Ch2 Study Guide

Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Chapter 2
The Constitution
Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Pages 30-35
Objective 1: The Origins of the Constitution
1. Make a list of the major grievances of the colonists under British rule.
2. What are the major components of John Locke’s political philosophy
and how did they influence (Primary Author) Thomas Jefferson’s writings?
Pages 35-38 Objective 2: The Government that failed 1776-1787
3. Draw a schematic diagram of the American government under the
Articles of Confederation
Origins of the Constitution
 D of I
o Who issued the D of I?
o Why was the D of I
o The primary author of the
D of I was?
 Jefferson/Locke/NR
o John Locke stressed..
o John Locke’s key phrase
o Thomas Jeffereson’s key
phrase was…
Government that Failed
 The A of C was adopted by?
 Where did most of the power
rest under the A of C
 The government under the A of
C can be described as…
 How were taxes collected under
the A of C?
 What did James Madison
observe after the revolution?
 Why was there so much
economic turmoil under the A
of C?
Additional Notes
4. Make a list of the reasons why the Articles of Confederation failed.
Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Pages 38-40
Objective 3: Making a Constitution: The Philadelphia Convention
1. What one state decided not to come to the convention? Why?
2. Describe the delegates who came to the convention. Do you believe this
impacted their decision making process?
Making a Constitution: The Philadelphia
 What was the original purpose of our
founding fathers to attend the
Constitutional Convention?
 Be able to describe what a faction is *PG
 According to James Madison, what was
the primary source of political conflict?
 What did our founding fathers believe was
the greatest threat to government?
3. Even though the group was divided on many issues, list and discuss the
four items the group all agreed upon.
Pages 40-45
Objective 4: The Agenda in Philadelphia
1. What were the major equality issues at the Constitutional
Agenda in Philadelphia
 What was the New Jersey Plan?
 What was the Virginia Plan?
 What was the Connecticut Compromise?
 How was the issue of slavery resolved?
 Most delegates to the Constitutional
Convention believed that the secret of
good government is a ____?
 Table 2.23 pg 46
 Table 2.4 pg 47
 The framers of the Constitution left the
right to determine who would vote up to
the __________
 Who played the role as the chief economic
Convention?  Individual Rights Issue
o Writ of habeas corpus
o Bills of attainder
o Ex post facto laws
Additional Notes
2. What were the major economic problems addressed at the
Constitutional Convention and how were they resolved?
3. Why did the founding fathers believe it was not necessary to address
individual rights issues specifically in the Constitution?
Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Pages 45-48
Objective 5. The Madisonian Model
1. How did Madison propose to prevent the possibility of a tyranny of the majority?
Describe his plan for the following items
Limiting Majority Control
Separating Powers
The Madisonian Model
 In the original constitution what
one group did the voters
actually elect!
o Remember this was
changed by the 17th
Amendment 1913
 Separation of Powers
 Checks and Balances
 Republic vs. Direct democracy
Ratifying the Constitution
 Federalist
 Anti-Federalist
 Ratification NC and RI did not
ratify.. Would with the
addition of the Bill of Rights
Additional Notes
Creating Check and Balances
2. Draw a schematic diagram of the Madisonian model of government. (Use figure
2.2 to help you) 
2. Define the term “constitutional republic”
Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Pages 48-52
Objective 6. Ratifying the Constitution
1. Complete the following table summarizing the major differences between the
Federalists and the Anti-Federalists on the issues of Civil Liberties, Power of the
States, and the economy.
Power of
the States
The Madisonian Model
 In the original constitution what
one group did the voters
the Constitution
o Remember
this was
 Describe
a Federalist
by the 17th
 Describechanged
an Anti-Federalist
 When wasAmendment
the Bill of Rights
 Separation
added and Why?
 Checks
How was
Bill of Rights
 Republic
Direct democracy
Ratifying the Constitution
 Federalist
 Anti-Federalist
 Ratification NC and RI did not
NotesWould with the
addition of the Bill of Rights
Additional Notes
3. Why did the Anti-Federalists believe the new Constitution was a class-based
Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Pages 52-58
Objective 7. Constitutional Change
1. What is meant by the term “living constitution?”
2. Describe the different ways in which a formal constitutional amendment
might be adopted. (You can draw the figure )
3. The text examines four ways the Constitution changes informally. List these
ways, define them, and give an example of each.
Give an Example
Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Objective 8. Understanding the Constitution.
1. List and explain the five Constitutional amendments that expanded the right to
Amendment Explanation
Constitutional Change
 True of False
o The United States
Constitution does
not prescribe the
function and
structure of
government in
 Read “Lowering the Voting
Age” Pg 64
Additional Notes
2. In what ways does the Constitution expand the scope of government?
4. In what ways does the Constitution limit the scope of government?
Name __________________________________________Chapter 2 Study Guide
Additional Notes Page