Geography Latitude and Longitude Solutions Latitude lines Run East to West Parallel to the Equator Measures degrees North or South of the Equator Longitude lines Run North to South from North Pole to South Pole. Measures degrees East or West of the Prime Meridian. Fill in the Blank Lines of latitude are drawn in a(n) _____________________ direction. 1. East -to- West Lines of longitude are drawn in a(n) _____________________ direction. 2. North -to- South The intersection of Longitude and Latitude lines help us find the exact or absolute _________________ of places. 3. location Lines of latitude measure distance North and South of the ______________ . 4. Equator Fill in the Blank Lines of latitude are also known as __________________ . 5. parallels Lines of longitude are also called ________________ . 6. meridians Longitude lines measure distance East and West of the ___________________ . 7. Prime Meridian Longitude and Latitude lines measure distances in ______________ . 8. degrees Fill in the Blank Degrees are further divided into _____________ . 9. minutes The symbol for degrees is ______. The symbol for minutes is ______. 10. Degrees Minutes (36 3 North, -80 23 West) where is this? The equator divides the planet into ________ and ________ hemispheres. 11. North and South The different ways of presenting a round Earth on flat maps are called ______ ____________ . 12. Map projections Map Projections Two dimensional maps are made by placing a light inside of a globe and projecting the different continents, islands, and other features onto a flat screen. What the projection looks like depends on where you place the screen. Map Projections Fill in the Blank __________ projections are designed as if a ________ has been placed over the globe. It retains almost _______ __________ and________ of land masses. 13. Conic cone true shapes sizes Conic Projection produces a fan shaped map Fill in the Blank _____________ maps are those that appear to touch the globe at one point such as the North or South Pole. They show true ___________ but _________ shapes. 14. Flat-plane area shapes Flat-plane Projection Fill in the Blank The shortest distance between any two places is called the _________ _________ __________ . This is not a straight line on a flat map because the world is ____________ . 15. great circle route round Fill in the Blank Define: compass rose. 16. A directional indicator on maps that has arrows pointing in all four principal, or cardinal, directions. NOTE: North is not always “up”. Fill in the Blank Define: Contiguous. 17. Means connecting or bordering and is often used to refer to the “lower” 48 states as the “contiguous United States”. Matching (Latitude or Longitude) The Equator Latitude They run from the North to the South Pole Longitude They are not all the same size Latitude They are all the same size Longitude They are labeled as either East or West Longitude Matching (Latitude or Longitude) They are labeled as either North or South Latitude Prime Meridian Longitude They are all parallel to each other Latitude They only go up to 90° Latitude Greenwich Longitude Short Answer (complete sentences) You travel to 90° North Latitude. Where are you? I am at the North Pole. Name one country you will pass through if you travel along the Prime Meridian. I will pass through England.