lawyer exposed
Ford as not being the educator he
thought he was.
The press had a field day over it. One
paper described Ford as �a man with a
vision distorted and limited by his lack
of information,�
while The Nation a weekly political
magazine still in business today
commented that �”the unveiling of Mr.
Ford has much of the pitiful about it, if
not the tragic.”�
Most brutal of all had been the
lawyers closing remarks to the jury,
in which he declared that he had
never been so shocked as he was in
this case �when Henry Ford
disclosed the pitiable condition of
his mind.
No Mr. Ford wasn’t senile he was
simply experiencing the Biblical
consequences of cursing
G-d’s chosen people.
Was he a good Christian? No, you can’t
be a good Christian and hate the Jews.
Yeshua was a Jew Himself how can you
hate Jews and love the Jewish Messiah?
You can’t.
You can be a Christian and hate Jews.
The KKK call themselves Christians but
they aren’t good Christian people. All
good Christians will eventually become
Jews themselves.
Ford’s hatred for the Jewish people only
grew stronger. An executive at the Ford
Company was up late one night and
decided to tide himself over with a
candy bar. Ford walked up to the man,
started some small talk, and took a bite
of the man�s snack.
A look of dissatisfaction came over his
face. �”This stuff isn�t as good as it
used to be, is it?”� The executive
replied that he had not noticed any
change. �”The Jews have taken hold of
it”,� Ford replied. �They’re
cheapening it to make more money out
of it.
It was forever on the forefront of his
mind. You’ll find this to be true, antisemitism reduces you.
Some wonder where it came from. Why
did Ford hate Jews so much.
We know the adversary plants these
kinds of thoughts and feelings in people
originally but why are some people
more susceptible to believing lies of this
nature more then other people?
My guess is that he got it from his
mother. His mother’s parents were from
Belgium. Here’s a map showing where
that is in Europe
Belgium collaborated with the Nazis in
WW2 and it was vehemently antisemetic. They were very quick to
sacrifice their Jews to the Nazis. In fact,
25,000 Jews were killed on the eve of
the German occupation. That was 44
percent of the total number of Jews
living in Belgium.
One may say, Why are we talking about
anti-semitism anyway. We talked about
the Palestinains killing the Jews at the
Munich Olympics a couple weeks ago
now we’re talking about Ford, the car
guy. Let’s talk about the Bible.
Well, You should notice that you’re in a
Synagogue. We talk about antisemtitism and anti-semtitism’s relation
to the Bible should be apparent. Who
wants the Jews killed? The Adversary,
did we not learn anything from the book
of Esther? The adversary wants the
annialation of the Jewish people first
and formost.
If Satan can wipe out the Jews do you
realize that he will have wiped out Gd’s credibility. We can’t have an end
days if there’s no Jews alive. G-d would
be made into a liar. The next in line
theoretically would be Lucifer.
He can then rule from Mount Zion and
complete his objective of being G-d.
And make no mistake that is his
objective. If you’re a bleiever in Yeshua
you better know about anti-semitism
and you better be on guard for it.
If you don’t think it’s important then
you better reassess your faith.
So now that we’ve exposed Henry Ford
for what he really was. What do we do
with that piece of information. Do we
have to sell our cars made by Ford? No.
If you have a ford keep it till it falls
apart or you don’t want it anymore.
Should you buy a Ford now that you
Should you buy a Fored now that you
know it’s history? In my opinion no,
you shouldn’t buy them. One may say
but that was Henry ford not his kids
who inherited it or the people running it
now. What did they do wrong.
They profited from it. It’s a company
with Jewish blood on its hands.
Personally, I don’t think you should buy
BMW either because of it’s history with
the Nazis.
Does that mean we’re going to make a
ruling here at Beit Aveinu that no one is
allowed to buy Fords or any other kind
of car with a bad history? Of course not.
No one here is going to point at another
and say, gee you bought a ford you’re
not a very good messianic are you. That
would be absurd.
But for some of you, you may be like
me and after I found out this
information, I never bought a ford from
that day on. My dad wont buy one
I wouldn’t buy a BMW either. Am I
going too far, no because how many of
you would buy construction material
from Osama bin Ladin’s family
It’s a personal choice but I still have to
give you the history so for those who do
weigh their choices in such areas you
have the information needed to make an
informed decision. And now you know
about Henry Ford. Please stand for the